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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Ok, see? This is why I need reading comprehension lessons. I read this title as "Dumping. Masturbation. After Bypass Surgery." And I was like, finally! Now this is gonna be a fun one in the General Discussion Area!
  2. I usually eat 1/4 of an avo which depending on size is about 1 to 1 3/4oz. Any more and I "feel" like it stalls me? Ridic, I know! I can understand that about your fam. To an extent Mr. Fluffy and I share that dynamic. He's not jealous, rather he's supportive. He is on a mission to get healthy and get his T2 into submission. I'm teaching him as much as I know, as quickly as I can assimilate it. But sometimes it would be nice if he came up with a meal plan on his own. LOL. And then I have to tell him about his business lunches, "The beatings are just gonna continue until morale improves, buddy! So quit eating the dayum sweet potato fries. They are NOT a superfood!" But he's great about eating what I put on his plate (except crustaceans and mollusks). And he's very supportive of my journey and just wants me to feel better and have more energy and less pain. And just hugs to you and your son. You are a great mama and he's very lucky to have you on his team (as you are blessed to have him)! Yes out of the mouths of babes. My niece is an Aspie, and when told about Mr. Fluffy's and my engagement said, "Oh nuts!" One of the best things is that you ALWAYS know where you are with them. Needless to say she, nor her parents are my biggest fan.
  3. No judgement here. Just a question. What has changed between when you first had your surgery and now? Why do you find it acceptable behavior now, when in the beginning you trod a very narrow path and would not allow that behavior/response in yourself? If you can find the answer to that question and go back to the rules and limits of the early days (I'm not talking about punishing yourself with the 5 day pouch reset nonsense), you may be able to change your behaviors and avert disaster. But, I honestly think that I would encourage anyone in your situation to seek out a counselor well-versed in bariatrics and one who knows how to treat people with food issues. ((hugs))
  4. And I just gotta ask...are avocados a slider food like cake? *hoping and praying*
  5. @Berry78 Oh crap! Can I send you to Dexter's lab to be shrunk into a tiny tot so I can carry you in my pocket?!!! I had NO idea an avo was that low. I've been eating 1oz to 1 1/2oz in my BA salads (pre-surge). So I was counting on having 1/2oz after surg. Guess that won't cut it? Well fork me! @Half-Tum Don't you mean a LAV-orrrrrr-i-tore-y?
  6. FluffyChix

    Obesity and malnutrition

    Peter at Hyperlipid will blow your mind! Can't wait to hear what you think!
  7. FluffyChix


    Welcome! I believe both surgeries work very well. At your age, I'd probably lean toward VSG, even with having 200lbs to lose. As these outstanding people have all shown, it is possible to exceed the averages and be well-above-average! They rock. Bariatric Pal rocks too and is a source of friendship, like-minded support, cheerleading, setting you straight and keeping you in reality, and information. So. Much. Information! And, you're giving yourself a greater shot at success by reading and questioning here! I'm old at 55. So I'm grabbing the bull by the horns and doing what I think is one of the most extreme methods and also the gold standard (because VSG is "newer" and doesn't have the track record to call it a gold standard yet). I'm having the RNY to get the restriction but also the absorption advantage and also to get more of the hormonal reset advantage--although both RNY and VSG give hormonal pluses! I've no doubt, as you listen to your surgeon and work your program you will make the right decision for you!!! Congrats on making the decision for change! Life is too short to be saddled with the pain of obesity.
  8. @Berry78 LOL good to know about the cake being a slider food! Hope you enjoyed yesterday and being with your fam. Do you find they treat you differently now post-surgery, or now that you are almost normal weight? Do you feel you have a better status in the fam? Interesting info about the gut bugs! I knew the mix deteriorated in the geriatric population--but I just wonder if we can't mitigate that as we age, by really getting deep nutrition? Will have to look into that. I do know that they're thinking some diseases such as Parkinson's and possibly demential/Alzheimer's are at least partially diet/gut biome diseases in origin. I've read (can't find my source! ) that it's as little as 15% fat is need to absorb ADEK, but I'm not sure there is a definite number. I just figure having 1/2tsp-1tsp of fat in a big ass salad is gonna do it. I get that from either adding evoo, or a nut oil, or adding avocado, or seeds--sometimes small amounts of all of those things. LOL! I enjoy 3zero's Greek Dressing, and also like Walden Farms Asian Dressing, WF Sesame Ginger, and WF Italian. I really love the idea of having a huge salad for less than 150cals--and that includes adding avocado. Avocado does it for me--cuz it's a fat, but also gives great phytonutrients and fiber at the same time. So it's a win win--plus it's high in magnesium (if I remember correctly) and mg is needed to truly properly absorb the ADEKs. I love the Weston A. Price website and love Chris Kresser, Sally Fallon, the late Mary Enig, etc. Here's a good primer on the fat soluble vitamins.
  9. Hi everyone! Can I join? I'm 55 years old going on 6 (as Jimmy Buffet says, "I'm growing older, but not up"). I've just been submitted for insurance approval and am hoping for a Nov. 28th surgery date--we'll see. Still have 1 more RD appt (next week for a total of 4), and another surgeon's consult the week after on the 9th. It's getting close. I will be RNY. (Oh I'm in North Houston.)
  10. Yep, I second @Luisajfc! Sending positive thoughts of healing your way!
  11. FluffyChix

