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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Happy Thanksgiving from a fellow Texan! Thanks for your sound advice!
  2. Thanks guys! @Introversion I struggle with this, you know? Cuz don't we all want to help each other and contribute? It's way more fun to give than receive. And conversely, I learn SO much here every single day! But I also know I'm not a vet. So I can't offer much about the procedures themselves or what it's like to actually go through it...but I've read just about every book on low carb nutrition and lived that life for over 17 years--so I do think I can be of service about diets, habits, behaviors and things that just flat help with our relationships with food. LOL. Cuz I'm helping me, by offering communion. Thanks for not being offended by my offerings, even if I haven't had my surgery yet!!! ((hugs))
  3. bahahahaha! Hilarious! Good times.
  4. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    Awwwweeee! And me, you, sweet friend!!! ((hugs)) My heart just grew 3 sizes and a couple of tears made their way to the sun! Love ya!
  5. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    Hello sweet ladies! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!! I pray that you have a lovely day filled with family and laughter with the emphasis on fam and fun rather than food. I'm so excited and happy for those of you post surgery, and who are doing so well!!!! And I'm cheering on everyone who is on liquids preparing for the really big day!!! You got this! Love all around!!! My heart is still a little sore and sad that I won't be having surgery this Tuesday. *sigh* But still, every time I have this thought, I just have to run back to God and reassure myself that His time is perfect. There's a reason why it's been delayed! I'm muscling through the disappointment and am back on track after last weekend. But dayum, I still have 5 lbs of fluid on me! Maybe it will get tired of hanging around and vacate the premises? Ha! Today will be a quiet day--just Mr. Fluffy, my sis and BIL at my sissy's house. I'm about to go make a low carb/sf tiramisu for Mr. F. It's his favorite dessert in the whole wide world and pretty easy to make using only liquid stevia to sweeten it. He doesn't do well with artificial sweeteners or flavors--makes his mouth swell. I will make pumpkin yogurt with toasted walnuts for me. I'm a punkin girl. I think the rest of the meal is very low carb friendly and I will have a bite of my grandmother's infamous family dressing. I will be glad when we're through with this holiday. I have the tree up, but only 1/3 decorated. I will officially turn the lights on tonight. hahaha. Have a wonderful day everyone!!! Love and kisses all around (no tongue)!!! @PaulaUSN Congrats on 48lbs!!!! Wow girlie. That's fantastic!!! @vanwest83 Congrats on 36lbs!!!! Yay!!! It's happenin'!!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Family Issues and Emotional Eating

    Oh man! That sucks!!! ((hugs)) To each of you!!! @ChaosUnlimited You've done amazing and come so far honey!!!!! Please dig deep. Affirm the love and pride you have in yourself and count your successes. Trust me, as someone who fell off the rail last week, that success tastes better than any bite of carby crap!!!! You got this hon. Take deep breaths and take it one meal at a time. Stick to your guns. Saying prayers of strength sweetie!!!!
  7. Wow!!! Beautiful job there girlie!!!! I punkin pie. I'm gonna make my own concoction tonight: Greek yogurt, pumpkin canned, liquid vanilla stevia, pumpkin pie spice, extra cinnamon, toasted crumbled walnuts. I'm hopin it will appease the stomach gods. Happy Thanksgiving hon!!!! ((hugs))
  8. Oh @James Marusek that makes SO much more sense!!! Then those volumetric measures make perfect sense to me now!! TY for clarifying. Happy Thanksgiving hon!
  9. @Luisajfc What a sweet thing to say! I'm more certain it's the holidays keeping things quiet! MUAH! And praying today goes easy for you without temptation darlin! @PaulaUSN MUAH! To you too! I will drop by and cheer you 2 on! Kisses.
  10. Thanks for that FYI. I have HBP too. My cardiologist said that he would pass me without a stress test if I could walk up 2 flights of stairs. LOL. I told him, with a hip replacement, I probably could! LOL. So I think I will ask for a letter from them as a release?
  11. @Tess530 Thanks girl! I just wondered, if I'm shootin' myself in the keester, by getting a sleep study this late in the game.
  12. how many hours logged on the CPAP before your insurances approved you guys?
  13. Wow! Sounds like an amazing friendship and super fun trip!!!
  14. FluffyChix

    Oh Hell! Hang on for the ride!

