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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JupiterSky

  1. I love it. Thank you for being human and honest with people. I myself have been a little on the no no side when it comes to bread and sugar. I did great up until the Ol' Holidays. I have lost 70 pounds since July 10th. So in a couple of days it will be 6 months. Ever since winter hit i don't get out and do my walking so i think 70 pounds is fantastic considering i don't follow the diet like i should. If i applied myself i could do so much better. I just wanted to say that we are human and mess up but everyday gives us a new day to do better than we did yesterday. I feel great and i am going to try to get my Water in and Protein first. We never give up on ourselves. Love the one who can't follow the diet. Love the one that can't do one more glass of water. No need to bring negative feelings into it to make you struggle with gilt. We are beautiful and strong and diverse. love and Light to all and may you succeed in everything you do.

  2. My surgery was on 7-10-17. I weighed in at 325 and today i am at 260. Can't tell you how good it feels to wear clothes in your closet that you thought you never would wear again. I am by no means a poster child for this surgery. I try to follow the diet and try not to overeat and of course try to drink that Water. I am human and it does not always happen. I am glad that i now have the size stomach that forces me to stop eating because food still taste magnificent. I do not go to the gym or do rigorous exercise. I do walk at a fast pace 5 days a week and i can tell my legs have lost a lot of weight. I know i did get myself into the bad situation i was in when i weighed 325, but i do not punish myself for it. If i have a bad day and i had a couple of french fries from my kids happy meal or a tiny piece of chocolate i do not condemn myself to a failure. Every new day we get a chance to wake up and be better than we were yesterday. I do not hold myself to an impossible standard that i will be perfect with my diet, but i do my best to be present and aware of my actions. Nurturing yourself takes tuff love, understanding, forgiveness, a foul mouth coach in the back of your head telling you to get of your ass and make something happen today. Life is not easy but we have the tools we need. Good luck to each of you and keep your energy positive. Blessing and Love to you all.

  3. 5 minutes ago, johock said:

    Thank you for that advice!!! I am definitely getting the bulk of my Protein via shakes.

    I'm having a hard finding puréed foods to eat to get more protein. This morning I had 4 scrambled egg whites. An hour later I had a Protein Shake. About an hour later I had a fat free Jello, but that only had 1 gram of protein. For lunch I had about 4 ounces of chicken salad.

    Got any suggestions of how I can get more protein from foods? Not sure if I like cottage cheese. Never tried it. LOL

    Maybe try refried Beans with a little bit sprinkled cheese. I know it's on the higher fat side but I mash a 1\2 a small banana with a tbls no sugar organic Peanut Butter and some cinnamon for breakfast. Haven't tried tofu yet but that's a good protien. pureed pinto our black beans. It's a little tricky right now but this too shall pass.

  4. 4 hours ago, kcmonkmi6912 said:

    Sleeved Monday, 7/31. Just got home yesterday. Feeling very weak this morning and anxiety is creeping in on me. Woke up to watery stool but I know it's going to get better

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    This will pass. In my experience pretty quickly. Within the 2nd week i was doing just fine adjusting. I know it's hard not to have buyers remorse and think holy crap what did i just do. It is worth it. Keep your thoughts and feeling positive and that ol' anxiety will go away. Focus on how brave you were to do this and how it will feel to see the weight come off. I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction so what what ever you are focussed on is what you attract, The surgery is behind you and you have nothing to do now but heal and experience your new life. Lots of love and light to you and i would say good luck but you don't need luck. You got this.

  5. 14 hours ago, mem1 said:

    I was also sleeved on 7/10. I am on puréed for one more week. I am down 22lbs which is great because when I came home from the hospital I was up 5 lbs! I have had stalls on & off for several days but I am still moving the scale downward. I too get that feeling when I eat sometimes and for me it usually means I am eating too fast & filling up the baby spoon too much in one bite. I have to remember to practice chewing 20 times before I swallow and pick the spoon up again. I need to set up that habit now because after I move to the next diet level it will be harder to do & I need to slow down.

