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Posts posted by GwennyPenny

  1. Hi Kathy what stick blender are you using? I can't seem to blend any of my meat so I'm sticking to ricotta and cottage cheese. tuna and canned chicken are too dry to get down. I too am in the puree stage week 3

    5'5 VSG 9/29/17
    HW 265
    SW 258
    CW 234
    GW 170

    Hi I found that white fish poached with a little white sauce pureed just with a fork. For other things I used a food processor. Tuna and tinned Salmon were ok again with a small amount of sauce like a mornay. I bought a bag of sliced chicken and it was really soft. My dietitian said a little bit of sauce gravy or stock works wonders. I would try BBQ Sauce products in small amounts due to sugar content in the sauce make sure it agrees with you first. Stringy meats like pulled pork can also be chopped up into tiny pieces. All trial and error

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I never had Constipation before in my life! First bm day 3 I thought OK all good. Then I didn't go for another 7 days. Went back to hospital had a scan to make sure everything was fine. Had a fleet enema that worked great. Went home nothing for another 7 days. They said add some prune juice and benefibre. The Dr told me to take Movicol twice per day but I still struggled so they added Actilax Syrup which is an old school softener worked in 20 mins. Stayed on the movicol once a day and all seemed well. Then I caught what I thought was a stomach bug so I stopped taking it for a few days. Ended up going to hospital and having emergency surgery for kidney stones. I have stents in and get the stones out next week. They also said I had stool impaction again. Had a small microlax enema did nothing. Went home back to the old routine and it's just now starting to improve. I will stay on one movicol per day ongoing because I take opioid meds for knee pain. Plus I have kidney surgery next week and new stents then back to have them removed two weeks after that. It's been a rocky road. I only had the RNY on Aug 10th so this is like week 9. But no regrets in that short time I have lost just over 90lbs

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I'm going through a revision from an open stomach stapling in 1990 to an RNY full Gastric Bypass. In the early days they didn't move the intestine and have found that that was the key. Doc is worried he is going to have some issues going around the old scar tissue and mesh. I'm a little worried about that, but I'm in your boat - I lost some, but never all of it. Now I'm back to my pre-surgery weight and I'm sick of it.
    Congratulations on wining your long fought fight!!!!

    I had exactly the same surgery stapling to bypass. The first surgeon I saw said no so I waited a while and worked up the courage to see another one. This time after he did a gastrocopy he approved it. We knew there would be adhesions from the old surgery but it was worse than he thought. He spent two and a half hours separating organs. But he broke through eventually and completed the bypass repaired a hiatus hernia and removed the damaged section of the stomach from the stapling. Luckily he did it all laproscopically. For what turned out to be a big surgery the recovery was amazing. I had it on Aug 10 and have lost nearly 90lbs. I don't regret the decision at all.

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I passed my evaluation yesterday. As long as you are making an attempt and keeping on meds, I think you'll be fine.

    Thank you for your response ... mine is mild and well controlled with minimum doses of meds... I think I'm just anxious about the whole "approval" process lol. It's like "passing" a test at school.

    I am bipolar and was approved for my sleeve surgery in 2014 and then again for my bypass revision this year. I think they mainly care that you are stable and medication compliant, and that you aren't in crisis or neglecting treatment for mental health issues that would derail your success with WLS. I was able to use my own psychiatrist to do my insurance approval, and I believe he just wrote a letter explaining that I am in treatment and that he didn't have any concerns with me having the surgery. It's up to the insurance company what kind of clearance they will accept, so maybe call them directly to get the requirements. I also discussed potential malabsorption issues with my psychiatrist and came up with a plan for liquid medication immediately following surgery. My biggest obstacle was having a hard time with the liquid lithium that I was prescribed. It made me queasy and sometimes vomit, and so for a few weeks I wasn't getting enough medication. Luckily, it didn't seem to adversely affect my mood but I would recommend talking to your doctor about these sorts of things and having a plan for getting your medications to work.

    I will be 2 years post op this December. I started taking antidepressants like 2 month ago and do not have any issues. I been find and actually mentally happy. Best of luck.

    Thank you so much for the reply & information!

    I take antidepressants for clinical depression. I am just over eight weeks post op. Had a bad down day yesterday and when I saw my Dr she said we will have to increase it a little bit because you may not be absorbing it all. We will monitor and readjust if needed. Same with the blood pressure meds they were too strong so they have been adjusted down as well and next step will be without them. Diabetes medication I had to stop the night before the surgery and never went back on it. I hope all goes well for you and you get your surgery

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I am 8 weeks post surgery and about a week after I went back in for the night due to vomiting and pain. They did a CT scan to make sure there was no actual blockage or leak. Afterwards the Dr said we're you aware you have a kidney stone? I said yes I had them blasted over twenty years ago but they left one they couldn't blast but it's been OK. Next thing I know 6 weeks out I going to hospital in an ambulance pain vomiting shaking. I thought I had Constipation and trying to go to the bathroom so much I had a UTI. Turned out the kidney stone was playing up and I had developed three more on the other side. The big old one moved and blocked the tube and by that time I had septicemia which was why I was so sick. Emergency surgery to put in stents and I go back on the 26th Oct to actually have the stones out then new stents until healed then have them out. It's a process. The urologist said if you are prone to stones try to eat a diet lower in oxalate. I can't believe how quickly they formed and unlike gallstones they can recur. Oh btw I am 57 bypass on 10th Aug 17.I have lost around 60lbs. My poor body has been through a lot in a short time but I'm still so glad I did it. Everything else has been fine.

