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    Nursesmiley reacted to The in Bypass Eve   
    Thank you so much all for your thoughts and prayers. So, here's the score...
    I feel amazing, I came back to my room 3 or 4 hours ago and I feel fantastic. Oxygen's gently wafting up my nose and my legs are alternately popping and inflating in an oddly relaxing rhythm.
    I don't feel any pain worth mentioning, at the most I think you could say I'm 'aware' of where the incisions were made. I'm sat upright and about to take my first walk - I really can't wait to get on my feet.
    Given everything I've read I'm surprised how easy constant little sips of Water are - I've probably (I can't see the record from here) got through 400ml so far).
    Best of all given the almost imperceptibly rising level of anxiety that's accompanied me these last weeks I just feel a tremendous sense of relaxation and wellbeing - I feel like ordering a club sandwich and a massage from room service... ooooops!
  2. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to kitmouse in Bypass Eve   
    John! So exciting! I'm on the eve of Surgery eve, so I sympathize with where you are right now. I'm ready to get this DONE already, so I can start on the other side!
    Let us know how it goes. Good luck!
  3. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to geets in Enthusiasm Gone   
    Hi Nancy
    How did your fri appt with your surgeons PA go ?

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    Nursesmiley reacted to Angie's_Ocean in Diabetes & High Blood Glucose Levels   
    Thank you at least I know I'm not alone in this. My first doctor kept changing my meds and experimenting even though my levels were twice that. I've been begging her for insulin for over a year now. When I finally saw my new doctor last week, he lost it and put me on insulin immediately.
    I know I should be patient and that I'm only a week into the insulin, I'm also measuring my blood sugar levels constantly, but I'm so frustrated with so many years of battling this stupid disease.

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    Nursesmiley reacted to Nhope in UPDATE: Almost 24hrs post op   
    Just knowing that you can be so clear and post so soon after surgery gives me some comfort!! Keep up the good work (and good luck with the gas....)
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    Nursesmiley reacted to LINZ62383 in UPDATE: Almost 24hrs post op   
    You've got this! I'm sure it will be painful and uncomfortable for the first week or more, but that is probably normal. You had major surgery, after all. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am having RNY in a few months, so it helps to hear what other people have experienced so I can know what to expect. Hope you feel better soon!
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    Nursesmiley reacted to BgR72 in UPDATE: Almost 24hrs post op   
    I was discharged yesterday. Im in pain. Im in my recliner right now because I cant do the bed. You will have mixed emotions I am going through that right now. It is a true statement to say it is bittersweet. It will get better. Not there yet


  8. Like
    Nursesmiley got a reaction from Missy161 in Aug 1 date   
    You nervous or anything like that yet?
    I've been kind of emotional on this preop diet.
    I can't believe we're all so close. I'm excited today!
  9. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to Missy161 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I just watched a video on YouTube and the gal said the gas x strips worked for her right after surgery for the gas. Wish I had known!!!

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    Nursesmiley reacted to ssflbelle in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    How very painful trapped gas can be. I was not able to walk at the time and the gas got trapped in my back shoulder blades. It was so bad my Doctor and I thought when the nurses and Pt had to lift me off the toilet they broke my ribs. My doctor had X-rays taken but nothing was broken. Had to take twice the amount of extra strength Gas-X than the normal person does. That gas lasted 3 weeks and was very painful.
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    Nursesmiley reacted to sunmeadow in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    My surgeon said no testing other than bloodwork unless there's a problem or he suspects there may be one. Also 98% chance there will be no drain either.

    On a different thread, someone going the same day as me (OMG, that's tomorrow! Less than 24 hours from now! Sorry, just realized...) had to do bowel prep. I didn't.

    Surgeon said no to all of the horrible things I had read and asked about. The only thing he was adamant about that surprised me was no driving for 7-10 days. He then said until he sees me, but that's 2.5 weeks! He then softened a bit and said that yes, it might be ok after I'm off pain meds, but "just don't make any plans" and told me to skip my therapy appointment scheduled for 5 days after. His nurse also said it might be uncomfortable to drive.

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    Nursesmiley reacted to RHmama in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I'm also surprised by how different everyone's procedures/experiences are. I was outpatient, self-pay. No hospital stay. I didn't have any barium treatments, no weird thing to drink the next day. No drain. I was on liquid diet the first 3 weeks, and purée the next 3, then solid foods at 6 weeks. Very interesting how many different experiences people are having. My BMI was 40 when I started this process, and apparently that is on the low side for this surgery. Also, I had some bad pain at my main incision site for about 5 weeks. It hurt to roll over, cough, sneeze and anything using my abs. Felt like I was ripping something inside. All of a sudden that pain went away at 5 weeks. Strange all the differences in everyone's journeys!

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    Nursesmiley reacted to shericrazylady in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I feel I wasn't mentally prepared either the first almost week was hard but I'm 2 weeks post op and I feel great and I'm so grateful for my surgery.

