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Posts posted by QueenTiff

  1. So I went to my two weeks appointment today I get to eat soft mushy foods yay! Problem is had a little mashed potatoes and it was nasty. So I have to go on the road I was wondering like if I could find something to eat somewhere. Like Wendy's or mccalisters something help please!


  2. Oh my word! I can only imagine what you're going through. I wasn't able to drink any Protein Shakes. All of the sugar free stuff was really disgusting to me and couldn't even take my Vitamins. I was so tired and weak. My face I was scared to look in the mirror. My eyes were so dark and bagging up under. I talked to a friend that I met through YouTube. And she told me that she strained some chicken noodle Soup and drank the broth from that. I tried it after adding Water to it and it gave me Life. But for some reason anything that I ate I don't have the taste for it anymore. So I only did it that one time. I contacted my friend from Herbalife. I had been on the products before. She came and made me some shakes and it brought me back to life. I've been using it as my primary source of Protein. As for the bowel movements it's the worse. I have the sensation like I have to poop but only gas come out. I'm drinking a tea at night before bed. In the morning I have a movement. I'm really hoping things get better for you soon. And it will! It does get better, I promise!

    Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app

    So what are the shakes called


  3. Hey there. I know we on about the same schedule. I feel your pain and frustration. I was so excited to be able to start eating mushy foods...... cant do it. The only thing I can do is the shakes. I cup hood simply smart milk, one light start carnation instant breakfast, pure Protein powder, and 3 ice cubes in my smoothie maker. Btween pre and post op, I havent eaten food or a meal in a month. I tried scrambled egg whites again today and couldnt keep it down. I was planning on going back to work part time this week and i dont know.... i am sooo tired all the time. All I want to do is eat even a Peanut Butter sandwhich..... I couldnt even if I want to.

    I pray I'm able to keep something down....


  4. I know... we've all been there. MAKE yourself put your head in the right place. You can do this- we all have- but you need to convince yourself you can. Three days until you see the doctor- you can do that! Look what you've done already! I know you are sick of the shakes; are you drinking as much as you are supposed to drink, or are you unable to get it all down? Maybe add some more powder to the same amount of milk, if you are using powdered shakes. I personally cannot stand the ready-to-drink ones- they taste nasty- so if you are doing RTD, maybe go find some chocolate powder? SlimFast makes a Smoothie-High Protein powder that has a decent serving of protein in it (much higher protein, lower carb than their regular high protein powder). Get the chocolate- it's thick and delicious, and make it with skim or unsweetened almond milk. It really is good.
    Remember- YOU CAN DO THIS.

    Only drink premiere and don't get 60 grams and tmi they made my poop hurt now I have a stool struggling to come out I'm soooo over this I just cry and cry


  5. It'll happen, I promise. I remember how long the first few weeks post-surgery seemed. I was so excited when they let me off straight liquids on to mushy food, only to discover that the scrambled eggs with cheese, refried Beans with cheese, and ricotta bake just wouldn't go down. I thought I was going to scream! You'll get there, though. When I was on strict liquids, I made broth from roasted bones (either chicken or beef) and it was SO MUCH more satisfying than the stuff from the can. You just have to take it slowly and trust that it'll happen... because it will.
    If you need something different for shakes, go to si03.com. That's Syntrex's home page. If you hover your mouse on the upper right quadrant of the page, it'll give you the information for ordering a sampler pack of their Nectars. It costs $16.99, shipping included, for 15 one-serving packets in 15 different flavors. Some I mixed with Water (grapefruit, lemonade, cherry, grape, etc) and some with unsweetened almond milk. Yes, it's still shakes, but it's fun to try the different flavors without having to invest big bucks.
    Can you have cream Soups? I was allowed Healthy Recipe cream soups when on liquids, provided I strained out the chunks of food. I really enjoyed the cream of chicken and the mushroom. It was just so good to have something warm and savory in my tummy!!
    Once they let you off strictly liquids, it's easier. You can take some of that roasted chicken stock, simmer carrots, onions, and celery in it until they are mooshey-soft and then whizz it in the blender for a really hearty, tasty pureed Soup. I also discovered I could put some of that broth on smashed up chicken and it went down pretty well. Eating is going to be challenging for awhile- I won't kid you- but you'll get there. By 3 months post-surgery, I was able to go to restaurants and find good food that I could actually eat (and take home leftovers for lunch for a couple of days!). Hang in there... it really does get better!

