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Posts posted by QueenTiff

  1. PREACH!!! Good for you! Standing up for myself is something Im beginning to learn.

    Thank you I try I hate people bullying other people. Especially because this is something you're average dsy person doesn't deal with this is sooo challenging. Thank you so much


  2. what you are feeling is normal. Some people get the feelings of dread and depression and some do not. Just know and take to heart that it is usually temporary.
    Remember that we used to eat to soothe our feelings and now we cannot. Outside of the physical stress your body is under recovering from surgery that is huge! We need to find other ways to deal with stress (mine is shopping...don't follow in my footsteps [emoji6] ).
    You will adjust, you will heal. you will be on here in a couple of months saying you would do it again 10x over. that is the experience of the vast majority.
    I was a revision from a lap band and even knowing how the healing process goes, I still went through moments of feeling like "OMG I will be burping non stop for the rest of my life" (I'm not). or "I'll never be able to drink Water again!" (drinking some now).
    I will tell you that on another board there is a 3 day post op patient spending his days reading horror stories and researching reversals. no complications, no issues...just extreme anxiety and buyers remorse. people are counseling him to get emotional therapeutic help because he is not thinking rationally and could do something that would actually harm him.
    You are doing 200x better by comparison. I sincerely hope he will get help. You will come out of this. This too shall pass.

    Thank you as far as the shopping goes Idk I try on clothes and some stuff still seems the same to me so idk. I feel like In the future I will want to shop. Thank you I really appreciate your comment


  3. Hang in there. There are a lot of parts of this that are hard. This week, I've been fantasizing about a BLT sandwich. My wife said, would you even want bacon right now if you could have it? Ugh, no. I would hurl. Bread/ Nope. Tomatoes or lettuce? No, not yet. Then why do I think about it? Because after a bunch of broth and Protein Shakes, I'd kill to eat something with more than one part, where all of the parts had separate flavors!
    I'm sorry you're feeling left out socially. That sucks. But this is the hard part. It gets easier and easier as it goes... Or so they say. You'll find out soon and I will not long after...
    Sending you good thoughts.

    Thank you I do think about foods but it's like I don't really want to eat it I think I may get sick. I guess the problem for me is finding something to deal with stress etc. thank you


  4. First I want to say that your feelings are valid. I'm going through something similar in that I've been more so disappointed with the results so far and wish I did a different type of surgery. And it's ok to admit that. But don't let your disappointment derail all that you've accomplished so far. And know that it gets better. It's easier said than done, trying to stay positive but it's what has to happen. I'm rooting for you and know you're not alone [emoji177]

    I'm trying soooo hard. Like trying to explain my feelings to people and I get some of these negative reactions and it's like I'm not trying to be the bad guy I'm not trying to stop people or anything. It's just super super rough for me right now and It feels good to know that I'm not crazy and sound stupid and insane. So thank you I appreciate that.


  5. I understand you are struggling , but do you really think its wise or fair to tell someone not to get it because of how you feeling? I understand we have all struggled. But someone is really unwell due to obestity related illnesses and you say to them dont get it? Like i said i know what you went through , but even at my lowest i could not imagine going as far as to tell someone not to get it.
    But I wish you luck on your journey and i am 8 weeks in and i could not care less if i am miserable sometimes my health has improved so i will never regret it.

    Before you snap at me, dont bother, because I am being supportive, i have two toddlers, and im a single mum and sometimes when i was in pain i was wondering whether this is worth it to cook for them try and get in my liquids i was suffering , so no one is judging you. but the bigger picture is we will be healthier people just remember that.

    I'm not going to snap at you but right now at this current moment yes I tell people don't get it until you're really really tired. Like obesity is a trigger in a lot of things I agree. But being healthy comes in all types of ways and format. I tell people I wish they can change my brain not my stomach. At this moment yes I do. People can take it or leave it. When I research this thing people sugar coat it and I'm not I give people the real and I tell them everything.


  6. The huge release of extra hormones don't help with our emotions. I'm two months out and know mine have to be extremely high thanks to my monthly visit turning into four. I use to work with IVF patients and can tell you that stress ( which your body is going through due to surgery and a major life change) plus too many hormones leads to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and mood swings. Try going to your local bariatric support group meetings to talk out what you are going through or the psychiatrist that did your pre op evaluation . Hang in there. It should get better soon.

