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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by allwet

  1. so for 2nd time since WLS i have managed to hurt myself. Pulled the tricep muscle right at the top of the elbow and now even the dam coffee cup hurts.

    Doc has me out of gym for 10 days and then back slowly  if i dont want to screw it up again.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Orchids&Dragons


      I definitely get that. I'm curious, what is the civilian equivalent to the guy that loads torpedos? Yes, my brothers were all fortunate to have salable talents when they got out. The two older ones have solid careers with major companies. The youngest, unfortunately, keeps getting side-tracked by drugs and alcohol. His employers (there have been many) seem to have a problem with employees getting drunk at lunch. Who knew?

    3. allwet


      lol yea your dad and i ended up in the same "boat" there

    4. Orchids&Dragons


      Yeah, he came home and was a sales rep for a big dairy. Don't see how torpedos fit into that one :)

  2. I have been very busy lately and my arm has finally stopped hurting, still no lifting, but my weight loss started up again so i am back to trying to find the right calorie number to hold in place. Its weird to think this way now and i am having a harder time increasing my calorie intake than i thought i would. It feels wrong to tell myself to eat more. So many years of yo-yo dieting messing with me right now. The Mental game just never ends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orchids&Dragons


      Is there anything they can do to "un-pinch" it?

    3. allwet


      stretches and never putting pressure on back of arm, like you do if you use the bicep or tricep curl machines. Surgery is a last resort but doc says i need to try everything else first.

      The loss of so much fat around the nerve bundle allowed it to move around more.

    4. Orchids&Dragons


      That stinks. Sorry. One of those d@mn unintended consequences.

  3. Milestone date for me on this journey. I now weigh the same as the day i got out of boot camp in 1984 and is the least i have ever weighed as an adult.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      great- you will continue to go downward-congrats

    3. SleeveinIL


      Congrats! What an accomplishment. :)

    4. Mattymatt
  4. so this is me at or near my max weight and today, 1 year after surgery.

    i opted to show the loose skin because everyone asks will i have loose skin and the answer is yep.

    put on jeans and a nice shirt and all is hidden from the world :) 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GreenTealael




    3. KimTriesRNY


      Great work. Skin is not bad for amount you have lost!

    4. allwet


      ty all of you

  5. Ok , you can all have a laugh at my expense today.

    As a kid i never cared for PB&J i would eat one if it was all that was available but i always preferred a tuna sandwich.

    The other day my daughter comes over with an All Natural Peanut Butter and as we are talking in the kitchen she opens this jar up and the smell just about knocked me over. It was amazing. So i got a spoon and tried it straight, no jellies for me anymore, I was blown away with the amazing taste. Now i don't know if this a case of taste buds changing or just good Peanut Butter but that was a great treat. So i now have a jar in my kitchen and while i only eat a spoonful of it on any given day i am still amazed at how great it tastes.

    Happy Holidays, I hope you are all doing great over this holiday period.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allwet
    3. Bhageerah


      I have always loved PB&J but since surgery I have been absolutely KILLING peanut butter! I keep a jar everywhere, I have some in my book bag, have some at work, I find that when I do start to get hungry that eating a spoonful keeps me going until I am able to find something. They have it at the hospital and when we get busy and I am unable to eat I will eat a small container of it and keep going until I am able to eat or drink a shake.

    4. FluffyChix


      Oh yeah. Laura Scudder's is what we get. Totally tastes so fresh and clean! :) And like you, I went for either tuna fish or bologna and cheese sammys. :)

      @Bhageerah good to see you round here my friend!

  6. So i had my 1 year follow up and i am off all supplements with the exception of a Centrum Silver.

    All my blood tests were normal and my blood pressure was 107/70.

    My surgeon was of course very happy with the level of weight loss and was very positive about the low carb diet i choose to live by now.

    My tore tricep has left a numb section about 3 inches long by half inch wide along my tricep.

    getting a referral to look at that issue.

    Surgeon suggested i stop chasing the "normal BMI" but i haven't decided yet, it is the last goal i set for myself and i am so so close.

