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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    How did you decide on your goal weight?!

    My goal is my high school weight. It's about 5-10lbs lighter than my doc's goal. But I don't look at the end game. I ONLY focus on 10lb increments. Today my focus is on eating to my plan and exercising everyday with my scheduled program and breaking out of the 190s. I have 1.2lbs to go for a new decade and new goal. The new goal will be to break out of the 180s. It takes me anywhere from 21-31 days to get through a decade of weight at my current nutrition and exercise levels (and metabolic condition).
  2. Bahahahaha! WTF?!!! Crying. So so funny.
  3. Did your RDs or surgeons give you any eating guidelines? Mine doesn't want me going more than 4hours without a meal. They want scheduled mini meals/snacks ideally 3-4 hours a part, throughout the day--anywhere from 3-6 per day. So... often, I eat even though I'm don't have a hunger cue, but my tool is empty. It's to keep our blood sugar and insulin stable so we don't binge, or eat off plan.
  4. FluffyChix

    Progress pics

    You look great!!!! Congrats girl!
  5. FluffyChix

    New Avitar Photo - Jenn

    Hey girl! LOVE your new avitar photo!! @jenn1
  6. FluffyChix

    Need advice...trail half marathon

    Wow, I just saw this thread. Congrats Mike! You so deserve it dude!!! To everyone workin' it. Dang!! Me=notworthy! Hat's off and mad props to each of you!!! Y'all inspire me to be and do better! To live more of my life! Big thanks!
  7. FluffyChix

    Before and now

    Congrats! What a big change!!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    @MsTipps congrats girl! So glad you can now feel and tell it yourself!
  9. FluffyChix

    Finally hit my goal

    Dannnnnnnnng dude! Congrats! Can you believe it? 1 year. 1 year of your life and those results. WTG.
  10. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    WTG everyone!!! Congrats on another week of butt-busting hard work!!! Misty, hang in there sweetie! @BradS I think people DO notice, but they may be reticent to say anything to us! Also if you're wearing baggy clothes, it may not show. That's what happened to me. Today I wore leggings to PT and everyone was like, "DAng!!! You've lost SO much weight." But that's the first time they've done it. LOL.
  11. @jenn1 Absolutely agree with you. And DEF love the weight loss is in the kitchen and body comp is in the gym. I also still maintain that a low carb or keto diet isn't for everyone or that there is a one-size-fits-all-solution and equation for sustainable weight loss. You know? I just thought he gave a very easy to understand explanation of CICO.
  12. This is pretty interesting stuff! Jason Fung is a kidney specialist and proponent of the *gasp* low carb/keto dietary program. But wait! Aren't all of us (especially those with CKD) gonna die from the "gobs of protein we're shoving down our pie holes???!!!!!! *another gasp*. And here's a quick article that discusses why CICO is a myth. Makes a lot of sense... https://idmprogram.com/the-failure-of-the-calorie-theory-of-obesity/
  13. FluffyChix

    Still working ....

    Congrats! You look fabulous girl!!!
  14. I don't know about the body just "letting unneeded calories go." That hasn't been my experience. My body is EXTREMELY thrifty and finds some damn way to assimilate the billions of crap cals I've fed it over the years! LOL. My bowels do slow down if I down regulate my fiber volume.
  15. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    You're doing so good girl!!! Keep it up. Drink LOTS of water, sometimes it helps the brown rings!
  16. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Girl you are doing so good!!!! Are you having tons of compliments??? (I dreamed of what it would feel like to be 175 again! Just last night. How weird huh?)
  17. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Ok, I'll jump in--the water's fine!!! HW 287 (May 3 '17) SW 222.4 (Feb. 20) Last Week 194.4 Today 191.2 So down 3.2lbs since last week, 31.2lbs since surgery, 95.8lbs overall. All of my pants are swimming on me--even my last pair of "dress-ier" pants! I put on a pair of Mr. F.'s old boyfriend jeans (40 waist--yes it's true--I wear a 40 waist) and they fit. The waist is only a tiny bit large. So I'm officially snagging a pair since he's gone down on his jeans. We went thrifting this weekend and found 2 pairs of brand new Wrangler's for him plus a Polo shirt for cheap. Found nothing for me though. It's about to be critical situation here. Started PT again on Monday and had my hip injection last week. Still waiting for the steroids to kick in, but the great news is that I still lost weight after the injection rather than gaining 4 lbs of water weight! Yay me! It's been a good week all around! Wearing shorts and sleeveless blouses.
  18. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Hey y'all! How you doin'? It's time for Weigh-In Wednesday!!! *the crowd roars* I finally found us on page 2. Wah! So update your stats for the week and take hold of accountability!!! HW: SW: Weight Last week: Weight Today: How You Did This Week/Challenges:
  19. FluffyChix