    HW-292 • SW (6/29/17) 256.6 • CW 225.8

    Yeah I'm going to look into that. Thank you


  7. I'm about 3 months out and my surgeon told me before the surgery that many people will experience "buyers remorse". Your hormones are going crazy still at 3 weeks out, so some of these negative feelings may be attributed to it. I was a hot mess (still kind of am). I recall sitting at the table and literally crying while I ate soft foods because I was miserable. My husband can eat what he pleases and it was distressing at the time to watch him.
    Eventually, this will pass. It's kind of one of the many bumps in this long journey. I don't know how open you are to therapy, but I know I wouldn't have gotten passed this hurdle without my therapist. Sometimes talking without feeling judged helps. I also don't know your prior relationship with food, so I don't know how much of a comfort it was to you. I know for me, my life was food. I used it to cope with everything and after the surgery I had to find different things to use to cope (like exercise and art).
    Try to keep in your mind that this is temporary.

    I think you're right. I always been a fire cracker but this set my fire. And food was life to me so yes I am taking it hard. I'm just like you I find food to fill anytime of void I may have so it is a lot. I keep saying I'm going to go to therapy and I never do. Why? I don't know because everything you just said I'm feeling at this moment. I appreciate you sharing because this helps me to know I'm not in this alone. Cause I do feel lonely, I feel misunderstood so thank you I really appreciate it.


  8. I wont baby you. All i did was tell you what you already know and what your doctor SHOULDVE explained to you before the surgery. You are three weeks out, on here commenting that your life is over and everything is ruined....after THREE WEEKS.

    What you should be doing is focusing on your program:
    Drink water
    Eat popsicles or Jello
    Get lots of rest
    find something to engage your mind - and keep you from dwelling on these depressive thoughts you described here
    start working on Protein intake to meet that goal

    You can worry about your friends and your old life and doing all the things from a social aspect later.

    This isnt a Jerky comment....this is providing you an ANSWER to help your original question, but you dont want to hear it so you take offense.

    Now that I got in your ass you want to offer me some good advice before you was being a jerk. You sit here and act like these emotions are uncommon and that I'm some type of alien or some ****. I can goo all day with the back and forth I really can I really can. Thank you for saying at 3 weeks this is common but just continue to do what your doing thank you. That's what you're trying to say but you don't know how to explain yourself I get it. Thank you


  9. Well if you didnt want an honest answer/opinion, then why pose the question in the first place? Seems like you are taking the answer put forth too personally. If you dont want honest discussion, thats fine, I will make sure not to respond to your posts.

    Honesty and total jackass is an understatement. Just like honesty no one told you to respond but you did anyway. Like I get what you are saying but you didn't have to be so rude about it. Reasons like this is why people like me are struggling mentally. I'm not looking for you to baby me but if you're gonna respond at least not be a jerk about it.


  10. I can eat all the foods I liked pre-op. I don't eat them, I have found low carb alternatives or I eat them every once in a while.
    By the time you are healed you can eat almost anything and by year 1 or 2 you will probably be able to eat anything.
    If you don't think people can and do eat any and everything, just read the regain threads or watch youtube videos.
    How you feel right now is really temporary. Enjoy it, because it is the easiest time to lose and make good habits that will help you later down the road.

    [mention=306128]Siyaa Ela[/mention] You are pre-op so you have no idea what post-op life is like or how miserable people can feel immediately post-op. Have surgery then offer your opinion.

    Idk why I feel this way it's like idk how to control the emotions it's like idk how to describe it. I guess I'm afraid one bad move and I'll f**k myself up and back into the hospital. I never want to go back to that hospital I had the worst after surgery post op day ever and I guess I'm scared of everything and mentally I just don't know how to handle it.


  11. QueenTiff,
    I'm now almost 6 months post op....while my eating habits have changed, things ARE pretty much back to normal. I'm back to eating many of the foods I've always enjoyed-THE PORTIONS ARE JUST WAY SMALLER! I even go out to dinner-and actually savor my bites now. Yes, just 3 weeks out, the struggle is real.....but the results are SO worth it! Check out my before/after picture in my previous posts-you'll be as happy as I looked in my after pic real soon. Trust me, it does get easier. Once you are completely back on whole/real foods, you'll feel better about the awesome and positive lifestyle change you've made.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app

    You look amazing and congratulations! I pray everyday that I feel better and do better. One of my struggles is comparing my journey to everyone else and it's getting me depressed you know. So thank you I really appreciate this. I'm honestly in supposed groups and were all in the same stage and we are all struggling right now per say. To hear from someone almost 6 months out is good. When did you take that pic?


  12. You shouldve known beforehand it would change what and how much you can eat. If only three weeks you need to stick with the program and put off these kind of thoughts. Once you are healed and back to normal foods you will enjoy life more, but you wont be able to sit there and eat a giant cheeseburger like before. THats a reality you will need to accept. Until you are three months out i would focus on hydration and Protein and take it one day at a time. A couple months of following the plan will not affect you in the long run if you are playing the long game here.

