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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LaLaDee

  1. Something I've learned about myself since WLS..

    I put myself on a very strict diet after my sleeve and cut out caffeine, bread, Pasta, rice, soda, fast food and a range of other things. Unlike other WLS patients dealing with dumping syndrome and puking, I've never had a healthier gastrointestinal system in my life! Before WLS, I used to deal with stomach problems every single day of my life. I always attributed this to my gallbladder removal about 14 years ago. So what the heck was going on?

    Seriously, how could I be puking less after WLS?

    I started reading about gluten intolerance and celiac disease. It explains so much of what I've been through. Apparently when I was a child I was actually tested and diagnosed as gluten intolerant but Mum says I seemed to be fine, so they just carried on giving gluten to me.

    I would love to have some testing done (and confirm the hazy results from my childhood), but you have to reintroduce gluten to your diet for at least 2 months to get accurate blood test results. At this stage of my weight loss journey, I'm trying to lose the last 10kg (22 pounds) so I'm not prepared to do that right now.

    Realising that I'm gluten intolerant has been a total lightbulb moment for me. I used to live every day with abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, vommitting, bone, joint pain, Vitamin deficiencies and a bunch of other immune, hormone and even mood related conditions. I'm feeling better than ever before! And without WLS, I wouldn't have figured it out!

  2. Hair loss isn't that noticeable to anyone else. I wear my hair down and use a lot of volume increasing products. I only put my hair in a pony tail if I'm at home. I only have about 40% of the tail left and I'm self conscious about it. When I need my hair out of my face at work, I put it in a messy top knot. My hair in an awkward phase now with little clumps sticking out all over my scalp, but I do my best with a hair straightener and hair paste (seem to work better than hair spray at making the little hairs stay down). I used to have so so much hair, now it's so thin that I can dry it in about a quarter of the time so that's something. But honestly, hair loss is not that bad.

    In about 6 months, I'm going to have my old hair back and I'm no longer facing pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid and hormone issues, my sciatica and back pain is almost gone. I don't need a seat belt extension on flights. I don't get tired just buying groceries and packing them away. I can chase after the doggies and I don't panic when a colleague suggests we take the stairs. On the vanity side, I can shop in normal sized stores, I have pretty little hands and I can even see my collarbones now.

    This surgery is scary. You have to be really brave to go through with it. But I would hate for anyone to let the thought of losing hair or loose skin stop them from going through with it.

  3. 8 hours ago, Crissyt said:

    Your doing great im over a year out ive lost 151 pounds and im at 158 it feels great im still losing . Dont let anyone tell you after you hit a year you wont lose anymore. You still can.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thanks Crissyt! I worry about this all the time. I feel like Cinderella, once the clock hits midnight, (eg a year is up) the magic will be gone! No more weight loss!

    I’m really hoping it’s still possible. We larger ladies can have lots more to lose. It’s not possible to lose it in 6 months like people with lower starting weights.

  4. I recently had a pretty long, brutal stall. I could not get under 90kg/200lbs. I was so angry and ready to murder everyone around me. I completely sympathise. My stall did pass. The important thing is that you don't give up and start breaking rules in the meantime out of frustration. It is so difficult to stay motivated when you're not seeing results on the scale. Even though you know the stall will eventually end, it doesn't feel like it when you're in the middle of one.

    Focus on your success to date (look at your before photos), congratulate yourself on how far you have already come, you may want to read or watch something weight loss related that will inspire you, read the forums, write a list of reasons for wanting to improve your health or do whatever will keep you motivated! Sometimes, breaking a stall is just about hanging on till it passes.

  5. 8 hours ago, allwet said:

    So today is my 1 year Anniversary.

    I have lost 160lbs as of this morning (95.8% of excess weight)

    i am off 2 blood pressure meds and my Metformin

    My sleep Apnea is gone and my memory has slowly gotten better over the last year.

    I am around 1 month (at current monthly weight loss) from switching to maintenance

    i plan to post a current picture later today. i will add the pre op pic that is already there if i can figure out how to get both together.

    I want to thank all of you for the comradery during the last year. Reading everyone's journey made mine easier to work thru and help me get a sense of what this was like from so my different places.

    I know i was very lucky- first just getting the surgery as it is harder to get approved than i realized.

    I had a very pain free post op and i see now that is not always the case

    I also landed on the above average side of the average weight loss for this type of surgery

    This has nothing to do with calories in because we all know how little we can eat post op.

    As a man i got luckier(unfair) in the hormone dept than you ladies and since weight loss and gain is Hormone driven i have come to believe it is just a bit easier for men to maximize the results from the sleeve.

