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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LaLaDee

  1. 10 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    you probably won't bleed on your sheets. My incisions were covered with surgical tape for awhile. With my first surgery (a lower body lift), the tape eventually just fell off my itself - piece by piece - until it was all off at about four weeks out. With my second surgeryj (breast lift and arm lift), I had an allergic reaction to the tape, so they put me on prednisone for a few days to suppress the reaction, and then the surgeon removed the tape about a week later. By then none of the incisions were bleeding.

    you'll probably get your initial compression garments from the surgeon -- but you may or may not got the scar stuff from him. You usually don't start scar therapy until you're a month or so out.

    Thanks, that makes me feel better. I've been looking at stuff on reddit and there are some gruesome stories. Hopefully I don't go through any of that!

  2. 8 minutes ago, MaybeMeow said:

    I had arm Lipo about 15 years ago and it was a breeze. I know the brac is very different but it sounds like you are really PREPARED. Congrats! Hope it's a breeze and you recover quickly. Love to see pics. Be sure to take "befores"

    Thats a good idea - before photos. I didn't get any good ones before my VSG and I really regret it. I have an anxiety disorder and I am in full panic mode. You made me feel better by saying that I seem prepared.

  3. I went in for a consult with a plastic surgeon last week and we booked in an extended brachioplasty surgery for September. Yesterday I got a call saying there's a free spot next week on Thursday... so I was like, ok, cool, let's get it over with. I don't want to panic about it for months - this is a good opportunity. So now it's happening next week. I'm a bit worried that I'm unprepared. I'm hoping to have it as a day surgery so I can come home, if not, there's a room booked for me - I'll take an overnight bag just in case. I've taken leave from work. My mother and sister are around to look after me. If the drains gross me out, I can call a community nurse to do them (it's about $100 per day). There's a ton of food in the freezer I can eat. I was thinking of downloading audible so I could listen to some audio books (assuming it's too painful to hold my kindle). There's a ton of shows/movies I want to watch on Netflix etc. I've got some old bedding ready in case things are gross from the incisions, so I don't stain my nice sheets. I'm a non-smoker. I exercise every day so hopefully blood pressure will be OK (unlike when I had VSG). I don't have any scar stuff/compression garments but I think I will get that from surgeon. I have some hoodies that zip down the middle.

    Anyone else have any ideas on how I can prepare? I'm sure that I'm missing something. Any hints or tips would be appreciated... particularly from those who have gone through it. My only previous surgeries are gallbladder and VSG, which were both laparoscopic so I'm pretty freaked out, but I really want this.

  4. Hi all, everyone seems to be doing really well! I'm down about 6kg or 13lb since I decided to tackle my regain as a New Year resolution.

    I have to take a lot of medications with Breakfast and with dinner, so I was struggling a bit with IF. I get nauseated and sick if pills aren't accompanied by some food. I had to adjust everything so I'm now doing 14 hour fasting window, with a 10 hour eating window. Unfortunately, due to my long working hours, sometimes it's 12:12 by the time I get around to eating dinner. Hopefully, I'm still getting some benefits from this IF approach. It's early days. My long term goal is to find an approach I can use for the rest of my life. It would be great to lose some more weight and then finally figure out this maintenance business!

  5. On 1/13/2020 at 1:31 AM, Lbtnew said:

    I took prior to sleeve and continue to take 20mg of Lexapro, consulted with GP and surgeon no issues at all for me

    Me too! Never had an issue with Lexapro and sleeve and I “feel” when I’ve forgotten to take it because I start grinding my teeth at night, so I would know if it wasn’t absorbing properly.

  6. @heycrystal2052 I’m doing something similar to you. The 16:8 intermittent fasting protocol. My eating window is also between 12 and 8. I only started on 1 January. I’m dealing with a lot of regain (my surgery was more than 2 years ago). I haven’t given myself a calories allowance, but I am tracking on MyFitnessPal so I do not know where I’m at roughly. I’m just trying to eat 2 healthy meals. The odd snack too if I’m hungry. I’ve lost about 4kg/9lbs but that’s likely to be Water weight from Christmas indulgences.
    I agree that it feels a bit tricky. I suspect other people on this thread will have more helpful advice. I’m trying to plan and meal prep to limit my ability to mess up. I am also concerned because my skin has broken out - pimples everywhere. I’m not sure if it’s stress, a new moisturiser I got at Christmas or IF!!

    How is everyone else doing?

  7. 37 minutes ago, summerset said:

    So far you're maintaining an excess weight loss of 100 lbs two years out of surgery (if I read one of your previous posts correctly). In the eyes of a WLS surgeon that makes you still a success.

    Wherever you'll go: don't take the road to self-hate and "feeling like a failure".