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. The first surgeon I approached said no because I'd had other abdominal surgery in the past and there would be adhesions. When I met the second one I was so glad the first one declined! My surgery was massive I did have adhesions my liver and spleen were fused together and both fused to the stomach. He spent 2.5 hours just separating them then discovered I had a hiatus hernia and repaired that and removed the damaged part of the stomach 6.5 hours. Before it I had a gastroscopy a colonoscopy a heart ECG and Echo. He left nothing to chance. It worked out beautifully. I would definitely get another opinion and if they decline maybe try something less invasive like the balloon until he's at a safer weight. I was close to 400lbs

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. I noticed in the online shop for this app they have tons of Protein products. Protein Shots with flavours like pink lemonade. Protein pancakes Desserts all kinds of things. I had half a shake for breakfast a few days ago and made me feel sick too. I mostly get the protein from food but I also drink protein Water I figured I have to drink litres if water may as well have protein in it

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I am 8 weeks post bypass and the losses have been a bit unpredictable. I came out of hospital about 8lbs heavier than when I went in. I had a lot of Fluid and had to wait for that to go. The first month I lost 36lbs but I stalled between weeks 2-3. I just stuck with the plan and eventually it started moving. Since surgery I have been back in hospital twice for other things and had a different surgery and BAM full of fluid again! That one is just starting to go and I have two more surgeries coming up. I think this month might be a bust. Considering all the stops and starts since 2 week liquid diet to now (10weeks) I have lost just under 60lbs happy with that. The dietitian gives me the plan I follow it whether I'm stalled it not and just trust the process

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. I am 8 weeks post bypass and my new plan which is still minced or soft has grilled cheese no crusts. I haven't had it yet though. I'm not sure if I want to reintroduce bread. I also buy Soups but choose the meaty ones they can have up to 13gm of Protein. At first I pureed them now I leave them as they are. Twice I felt bad after eating but didn't get dumping. The first one was one of those liquid Breakfast things. In auto mode I opened the carton and drank with the straw! Made me feel sick for hours. 2nd I made grilled chicken in the health grill and veges. The chicken was nice and tender but still to dense even with a dab of gravy. Dumping is like an unknown entity different for everyone. One lady was fine with all foods until she had an egg and had dumping. With the foods you mentioned it could be the sugar and fat content. Tomato based soups seem to be high in sugar and salt. Fat in the grilled cheese if it was buttered on the outside and chicken tenders even the bake one have loads of fat to keep them from going dry. I would take a step back and slowly introduce foods. My dietitian said from this stage the food is all trial and error if one food doesn't suit don't have again until the next phase.

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I was thinking about the food dates. When I was 20 I had the old stomach stapling and I was in a new relationship and he was great he would call ahead and see what food they had and what kind of chairs they had things normal sized people don't think about. If I was just dating casually I would avoid food dates at the start. As someone else said there are plenty of places to meet but if it has to be a restaurant just meet for coffee or even lunch or Breakfast where you can get away with a smaller meal.

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. In the hospital I was going fine. A week later I had pain and vomiting and hadn't been for 7 days. They put me back in and did a CT scan. There was no blockages no impaction so the gave me an enema anyway. That helped but then it was another 7 days before I went again. I now have movicol twice a day and actilax once. I'm on pain meds ongoing for something else and they said that could be doing it. Now that I am on mashed/lumpier food it seems to be working better. Not like clockwork and it is all different shapes and sizes but slowly moving lol

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. I had "Stomach Stapling" over thirty years ago so my RNY was classed as revisionist surgery. My surgeon checked absolutely everything before my surgery. I had H. pylori bacteria and had that fixed. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy with tests to make sure there was no lactose intolerance or any other food allergies. I saw a cardiologist Dietitian and psychologist. He left nothing to chance but when he got in I had so many adhesions my liver and spleen were fused together and both fused to my stomach. He spent two and a half hours just separating organs! When he got through he found I had a hiatus hernia and repaired that and removed all the damaged part of the actual stomach as well as the bypass. 6.5 hours of surgery. I had this on Aug 10th so I am still having sort of mashed food. So far I have had no problems with any of the food, no reflux, very little pain and as yet no dumping! Other than some Constipation which is very new for me there have been no issues and I have lost 33kg since the pre-op diet so about 6 weeks.

    Sent from my CPH1607 using BariatricPal mobile app

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