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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Yup. My instructions are 4 meals a day with 2.5 ounces lean protein, plus fruit/veges. I'm not sure, but I think at 3 months we drop to 3 meals a day.
  2. Apple203

    Not enough calories

    30#s is great!! I had my surgery a couple weeks after you and I have only lost 18#s since surgery. Hang in there, I hope the hunger goes away for you. :-)
  3. I'm off the smoothies altogether -- onward to 4 meals with real food. Its tough to get the protein goal in when I'm limited to 10 ounces of lean protein a day, but I can squeeze it in. I had reg coffee with half and half this morning, so no judging from me, that's for sure. Pretty cool that you lost weight -- lots of reports out there on the benefit of switching thing up now and then!
  4. Stall Day #7...sigh

    1. KimTriesRNY


      I’m sorry to hear of your stalling. I hope you see progress soon. If you can eat more maybe try increasing intake? I’ve been pretty consistent on 700-900 calories a day. You can increase calories and not volume by just eating say full fat cheese instead of low fat cheese, that kind of thing. Idk. It works for some people. I know how disheartening it is to be stuck....we all just want to get to our goal weights!

    2. Mattymatt


      Keep your chin up, Apple! This won't last forever. :D

    3. Arabian78


      I'm sorry you've stalled Apple. It does suck, but it will pass. Don't get discouraged. Just keep pushing through and before you know it, you'll be down again.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  5. Apple203

    Swimming shirts/wet suit

    I third, plus most have SPF to protect your skin, too.
  6. Apple203

    Not enough calories

    I wonder if it might be time to eat more real food, less protein shakes and pudding?
  7. Apple203

    Not enough calories

    I think Dr. G uses a Size 32 bougie -- its in the online FAQs. I have an appt next week and I'll double check this. Are you hitting the water goals? Are you not drinking 30/30? Are you eating fruits & veges? I've heard reflux can mimic hunger, so is that a possibility? Just spit balling. I am sorry you are frequently hungry, that stinks.
  8. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I feel your pain... I started the week at 198.2 and ended it at 198.0. The scale giveth and it taketh away....
  9. Apple203

    Tom Cruise

    OK, I am watching MI-2 -- Tom Cruise is 2 years older than me or my husband but he NEVER AGES! What is up with this -- seriously!!! This movie was made 18 years ago, when we were 36-38 YOs. Last week we watched Made in America and TC looked YOUNGER than in the more recent movie. Damn, I want to be a movie star!!
  10. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I can't, either! That was a wonderful day for me!! And WOW have you lost 45 lbs since surgery??
  11. Hey Fluf, After weeks of protein "lattes", this morning I blended my protein powder with a cup of water, 3 ounces frozen mixed berries, 1/2 ounce spinach and a tablespoon of flax seed. It was thicker and much more satisfying!!
  12. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    This is a good question! Everybody does it differently. I asked my RD, and she said to weigh my protein (and for me, its 2 ounces weeks 4-5, 2.5 ounces weeks 6-12). And because its easier, I weigh out 2 ounces of fruit/veges, too. Some on the board weigh protein in a half cup measuring cup and then add veges to make half a cup total.
  13. Apple203

    High Protein Snack Foods

    Before surgery, I was head over heels for celery with peanut butter for a snack << it would be a meal now, LOL, if I could eat only eat celery!
  14. I dunno how the nutrients fare as they sit in the fridge -- but somebody will, no doubt! :-) I'm cleared for spinach/kale and flaxseed in my protein drinks -- woohoo!! I'm going to add mixed berries and hit 3 superfoods at once -- very excited!
  15. Hi, Fluffy -- you are doing such a great job!! I'm intrigued with your smoothie idea, so I sent my RD an email asking if I can add spinach to my shakes yet. I've been in a decaf coffee/milk/protein powder combo rut for a couple of weeks now, which is great for meeting protein targets, but doesn't add much else to the party (to quote Alton Brown - haha) in the nutrition department. I'm ready to start adding fruit and veges again! Boy can I relate to your frustration with the dietary limits. I would kill for a fresh, crispy salad, or chopped raw veges in my tuna salad or scrambled egg, but that's not in my future for another 2 months. Sigh... Finally, I can't believe you are still stuck with the Miralax and Colace. I have exactly the opposite problem, every day after my morning coffee concoction. Go figure! I don't know the root cause, but the coffee is decaf and the milk is skim Lactaid, so I don't think its either of those elements. Its one of those things I've ignored because at least it happens every day.
  16. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    You chew it! Teeth are pretty good at this.
  17. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    It was chocolate-- it just melted in my mouth :-) How far out are you at this point? At 4 weeks, my tummy seems invincible!! NOTHING bothers me (except beans).
  18. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I just treated myself to 10g of Scharfenburger Bitterweet Chocolate (70%) after dinner -- 28 kcal. It was soooo satisfying!! I highly recommend a good quality, 70% chocolate as an occasional treat if you are a chocoholic like me!
  19. I had 4 half shakes spaced at 4 hours, with 16 ounces of water in between. It was tough at first! You have to make it a priority. Good luck to you!!
  20. And yeah, well, 87 pounds -- that's bound to be a serious hurt on your wallet replacing clothes!!
  21. Anthropologie is where I window shop right now, love their stuff. White House Black Market, too (founded by one of my neighbors!!). I have plenty of clothes at my current weight, but in 15#s, I got nothin'!
  22. So one ounce is really a tiny amount! Tonight I had 2 ounces rotisserie chicken, a tablespoon of vege refried beans, a tablespoon of salsa, and a 2" square of watermelon. It was too much...but it was more than one ounce.
  23. Apple203

    November sleevers here

    So what is your plan? We need to talk about how to manage our wardrobes during the transition!! I've stripped out half of the stuff in my closet already, and in another 15 pounds, I'm gonna be in trouble!
  24. Apple203

    179 woohoooooo

    You look great!
  25. Apple203

    One year Post op as of today!

    You look fabulous -- congratulations on your success!

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