    I hope all of you are having a great summer and i wish you all the success you deserve.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allwet


      yea it moves ok. it is just numb like your mouth feels after the dentist gives you those shots.

      no pain just the odd numbness.

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      Weird, hope they can figure it out.

    4. SleeveinIL


      Great news on the follow up. The tricep issue sounds not so nice. I guess numb is better than in pain though. I have a similar issue on my right thigh - the whole top and outside of it is completely numb but I was told it is from a pinched nerve. I would think after losing 90lbs that the nerve would no longer be pinched, but nope, still numb.

      You are doing awesome and are an inspiration for me!

  7. second time this week i have seen mention of the grp of people that can eat carbs with ease.  can't find the link to that Business Insider article that talked about the test for carb processing but this mentions that ability in the start of this video.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allwet


      yea the whole genetics link to this is real interesting. I have come to think it was ketosis that had me so hyper at the start of this. I went from liquid to soft foods then on to lean meats but i was basicly carb free for 2 plus months and was deep into ketosis without knowing it. doubt i have been there much since but it was a weird time for me and and interesting effect.

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      Thanks for introducing me to this speaker. I've spent the entire morning listening to his shows.

    4. allwet


      glad you liked it. i have always been a science nerd at heart and i find the stuff coming out of research today very interesting and fun to delve into.

  8. First vacation since 2007

    4 days and 3 nights in Vegas and i had such a great time i can hardly believe it.

    eating was a pain but i just ignored the fact that i was paying way to much and then throwing most of it away.

    no IF those days but back on it today and feeling real good.

    I was surprised this morning that i weighed exactly the same today as the morning i left

    i was sure i would put a pound or two with how hard it was to eat clean in the casino's

    played so much poker this week, man i had a blast.  I played for 13 hours on Thursday and i could hardly get to sleep i was so hyped.

    Hope everyone has had a great week and that life is being good to you all.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orchids&Dragons


      Glad you had a great time and congrats on no gain! Big winner!

    3. allwet


      so many out there things to see in Vegas. just give yourself time to visit some of the largest Casino to take in the sites. If possible do this mid week to lower stress ;eve;s it is crazy on the weekends.

    4. apiane


      That's awesome. I love Poker and it gets me jazzed too. Good job not gaining!

  9. In prep for my 1 year follow up the surgeon sent me for lab work and my B6 came back way way to high. So they asked me to stop taking B6. so now i am looking for a way to cover the B vitamins without B6. I was taking a sublingual multi B liquid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allwet


      did a search both on this site and google and found a lot of hits on just that issue - high B6 when taking multi B supplement. Including 1 NIH study that found 17/68 sleeve patients in the study had elevated B6.

      going to stop the liquid multi B and just use the chewable Centrum Silver for a few months then retest

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      That's interesting. Is it just a sleeve issue or is that just what you were searching for?

    4. allwet


      on this site it was sleeve specific but on google it was more wide spread among people that were daily users of supplements and the gov't study was a sleeve study for vitamin deficiencies that found oddly B6 went up more than it went down post op

    1. Charlessmott



    2. Orchids&Dragons


      Wow, I am nowhere-near smart enough to read that article! 😉

    3. Charlessmott



  10. So today i weighed in at 188, the same as the day i entered boot camp in 1984.

    Guess that leaves my next goal to be getting to the same 170 i weighed when i left boot camp.

    That truly was the best shape i have ever been in.  Funny but even then my bmi would have been listed as overweight.

    I have always carried the bulk of my weight around the middle.  55" around the waist was the largest  i ever measured and that was 1 month post op before i could bring myself to look at the number.  Today that is 40" 

    I am truly saddened when i see the posts of people struggling  so much post op with pain or illness because i so want everyone to have the same amazing experience i have enjoyed.

    We all experience this journey differently and i truly hope you all reach a goal that brings you a level of comfort and happiness that you deserve.

