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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Any medical lab technologists?

    Texans love Scotsmen! (although it's hard to compete with Alaska!)
  2. It's a screen shot out of My Fitness Pal--desktop
  3. FluffyChix

    new journey

  4. FluffyChix

    Baggy clothes are the best

    Hey! Congrats on 90+lbs!!! So close to 100! You're doing great and I can tell a big diff!!! WTG!
  5. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture!

    Wow! Thanks! It looks awesome! I was wondering if it was couscous or bulgar or something. Grilled toms rock!
  6. Congrats on your surgery! Early out I had food ambivalence and no to little hunger. I just ate to a schedule per the RD. I didn't have to do puree and went straight to softs. I just advanced things as I could. There's no rush. I love white fish and so added that pretty quickly. It was just fine. I also added canned chicken and canned salmon. Again, both were just fine. It is a scary world, but I'd just take it slow and one things at a time! You'll figure out what you can handle pretty quickly. There truly was very little I couldn't handle. You can tell within a bite or two how it's gonna do! My ambivalence was over by the end of 3 or 4 weeks I think?
  7. FluffyChix

    Today’s lunch picture!

    YUM! What a fantastic lunch! So what's hijiki salad?
  8. Are you on the water in Maryland? Being from Texas, I thought we owned "all" the bats. hehe
  9. Are you in the Hill Country? We're going to my sissie's house in New Braunsfels soon. Can't wait to hang out and tube. I'm gonna actually nut up and put a bathing suit on in PUBLIC! LOL! And will wear shorts and just hang! It's part of why I'm on a mission from God to "kinda" get a little color on my fish belly white arms. Especially the lymphedema arm. Have to watch sunburn like cray!
  10. FluffyChix

    New journey

    Ahhh got it! Yeah, it's soooo tough love on the exercise. I'm not a natural exerciser either. I literally have to bargain with myself to make myself do it. And my greatest fear is getting to where I'm "comfortable" with my body and bored with dieting. It's the thing that has happened to me my entire life, so I know the feeling and recognize it. You know? I'm just praying that this time will be different--I just know that at some point, I KNOW I will be facing what you are facing now. You know? I'm truly not meaning any disrespect, cuz 71lbs lost is AMAZEBALLS and you deserve all the credit for that!!! I'm glad your food is good and you're still following the rules. It makes stalling that much harder though, knowing that you're complying with your food and are stuck. Stalls suck!
  11. Aw man, I'm so sorry to hear that sweetie! ((hugs)) SPF 60 is my friend lol. I am seriously fish belly white and haven't tanned in over 7 years. I never get really "brown" or if I do, I haven't seen it since I was a kid! And um, I'll be over at your place around 7pm to swim! hehe
  12. Shouldn't it really be our national motto? Maybe even of the world? Do you duty! Tan your fat!
  13. Sorry to keep bragging! Run away! Run away! Today was the third time I had the courage to go walking by myself! (I went to the nature reserve Saturday, and walked the neighborhood Sunday.) Today I walked down to the neighborhood clubhouse and walked the greenbelt for 35 minutes. That's about 1 1/4 miles at my pace. That may not seem like much, but this is my off day from PT, so pain is high. Also, I have bad balance issues leftover from chemo, so I've pretty much been house bound since if I fall, I was unable to get up without help. I haven't tested it, but if I fell now, I could probably figure out a way to get up--it just wouldn't be pretty. LOL. Also, I LOVE my tool! Came home and had lunch: 1 hardboiled egg, 1/4 of a leftover turkey lite cheese wrap, 1/2oz baby carrots and 1oz of grape tomatoes later and I'm pleasantly "complete" and filled up and am now on the 4th bottle of water for the day! Yippee skippee! to all and hope y'all are having a great day! (ppssssstttt - I also wore shorts again and a short sleeve overshirt with a sports bra. I'm determined to get some color on these pasty-ass white legs and arms! Tanned fat is happy-er fat you know. )
  14. Wow! How very scary! So so scary! Hope they sacked that nurse. It's malpractice for sure! How could you NOT look at the meds before dosing??! How could you NOT check on wounds during rounds? You can see if the bandages or wet or dry from the outside--or like me, mine were open with just glue on them--so you could see. Congrats on your recovery and the massive weight loss so far and on being under 400!!!!!
  15. FluffyChix

    New journey

    ^^^ Listen to this one! She knows a thing or two! Great advice! And TOTES--congrats on losing 71lbs woman!!!!!
  16. FluffyChix

    how long did you lose?

    hahaha! not voting. But waiting breathlessly to see the results! I think you would be an outlier, yes--unless maybe you're already at 9% body fat or something so crazy low. Then I think you would have to jump thru Herculean hoops to shred in order to get your weight to change. And it might not even go down then if you're actually at the fulcrum where any fat loss in pounds is replaced by muscular lean gains of the same weight? But I'm not good enough on sports physiology to say. You may just be one of the guys with more LBM for the weight...
  17. FluffyChix

    how long did you lose?

