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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About AmylouRouxEnY

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/28/1974

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    Amy L Addington

About Me

  • Biography
    Hiya everyone! I'm a 43 year old stay at home mom of 3 and I live out in the country with my hubby John Wayne (yep really!)
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  • Interests
    Camping, boating, hiking, fishing, travel
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  1. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    It actually hurt for me at first but it has gotten way better. I thought my husband was getting bigger because I'd never heard any other women talk about it. Maybe we're just using those muscles more and not realizing it.
  2. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    Not feeling sexy can really ruin a woman's sex drive. I didn't stop "using it" because I wanted to keep my husband happy, but I didn't enjoy it as much as when I felt better about myself. My sex drive has been through the roof lately! It's probably a combination of the increased energy level, the fact that even though I'm not at my ideal weight (and will definitely still need plastic surgery) I don't hate my body anymore and then this special surprise of youthful pleasure. Whatever the reason I'll take it!!
  3. AmylouRouxEnY

    Post-Op Medications

    From what I researched AFTER my surgery (wish I would've checked sooner) most hospitals in Mexico give VERY low dosages of pain medication or the mild pain med's like Tramadol which is what they sent me home with. I had to get different pain medication after I got home because it was so unbearable. I had complications and had to be opened up completely in an emergency surgery to fix a twisted bowel and had 27 stitches so I was in a LOT of pain. They did finally get some pain management advice from a Cancer doctor and got me something while I was in there but the tramadol did nothing for me. I would contact them to figure out what their pain management plan is ahead of time. My experience at Angeles Hospital is that the staff really tries their best to help you, and go out of their way to make you feel better. Wherever your going just let them know your concerns and I'm sure they will go out of their way to help you. They also sent me with blood thinner injections, antibiotics and an acid reducer.
  4. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    I assumed the same thing, so I've been pleasantly surprised. I had figured EVERYTHING got a little droopy after rapid weight-loss and was expecting the worst. It's crazy re-learning your body after so many years a certain way, but exciting at the same time!
  5. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    Everything gets smaller, including the diameter. I haven't really heard anyone else talk about it so I'm not sure if this is a common thing but I feel like a teenager again, lol!
  6. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    Not really that painful, but definitely different (in a good way). My hubby noticed it before me, lol!
  7. AmylouRouxEnY

    Embarrassing question for the ladies

    I was wondering about that too. It definitely feels different and it's almost painful like when I was younger. After having 3 kids I'm in not complaining, lol, but it is a little strange.
  8. My surgeon was Dr. Juan Lopez-Corvalla, but I think it was just one of those " one in a million " kind of things and I drew the shortest straw, lol. So I ended up in the hospital again and found out that my intestines were very inflamed and that my pouch had ulcers. They also found an cyst on my spleen that was probably caused by the trauma of my second surgery. I still have pain in my abdomen but it's getting better, still have to re -bandage everyday. My taste buds have changed so much that EVERYTHING tastes weird to me so I'm doing the 1 oz protein shots that have 18g of protein. I still can't get much food down but for now I'm shooting for 36g of protein per day. As far as clear liquids go, I still can't drink fast enough to get what I should be getting. Probably 16 to 20 ounces per day.
  9. So, I had my bypass in Mexico on Sept. 11 and 2 days later had to go back to surgery and they had to completely open me up because of a kinked bowel. I stuck to my liquid diet but I was sick all the time so I could barely get anything down. Nausea, and EXTREME gas, my stomach was vibrating constantly. So my surgeon in Mexico told me I was allergic to whey protein. I didn't have any problems with it before during my per-op but I quit anyways. Now, I still can't eat, if I do it's a probably an ounce and then I'm sick for hours so the I feel like I'm withering away. I really need to to find a way to get the required amount of protein to keep me going, in small amounts, so it has to have high protein because I can't get very much down. I can't even get my medications down. I feel like I'm starving to death, lol! Anyone else having any problems similar to the this? I'm feeling a little lost.
  10. AmylouRouxEnY

    September Bypass Buddies

    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back with you all about my surgery but things didn't go quite as well as I hoped. I got to Tijuana at about 10 am and started the testing within an hour and because I was the second surgery I didn't go back until 6pm. When I cam out of surgery I really didn't feel to bad at all. Just the normal gas pains. But things changed on day 3 when I went for the contrast ct test where you drink it while they watch it go down. I did both it and the lay down ct but I could barely keep the contrast solution down. I literally felt like I was full to the brim and liquids are supposed to flow through easily. Anyways, I started vomiting and within a few hours I was vomiting straight bile. They immediately rushed me back to the OR, cut me straight up the middle and discovered that I had a kink in my bowel. I stayed in the hospital for 7 days and just got home yesterday. Every one of the usual small incisions were extended and stitched so I look like Frankenstein, lol. But I'm back on the mend now. It really was a one in a million situation and I don't want to scare everyone. But, stuff happens and the actual Roux En Y was performed perfectly. It might take me a little longer to heal up, but nothins gonna hold me back!
  11. AmylouRouxEnY

    September 2017

    Congratulations! Glad you're doing well! There's a lot of other options for getting your protein in. The BariatricPal store has some and Amazon has some protein shots that are only 4 ounces and they have 42g of protein. I hope this helps.
  12. AmylouRouxEnY

    September 2017

    Congratulations! Glad to hear you're doing so well!
  13. AmylouRouxEnY

    September 2017

    Did you find out what kind of protein you could use? I just wanted to mention the protein shots from Amazon, they're 42g but I don't know for sure what type of protein they are. I hope you get it figured out and start feeling better soon!
  14. AmylouRouxEnY

    Feel so weak!

    Amazon sells protein shots that have 42g of protein. they are 3.8 ounces and kinda syrupy but they really helped my mom. Her hair had started falling out because of her lack of protein. Also, Premier has a clear protein that's like flavored water. I get mine at Sam's.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