    Thank you that is good advice. i do need t eat slower. I developed such a fast paced eating habit at work. I would just shovel it in because i was always pressed for time. I need new habits and i guess get a baby spoon...lol Thanks

  6. 3 hours ago, kcmonkmi6912 said:

    Was sleeved yesterday in July 31. Up walking halls. Coughing hurts like hell. Feel like I've been hit by a truck. But knowing this feeling is temporary will get me through.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yep the worst is the first two days. It is amazing how you do start to feel better within a short time. I was feeling 90 % better the end of the first week and then went back to work in my office the end of the second week. I am so thankful i did it and the surgery is behind me. Good luck and keep those spirits positive.

  7. On 5/31/2017 at 0:14 PM, lindabalseca said:


    Hello, can i ask where you get the weight tracker meter you have posted below your comments. I would like to use one of those.

  8. Just now, Naturelover said:

    In one of the books I've been reading to prepare for surgery, they talk about not weighing yourself for the first couple of weeks after surgery because of the Water weight gain that can happen during surgery/hospital with the IVs. And weighing yourself can end up being disappointing and discouraging because of it. So, be patient, it will resolve.

    Yes, my doctor told me any weight prior to your 6 weeks is just bonus weight. You really do not start the weight loss till after your 6 week mark when your body has fully healed and adjusted. He said you should lose a steady 10 pounds a month (give or take) after that mark.

  9. Sleeved July 10th. You know i feel fine and my incisions are healing perfectly. My hardest issue is feeling hungry and needing to eat something. I have gotten so bored of the puree stage and started to eat soft foods early, which i know i am not supposed to do. I just have to bare with this a little longer and let myself heal inside. I also have a lot of issues with the 2 oz i eat seeming to just sit in my esophagus. I don't throw it back up but it takes it longer to go down. I will try smaller portions to see if that helps. Maybe i am eating closer to 3 oz and i just don't realize it when i measured it out. I am 22 pounds down and really excited for the future.

  10. 7 hours ago, BigViffer said:

    Ugh, another sensitive newbie getting ruffled feathers when someone with a little experience replies to their poorly thought out post.

    First off, this forum is for discussion. You posted some points and I posted some counter points. I may have done so bluntly but I did not do so negatively.

    If your information is correct and you had surgery on 7/10, you are pretty new to the experience of living with the sleeve and you've only been on this forum for a very short while. You have a higher opinion than I do about the collective wisdom of people. We have members here who literally stopped on the way home from the hospital and grabbed fast food to eat. Since I have been a member here there have been many people sent back to the hospital for advancing their diet because they were listening to their bodies and not to the surgeon. The chewing and spitting out is not a joke, it happens all the time on here and has led to eating disorders.

    I wasn't judging you, but I am starting to do so. I think you are naive and inexperienced but have good intentions. You ask me not to ruin a friendly sharing site, I ask you not to ruin a valuable resource of information. If you think my posts are negative, there are tools available to you to block my posts.

    Yes i might have some inexperience on my side true, but the way you respond to people is so inappropriate for a caring concerned experienced bariatric patient. I don't need your Ugh or you condescending remarks on now you will start to judge me. It's not your job to go around and judge what people are saying is appropriate to your standards. Your answer is if i don't like it, just to block you. My question is why do you need to be this way? Why can't your responses be a positive structured influence instead of the negative thought that people are just stupid and need your harsh comments to straighten up.

    Plus for you to say that the collective wisdom of people are just ignorant and furthermore more need your your harsh guidance to succeed is small minded and sad. If you noticed some of the collected people also commented on how rude and brass you are and that is not helping.

    If you want to help naive people like myself show some love. Be kind and supportive and show people that you are a valuable resource. I have seen your pics. You look amazing and have done so well on your journey. Carrying and supporting people means patients and understanding. We do need help and advice not a tongue lashing on how you think i am just chalked up with bad advice. Inspire and teach in your comments. I do not wish to lower my energy with negative thoughts and feelings about this. I will not respond to you again and hope that you will listen to just a little bit of constructive criticism. I wish you love and peace and a successful journey.

  11. 3 hours ago, BigViffer said:

    Woah... this is just chocked full of bad advice. It's your life so you can do what you want, but please don't encourage people to advance their diet before their surgeon tells them to do so.

    Chewing food and spitting it out is just training for an eating disorder. Not to mention that it triggers the stomach to start producing more stomach acid that could lead to heart burn, or worse case scenario complicate and/or intellectually challenged the healing process.