    Hey Johnny, I checked and am not in the Guys' Room... but um am a newbie, so feel free to flame. But your pic made you look pretty buff. Just out of curiosity, have you had a body comp DEXA done? I think they are relatively cheap at some universities (maybe around $75 bucks)? Cuz it might determine whether you could do P90 shredding stuff to lean out any more? But again, I shouldn't even be talking on this thread so apologies for busting in! ((hugs))
  18. FluffyChix

    New journey

    I don't think at 8months your tool has stopped working. Unfortunately, I think maybe you've lost faith in your tool and in the process. And I'm sorry for that. It's pretty common for all of us to lose that lovin' feeling when the new wears off and monotony droans on and on. It's part of why I think @jenn1 says maintenance is the hardest part. You honestly have to be at the point where you are disgusted with how your post surgery outcome is at present. And you have to have the get-up-and-go that you first had when surgery began. I really believe this is a common thing that will hit all of us sooner or later and we do have to stare the beast in the eye and take control of our future. It's time to fish or cut bait. Are you gonna be the boss or the little bi*ch to your addicted fat brain? Only you know the answer! If it were me (and it will be--so please remind me of this post!) I would do the following: 1. Call the surgeon and make an appointment to discuss what is going on in your head and body. See if he/she can give you a plan for getting back on track. The doc will. They have a vested interest in making sure you statistically are one of their great outcomes. Go ahead and ask for your vitamin, thyroid, and chemistry panels to be drawn. 2. Go see your RD for a tune-up on diet and a plan for future visits for accountability. 2.5. Ask for a referral to begin seeing a bariatric psychologist or therapist. Start dealing with your depression and food addictions. 3. Join a real life support group in your area--your doc prolly has one. 3.5 Drink 100oz of water per day and make sure you are taking all your supplements!!!! 4. Go back to basics of surgery: no drinking with meals 30-30; protein first (3oz per meal); low glycemic veg 2nd; healthy fats; and for now--no fruits or nuts/seeds/carbs etc.; weigh/measure/log EVERYTHING that goes down your piehole; limit portions to 1 cup of food per eating event; limit eating events to 3 meals + 1 small snack per day. 5. Start walking every day. Aim for goal of 1 hour per day. EVERY day. Look at joining a gym to do strengthening exercises. 6. Get out in the sunshine. Make yourself engage with people, your children, your husband. Watch funny shows and movies when you can. Look to laugh as much as possible (it produces endorphins as powerful as anti-depressants). 7. Hang in there. Take it one day at a time. Remember to breathe, be loving yet firm with your addicted self. Come here often and engage with us online!!! We are here to support you!!!
  19. Welcome to the boards! Congrats on taking back control!!
  20. FluffyChix

    Portioning cups question

    I used to take my 1/4 cup measuring cup with me. I would double the serving when eating 1/2c. I'd measure the protein first. Usually 1oz diced dense protein (by weight) will fit in 1/4cup volume. Now I just eyeball it using my palm as the 3oz guide and know I won't eat all 3 oz. So I no longer measure when I go out. But I found a cool thing. Most restaurants will let you order the protein as an addition to a salad. So Mr. F orders his meal and subs for veggies when there are bad carbs involved and his meal usually comes with a side salad. So I order the grilled chicken or shrimp protein addition (which is only a few bucks) and is usually only about 2-3oz of protein. Then I take about 1oz of veg off his plate and maybe a bite or two of side salad and I know I'm having the right size portion. Then I stop when I'm full. I usually have some leftovers to bring home.
  21. FluffyChix

    9 weeks Post Op Calories

    I'm 10weeks today. I'm eating between 600-800 cals per day (mostly closer to 650-750). Protein is around 70-75g/day. I keep carbs between 20-40g day net. it's about 3/4 cup of food by volume and about 2-2.5oz protein per meal and 1-1.5oz of veg per meal.
  22. FluffyChix

    Portioning cups question

    Walmart has a couple of portion control kits if you want to get jiggy with things. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Meal-Prep-Haven-7-Piece-Multi-Colored-Color-Coded-Portion-Control-Container-Kit/128151874 They aren't necessarily bariatric, but I was tempted to get them. @abefroman329 has great advice for portions though! I just use a measuring cup and scale. Then tare (zero out) everything between types of food. I started with 1/4c, then to 1/2c, and now to 1cup. So I also weigh and measure everything that goes down my piehole.
  23. FluffyChix

    Some Advice Please!

    Yay!!! I'm so glad that your husband had a successful surgery and with the head of cardiac surgery, too! Yippee!!!! Hang in there girl and try to rest as much as you can during this stressful time!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Recovery Update

    That is GREAT news girl!!!! So happy to hear and LOVE your can-do attitude!!!! Did your surgeon see you yet and has he said "sorry" for anything? I'd raise a fairly significant ruckus about the lack of taking you seriously. Look, I'm a lay person and although I have had cellulitis a couple of times in my lymphedema arm--so know what i looks like, I knew the second I looked at those wounds that you needed serious attention! Also with your history, that would have tipped me off. Once you have a cellulitis infection, you learn it can come back anytime anywhere on your body and are watchful. I just can't believe they were so cavalier with you! ((hugs))

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