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      I'm so excited for you! You must be over the moon! Just 10# away from the best "you" that you've ever seen! Congrats on your inspiring progress!

    2. Mattymatt


      For the win!!!!!!!

    3. SleeveinIL


      That is just awesome!

  11. ok  a shameless plug for a movie i just got back from.

    TAG  is very funny and if you want an enjoyable and laugh out loud couple of hours go see it.

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Does anything blow up? That's usually a requirement for me B)

    2. allwet


      lol no but lots of things get broken

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      Might be close enough :)

  12. I hope everyone is doing well.

    Had a wedding in Reno this last week but managed to have a good time anyway (lol)

    My numbness that i thought was a pulled muscle was a rare but not unheard of side effect of rapid weight loss. It is a pinched nerve probably caused by the loss of fat around the nerve that allowed the nerve bundle to shift.

    weight has been steady and holding within half a pound these last weeks so it looks like i have the correct calories dialed in for maintenance.

    I can still do my treadmill time but weight lifting is off the table for now. So more lower body work and hopefully the pinched nerve will resolve with the stretching and time.

    Got Scottish games to go to this weekend so looking forward to a fun if long day.

    Wore a Suit for the first time in 20 years, can't say i enjoyed it but i survived the tie.

    1. FluffyChix


      Congrats on the suit and tie! Welcome back. Now post a lot! Or Alot..;) Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      That muscle thing is weird. Thanks for sharing. I hope it resolves soon; I know you want to get back to the lifting. Congrats on handling maintenance so well. Seems like most people struggle for a while to hit the right calorie intake.

    3. SleeveinIL


      Awesome update! So glad to hear the nerve issue can resolve itself.

  13. ok, I know it proves me as weird as some of you always thought but this was a fun site to kill time on.



    1. Ava R

      Ava R

      Happy Sunday! I like weird people. Normal people are boring! :) I began following you and wanted to know if there are any other members you would recommend? My surgery is 8/29/19 and I want to learn as much as possible. Have a great day and thanks so much for the website.

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      I love it! Thanks!

  14. My Surgeon asked me a question the other day and i didn't give it a lot of thought at the time.

    He asked "do you tell"

    we were talking about peoples reaction to seeing me since i lost such a large amount of me.

    I answered that i do tell if they ask but that it seems most everyone is afraid to mention it if they haven't seen me in a while or they decided they already know the answer so they don't need the truth from me (we all know those types)

    I have had exactly one family friend come right out and ask me how i lost so much weight this year and i told her i had Gastric Sleeve.

    I am sure family has passed it around to other family (you have that type family don't you? or is it just me) :) 

    So that left me wondering "do you tell" and i dont mean right at surgery time. more like a year or so down the road do you say how or do you just say cut out the sugar and carbs and WAALAA

    Its a real personal choice to open yourself up to that kind of criticism and we know all about how we took the "Easy" way and yada yada yada.

    hope everyone is having a great week

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      If people ask, I am open about it

    2. FluffyChix


      People know cuz my sissies have big mouths. And when skinny peeps ask out of morbid curiousity and they are "related" somehow to me, I look at em and arch my eyebrow and smile like, WTF? Then I just shrug and say, "I can neither confirm nor deny." (I've practiced this in the mirror many times. LOL!)

      But today, I was talking to a lady in my oncologist's office and she said "Oh don't you love you Surgeon X - bariatric surgeon? I'm in her weigh loss program!" And so I really opened up to her and talked frankly about the program and the surgery and details and how I'm so much happier and healthier, etc. So there has to be a real genuine need and desire for comraderie--otherwise, "Bye Felicia..."

  15. So my daughter reminded my she had a snap shot on her phone of me from about 3 months before i started this journey so pretty close to my max weight. I have had it for few days now and had to work thru my emotions before i could clearly decide if i wanted to post this or not. So the beard hides my 3 chins pretty well but well you can see for yourself. loose skin and all5af22ea94792e_afteredit.thumb.jpg.0ea9e2bb6c2ad3d5993563ef2e870ab6.jpg



    1. FluffyChix


      Dude!!!! I heart you! You look fabulous. Congrats!!! Love the shades!!