    "Listening to your body" is a popular phrase on here but it is bad advice. Listening to our bodies made many of us fat and lazy.

    If this is forever, the best thing to do is follow the plan to the letter to establish good habits.

    In no way was I sugesting people not follow their Dr's advice. This forum is to just share our experiences. I am not advicing anyone just sharing my experience which is all new to us. You are entitled to your opinion but you seem to have a really negative tone in your post. I do not appreciate you taking my joke of chewing food and spiting it out as a future eating disorder. You don't know me and have no right to judge me. You also have no right to tell us that listing to your body is bad advice. You are not a Dr nor a psychologist so your opinion is not any better than my opinion. We are grown up human beings that are smart and can think for ourselves. We don't need you bringing your negative bashing to the forum. If someone did not agree with my comments they do not have to consider them at all and just move on. You took it apon yourself to think that anyone who read my post was to stupid to form their own opinion and you had to tear my comments apart with what you felt was right and correct. This is a friendly sharing site. Please don't ruin it.

  12. 17 minutes ago, hmills653 said:

    I've eaten some chips if I really feel the need to but jyst a few to taste and stop that craving. I feel like wiser choices would be better but staying in a decent serving size helps. I grab a handful of chips, don't sit down with the bag.

    Haha.....I chew them up to taste them, then spit it out in the trash. I grouse my kids out big time. Love it. :P

  13. Hey Colorado sister. My menu says eat a soft food for Breakfast, lunch , dinner and in between you can have your Protein Drink and liquids. The menu you have says to drink with the soft food and i would not recommend you do that. I am on soft food now and it is all i can do just to get 2 oz of soft food down. There is no room for liquid with the soft food. I wait 30 min after meals then start drinking Water. i wait another 30 min then start to sip on my Protein drink. Hope this helps.

    The meal plan attached gives you all kinds of choices for meals. Some of the things i am not ready to eat. i just take it slow and try something new every other day to see how my body tolerates it. We need protein first about 50 to 60 oz a day then if you can incorporate a soft vegi or fruit then do so. You will work your way up to more ounces eventually the more time has passed. Are bodies need protein, carbs, starch and yes even fat. Just make really good choices on those things and you will do fine. My Dr. said the weight loss starts after week 6. Anything prior to that was just bonus weight loss. Once your body figures out what just happened and swelling goes down it will kick into gear. You will probably see a 10 pound loss per month steady.

    meal plan.docx

  14. I am going to give you some spiritual advice. First and foremost you have a tool that works. If you sabotage yourself with high calories and sugar then of course it will work slower and stall. If you are trying your best and following the plan then you need to let your body do what it's going to do and not judge it with your ego mind. Here is where the spiritual part comes in. Whatever you focus your attention on, whatever your emotions and feelings are you WILL attract. If you think you are doing bad and you have ruined it as you said in your post, you will draw to you negative situations. Keep your thought and emotions positive. Congratulate yourself and treat yourself with love understanding. Positive thoughts will yield positive results. You are doing great, you will be successful and this was the best decision you ever made.

    Love and light :778_heartbeat:

  15. Sorry, I'm not a dude....lol You literally just described me. Feel just fine and you can't make me drink any more broth. I moved up my soft food diet by about 3 or 4 days and now that I'm on soft food i started adding some more solid food. I am 17 days post op. I let my body tell me if i can tolerate something. I do get afraid that maybe i should not rush it because of the staples holding it together. I don't want it to open or leek. I really didn't think the hardest part of this whole thing would be the first 4 weeks of the diet. What the hell right! i just think that we are all so different and they have to have guidelines to follow but i know my body and do my own guinea pig test sessions. :51_scream:

  16. Well not sure if this is going to be helpful but i feel the same way and i moved up my diet about 4 days early. I am doing really well tolerating food and i let my body judge what i can do to a certain extent. When i was on liquids i was so hungry so i tried just a couple bites of vegi refried Beans. I did just fine and it filled me up longer. FYI if i really want to taste something i chew it up, taste it then spit it out....lol Seriously do what you got to but keep on the right track. This is forever so take time to adjust and know you are going to be great at this.

    Love and Light to you

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