    The magic in the misery

    The struggles I have overcome in the past year were being sedentary and almost bed bound for 7 years. I had to relearn how to walk more than to the bathroom! Had to learn to stand longer than 3 minutes! I had a low ejection fraction and fluid in the sac around my heart and a fibrous growth attached to it and the pericardium. It made it hard to move and catch my breath. I was always winded and always exhausted and had very high pain levels for multiple reasons. I also had bad MSSA infection and out of control lymphedema in my left arm. And my blood sugar had gone to pot. My blood pressure was routinely 180/110 despite being on 2 medicines--and then a third med. I couldn't sleep longer than 1-2 hours at a time and usually slept less than 4hours per night. I began by just getting up! Making myself cook rather than eat crap food from a dollar menu. I then started walking--first 5 minutes, then 10 and so on. I put myself on a ridiculous post op progression! So at first was eating 360 cals a day from 2 protein drinks and then progressed up the diet ladder as a post op would. So I've now done that progression twice, once pre-op and once as an actual post-op. In the past year I went from bed ridden MSSA, no activity level to walking for 1 hour a day 7 days a week (2, 30 minute intervals where I walk 1 1/8 mile per interval), and PT that lasts for 1 1/2 hours -- 3 days per week. I now cook about 99% of our meals. And I can now sleep in 4-5 hour stretches. I'm now averaging about 6-7 hours of sleep per night. I'm about 4 lbs shy of having lost 100lbs during this last year (May 3, 2017). Although technically, my highest weight ever was 325. So I've already lost 134lbs. (Oh, and I'm about to have my echo for this 6 months, but the last one showed a 10% improvement in my ejection fraction. )
  20. FluffyChix

    Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!

    Thanks girl! Do you like your transition? Are you gonna lighten and emphasize the grey with rinses?
  21. FluffyChix

    Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!

    youth in Asia? What about youth in America?
  22. FluffyChix

    Let's Talk Dying By Your Own Hand!

    Do you know if grey toners need to have you bleach your hair first for them to "take"? Or can you just use a grey "rinse" after shampooing and it will brighten and tone the grey?
  23. FluffyChix

    Surgery, “it’s the easy way.”

    OMG! I have the same exact thing--except having babies--which never was able to happen. I have been "mostly" low carb <40g net carbs per day for 18+ years now. And with the PCOS, losing weight was so painfully slow! I lost 65lbs fairly easily. Then nothing. I was stuck at 260lbs for years despite eating 1200-1400 cals per day and about 70g of protein per day and <40g net carbs. So it wasn't like I was gorging on what everyone calls a "high protein" "high fat" diet--my ass. LOL. To lose I had to add alternate day IF where I dropped cals and down to 500 cals every other day in addition to the low carb, adequate protein diet. Then the lowest I got to was 218lbs. But the ADF was just not sustainable to me. My ghrelin/leptin rebound went nuts! And regain started--then boom! Back to 287lbs in the blink of an eye. The thing low carb DID do for me, is it took me out of full blown T2, down to pre-diabetes and kept me there for over 18 years. The studies show once dx'd with pre-diabetes it's only a matter of 10-15 years before full onset of T2 develops. By then organ damage has already occurred. So yeah...the easy way...ROFLMFAO!!!! Everyone in my fam knows better than to even look like they will say that--but they won't. They witnessed me living on 400-600 cals for months last year only to lose 4lbs in a month. They witnessed my struggles pre-op in losing weight. And witnessed me eating 1/4cup of food in the early days. They witness how carefully I select which foods to eat and how healthy they are and how lean the protein is and low carb the veg is and how little fat I eat. And they see how much exercise I'm doing despite 24/7/365 pain. So um, yeah...talk to me about this "easy" of which you refer. *snic*
  24. FluffyChix

    New Avitar Photo - Jenn

    Awwwww!!!! How precious!!! I'm so excited for you all! (Tell him that's what happens when you get old like this chicken...you need glasses. LOL!)
  25. FluffyChix

    New Avitar Photo - Jenn

    Oh how exciting!!!! Can't wait for photos! Is your gson so excited??? Drink lots o' coffee!!! And you do clean up great girl! (Sayin' prayers that all goes smoothly!!!)

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