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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Rainbow_Warrior

  1. Rainbow_Warrior

    What did you take to the hospital?

    My surgery is 16.5 days away ... Thursday October 12th. My packing plan, so far, includes: * my own face washer, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, deodorant, * a dressing-gown, a couple of changes of underwear for my 1-2 overnights, clothes and shoes for when I leave for home, * iPhone, tablet computer, Kindle, earphones, three charger cables and a couple of plugs, * reading glasses, cryptic crossword books and my regular medication. * and, on the advice of others, some lip-balm or a chapstick (for the expected dry lips).
  2. Rainbow_Warrior

    What I want to believe

    In a nutshell! Best wishes for whatever path becomes your chosen future!
  3. Rainbow_Warrior

    What's in your over night bag ?

    Yeah, a good list ... I plan on taking my own face washer, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, deodorant, a dressing-gown, a couple of changes of underwear for my 1-2 overnights, clothes and shoes to leave for home, iPhone, tablet computer, Kindle, earphones, three charger cables and a couple of plugs, reading glasses, cryptic crossword books and my regular medication. And, now, on the advice of others, some lip-balm or a chapstick.
  4. Rainbow_Warrior

    Endoscopic procedure

    Best wishes to you and a steady hand and steely eye to your surgeon.
  5. Rainbow_Warrior

    Over weight an fatty liver

    You're doing this naked?
  6. Rainbow_Warrior

    I have so many questions

    I know how you feel. It would be very unusual not to be concerned that you could draw the short straw. When I first considered WLS ten years ago, the mortality rate was about 1 in 45 and the rate of complications from surgery was 2 in 45. That was when surgery was scalpels and open abdomen, etc. Now that it's keyhole and minimally invasive, the risks are lower. Mortality now is about 1 in 230 and complications from surgery occur in about 3 of 230 cases. Roll a die/dice 230 times and count the number of times you get a triple ... i.e. three of the same number consecutively. It's possible but extremely unlikely. Get the surgery but make sure you do the pre-op and post-op eating plans ... minimise the risks to you by doing what you're supposed to. (I'm 17 days out from my surgery.)
  7. Rainbow_Warrior

    This liquid diet is killing me

    My four weeks leading in to October 12th is like this. This is the dietitian's guideline. So today (Monday 25th Sept) is Day 12 of my program. My saviours have been: ** "any low starch green vegetables". This is code for a stir fry of zucchini, wilted baby spinach, green capsicum (bell pepper), celery, bok choy, choy sum, etc. ... I rapidly heat these then add a dash of lemon/lime juice and a squirt of white vinegar. ** diet or diabetic jellies (jellos) These two allowable extras are helpful for me. I've also had a few peppermint and spearmint teas (although I am very much NOT a tea drinker). I've even done bonox and vegemite in boiling water as a drink. I still have the soups up my sleeve. I might go there this week ... just to be different. - - - HAVE I CHEATED? Yes. 1. At the pub for trivia, I had diet ginger beer soft-drink (soda) both Sundays. 2. I had a slice of bread one evening. 3. I have been having a third serve of fruit most (but not all) days. 4. Twice, I added some sliced mushrooms to my stir fries.
  8. Rainbow_Warrior

    My 600lb life

    The trouble with 'My 600 Pound Life' is the prurience and the nature of sensationalism in it. Shows dealing with obesity and its treatment have to avoid both those negatives. The shows "Weight Loss Ward" and "The Obesity Myth" do a much better job of looking at obesity and its treatment factually and dispassionately. The case studies are done much better. Somewhere in between these two excellent examples and the somewhat trashier "My 600 Pound Life" is the almost bearable, "The Fat Doctor".
  9. Rainbow_Warrior

    Now it just seems so hopeless

    That seems extreme ... even in context of the 469lbs in your profile. In the first instance, if I were you, I'd go to the "over 400lbs" sub-group here and discuss their access to surgery and their anecdotal evidence of what to do.
  10. And you are staying on with this demoraliser, this non-supporter? If he "doesn't play on your team", so to speak, he should be dropped from the playing roster.
  11. Two of my long-term (female) acquaintances are also preparing for surgery on the advice of their family doctors and the bariatric surgeons they've consulted. One is fully-supported by spouse and immediate family. The other knows (from many former conversations and opinions) that her husband is dead-set anti-WLS. She's going through a living hell and may have to reassess her whole relationship because he's such a controlling, negative b@$t@rd to her. I worry vicariously about her. My wife and I are worried for her long term future/success.
  12. Rainbow_Warrior

    Calling all October sleevers!!

    Most Optifast products are 21% to 24% sugar(s). Typical Nestles ... load us up with something our bodies are best off without.
  13. Rainbow_Warrior

    What If They Ask?

    Emphasise then, to your surgeon and the practice/hospital manager that you wish ALL your information and procedures to remain private. Point out, if you are concerned, that a certain staff member may need to be reminded of his/her professional discretion.
  14. Rainbow_Warrior

    What If They Ask?

    I don't want this to come across as hurtful or negative but you may be awry in your estimation. No best friend or true friend would 'open' your secrets and personal information to third parties. That's the mistake people also make when assuming that anyone they speak to or mix with, including social media, is a friend. If I was in your position, I'd be reassessing any one of my so called "best friends" if they were the sort of person that would open private information up to public scrutiny.
  15. Rainbow_Warrior

    Preop weight loss?!?

    More than likely, yes, but I have no power to give you a concrete guarantee on that.
  16. Rainbow_Warrior

    It's Pumkin season!!

    Choice of two ways: 1) electric yoghurt maker appliance OR 2) store-bought yoghurt-making kit ... a reservoir for hot water, culture and other media. Both work out to 25%-35% the price of supermarket yoghurt. I use method 2.
  17. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

  18. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

  19. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

  20. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    JUDGE: We are searching for more evidence. PIRATE CAPTAIN: There is none. JUDGE: Well, firstly, where are your buccaneers? PIRATE CAPTAIN: On me buccan head!
  21. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    A pilot in a plane flying over the ocean had to ditch as the plane engines failed. He saw a ship and headed towards it hoping to be saved if he ended up nearby. Sadly, he misjudged and went straight into the ship. He went through the upper deck and every deck below and, finally, right through the hull of the ship causing it to sink. With the passengers swimming towards the lifeboats, he resurfaced and joined them. The others were totally amazed at how he could have survived this and asked how he did it. He said, " I've been through hardships before."
  22. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    Just to round out the baker's dozen ...
  23. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    Found some extras ...
  24. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    And ...
  25. Rainbow_Warrior

    Hit me with your best dad jokes

    So many ...

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