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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tracyringo

  1. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Today is my 1 month post op revision to bypass. I am weighing in at 167.8 . It seems that I am a dumper on processed foods. If the main ingredient is a processed carb I am done for. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast the morning of the wedding and I had bacon and a biscuit and gravy, 45 min later I was dying and praying to God to help me out so I would be okay for the wedding, sigh. FYI the biscuit was very small and about 100 calories and melted in my mouth I was so happy just to be able to eat it. I go to the Dr. tomorrow for my appointment with lots of questions I will be writing down today.
  2. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Just got back from my sons wedding. We had a nice time. Lots of comments that I am too thin and don't need to lose anymore weight. I am weighing the same as I did all last summer and into this past Feb, before Covid .
  3. Bypass for sure then. You don't want to have to have another revision. Good luck
  4. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I am weighing in at 170.4 this morning. I haven't had any more bathroom issues since I stopped taking the bariatric45. The Flinestones chewable have 36 iron. ( I take 2 ) I am wondering if the bariatric45 wasn't dissolving maybe? I will talk to the Dr about it on Tuesday for my 1 month checkup. I had 3 oz of beef filet last night without any issues. I measure and weigh food but rarely finish, when I belch I stop eating since I don't feel the food most of the time. I don't have much desire to eat . I find myself eating so I can take vitamins more then anything. My son is getting married this weekend so I am looking forward to seeing all 3 of my kids together again ! It has been 5 years since we all were together which means I weighed 300 lbs the last time !
  5. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    I have eaten solids and I do feel something. I guess my problem is that it is not the same kind of restriction that I am used to. When I ate any foods at all with the sleeve it was the same feeling as if I had a regular sized stomach. I use to joke that it felt like Thanksgiving almost everyday with the sleeve. We are talking a few bites of food and not just protein. That kind of restriction is what I was expecting. I will be okay. I have no choice. I just think that it would be a lot easier to gain with this bypass then the sleeve but I suppose if you are a true food addict and don't get yourself under control that either surgery would eventually be a let down and a person would regain.
  6. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    Yes and the problem is that people like me may have been counting on having at LEAST the same restriction we went into having to do a revision. This sadly isn't the case and so confusing to get my head around. It irritates me even more that I had picked this surgery to begin with and went with the surgeons advice to do the sleeve. Had I done this surgery first I more then likely would not have gotten the erosive esophagitis and I would have the restriction this bypass came with as a virgin surgery. I don't see how people do this as a way to lose regain, I truly don't coming off a sleeve and I understand why the girl who started this post is upset about all the weight she has to try and lose with no restriction. I mean really what is the point ? She is doing it all on her own as far as I am concerned.
  7. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I didn't know they made waffles, lol. I agree, I need to try oatmeal instead of cold cereal. I had a half package of grits this morning so I could take some of my meds and vitamins, otherwise I wouldn't eat breakfast more then likely. I just don't like to cook breakfast. I do however cook all other meals and enjoy doing it.
  8. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I eat kashi protein with 1/4 cup milk. I guess I wont be able to anymore or at least I wont be trying it again for awhile. I did go check on other sites to see what they were eating and I was surprised at the stage I am in they are saying puree ? I was given puree in hospital !! The differences are crazy for sure.
  9. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I guess it all depends on the surgeon. I did check my food logs with the VSG and I was cleared after a week the same way .
  10. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    YOU EAT YOUR WAY AND I WILL EAT MINE. I have asked you nicely to stay off my stuff and go help others. This is a revision page. I had WLS 3 years ago not 9 months so go AWAY
  11. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    3 1/2 weeks but I have been cleared to go. I was cleared the first week for chicken and fish at my post op appointment. The only thing I have gotten sick from was the cereal. I actually am not craving anything, I am just eating normal food . I cant believe it either and honestly I am being careful. I don't eat bread whatsoever or anything that might gum up. I had rice noodles in the stir fry.
  12. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Well I tried cereal again because I thought 8 grams of sugar wasn't too much. I was wrong, lol. I did read up on it after the episode was over. The combination of carbs and sugar is why I dumped. I would have felt better if I had vomited, but just water and dry heave. Now my right side is flaring again from the dry heave, lol. I guess I will just have to make myself an egg every morning. I would just drink a shake but then I cant take any vitamins. I take about 10 a day and I have to take them when I eat food or I get sick. May 22nd was my revision date. I am eating normal food with 1 shake a day to hit my protein, as soon as I can eat more I will drop the shake. I had a cowboy chicken patty for dinner and some cottage cheese. I ate 2.5 oz of the patty and 1/4 of cottage cheese. I ate it in 2 settings because I started to feel some restriction. I have noticed if I eat too fast the restriction hits minutes later and I don't want to put a lot of pressure on my pouch. I have to retrain myself to eat slowly and chew chew chew. I didn't really have to do that with the sleeve. Also, I had shrimp and steak stir fry for lunch and a few cubes of pineapple for a snack. Pretty normal food for me. I rarely eat out and I don't do fried food.
  13. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    If you are asking me I have lost 9 lbs so far which is really good for me considering I weigh 171.2 . I never got under 164.8 so I would like to see if I can get to 155 but I am not going to kill myself to do it. I have a large frame and am weighing around my high school weight and I am okay with how I look. I am eating around 700 to 800 . You are doing great to average 10 lbs a month on a revision. How much weight are you wanting to lose?
  14. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    I guess if it isn't your first surgery you may not feel restriction. I had not felt anything until recently when I started eating about 3 oz of firm protein. Last night I had shrimp and steak stir fry and I finally felt something. Seems like everything else just basically goes right through. Good luck
  15. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    You wanna trade ? lol I haven't tried any of that stuff but I figure if I am dumping on 8 grams of sugar in cereal then I am gonna dump on everything. I am hoping after a few months it will stop. I would like to lose 10 or 15 more lbs and try some braums frozen yogurt twist in a cup.
  16. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Yes it is a big changer. I dumped again after breakfast !! Lasted 45 min. I didn't throw up though. I just kept dry heaving. I don't know if I can even throw up with this thing . I get hot flashes and feels like I have stomach bug, just awful. I hope they can get you scheduled in July. The sooner the better and you don't want to be in hospital if they have a 2nd wave in the fall of covid. My son is getting married next weekend !! I need not to eat that morning, lol.
  17. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    When will you be getting your date?
  18. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I weighed in at 171.2 this morning. I am having problems with vitamins and calcium chews. I quit taking my bariatric vitamins because they have and extra 45 iron and were causing issues in the restroom which I cant have . So I am taking 2 Flinestones a day at least until I get in to my Dr. appointment in 10 days. I also am dumping on the calcium chews. I had one after lunch today thinking I would not dump with the food WRONG ! So I have some hard pill ones that I will be taking starting tomorrow. I may have felt some kind of restriction at lunch. I had a Smart Ones beef with mashed potatoes and gravy. I ate about 6 of the 9 oz and not too long after I felt it. I will have to be careful and eat slower from now on just to be safe. All was pretty okay until I ate the calcium, so glad I didn't vomit. I took a nap curled in a ball instead.
  19. Tracyringo