    Sent from my A1601 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to Adenosine in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Hey...3 days post-op here.
    For me the barium swallow was pretty awful. I had my surgery at 9am and was down in radiology at 3pm for my study. They handed me a cup with 3oz of straight barium and told me when it was time I just had to swallow it. I must have looked at them with bug eyes because I was terrified to take my first sip of anything, much less 3 oz of disgusting barium. They reassured me it would be fine. They told me to do it in one sip but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I did 3 sips. It was cool though I got to watch it on a live monitor when I drank it. But yeah afterwards it was a horrific taste and hurt my already raw throat from the breathing tube. I wasn't allowed to drink anything after until I got clearance which was about 4 hours later, so I had to deal with the taste.

    The other thing I wasn't expecting was the sore throat. My voice was super raspy and manly and it hurt to cough or anything. And I was bringing up a lot of mucous here and there--which is understandable given the breathing tube. But it almost made me feel like I had an upper respiratory infection on top of everything else. I don't want to freak you out though--it was tolerable. Each day is getting better, and I don't regret it. You'll be fine!

  15. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to Sullie06 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I was shocked by the drain, I was never told I would have one and all my pain came from the drain while in the hospital.
    I was shocked that I could not start any liquid until after my leak test which was almost 24 hours later, my mouth has never been so dry.
    I didn't expect to regret it so much at first. The first month was hard and I constantly questioned and second guessed myself.
    I had a ton of muscle pain from the large incision that popped up weeks after surgery. It was hard to sleep for over a month.
    But most importantly I never expected, at 6 months out, to feel so normal or to have lost so much weight. I'm 97 pounds down and 67 from surgery and it's the best feeling ever.
  16. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to sunmeadow in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Wow! Good for you! I pretty much did that when I turned 40, but I am hoping that being more "normal" will help me feel more confident and enabled to do and go for the things I want, like look for a new job without being embarrassed about my appearance or feeling "less than" because of it.

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    Nursesmiley reacted to nomorefattypatty in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I wish I could've predicted how easy the procedure was and my most memorable part, just waking up out of surgery, you're gonna be so happy it's done until you realize it's really just began, now you have to get the weight off. That was my A-ha moment.

    Sent from my N9519 using BariatricPal mobile app

  18. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to MSinger in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    The biggest thing that surprises me post surgery is my change in personality. I am more aware of how toxic some people in my life are and I am no longer tolerating or enabling their behavior. It was like a night and day switch. I don't know if it's a physical/hormonal change, or an emotional change, but right now I feel like I am fighting for me and have no patience for the poor behavior of others around me.
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    Nursesmiley reacted to sunmeadow in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I sought out a therapist a few months ago primarily so I would have support with the food issues, but since reading a bit more, I know that I'm likely going to need help with the identity/self-image stuff, especially since I think that had a lot to do with how I got so big to start with. Thanks for calling this out.

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    Nursesmiley reacted to OutsideMatchInside in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    The whole thing was shockingly easy. The surgery was fast and almost painless. The recovery was easy.
    2 years later I still barely have an appetite.
    Lost weight without much effort.
    Everyone talks about addiction transfers and alcoholism and compulsive shopping. No one addresses identity, and body image issues post-op. Not nearly as much as they talk about alcoholism etc. I felt I was very unprepared for the emotional issues that come with massive weight loss.
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    Nursesmiley reacted to Joann454 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    53 and sleeved 5/22. I would do it again in a heartbeat!
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    Nursesmiley reacted to Apple1 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Yes. I would most definitely do it again. My type 2 diabetes is in remission and I feel better than I have in the past 10 years😊
  23. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to Eroberts26 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I had the leak test during surgery so no drinking that stuff. I randomly found the advice to bring a tummy pillow in the car for the seat belt, a great suggestion and closing a car door when out a few days later gave me the most scare I had done something bad. I would not have even thought of that! Gas you will deal with!

  24. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to travelergirl in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    The post op contrast is a special Water soluble one...it was about 3 ounces and I recall that we finished without me finishing all of it. I thought the pre op stuff was nasty. This wasn't as bad.

    I was surprised how uncomfortable I was as a passenger in the car even a week post op. I got a bit nauseated which is not my normal. It went away around week 3.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    Nursesmiley reacted to VSG_Man_Vs_Food in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Also my throat was really sore from the breathing tube but I was allowed ice chips the first day and it really helped! And fortunately my leak test was just Water with blue dye which went down easy, and they checked my drain after 30 mins then I was cleared for clear liquid diet. And the last thing was I didn't realize how hard it is to swallow crushed pills, they didn't taste good with anything. I ended up skipping a few doses of blood pressure meds and after I started full liquids, I just started swallowing them whole.
    HW: 330
    SW: 294 6/27/2017
    CW: 282
    GW: 180
    VSG, Dr. Jawad, Orlando, FL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