    Obesity and malnutrition

    @FlyFatA$$Fly Love that book and Gary Taubes. Also love his partner Peter Attia. They make so much since. Also Dominic D'Agostino. Such brainiacs! Have you ever read any stuff from Hyperlipid blog? He's also the bomb!
  12. @Meryline I'm so sorry you're hungry all the time! ((hugs)) That's a b***h and also exactly why I'm having the RNY. I gambling that it will reduce my hunger. So will you post your most recent menu and daily calorie load/average daily macros? Also, if you input that into MFP and track sugar as one of your 5 tracked macros, what is the average daily sugar content (of course that's naturally occurring). I have some ideas about your hunger.
  13. @Berry78 Hahaha! Toilet humor is the best! I adored yours! You're very punny, you know! Seriously on the fruit fly! IRK?! Did you find anything piling up on the centenarians? (I really shoulda said, "come on...you know you're just straining to!" LOL) I really am interested in hearing if other people have experienced craving new things rather than their old flames. I'm finding myself craving clean food: low fat, low carb, simple, lots of veg. I also crave fruit (not like a binge crave), but when I'm hungry mid-day, I'm craving my 1/4 of a GS apple with a string cheese and a 1/2 ounce of almonds. It fills me up for at least 3 hours and I love it. I now crave it. Have your cravings changed?
  14. FluffyChix

    Starbucks skinny Mocha. OMG!

    Yay hope you like it! Warning, it's vanilla scented but not sweet. I love it cuz it cuts the sweetness of protein drinks! Let me know!
  15. Bored much? Why, yes. Yes, indeedy, I am! tehe I have Tom Petty and Heartbreakers cranked to the top (Mr. Fluffy's gone and didn't tell me not to play the music too loud.) off the charts, I'm sposed to be working and don't want to...and well. Come on. Is there ever a bad time to talk about poop?
  16. FluffyChix

    Obesity and malnutrition

    You should try this stuff out! It's made with erythritol and Monk Fruit Extract and for most people, won't cause intestinal distress or blood sugar spikes. To me, it reminds me of brown sugar! And it's at Walmart! https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lakanto-Monkfruit-Sweetener-Golden-8-29-OZ/51451687?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227039080202&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=60196590338&wl4=pla-96948103538&wl5=1026334&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=51451687&wl13=&veh=sem
  17. FluffyChix

    Starbucks skinny Mocha. OMG!

    @jess9395 At my store you can find it in 2 places: on the isle with the canned milk and also in the refrigerator section. I don't understand the differences in the 2. Different packages, but they appear to be the same thing/same company. Things that make you go hmmmm.
  18. FluffyChix

    Intermittent Fasting

    Here's an interesting companion piece to @Berry78's Dawn Phenomenon post. https://idmprogram.com/dawn-phenomenon-t2d-8/
  19. FluffyChix

    Intermittent Fasting

    Sorry, yes, that's it exactly. I mixed it up in my head! Thanks! I will go back and correct mine so I don't mislead anyone. Dang! My editing window is now closed so I can't change it.
  20. FluffyChix

    Documenting the Steps

    Oh nice! Seafood stock! *rushing feverishly to make note to self about seafood stock!* Thanks!! You'll get there and will be proud to do your befores and afters, but make sure at least that you take them and measurements and keep your biggest pants/shirt!!
  21. FluffyChix

    Documenting the Steps

    Start your blog here and post lots of piccys! We piccys! Good luck on the liquid diet. You got this!
  22. FluffyChix

    10 months out

    Good grief you look amazing!!! I bet your boy is thrilled you feel better and can play more?!
  23. Damn! So sorry to hear of your Dx! They are doing great things with HER2+ treatments! If you can process the info/fear/stress and can make yourself do it, make up huge batches of bone broth and freeze it in small servings. There were days when I lived on it and poached eggs/soft boiled eggs. I would use my huge slow cooker and put bones on to cook 24-36 hours. Then would strain, cool, portion and freeze about once every 2 weeks (during my "good" non-treatment week). I had it 6+ years ago. ER+PR+HER2-. With the bone broth, you can stir in some unflavored protein powder if you want and that will boost your protein consumption. I steeped ginger in it also, cuz it helped cut nausea. Zofran for nausea rocks though. Hugs and saying prayers for you!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Intermittent Fasting

    Yep, that's it. @Berry78
  25. FluffyChix

    Intermittent Fasting

    It is a keto diet. The balance for weight loss comes with addition of fat. Dr. B. is a T1 70+ years old with no diabetic neuropathy. His A1c is in the 4s and he takes only 5 units of fast acting insulin per meal. His patients do very well...they are all non WLS patients. not all salads. You would have to read his stuff. But very simple meals for sure.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