    Once again you ladies are forced to work harder and longer to get the same :(

    I am going to miss you all but i will not be around a day to day basis anymore.

    My plan after today is drop back in a few months and let you know how maintaining my weight is going.

    I wish all of you the best and know that no matter if the weight loss comes quick or slow you can get there if you hold true to the plan and stay faithful to yourself that you are worth all the effort you put into this and don't let anyone tell you anything different.

    good luck


    Lol, it does surprise me that statistically women far outnumber men in getting weight loss surgery, when the male body responds so well to it. I'm only going anecdotally off what I read here, or from people at my clinic, but the weight seems to fly off men.

  6. hair grows back! I’m a year out and the regrowth is all a few inches. In six more months it will be like it never happened. The time goes by so quickly!

    Losing hair is annoying, but you can deal with it. It’s nothing compared to getting your health back! You will most likely lose hair. You probably won’t need a wig or extensions. Honestly, the worst bit is clogged shower drains but that’s easier to deal with than diabetes!

  7. This is something I have been thinking about lately - whether I need as much Protein as I used to. I would love to go plant based burn i don’t have it in me. But I question whether I still need 90gm or protein a day! I’m not losing as much weight any more, so maybe the risk of muscle loss is not as bad. I do think that protein fills you up and stops you eating sugars and fats so it makes dieting easier. However, I have been thinking about a balanced diet and eating slightly more healthy carbs, like brown rice. I’m doing this because I want a healthy microbiome. However, eating 80-100 protein grams a day helped me lose 150 pounds so I’m trying evolve my diet slowly.

  8. 12 hours ago, Jeaniered said:

    I’m going to wear the dress I bought a year ago as my goal. which I never thought I’d fit into ever. But it fits and is now a bit big but I love it. Then I’m going out to dinner with my husband who has been my rock. It’s also my birthday so double celebrations.

    I love this!!! You have so much to celebrate! You must post a pic here of you looking hot in that goal dress!

  9. I can’t believe it’s been nearly a year!!! Time really does fly. I’m going to hit one year anniversary on 21 August! I’ve lost 150 pounds! Would like to lose a little bit more but loss is definitely much slower. My BMI was 51 and now it’s 28. It feels like a whole new world.

    Is anyone doing anything special to mark the one year anniversary or reward them self?

  10. I have baby plates and baby utensils (like DIsney Frozen princess). The other day a friend saw it and asked what they were for!! Awkward!!!

    i get what everyone is saying. It is very hard to live with people not on the same eating plan. Last night, I ate chicken salad. My family ate costco pizza and these cheese pastry things. I’m nearly a year out so I can’t expect people to tiptoe around me forever. Plus, there are temptations everywhere so even if I could get them to eat healthy, you’re still dealing with an entire world that makes it difficult.

    I don’t think family/people you live with realize they aren’t being supportive by eating crap. At this point, I’ve lost a lot of weight and can deal with it most of the time. They’re doing more harm to themselves with this way of eating. I keep hoping that they will want to change. I wish my sister could lose weight so she doesn’t get to the point where she might need weight loss surgery. But, of all people, I know how difficult it is.

  11. I live with family members who do not eat healthy. My best tip is to keep your food separate. If at all possible, ask family to hide their treats. I have a separate pantry and separate shelf in the fridge. They order a lot of takeout. As much as possible, I try and eat home cooking so I have a lot of small, high Protein meals in the freezer. I cook a lot of separate meals but sometimes I can figure out a healthy version of a meal that can accommodate everyone. Sometimes I make burrito bowls for myself and they might add sour cream or Doritos. Or I will make spaghetti for them, but zucchini noodles for me. Often I’ll just throw in bread or cook them some rice to go with whatever protein I’m having. you honestly can’t make people shift their eating habits if they don’t want to. It is difficult having temptations in the house or watching people eat whatever they want. But it can be done!

  12. I agree with everyone’s comments about the hormones.

    I feel like my whole life, I believed things would be perfect if I lost weight or got to a certain size. This isn’t true. I’ve gone from a BMI of 50+ to 29ish, but most of my problems are still the same. It’s not a magic wand. Anyone who had suffered depression has probably dealt with someone telling them to snap out of it. There’s no easy cure for depression. The reality is that I will battle depression and my weight my whole life. They are conditions that you can treat or live with but I don’t think they can be completely solved.

    My surgeon mentioned that a lot of people remember the last time they were healthy weight and they think that everything will be the same if they lose weight through surgery. But losing weight won’t make you 20 again. It won’t give you perfect relationships. It doesn’t “fix” everything. If you blamed all your problems on the fact that you were obese, you could be in for a surprise when you’re no longer obese.

    If you need help, get it. Surround yourself with caring people. Be kind to yourself.

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