    Believe me. A lot of people on here do understand. They might not post much or at all, most of them are not even on here but they are out there. No one can question that who've looked at the many papers dealing with long term success rates.

    Many patients regain weight, some lose it again, some not. I had a temporary regain years ago when I stopped smoking and then again when my band had to be unfilled because of worsening reflux/GERD.

    It does feel horrible but "feeling like a failure" gets you nowhere. On the contrary, extra self-care and self-compassion seems to work way better than scolding yourself. And even if it doesn't - at least it feels better.

    Thanks @summerset You are very kind. I'm also impressed that you had two regains and kept fighting on. And you made a point that I need to keep in mind - I've still maintained a weight loss of 105lbs/nearly 50kg. The regain definitely could be worse. And it will get a lot worse if I don't change my mindset and habits soon.

  8. Absolutely. Basically, I've already gone to the absolute "LAST RESORT" of weight loss surgery and it feels like I have failed. FAILED. Where does that leave me? Where do I go from here?

    I'm getting therapy because it's gotten me so sad, but it's really really difficult. No one understands how bad this feels. It feels different to other times when I have lost weight and regained. I haven't regained every pound I lost, but I still feel like such a failure.

  9. @Shparks You are not alone!

    I'm also struggling after a huge regain. In total I lost about 75kg or 165lbs. Then I regained 27kg or 60lbs back. My surgery was only about 2 years ago.

    I feel like such a failure. I can't explain how bad this is. I can see why there are so many mental health issues associated with bariatric surgery.

    I had the sleeve but I don't know if there would be any point to a revision to the bypass for me.

    Nevertheless, like many on new year resolution. I'm trying all over again. I've lost about 3kg (7 pounds). It does feel like a very long road back. I just hope I can do it.

  10. Joining the May challenge!

    20 months post op

    Starting weight: 94.4kg (209 lbs)


    - reestablish heathy habits after regain

    - Protein, protein, protein

    - low carb

    Not sure if I should include a weight loss goal, I just dropped 5kg (11 lbs) in one week, so I’m not sure what my body can realistically do this month. Would like to lose 4kg (10lbs) but we will see! That would get me back to Onederland!

  11. I've gone low carb/low calorie for about a week now, and the scale is still saying I've dropped 5.4kg or 11lb.

    It will sound crazy (after just a week), but I do feel somehow lighter. Also I forgot how much I like the taste of some of healthy recipes! I even experimented in the kitchen and made "pork egg roll in a bowl" last night. It was great!


    I was eating so many carbs before. Entire bags of potato chips and feeling really sad about it. All my chocolate (gifted by my family at Easter) or purchased during the great binge is still sitting in my fridge. I know I need to get rid of it so I'm not tempted.

    My head is all over the place at the moment, but I'm hoping to have another good week (though I am definitely not expecting to lose weight after losing so much this week).

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

  12. All good advice here. To me, taking advantage means putting yourself 100% in. Taking that walk even though you’re tired, meal prepping even though eating the same meal for days can be boring, restricting carbs, maximizing Protein, following the rules about Water. Going to all your appointments and support group. Tracking every bite. I would make your heathy your absolute number 1 priority. This all means you will achieve the best and fastest weight loss that your body is capable of. Also, the point about forming healthy habits is very important. After nearly two years, I don’t always feel like a WLS patient. Things are back to normal, and it’s easier to slide back into bad habits. So yeah, take advantage of the honeymoon! For me, it was about a year.

  13. I think most Americans who go through the courses and education to get insurance are at a huge advantage in knowing what to expect. I’m in Australia, decided to have surgery I’m late June and had it in August. I was pretty unprepared. The main thing I did not know is that you get a honeymoon period in the beginning and weight just falls off (for most). Take advantage! Later you will deal with stalls and the restriction lightens and it becomes more work to lose weight.

    Eventually you feel pretty “normal”, like after 18 months or 2 years, regular portions go down pretty easy. Also carbs go down easy. I can eat half a large pizza or a large bag of chips in one sitting, or like a massive box of popcorn. If you want this to work long time, you still have to avoid slider foods.

    Also, the psychological aspect of WLS was pretty intense and unexpected to me. You can lose friends. My Mum is nicer to me now that I’m not super morbidly obese. Suddenly you are no longer invisible to the general public (or the opposite sex). It’s a lot to deal with. Plus you can’t blame all your problems on being “fat” anymore. There are huge highs and lows during the first year!

  14. I’m working my way down from a regain. I slipped into a number of bad habits - including drinking while eating. It basically leaves you with very little restriction, it washes the food down and you can eat a lot more. This is likely more an issue for those a bit further along since their surgery, but let me give you all a cautionary warning!

