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Everything posted by fat2skinny

  1. fat2skinny

    Cold Feet

    I'm right there with you. I saw my primary doctor 1 week after surgery and he took me off one of the blood pressure meds and a diabetes med. It feels great when you start seeing results and that motivates you even more! Even though its only been 4 weeks tomorrow, I already feel a difference in my knees and feet. Hang in there buddy you'll do fine. Remember too, that these doctors do so many of these surgeries it's almost routine.
  2. fat2skinny

    Cold Feet

    I understand completely. I felt exactly the same as you. Even thinking I can still lose the weight with out surgery. But I'm glad I went through with it. Tomorrow will be a month since surgery. What helped me was having my dad there in the preop room, and just shooting the breeze. Took my mind off the needles and fear. Just my experience. Hang in there and keep thinking about the results. It makes it so worthwhile.
  3. Hey Daniel! I was sleeved on 8/2 and I've had a similar experience as you. One thing I've noticed in my experience, is that feeling full doesn't feel the same as before surgery. I have to really pay attention to my stomach when I eat. It seems to be closer to the sternum that I feel a pressure that is my full feeling. Plus, it is VERY important to eat slow. Our bodies, even before surgery, take time to register that they are full. If we eat too fast, we will likely eat too much before the sensation hits. At least that's my experience. And I'll second what dreamingsmall said. It really does make a huge difference. Hope this helps build up your confidence.
  4. fat2skinny

    Sleeved 8-2-17 questions

    Wow! Great to see so many responses! I was pretty miserable with gas pains for two or three days, but thankfully it finally passed. Still have swelling around the incision that the pulled the cut off piece of stomach through. Each day gets better though. Hang in there everybody, and don't forget to walk!
  5. Hi all! I was successfully sleeved last Wednesday with no complications. Just saw my primary doctor today and he has already taken me off two medications! I'm so excited about finally getting healthy! My questions / concerns are about how my stomach is feeling. When I eat (still on liquid diet) I don't seem to get any stop your full feeling. And when drinking, sometimes I can drink a gulp and it doesn't hurt or anything. Talking to my dad who had a gastric bypass says it's very clear that he's full and needs to stop. I guess I'm still learning the new sensations and still healing too. Was just hoping you all could tell me your experiences, and if what I am feeling (physically not emotionally) is normal, and maybe what to expect. Thanks!
  6. fat2skinny

    Sleeved 8-2-17 questions

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
  7. fat2skinny

    Getting sleeved on August 2nd

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  8. Hi everyone! Been trying to get this done for over a year and a half, but the insurance companies are sharks! But they finally approved it. Hooray! I'm kinda scared about the surgery, but am really looking forward to getting healthy. I've been lurking around here for awhile and really enjoy the atmosphere. Thanks for taking the time to read my story!

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