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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Lizbeth3124 in November sleevers here   
    My date is Nov 13, so far I lost 10lbs on the pre op diet. I have to get a filter tomorrow morning since I have blood clots in my legs. Ready and excited!
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    BunnyJean reacted to TheNewMrsR in November sleevers here   
    My surgery was Nov 1 and I can drink about 2-3 ounces in a couple minutes and then wait 10-15 minutes and drink another 2-3 ounces. liquid moves through me fast. However, with that said, I tend to forget to take drinks so I sometimes go 2-3 hours without taking a drink. I was averaging about 40 ounces a day (shakes, Water, broth combined) but I think yesterday I got up to 64 ozs because my husband was home reminding me to sip sip sip all day.

    Sent from my XT1635-01 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to PennyVivi in November sleevers here   
    Hi everyone! I just got my sleeve on Nov. 2nd. The first day was really hard but 72 hours post op I am feeling much better. I am struggling to get 64 ounces of fluids. They are having me take 1 oz every fifteen minutes. Have any of you tried to take more than 1 oz at a time? I did 3 onces and felt fine but I don't want to push it. Also, my doctor just had me on Clear Liquids for 48 hours and now I am on Protein Shakes which I am tolerating well.
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    BunnyJean reacted to TroubleSaki in November sleevers here   
    Thank you for the inspiration! My surgery is 11/15. Trying to find helpful hints and posts/support to make it as successful as possible.

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    BunnyJean reacted to LylaLovesCoffee in November sleevers here   
    This is great. I can't wait to join the losers bench! 6 more days!!!
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    BunnyJean reacted to CamillaCallie in November sleevers here   
    So good to hear! I go in next Thursday! Getting nervous but excited! All tips and advice are appreciated!

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    BunnyJean reacted to TheNewMrsR in November sleevers here   
    Sleeved on Nov. 1.

    Recovery room was rough and I threw up a couple times. After that I was wheeled to a room and slept for several more hours. All total I slept 12 hours post op. People kept talking to me but I was so out of it. I don't remember my husband kissing me and going home for the night.

    I finally woke up at 9pm and drank some chicken broth and walked 2 miles in laps around my ward. Sipped Water. Then I konked back out.

    I was up every 45 minutes going pee all night long.

    Woke up the next day (today) and felt great. Walked over 4 miles throughout the day waiting for hubby to pick me up at 5p. The staff was calling me marathoner. I inspired other patients to get up and walk with me.

    I had a small cup of yogurt and some tomatoes Soup and a premier chocolate shake throughout the day.

    Good luck to all three other November sleevers.

    Sent from my XT1635-01 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Rose400491 in Regretting my surgery.   
    Thank you everybody for the kind words. I’m getting alittle bit better everyday but will be seeking counseling again soon hopefully. I’m on my puréed stage now and I feel better getting some food into my body for energy. Putting some life into me haha

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    BunnyJean reacted to Apple203 in Regretting my surgery.   
    Rayelen, I'd take it a step further and say I think everyone should be in therapy -- so worthwhile.
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    BunnyJean reacted to Rayelene in Regretting my surgery.   
    Rose, I would go back to |Therapy for the depression and regretting having the sleeve. Im sure at your age dear it seems like forever that you are having to hold things down as you are. But in fact you are setting the base for your future for a healthier life, Not just for your body inside and out but for your Mental state as well. Please do not regret this surgery. I just came out of Gastric bypass October 3rd myself. I was like 2 lbs smaller then you when I started this and now im down to 230 pounds. Im glad you chose the sleeve over the band. I had the band and boy did it ever fail. Your not much taller then I am either and our goals are the same for the weight. So please, seek out the theropy that will work the best for you, keep your head up and continue your weight loss. Use your book (phases) as your bible and your work out place as your church and be faith full to yourself.
  11. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to marlesarenee in I can’t meet my protein requirements   
    With the Premier Protein I have to put some ice in it and blend it up to make the consistency different so I can drink it.