  15. 9 hours ago, Healthy_life2 said:

    Sorry for the length of this,

    Sorry to hear about your health issues. Medications can be difficult on weight loss. On the positive side, You have figured out the key to getting your weight down. It’s finding your calorie and macro range that puts your body in weight loss mode. Low carb and 1000 calories range is working for you. People on this site are going to benefit from your story/experience with getting a gain back down.

    I’m no expert. Just from my experience. I was sleeved in 2014. (almost 5 years out) I had my first gain in my third year. I worked it back down. What I have learned over the years.

    Getting back in weight loss mode after a gain:

    Get rid of temptation foods in your home and go grocery shopping.

    Accept that you will feel crappy detoxing off the extra carbs sugar and calories, It will pass.

    Log your food and go back to bariatric weight loss basics. Once you found your current calorie range dial them in to where your body starts losing weight again.( I'm 5"5" my range is 950 to 1100 carbs n higher tha 60 grams) If you are not in weight loss mode, Start by logging and dial in your calories back by 100 and adjust your carbs. These numbers will be specific to your body. If you need help setting things up in your food log app ask.

    Sleeves will have some extra compacity to fill. Eat dense Protein and the other items allowed on your plan. Eat as much veggies as you like until full. The bulk/fiber will help you feel full. They are low in calories and will keep you in your daily calorie range. This is the trick. Because we can eat more does not mean you have to go over your calories and macros.

    Keep healthy sweet and salty options on hand for cravings.

    Ditch liquid/soft food Protein sources. They will not satisfy hunger (except for on the run/emergency food)

    If you are low on time. Meal prep Sundays. Freeze portioned foods for you and the family for the week.

    Find some great recipes to get out of food ruts.

    Maintenance mode:

    THE WORK DOESS NOT END AFTER GOAL!!!!! Maintaining is Keeping an eye on the scale. Don’t let a 20-pound gain become 40 70 100+ pound gain. (*** Newbies*** you will be surprised on how quickly a gain can happen and how slow it comes off years out)

    It takes time to adjust getting out of the bariatric rules of what’s good and bad mindset –

    You will be adding carbs to slow stop your weight loss

    Yes, you get to indulge with in reason. Know what foods may trigger you. Notice if they lead you down a path to over consume and gain.

    Give yourself a bounce range to maintain. (I maintain a ten pound bounce up and down the scale)

    When you gain your bounce range, go back to bariatric basis to get it back off

    Over the years. We tend to get lax, old behaviors and stress eating can slip back in. Don’t beat yourself up. Anyone of us can gain. Come back here for support. Join a weight loss challenge.

    My reality is I log. I’ve tried to guess my way and it just does not work for me. Especially when I go back to weight loss mode. For those of you who maintain without logging I give it up to you.

    Find what works for you.

    Thank you so much. Everything you said is 100% right. I’m so glad I have come back to bariatric pal for some support. I’m trying to go back to bariatric basics. No Water while I eat. Protein, protein, protein. Getting to goal is nowhere near as hard as maintenance. I have to accept that always going to be dealing with my “food issues”. Have to be vigilant!

  16. 35 minutes ago, myfanwymoi said:

    I think about the bucket of dirty Water conundrum - how do you get rid of the dirty Water without tipping, syphoning, dipping etc... You do it by adding clean water and slowly the water clears. So I'm concentrating on adding good things just now.

    I like this analogy! @myfanwymoi your stats are amazing!

    Prior to WLS, I had lost large amounts of weight on 3 or 4 separate occasions, but obviously regained it each time. I knew I would lose weight after WLS, but I was terrified of gaining afterwards. Yet, here I am - 15kg (33lb) up from my lowest weight. I wish there were more veterans on these forums talking about maintenance. Assuming I can lose this weight gain, I want to figure maintenance out.

  17. I'm 20 months post op. I've had a difficult 6 months, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, put on a range of medication, including a larger dose of prednisone, methotrexate (which exhausts me) and other medications (so.many.pills). At the moment, my pain is still not under control. Between the pain, fatigue and relentless need to eat (prednisone is awful) and some depression, I started to eat a lot of crap. Slipped back into some bad habits (avoid those slider foods). So I put on weight. At my lowest weight, I was 179 lbs (81kg). Last Wednesday, I realised my weight was back up to 220 lbs (99.5 kg).

    Being a metric girl, I did not want to climb over 100kg. I freaked out and put myself back on a high protein/low carb 1000 calories daily allowance. In 4 days, I have lost 10 lbs (4.8kg). My body has responded in a way that really surprised me. I do not think it's healthy to lose 10lbs in 4 days. I have never lost weight this quickly. I am guessing that a lot of this wight loss is bloating/water weight from the medication.

    However, I was just wondering if anyone else has fought regain. What are your best tips? Has anyone else experienced a major drop in weight? Now that the sleeve isn't as restrictive, this is feeling like it's going to be a difficult journey. Any tips? Particularly from any veterans? I would love any support.

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