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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by smgallop

  1. smgallop

    How can I be supportive

    Words of encouragement are key. That's what will keep him going during the pre-op diet. Post-op the encouragement is important too. Cook things that your family lieks but he doesn't like while on pre-op. Ask if he wants to talk about any reservatiosn he's having about the surgery. Go to the doctor'apts. with him. That's a short list, I'm sure there are many other things you can do. That's all I've got off of the top of my head.
  2. smgallop

    10 day Pre Op diet

    Gosh! It depends on what your doctor told you. Each doctor is a little different. I'd call him first thing tomorrow and double check.
  3. smgallop

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Here's an Egg Drop Soup Recipe I found on allrecipes.com. It's from W.J. Cory INGREDIENTS 4 cups chicken broth, divided 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 eggs 1 egg yolk DIRECTIONS Reserve 3/4 cup of chicken broth, and pour the rest into a large saucepan. Stir the salt, ginger and chives into the saucepan, and bring to a rolling boil. In a cup or small bowl, stir together the remaining broth and cornstarch until smooth. Set aside. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs and egg yolk together using a fork. Drizzle egg a little at a time from the fork into the boiling broth mixture. Egg should cook immediately. Once the eggs have been dropped, stir in the cornstarch mixture gradually until the soup is the desired consistency.
  4. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! Keep us all posted on your progress.
  5. smgallop


    Welcome to the forum! We are here to help each other. Feel free to ask questions or voice concerns.
  6. smgallop

    April 15?

    Congrats! That's awesome news! You will do great!
  7. Congratulations! That's awesome! :thumbup:
  8. smgallop

    finally GOOD news!

    I went in to see my doctor for consult in late January. I got approved in early February and got the band on April 3rd. I guess wait time depends on how many you doctor has scheduled before you and the pre-op diet. Keep us posted. Let us know how things progress. This forum is a great place for everyone to cheer each other on.
  9. smgallop

    New girl on the blog

    Are you drinking more than twenty minutes before you eat? What does your water intake each day look like? Have you considerd eating soups or something that is a bit more liquidy?
  10. smgallop

    I did it!

    Congratulations, Alice! The hardest part is over. Get ready to lose weight! You will get back to normal in a few days. Don't cheat or eat anything that might compromise the band. You will do great! Keep us posted on your progress.
  11. Congratulations! That's awesome! Kepp us posted on additional progress! It's very inspiring! :thumbs_up:
  12. What your doctor and nutritionist have said is true. You will be really sleepy the first day. You will want to rest, but also make sure you get up and walk around. It will help with the CO2 in your body. Do be afraid to take the pain medication. However, don't over do it. It's helpful to have someone with you for the first two or three days if possible. It doesn't take long to get back to normal. I am going back to work tomorrow. It's been six days since my surgery. I feel really good. I've been off pain medication all together for three days.
  13. smgallop

    I'm Banded!!!

    I got banded the same day! I still have port pain, but that's about it. It's nice to hear from someone banded on the same day. When do you go back to work?
  14. smgallop

    Was It Worth It?

    I had a higher BMI, but let me tell you why I chose the lap band outside of being overweight. My family has history of diabetis and heart issues. I want to live to see my five yr. old graduate from college, get married and have little ones. Most importantly, I want to be able to grow old with my hubby. I've yo-yoed with diets too. Ireally think this is the best way to help with weight loss and and sustaining it. It's surgery and does carry risks. However, it's reversible if it is absolutely necessary. I would consult with a doctor and maybe go back for a second opinion. I waited three years to get the band, while I researched. I'm almost a week out from sugery now. I'm happy I did it.
  15. I agree. Call the doc just to be on the safe side. However, you will have some pain at your port site. That part is not abnormal.
  16. Everything is going to be fine. You have every right to be nervous, because this will be a huge change in your life. However, it's a change for the better. Just keep that in mind and you will do just fine. :ohmy: Good luck.
  17. May I please have a copy of the spreadsheet too. That's really cool.
  18. smgallop

    Air in your tissues?

    I was banded on April 3rd and today is the first day that I've not had the pain in my neck and shoulder. Hang in there and take your pain meds. You'll feel better soon. :regular_smile:
  19. I'm on my third day post op and am still on pain meds and just started rating Soup and apple sauce. That's pretty good stuff considering three weeks on protien shakes, etc! I'm really sore and tired. I think that is to be expected after all of this. I walked at Walmart today and Blockbuster. Also, I've been taking the GASX strips religiously. Today I got to take a shower which was really awesome. There's nothing worse than feeling bad and not being able to really get clean.:tt1: I decided to get my hubby to take me out to get some liquid Vitamins to help me ensure I'm getting all the nutrients I need to recover well. We went to a well known Vitamin shop. (I won't mention the name.) I got a large bottle of "good tasting" liquid vitamins. Well, at least that's what it said on the label. It was darkish orange when I poured out the measurement of the liquid and smelled horrific. I took a little taste and nearly lost it. I'm going to stick with Flinstone's chewable I think now.:frown: All in all, I'm definitely glad I did this. However, just like anything else, this is an adjustment period.
  20. smgallop

    Houston Docs

    I used Dr. Collier and got banded on April 3rd. He's been doing this for at least 3 years. I went to a seminar of his 3 years ago. It's good to see some other people in the area that have been banded as well! How has your banding experience been? Are you eating "normal" food yet?
  21. smgallop

    YAY me .5 to mini goal!

    Congratulations! That's wonderful!
  22. smgallop

    Port pain

    I had my surgery on April 3rd, and my port site is really really sore! I don't know about the part where the port is partially sicking out. Is it still under the skin? You may want to call your doctor just to check.
  23. smgallop

    Sweetener Poll

    I use Splenda. It's easy to cook with
  24. smgallop


    It's normal as you move and stretch for the incisions to open a little. The person who wrote back before me had the best idea. Band Aids rock.
  25. smgallop

    40 pounds lost, but what a difference

    Congrats on the weight loss! That's wonderful!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