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    BunnyJean reacted to ShelbyMoore in I can’t meet my protein requirements   
    I use GENEPRO Medical Grade Protein Powder. I bought it on Amazon.. $30 or $40 , don’t recall, but it has 30 servings in it. Each scoop is approx 30g Protein (same as 1 premiere shake)
    I use a scoop of it and put it in my broth. It has NO taste. Once I move on to more foods I will add it to my yogurt, cottage cheese, anything.
    When you use it, to avoid clumping, I mix the protein powder in a few oz of liquid first. Mix it well to get rid of any clumps then I add it to my larger portion.
    I tried it as a recommendation on here from someone else. It works great for me!
  13. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Finnix in I'm hiding my surgery from family anyone else ?   
    I told only one person and, still, only that one person knows. And honestly, I wouldn’t have told that person if I hadn’t needed the help post surgery. There were a few reasons I chose not to. 1. I didn’t want the “but why don’t you just diet” comments. 2. I didn’t want the “it’s the easy way out” comments and 3. Honestly, I was afraid of failure and, in case I failed, I didn’t want anyone to know. Luckily, I have been successful but I still don’t tell anyone. I just don’t want to hear it.

    Actually, I did tell my gynecologist. Before she knew, she was so happy and congratulating me on my weight loss. Then, when she examined me, she saw the scars on my tummy and asked what I had done. When I told her I had WLS she said, “oh. I thought you actually worked for it and did it on your own.” Ugh!!! And THAT is why I don’t tell people. I HAVE worked for it!

    But other people are more open and tell everyone and that’s okay too. I would just be careful and really consider ahead of time how you might feel when people make these snide comments. Some people don’t care. But others can be hurt and derailed by them.

    As of October 12, 2017, I am 4 months post op and have lost 100 pounds. I have reached my goal weight and could not be more ecstatic!
  14. Like
    BunnyJean got a reaction from Apple203 in Vitamin Supplements 1st 3 Months   
    I'm going to def look into this. Thanks for all the tips and info!!

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    BunnyJean got a reaction from Apple203 in Vitamin Supplements 1st 3 Months   
    The Vitamins come in a powdered disc like thing. So each day or 3x a day, from what I read, you turn it on and and GO or whatever and it dispenses Water to mix with the powder Vitamin from the disk as a 2 oz liquid. So you put your little cup under it, and drink it down and have your liquid vitamins for the am. So yes you fill with water. I don't own one, only the research I've done. They have a FB page.