    Holy crap!!! Literally! ((hugs)) and thank you for sharing your story! You are a strong lady!!!! So glad you figured it out and are now getting your life back--most especially getting your kiddos back! TG for your sis and your strength!!
  15. Yay!!! I was laughing about "I'm thinking...great, cancer again? LOL (yep, my mind always goes there at the word biopsy)" Yep! I think we probably all do the same thing! Glad things came out ok and you were able to leave for vaca!!!?
  16. FluffyChix

    Toning Legs

    Wow @jenn1 what a great site, girlie!!! TY!
  17. FluffyChix

    Feeling hopeless

    @katieroybal Great post!!! ((hugs))
  18. FluffyChix

    Surgery didn’t work?

    I so agree with this! CICO is a concept that can only truly be applied to a "closed" system--like in a vacuum! And our bodies are so complex. We are a multi-layered arrangement of continual feedback loops that are connected and interconnected to each other. Build a metabolic beaver damn along one feedback loop and watch how it blocks the cascade of metabolic function below it! I personally have tested this time and again with PCOS and very high HOMA-IR scores. Turns out if you put me on a low carb AND low fat diet, add thyroid hormone, AND add vitamin B1 (thiamine,an energy converting sub particle of Vitamin B ) I can finally lose weight at something approaching a slow normal rate. If you don't do that, then I might only take in 400cals per day, but I certainly won't lose any weight because my metabolism is locked up in multiple feedback loops.
  19. FluffyChix

    Feeling hopeless

    Hey I'm sorry you're having a down day. ((hugs)). So let's rearrange your POV and turn that frown upside down, mkay? You are 8 weeks out. Average weight loss for non-surg peeps is anywhere from 1-2lbs per week. That would be a max of about 16lbs if people lose 2lbs EVERY week. Right? But come on, how many people lose 2lbs every week??? Not many. Cuz stalls happen! So you've lost 237-202=35lbs in 8 weeks. 35/8=4.375=4 3/8lb per week! Great job!!! Holy crap Batman! You've lost 4.375lbs per week, on average. That's not great, it's outstanding!!!! It's actually really a very quick rate of loss over that time frame! So adjust your love goggles, Mamacita and get on with being happy about your success! Congrats!
  20. Oh, great addition hon!!! Keep it coming. I hope this really fills up with all our tips and quantities and measures!! TY! Oh my gosh though, if I'm only 161lbs at 18months, someone is going to have to get grounded!!! I want to be 140lbs 6-9 months. Magical think much? LOL.
  21. Oh my gosh sweetie! You've been through the wringer!!! So glad you're on the other side of it now (hopefully)!!! And wow on the 100lbs of loss in 12 weeks. Sounds like it was a "hard" 100 though! I use MFP and make a lot of "remembered meals." Since I eat the same meals for a jag of time, then move on to other meals, it only takes seconds to repopulate a new day of food, and then only a minute or two to make any alterations that I might have to that meal. It makes tracking pretty simple after a while!
  22. We're in a holding pattern this week. Both my PCP and oncologist are supposed to have sent letters to the surgeon. They switched my hospital to a COE designated hospital, and are going to resubmit with the additional 3months of doctor supervised weight program and we will see. I have another RD appointment Dec. 6th and am scheduled for the next 3 months just in case. We think, that the insurance is gonna be a stickler and want full 180days of RD coverage. She said in Texas they have a 6mo minimum. I'm also going to see my pulmonologist and go through the sleep study thing...ugh. I'm torn between wanting to have a recurrence of the sleep apnea, and dreading if they find it...cuz I hate the CPAP so much! I'm very claustrophobic, so the mask is hard to get used to, but I'm a mouth breather... Wah Wah Wannnnnnnhhhhhh! @Berry78 Now that I'm out of ketosis, I might try bean and eggs for breakfast this morning! Advantages of having a craptastic diet screw up weekend. I'm up 5.8lbs this morning.
  23. @Berry78 I eggs and beans. In my glory days, I used to adore an egg and bean breakfast taco from this little guy who had a taco truck down the street from work! So. Dayum. Good!

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