    I’m so upset

    Any chance this surgery made you lactose intolerant ? I read that after bypass that can happen and make you bloated ect..
  20. Hiatal hernia ? That is the way I felt with sleeve. I felt like something was stuck in my throat when I ate. Did they scope you ?
  21. Tracyringo

    I’m so upset

    Did you wake up and vomit with the sleeve ? I know you have GERD issues like I do. Maybe you need a stronger PPI ? I would definitely be calling the Dr. Monday morning if you do that again. Are you getting in 64 oz of fluids and 60 gm of protein a day ?
  22. Tracyringo

    I’m so upset

    Sorry Georgette. I have been told its too early yet and to give it a chance. I am hoping in the next several months we both will feel better about doing the revision. Hugs
  23. Sorry you are having all of this trouble. Do you have a bulge that protrudes still ? I took a calcium chew without food today and it was awful !! I kept dry heaving and had to go lay down. I truly dislike this revision and new way ugh. Prayers for you.
  24. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Yeah I will skip cereal from now on in the morning. I was feeling pretty good today and BAM I feel like I need a nap and I have lost all energy. I am thinking I need to get my calories up a bit more. Yeah I am trying not to be alarmed with this hernia but I do have a bulge and its bigger then a large egg in the area of the drain and stitches. I am seeing the Dr on the 23rd.
  25. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I am weighing in at 172.2 this morning. I ate a 1/2 cup of cereal for breakfast this morning. I should have made an egg but I was being lazy and now I am not feeling too hot . I am not sure if it is the antibiotic I am taking ( I got an infection from a cat scratch) or if is the cereal . I wont be doing that again for awhile, ugh. I still have some swelling and I am hoping it will be gone by next week for my sons wedding on the 20th. I am also starting to feel a little worn down and tired. I guess it is all catching up with me now. When I woke up this morning I was feeling the burning of acid, sigh. Hoping its a fluke. I will be pretty upset to have put myself through all of this for nothing, especially when I didn't want to do it in the first place.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
