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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mstlawrence

  1. 2 hours ago, bogglesauce said:

    I've definitely had "omg i'm starving" hunger feelings, but 4 oz of Protein nipped that in the bud. So thankful that I don't need a huge meal to feel full anymore. Let us know how you feel after you have a little protein :)

    So, as it turns out, I made some chicken with veggies in tikka masala sauce, and I measured out my 4oz and got all excited, dug in... and ate ONE PIECE of chicken. Like, three bites. FULL. Loving this wacky weight loss journey :)

  2. 2 minutes ago, bogglesauce said:

    I've definitely had "omg i'm starving" hunger feelings, but 4 oz of Protein nipped that in the bud. So thankful that I don't need a huge meal to feel full anymore. Let us know how you feel after you have a little protein :)

    I will! How many calories are you taking in per day? I feel like I was high today at around 700 (I've met my protein goals), but still hungry. Blerg.

  3. For the first time since my surgery, I feel hungry right now. Today, I've eaten roughly what I have been eating the last few days, keeping my Protein and fluids up, but right now I'm just downright super hungry. I've waited to make sure it wasn't head hunger, and it's pretty legit. I'm sure a small protein meal will do away with it, but it's a "new" feeling post surgery. Has anyone experienced this at all?

  4. 6 minutes ago, JavaKnut said:

    Yes. I found that on week 2 post op - I could handle about 30 mins of walking, and then fatigue would set in. My legs would start to feel like Jello and I would need to sit and recover a while before I felt like I got my energy back. Over the last week since then my energy has gotten better and I can do more, but not trying to push myself.

    As I look down - the incision to the right of my belly button is the one that has kept some pain. When I bend over, or try to sleep on that side - it has bothered me. Even reaching sometimes I would get a pain. There was also a hardness under the incision. Just yesterday it was still there, and while putting up xmas decorations, I leaned over to pick up something and felt a sharp pain there again, and again when I stood up. Late last night it was just the normal dull pain if I touched it. Today I got up and not a bit of pain there and the hardness is almost completely gone, just around the scar/scab (whatever you want to call the healing incision). I hope this is the start of the final mend.

    My surgeon checked me last week and said it wasn't a hernia or anything else bad, it was just the healing of those muscles in my abdomen.

    3 days ago marks 3 week post op for me. I had pain almost daily in that spot - not enough to put me back on pain meds as I didn't want anything to do with more Constipation.

    Thank you so much for responding--this is a lot of what I meant! The incision on the left (the bigger incision) seemed to be weeping a bit last night, was more red around the edges, and felt warm. I put some Neosporin and loose gauze on it, and I'm going to call my surgeon today to see if it's an issue. I had my post-surgery follow up with my surgeon on Thursday, and it wasn't problem at all, then Friday I overdid it physically, and it seems to have caused an issue.

    Good to know you had a similar experience--it certainly eases my mind a bit!! :)

  5. 30 minutes ago, redhead_che said:

    I’m only post op day 4 but my surgeon told me to exercise as tolerated and if it hurts “don’t do it” cardio wise. No weight lifting yet. I was told to expect to be weaker and more tired for about a month after surgery. I walked down the street yesterday and it was like I ran three miles I was so winded. I think it’s normal and part of the recovery process. Definitely keep fueling your body though through good nutrition of course!

    That's a relief! I must've pushed myself too far. I'm really, really feelin' it today! I'll take it easier and build it up over time. Thank you!

  6. Question for all you November sleevers--I'm 12 days post op and have been recovering quickly and well, albeit a bit run down and weak. Yesterday, I went shopping/walking around a mall with a friend, and we walked the mall a few times. This was more standing/walking than I've done since before surgery. I could feel myself getting tired, and I started feeling a stitch (like I'd been running) on my left side of my abdomen, and have been feeling that since last night. It's like a cramp or muscle soreness.

    My question is, has anyone else experienced this, and is this any cause for concern?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Niye said:

    I’m a little concerned everyone I spoke to and all the research I did explained to me that I won’t be hungry for a while but I woke up 4 days after surgery and I’m really hungry. Could this pose a problem?

    That's a lot of what I heard as well, but I was noticing little rumblings of hunger very quickly after surgery--your Protein fills you, I promise. I'd be willing to bet that it's a holdover from your old habits and comforts. Use the year(ish) to learn and enforce new, healthier habits, and start your relationship with food over again. The hunger might be there, but you have total control over how you satisfy it :)

  8. I had my surgery on 11/20, and I'm already down more than 20lbs! I can't believe how fast it's happening...

    I'm on the soft Protein diet, and I'm just starting to tolerate some solid foods. Did any of you start feeling hungry after surgery? I've been keeping to my protein and fluid goals, and don't take in very much/get full very quickly, but just curious if others have experienced this?

    Congrats to all the November surgeries, and good luck to all the December ones!

  9. Never apologize--it's all incredibly helpful information. It's great that you're feeling so solid in your journey! Once you catch the wave, you have to ride it out, right?

    While I lost the weight initially, but I eventually gained most of it back. I've always been on the heavy side, so even at my lowest, I still felt like I was 300+lbs. I know that will definitely be a struggle for me. I've heard a lot about the changes in taste, and I was very surprised by that at first. It makes me a bit nervous that I won't like some of the Protein Drinks that I've come to love. Though Quest has about a thousand flavors, so hopefully I won't run out of ones I like :)

    I'm nervous that I won't lose as much as I want to. Or that my body image will never catch up to reality. That's a big one. I'm afraid that I'll always see the big person and never be satisfied with the amount that I've lost. Ideally, I'd like to get down to about 180lbs. It's not the smallest, but I'd be happy with that. I'm very lucky to have an amazingly supportive partner who has been learning about all of this with me as I go, and we talk about things as they come up. That's been a big relief in all of this. I guess I don't feel as much pressure to do something like skin removal surgery if it's actually not that uncomfortable, because my guy loves me for me. But then again, I may be wildly unhappy with the excess skin post surgery, so I have no real clue.

    Most everything I'm nervous about are the big question marks. The things that I have no way of predicting. That's probably why they have you do so much prep work and have you attend the group sessions, eh? The surgery itself doesn't seem scary--it's everything else after it that gets me nervous!

  10. That's awesome! Congratulations! My program is very well-structured, so I have plenty of appointments and different types of doctors to ask questions of. I had started tracking my food/exercise with my Apple watch about four months ago, so I'm already in some good habits, but need to increase my exercise (which I assume will get better as I become less encumbered by my weight). I lost about 110lbs on my own a few years ago, and I felt incredible. I LOVED the gym. I'm heading in that direction again, and I can't wait to see the results once it's paired with surgery.

    I'm interested in what you said about going through a variety of emotions--what did/does that mean for you?

  11. I've gone through most of the pre-op program, and the only thing left really is to be scheduled... and I'm looking for a buddy who has already gone through this! I'm a little bit nervous, but more excited. A mentor to ask questions of, get advice from, share experiences with, etc.

    Let me know if you're interested! Happy to connect!

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