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About FarmerJo

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  1. Day 5 post op now and starting to feel less sore. Can't wait to get back to normal. So weird how little you can eat even though it's soup, custard, youghurt etc. That's going to take a while to adjust to.
  2. You'll be fine. I'm up to day 4 now. I'm extreamly swollen around my belly, it's never been as big as it is! I have 6 wounds where they've gone in and they are pretty sore but I'm resting and taking pain meds so it's berable. I'd hate to be going back to work in a few days (I've got 2 weeks off) make sure you take enough time off. The scales have gone up but I'm not worried because I know it's all swelling and will eventually come out. Good luck.
  3. Just had my first few teaspoons of custard. Went down smoothly and tasted good. Full after 4 tablespoons! My surgeon says eat anything liquid that you can get though a straw that is really runny, e.g. Custard, broth, runny yogurts, the higher in protein like Dairy is the better.
  4. Well it's now over and done with. I was done at 9.30am on the 26th. All day I battled though the gas pain, which after many hours they controlled it down to a 4 out of 10. Couldn't keep my eyes open to walk until though the night and then I felt dizzy. Home day 2 on pain relief. Trying to get comfortable was hard but I got more sleep than the night before. I know that this next week will be the hardest but it will be all worth it. Keeping my mind on the goal ahead which is a healthier body that I can love.
  5. I'm the same! I'm 9 hours until my surgery. I'm feeling excited, scared, but mostly worried about the pain. I'm also getting my hiatus hernia repaired. I'm only in hospital for 1 night so the fridge is stocked with soups, broths, yougurt etc. Ready to start the new chapter. Good luck with yours.
  6. Thanks you that's wonderful to hear!
  7. I've had my hiatus hernia for over 20 years and in the last few years I wake in pain nearly every night. The medication helps but if I don't keep on top of it the pain is pretty bad. I too can't wait to get it fixed and feel normal and sleep an entire night without waking in pain.
  8. I'm the same day as you. Started my shakes today. Good luck
  9. FarmerJo

    What is your Pre-OP Diet?

    I start tomorrow. Mine is for 2 weeks before surgery, 26/10/17 I have to have 2 opti fast shakes and 1 meal that consists of no carbs per day. Has to be a palm size peice of chicken with no skin or fish with unlimited salad or vedgetables from a list I was given. Can have 2 cups of tea and just water. My surgeon sends everyone to a dietitian 3 weeks before surgery. He said not to sway from it what so ever or your liver won't shrink which is the purpose of the low cal pre op diet. He said if I was starving to have an extra shake instead of proper food.
  10. Thank you that makes me feel a little better.
  11. Hi I'm new to this group. I'm booked in to having the gastric sleeve on 26th Oct but am also getting my hiatus hernia repaired after years of constant pain. Has anyone else had this done at the same time? I've been seeing how everyone has coped with their pain after having the gastric sleeve but having the hernia repaired also is a longer op and has to re build the top of my stomach so I'm wondering how the pain will differ. I'm very excited to change my life and loose the weight with the gastric sleeve but nervous about the hernia repair. Cheers

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