  16. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to jcb123 in Coming off cpap   
    I can relate BunnyJean I HATE MINE TOO!! I haven't worn mine in two weeks. It makes me feel worse the next day rather than better. I am returning it once surgery is over. I just am making sure they don't make me bring it to the hospital with me and then if I tell them I don't have it anymore I worry they may end up cancelling my surgery so I'm hanging onto it just in case. My surgery is 10/24.
  17. Like
    BunnyJean got a reaction from jcb123 in Coming off cpap   
    I have mild sleep apnea and sleep study figures I can get off it once I lose a bit. I don't honestly care, I'm taking myself off it within 2 weeks after my surgery. I HATE IT.
  18. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Apple203 in Vitamin Supplements 1st 3 Months   
    Bunny these are the only brands that meet their specs. Note that the liquid form on the right requires the additional B-12 supplement.
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    BunnyJean reacted to blizair09 in What is off limits after post-op diet   
    At one year post-op, I have cut out Pasta, rice, and carbonation. I will probably never have any of those things. I still follow a Keto way of eating; therefore, I keep my carbs below 25 grams per day. So, I have little to no sugar. That is my choice, not my body's demands or anything.
    As far as alcohol goes, I have some sort of alcohol (usually vodka, Water and Crystal Light Lemonade powder that I take to the bar with me) just about every weekend, and when I travel for work (60%-70% of the time), I often have a glass or two of red wine with dinner. I have found that my tolerance is now back to about where it was before the surgery. I have absolutely no issue with the alcohol whatsoever. Like @OutsideMatchInsidesaid, I just allow for the calories on days that I am going to have drinks. (Though, to be honest, I need to get my calories up some to make the weight loss stop, so I haven't been as much of a stickler about it lately.)
    I haven't tried beer, mostly because of the carbonation issue. And as much as I miss it, and I do, I've adjusted to drinking other things.
    For the record, I first had alcohol at three months post-op, and there has never been an issue. I've lost 217 pounds (from almost 400 pounds), and am happily at goal (180 pounds).
  20. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Bary in What is off limits after post-op diet   
    First off,, Congratulations on your amazing numbers I can't imagine the pride you must feel.. I can see myself doing much of the same things you are doing. Have you found any good books about the keto diet? I would like to learn as much as I possibly can before I have to start eating solid foods again.
    TIA - Bear
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    BunnyJean reacted to The New Kel in What is off limits after post-op diet   
    Hi Bary!
    I have not read any of the responses yet, but thought I'd chime in. Sorry if what I say has already been said. I am one year post op and I, too had wondered if I would be able to enjoy certain things much later on. I am 100 percent healed now so I think I can answer this as someone who has tried a bit of everything (within reason!) post op.
    I was never, and still am not someone big on carbonated drinks. However, I have attended to sip off of my husbands on rare occasions, and also I recently order a beer. It took me an hour to drink half. The reason is that the carbonation fill the small pouch super fast. It's rather uncomfortable. I'm not really into beer but it was a rare occasion and I was just having a bit of an experiment. Carbonation is not recommended post surgery, and I can say that it does not feel very good. Also, the calories and carbs in beer are not the healthiest things. It's honestly best to avoid carbonation. From what hear from many previous soda and carbonation regulars, the cravings dissipate post surgery. You just get used to not having it.
    As far as the "big ol' 4oz steak" (I had to laugh because only those of us familiar with the limits post surgery really get the 4oz limit...and its true!), I have eaten steak but it needs to be very tender. So the good news is this: Yes, steak is Ok but you will be enjoying quality over quantity. These days when I have steak I have about 3 oz of really tender cuts. You have to kind of experiment with the cuts that go down well of you. Let me interject that you won't even be able to think about steak until you're cleared for solids.
    One year post surgery I am pretty well tuned to what feels good or bad in my tummy. I can eat chicken everyday, and I love it, even more than pre surgery. I can also eat fish which I love. Ground beef & ground turkey does not sit well with me for whatever reason, even today. Man, I used to LOVE a good burger. I still imagine the taste and satisfaction of burgers, but I simply cannot tolerate ground beef, more than a bit or two.
    You will discover what works and doesn't work, everyone seems to be different. Aim for making the healthiest choices (easy to tolerate soft dense protein), and then know that one you hit your goal, you can bring back some of the good carbs, and life seems normal, albeit much healthier!
    Best of luck in your journey!

  22. Like
    BunnyJean reacted to Clementine Sky in Coping methods for female hair loss   
    (((Hugs))) to you and to everyone else who has been helpful in this thread. I appreciate it.
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    BunnyJean got a reaction from Clementine Sky in Coping methods for female hair loss   
    Clementine, you are correct, those topical products do not work. I've tried them all over the course of 4 years. I have hormonal Hair loss. I've been diagnosed Estrogen Dominance. I probably have been for years, but not until I went through menopause did it rear it's ugly head in a huge fashion. Among a host of very unpleasant side effects, hair loss is one of those. I've probably lost 1/2 my hair in the 4 years. Hence trying anything I can. I have not tried the rogaine type products because those are for life and I think hair falls out if you stop using it. Not sure on this last one, but added anything like that to my messed up body was not for me. I use thickening shampoos (haha) and products for lift. Nothing really works.As you've discovered. What does work: I use a dry Shampoo with my color (Batiste colors) to give a lift and to "color" my scalp more or less. Just a bit here and there. Also, for those big part lines, I use Eclipse Hair Fibers in a color close to my natural. Not dark or lighter. They also sell this spray to "keep them in place". You don't need it. I've used Eclipse Hair Fibers for years and my hairdresser has recommended to her ladies that are thinning because she's very pleased with how it covers and looks. You can get at beauty supply store. I just get mine online at Amazon. Sorry you are going through that. Female hair loss really sucks. Good luck to you on all measures.
  24. Like
    BunnyJean got a reaction from FluffyChix in Coping methods for female hair loss   
    I'm going to ask my hairdresser about this. Since I've already lost half my hair...I cannot imagine losing more and since I probably WILL, I feel I will need a wig. Thank you for this suggestion.
  25. Like
    BunnyJean got a reaction from FluffyChix in Coping methods for female hair loss   
    I'm going to ask my hairdresser about this. Since I've already lost half my hair...I cannot imagine losing more and since I probably WILL, I feel I will need a wig. Thank you for this suggestion.

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