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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tracyringo

  1. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Its weird because I didn't have any symptoms in the first couple of weeks if I remember correctly. It also could be a possibility that I was numb in there and just didn't feel it? I am starting to wonder if I have another hiatal hernia ? I go back Aug 10th and if I am still burning I am sure they will send me for a EGD. Most people don't have issues after the bypass but there are a few of us out here. You will be part of the 95% that don't have issues !! I will be excited to hear when you get your date.
  2. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    I am sorry, just know you are not alone. When did you have your revision ?
  3. Tracyringo


    I take Flinstones chewable 2 per day. I had bought bariatric45 90 day supply and I cant tolerate them at this point. I am hoping that may change later on.
  4. Tracyringo

    Hate bypass

    @beaker27 here it is.
  5. I had it done May 22 and have lost 12 lbs. I have stalled this past week and am not sure if I will even lose anymore. I never got under 164.8 which is fine . I was told I might lose 20 to 25 and bounce back up. I weigh 167.8 now which is the weight I weighed all last summer for the most part. You may be able to type in hate bypass and find it in search or go to weight loss revision page and it should show up in the first 20 or so. I mentioned you in comment on the page so you might be able to go right to it
  6. According to Dr. Matthew Weiner weight loss is minimal, but I think its what you are willing to put into it. Be prepared as it might not be what you are expecting. I was pretty devastated those first few weeks. I am getting over it slowly but surely. Hate bypass by @DesperateEC. can give you an idea, but I do realize that it isn't everyone who feels that way. Good luck to you
  7. @Losingit2018 had the revision due to Gerd. I think she lost around 70 lbs since her bypass last NOV.
  8. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Its been a week since my latest post and I am still weighing in at 167.8 this morning. I hit 1000 calories twice last week and also had a horrible week in the bathroom. I bought Miralax yesterday and had it with my coffee this morning. I am hoping I have it all worked out. I had been taking 3 extra strength Colace a day and it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I also went and bought a wedge pillow for my GERD and when I woke up this morning the burning wasn't as bad. The only problem I had was I kept waking up and climbing back up the wedge, lol. I am not sure the wedge is my best option so I am thinking about getting an adjustable frame I found on Amazon for $100 bucks. I have neck issues and get injections and I don't use pillows because of it. I have not had anymore bouts of dumping for over a week now since I am watching my diet, YAY. I think all will be fine once I get all the kinks worked out.
  9. Hopefully it wont be as bad for you. Hope it will take care of your GERD also. I still have the acid and I am hoping it works itself out in the next 2 months
  10. Tracyringo


    Did the Linzess work ?
  11. Has it gotten any better for you ? Are you still taking a PPI ?
  12. I have propped the head up but it hasn't helped. I am going to try a wedge, thank you.
  13. Did your Gerd ever go away ? I wake up every morning the same as I did before the revision, burning in my chest. I have only had 2 episodes in the day time which is better then it was. I am considering buying an adjustable bed to see if that takes care of it. I am wondering if a pillow wedge might do the same ? I am going to start sleeping in the recliner a few nights and see if it makes a difference before I start buying stuff. Just wanting to know if someone out there with a revision due to Gerd has been able to get rid of it when the surgery didn't in the beginning
  14. Not only do you lose vitamins with the bypass but you also have less calories absorbed. For instance I lost 14 lbs the first month after VSG and weighed 296 day of surgery. I lost 12 lbs gastric bypass after first month and weighed 180 day of surgery. I can only imagine what I would have lost had this been my first surgery being 116 lbs heavier. Not to mention I wouldn't have erosive esophagitis D and who knows maybe GERD free ? I also had hiatal hernia repair when the did the bypass revision. It was a much more painful surgery for me.
  15. I had a lot of restriction with sleeve and with everything I ate. I don't have that restriction now, so that was scary for me. I have dumping now and it sucks. I still have GERD so far. One weird thing is the weight loss. I do believe the bypassing of calories is very true, at least it is for me. I am only a month in so I want to see what happens next month.
  16. I had heartburn before the sleeve and reflux runs in my family, so I should of had the bypass to begin with but the surgeon said go with the sleeve and so I did. I loved my sleeve and I am sure you will love yours. Fingers crossed you never have the GERD. My revision was awfully painful and the differences between the two are something else.
  17. I am on Medicare and also had my sleeve in 2017. I did not have to do any of the stuff I did the first time they just scheduled my surgery. I also was at original goal so if you have weight gain ect I am not sure how that would work. BTW I still have acid a month out of revision and I am not the only one their are others in this forum that still have it after revision. Good luck.
  18. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Dr. appointment went fine. Things we went over. The egg sized bulge will keep going down on my left side. I am good with taking the 2 Flinstones a day since the braiatric45 messed me up. Staying away from processed carbs or any other foods that cause me to dump and I am suppose to try to get to 1000 calories a day. I was told I can eat up to 4 oz of protein now. So I lost 12 lbs in a month which is a big deal considering I weighed 180 lbs versus VSG weighing 296 day of surgery and only losing 14 lbs. So malabsorption is true for me. My eating style and calories for the first month of both surgeries are the same. I jumped up in calories quickly to the 700 s the 2nd week and have been hitting 800+ last few weeks. We discussed the acid that I still have and they are wondering if this might be food or drink related. I think last nights episode might have been. I don't think all the others would be because I didn't go to sleep with burning I woke up with it.
  19. Tracyringo


    Fairlife milk has 13 grams of protein and PB Fit has 8 so that's 21 grams. You should try it, its really good.
  20. Tracyringo

    Food Before and After Photos

    Sams sells the Tomahawk steaks like ms.sss had. You guys are making me want steak now. lol
  21. Tracyringo

    Food Before and After Photos

    I am not a big fan of protein bars but I saw that no cow bar at Walmart and thought about getting one. Those are in the cooler right? Are they any good ? I use to have one on occasion after VSG but I did One bars. Is that some kind of cracker and cheeses thing pictured ?
  22. Tracyringo


    Fairlife milk and 2 scoops of PB Fit . I only use 1 scoop of PB Fit but I think a serving is 2 ? Greek yogurt some brands have 15 grams of protein. Have you ever tried protein water ? Hope you are getting to move forward now with all that you have been through.
  23. I have been waking up with burning in my chest like before the revision and tonight I actually started feeling it and it went on for a few hours. I am still on my PPI and hoping it clears up over the next few months. Have you gotten any better ?
  24. You can lose weight but it will be up to you. It is not at all like the sleeve so be prepared. Today I am 1 month post op revised to bypass. I started at 180 my original goal weight and weigh 167.8 today. I would rather have my sleeve but it is what it is. I still have burning in the morning so at this point I still have GERD.
  25. Tracyringo


    Well did it change? Can you eat any carbs now ?

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