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      Congrats! The change is huge! You must be so proud of what you've accomplished!


    1. Mattymatt


      Interesting video ....

    2. allwet


      i thought so. processed food is killing us. you can hammer 1k calories at carls jr and call it lunch but 1k calories of steamed veggies would be next impossible to consume in 1 sitting.

      if you eat real food the calorie count is done naturally. Its the processed boxed and packaged stuff that causes so much grief in our bodies.

  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IfuwgI95tI

    Hope you all are keeping it safe and staying sane during these difficult times.

    Stress has never been good for food habits and these are odd times so keep working on your mental game and don't beat yourself up too much for any setbacks. 

    I enjoyed this little video and wanted to share.

    1. Judy1107


      I totally agree with you! Mindset is so powerful! There have been times before surgery, and since, that I have started to feel scared or like just throwing in the towel and crying my eyes out! But I keep telling myself that as long as I can stay positive, my recovery will go smoother and I will be so much happier! It's so hard to do right now with all this other going on, but we have to look out for ourselves!!

    2. mahrufarfai



  18. had to stop in and read some NSV.  I hope everyone is doing well.

    not much to update.  Weight is stable and labs are good.  always seem to be low on Vit. D but that seems to be the new it thing.

    It's a weddings and Funerals kind of week and not something i enjoy so i needed the pick me up from the NSV page.  Keep posting there it really is little things that make this all worth it and reading about your small victories along the way helps more than you will ever know.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving and give those close to you a hug

    1. FluffyChix


      Hi we've missed you!! How are you doing? ((hugs))

    2. GreenTealael


      Doing well! Glad you are too! 💝

  19. Merry Christmas, I hope you have all had a great day.

    1. Orchids&Dragons
    2. FluffyChix


      Merry Christmas!!!!

  20. 22 months post op


    1. ProudGrammy


      hey dude - great job - congrats! kathy

    2. ProudGrammy


      btw - love your pic - so handsome!! kathy


    1. nibble


      I saw the video but no link to the paper. Can you provide? Also, who is this person talking? Thanks!

    2. allwet
  22. Well January finally did it. Started the month and ended the month at the exact same weight.

    First time my weight journal has had a Zero written in it.

    Feb 1 is the 18 month mark and it does feel like the end of one journey and the start of another.

    Do not see the surgeon again till August but he was happy at 175 so i do not see any issues there.

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      I stalled out in January as well. Maybe from less activity in the cold weather? Anyway, you've had amazing success so far. Hope all continues well with your journey, whether losing or maintaining.

    2. FluffyChix


      Could just be a temporary stall. If you want to lose more, change things up a bit and keep working the master plan!!! :) Congrats on your losses. That's fabulous!!!

  23. slow and steady wins the race.  don't get discouraged and just keep at it. Let your sleeve do its job and try not to stress yourself out.

    hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying what your sleeve has given you.

    just got back from a wedding in OR. and man am i afraid to get on the scale :) 

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Fascinating! Thank you!

    2. Krestel


      Great reminder about how fast you can lose weight. The mind games we play with ourselves are the worst.

    1. FluffyChix


      Well holy crap!!! I'd always suspected that the whey protein drinks were highly insulinogenic (for me), cuz my weight loss always responds better for me when I'm eating real foods than when I'm on protein drinks...and I read this as I'm drinking an atypical afternoon iced protein coffee cuz I've been doing a really "shitty" job getting my protein in since my surgery. :( Ok, starting tomorrow, no more protein drinks--all protein from food and I somehow someway make myself get in my 60-80g/day!!!

      TY for sharing this!!! I'd either missed or ignored it. Those damn incretins! :(

    2. allwet


      those things that raise insulin but not blood sugar are so much harder to track and control.

      no simple finger stick and done.

      i am going to try a pea protein if i can find a small container to try out cause i hate peas and i dont know if i can get past the taste.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