    Dude nobody knows before hand the physiological things of something this intense until it happens. Yes I knew I wasn't going to stuff my face with a full cheeseburger and that's one reason I wanted this from the beginning because I was tired of eating this big ass burger. The journey that leads to where you are sir! If everyone can mentally pull of thoughts we would all be skinny huh? Just like you would be skinny and wouldn't have this surgery in the first place. I agree I need to take it day by day thank you and no thank you to your opinion


  13. Honestly this isn't an easy surgery to go through for anyone.....some heal faster than others and some don't. Some people can get majority of their liquids in and others can't even meet half of their daily intake. It's a mental thing all around. Take longer walks through out the day to get your mind of the pain or just do extra things around the house. If your just moping around then that makes u think more about the negatives. 3 weeks out is a pretty decent time where u should be able to be out and about with friends. And reading your never going to eat your favorite foods again is bs. I know people personally who've had a successful surgery and have dropped over their goal weight and still have cheat days. It's all about you controlling yourself and saying ok I'm full I'm not going to continue eating this. When your able to eat regular foods again, meal prep for the week and then Friday or Saturday have a cheat meal and then get back on your meal prep the next day. Because if you just give up and just binge eat on all the bad foods that got u where u were before the surgery then the surgery was just pointless you know? It's all in your control! Just think of your goal weight and where u want to see yourself! Or even buy an outfit that u want to fit in by next summer and that can be another motivation for u! Don't give up because I'm rooting for you and I know you can do this...be strong for yourself and push through! [emoji1377][emoji171]

    You're right. I try to do extra activities to keep my mind off of things but idk it's like stress from everything builds up. I don't care about stuffing my face with fast food but it's just like idk how to describe it. My doctor said 6 weeks until I can get back in the pool I think that's bulllshit but I have to listen to the doctor. Thank you I needed this


  14. I am on week 3 post op and I feel like I made the biggest mistake in my life. I'm reading how my favorite foods is a no go and I'll never eat it in my life again. Here I am struggling to meet my goal of Protein and Water. I can't enjoy life with my friends. I'm over this sleeve people who wants to get it I tell them don't. I'm trying to find the beauty in all this but right now I feel like I ruined my life.


  15. I started soft foods yesterday and I'm only 2.5 weeks out and it's so hard for me to get all my Protein in and Water for my goal. It's like I haven't found the right powder or shake for the protein and I get full fast. I want to do better so when my 6weeks comes up I can get back in the water and do water aerobics again. Any help or advice I'm really struggling. I just want to get back to everyday activities again.


  16. Oh, okay. My misunderstanding. It is very hard for me to get enough Protein by just eating at this stage. I think I can only consume about 4 ounces of pureed foods per sitting. I eat 2X daily, and have a Premier Protein shake 2X daily. The Protein Shakes take care of 60 grams of my requirement. I can then eat some kind of pureed fish with pureed veggies for 1 meal, and maybe cottage cheese with pureed fruit for the other. Anyway, good luck with the rest of this stage.

    Yeah it's super hard I was told to get most of my protein from food which is hard and only use a supplement once a day. It's a battle man but good luck with the rest of your stage as well


  17. I agree, I feel much more satiated with real food instead of liquids and shakes. Everyone can chime in on whether or not it is good to eat every hour or so, but I think not. I have read horror stories about people regaining because they bypass the sleeve by eating every hour. They grab a large meal, and eat til they get full. Then wait an hour, and eat again. They effectively eat way too much by grazing. Anyway, it probably isn't a good habit to form. I will admit, it does feel weird to eat so little though. Are you actually feeling hungry every hour, or are you just eating to get more calories in?

    No you're getting all wrong. I been eating on 1 pouch of tuna just one and still not done with it. It's not even a big pouch probably like a small juice pouch. I eat every hour or so because I'm actually really hungry. Like I'll probably eat some more at 6 o clock. I was told to get my Protein from food now not from supplements. Only when needed to use a supplement.


  18. StRted soft mushy food and I feel full after a couple bites but like I feel like I have to eat a lot more. Like I'll eat 5 bites and then wait a hour or so eat another 5 bites or so. Is that normal? Also for some reason I feel a lot more energize with food than I did the liquids. Even though technically it's not as much Protein but I still feel kinda a lot better is this normal?


  19. Wendy's chili was not on my plan, nor were mashed potatoes. On my plan, my travel foods during the puree foods stage were cottage cheese, chicken salad, and sugar free Jello. If your plan allows yogurt, that is a good option to pack too.

    No one is going to have the same plan. Example most people had a liquid diet pre-op I had 1500 calories. So I don't think anyone plan is going to say the same thing.


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