    I'm hanging on a thread here


  6. It gets better, but slowly. I am at week 10 and I still have struggles, but they are less and less. In the meantime, as the payoff for my struggles, I have lost 78 pounds. I can stand up without exhaustion and walk every day on my treadmill and people don't look at me like I'm an alien anymore. So it's worth it.

    Those people who say this is the "easy way out", just don't know. Keep on keeping on!

    I am soooo tired like I been so strong except these past two days I just keep crying. Even my bowels are like so weird and some of them even hurt and I just need some motivation right now


  7. So these past two weeks have been a little rough for me. Wednesday the 23 will be two weeks post op and I'm just praying going on to week 3&4 it will get better with food. I been drinking Protein Shakes and I'm starting to think those are messing with my stomach and I need an alternative. Protein Powder is disgusting. I'm just so tried right now and I feel like crying and I need to see where the light is. I don't even care about the weight loss. I see my doctor on the 23rd but I'm over this right now. When does it start getting better?


  8. I've lost almost 100 lbs in 10 months, I PROMISE you it did not fall off magically. I was not allowed any exercise AT ALL for 16 WEEKS. lol! I promise promise promise you that waiting 2 weeks, or whatever your doctor recommends, for doing exercises that could tear your incisions will NOT derail you, especially when you are committed like this. It's just not worth it, you could end up in the hospital.

    For even some TMI, I was constipated in my 6th week. I took a laxative. Just the muscle spasms alone caused me to reinjure myself. I couldn't walk standing straight for almost a week and it pushed back my recovery by at least two weeks. So I do speak from experience. I don't want you to feel discouraged. I'm 10 months out, I do yoga every day, I run/walk 5-7 miles a day and I run 50 flights of stairs a day. You will be able to do all you want to do soon and that fat WILL start dropping off, I promise!!!

    I get what you're saying I do but I'm still gonna walk.


  9. IMO? It's a horrible idea to do squats. Walking at a reasonable pace for a few thousand steps is fine but anything more than than less than two weeks out of surgery? Nah, the chance you take to opening your incisions on the inside is just too risky. You have months and years to work out, a whole lifetime!! Take a few weeks post surgery to allow yourself to heal.

    And of course, talk to your surgeon's office about this stuff, my advice could be 100% different than your doctors. They are the ones you should ask.

    Ok thanks. I understand I do have the rest of my life to workout. But fat isn't just gonna form muscle by it self. Thank you for that though. No squatting just walking


  10. Hey everyone so I got sleeved last week August 7th and today I want to try to do a little workout. I know of course I can't do anything to intense and maybe not even moderate. I was wondering will squatting and walking around the gym be ok to be a week after surgery?


  11. I need some help and insight!![emoji137][emoji137] I'm having mine on the 14th. So nervous and worried about everything that could go wrong.. I guess I'm afraid more then anything. I don't have support. My husband is being a jerk..he's usually a jerk but I expected that he wouldn't be so Jerky? at this crucial moment in my life. Feeling sad and alone but hopeful. Worried about help after the surgery as well... I don't trust my husband enough to feel at ease.. and I realize this is something that is abnormal in a marriage...that's what makes me so sad. That I have to put up with him and all the burden of raising the kids is on me. He's not the best person in the planet. This is the thing tho he holds so much power over my emotions so I can't even have a calm and hopeful recovery. Just worried sh!t less about everything!

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

    What I will tell you is don't worry yourself. It is a little rough the first day and if you don't have support from your husband right now ask the nurse. I was grateful for my mom being there but the nurses was so helpful. I promise they want the best as possible for you. Just breath and continue to have happy thoughts. You are gonna be scared but once they put you to sleep it's gonna happen so fast. Remember to walk.


  12. Hey Hun I got sleeved on the9th and I'm still struggling hard with all the pressure on my abdomen. Assume it's gas but omg I feel like I need to pop

    Oh it's totally normal and it is gas because I'm having the same gas issues. I suggest walking around trying to get it moving you will feel it move a lot in your body but just try to get it moving around a it can come out.


  13. Hey everyone so I just got sleeved August 7th and let me tell you it was rough. That first day was really brutal for me. The second day got so much better and I had to stay a third day to make sure I was ok. I met some wonderful ladies who also got sleeved same day or a couple afterwards and we all have really been supportive. I just want to know if anyone needs a friend out there we can talk about what to do to help you prepare.


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