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Everything posted by skinny18

  1. Hello all! I am scheduled for surgery Dec 7, 2017. I am not really scared of the surgery, however, I am terrified of life after the surgery. I am a foodie. I love to entertain and feed others. I am excited for my surgery and "new life" it will bring. I have some questions i was wondering if yall could answer for me? 1. I am currently 5'6" 305 lbs. Realistically how much can i expect to lose post op? 2. Is eating after surgery difficult? what foods do you mostly eat? how much? 3. How much food in one sitting do you eat? 4. How long after the surgery do you start to feel "normal' again or get back into the swing of life? 5. Do you have alot of excess skin? If so have any of you had a "mommy makeover?" If you have, how long after surgery did you have the plastic surgery? 6. If you had to do it all over again would you do it? Was it all worth it? Thanks to all for any help! God Bless Kelly

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