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Everything posted by gotime0810

  1. gotime0810


    I am 3 months out from the GSV procedure and will be having a hysterectomy at the end of this month. Does anyone know if I should expect any recovery issues? The procedure will be done robotically and I am keeping my ovaries. Is this something my Bariatric surgeon should know about?
  2. I’m in Texas and have found Fairlife at all of my regular stores; Kroger, HEB, Walmart, Target...
  3. I’m 10.5 weeks post op VSG. I have been extremely lucky to have not had any issues with anything I’ve eaten. My surgeon and NUT have never really set caloric or protein goals after the 4th week when I was released to eat whatever I could handle. As of today I’ve gone from 240 day of surgery to 199. About three weeks ago I started focusing on a whole food, plant based, no oil Way of eating. I’m not counting calories or protein and eat about 1/2 c every 3 hours. I start my day off with a sizable green smoothie and eat nummy nummy guilt free yummy the rest of the day. I eat beans, grains, and nuts and my body really, really enjoys it. I have cut out dairy with surprising ease. (I still have a mental love affair with cheese. It’s almost as bad as when I had to give up Dr. Pepper.) I signed up for a weekly meal plan from the Clean Food Dirty Girl website. They have made this transition so easy and unbelievable delicious. My NUT is totally supportive of my decision to go WFPB and I hope my labs in a couple of weeks will make my surgeon happy. In the end though I feel so good knowing that every half cup I eat is packed full of nutrients and no artificial sugars or processed crap. My body feels good, my mind is less fuzzy, and I’m actually beginning to understand what “I have energy” means. [emoji4] Sorry if I sound overly excited about this, I’m just really excited, happy and proud of myself for taking charge of my health.
  4. gotime0810


    Goal Weight 200 Current Weight 200.8 10/20/2017
  5. gotime0810


    Goal Weight: 200 Current Weight: 205.4 10/12/2017
  6. gotime0810


    CW 205.8 GW 200 10/5/17
  7. Lunch today and a preview of my lunch I prepped for the week. Chickpeas and corn cooked in a small amount of BBQ sauce, chunky cucumber, cherry tomatoes and purple onions. This bowl has a small amount of brown rice but my lunches will have fresh spinach instead. I stumbled across a great website totally dedicated to Whole Food Plant Based eating. https://cleanfooddirtygirl.com/
  8. Ugh! Going on day three of feeling miserable 😖. First it was a sore throat and nausea and now it feels like my saliva is acid. Every time I swallow it feels like acid going down but no feeling of it coming back up. This sucks.
  9. gotime0810

    Swallowing acid

    I am on ally Prilosec. I think it was a cold or sinuses. Thankfully I feel much better today Just a bit of a scratchy throat.
  10. What natural remedies do you all use for nausea? I don't feel like I'm going to actually throw up, just feel off. Pre-surgery I would sip on ginger ale and nibble on crackers, but those are no longer options.
  11. gotime0810


    Goal Weight: 200? Current Weight: 207.6 Today's Date: 9/28/2017
  12. gotime0810

    Natural remedies for nausea?

    My kids suggested the marijuana too, but Texas is not a medical marijuana friendly state. I'm leaning on the peppermint tea right now. Thank you all for your suggestions.
  13. Those meals look amazing! Definitely going to have to give some a try. Seeing the kale salad reminded me of how much I love homemade kale chips. Guess I need to make some now. [emoji6]
  14. gotime0810


    9/21/2017 CW 213.8
  15. gotime0810

    Best ways to get past a stall?

    I wouldn't worry too much with a 2 week stall, but... When I asked my NUT this question she suggested the first thing I should check is water and protein intake and then take a look at the quality of food. Are you eating food that is minimally processed? Are you getting the most nutrition for your calories?
  16. My first stall was one week post-op and lasted 10 days. Just had a second stall that lasted 7 days. I lost quite a few inches during each stall. I also noticed that both stalls happened right around my time of the month. So I'm just going to expect these once a month. 🙄 I'm not good at tracking my food so I'm trying to start that again too, especially since I've been released to eat whole food again. This journey is hard on our bodies, we were not designed to loose weight like this. Be patient and respect the need your body has to catch up and reset.
  17. gotime0810


    So the same weight as last week, but that's okay. I'm optimistically adjusting my goal anyway. CW: 215 GW: 205 Date: 2017.09.14
  18. So I was searching "light headed" and stumbled upon this entry. I am a fellow migraine sufferer and thought I'd share my "miracle". After two rounds of incredibly expensive rounds of Botox with very little relief I gave the daith piercing a try. The initial piercing helped a little, but then I added in an anti-tragus piercing and my migraines have almost completely disappeared. Hope life is finding you happy.
  19. gotime0810

    It happened! Happy Birthday to me!

    Happy Birthday 🎈🎊 Congratulations!
  20. gotime0810


    According to my NUT, you kind of just have to wait out a stall but if I were eating real food I should take a look at the quality of food I was eating. I'm assuming you are not on solids yet so I'd suggest talking to your NUT or surgeon for advise and/or peace of mind. I feel like the BM issue is normal too. We aren't exactly consuming a lot of fiber.
  21. gotime0810


    Thank you, and yes I will be adjusting my goal to 205.
  22. gotime0810

    Monthly visitor

    I'm pre-menopausal so my visitors are not reliable. I haven't had a real period for several months and then BAM! the period from hell! Thankfully it was 3 weeks after surgery. I know the puffy is hard. I'd suggest staying off the scale and constantly reminding yourself that it is not permanent, this too shall pass.
  23. http://yonanas.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsv3o2_ea1gIVhLfACh0kPg7bEAAYASAAEgL7m_D_BwE
  24. I have depressive bipolar disorder. I do cycle but it is not rapid and my lows are extremely low and my highs are probably on par with what a "normal" person usually feels like. I did take Seroquil and gained about 20 pounds in no time at all so I get the cravings. I didn't take it for long because my liver was not a fan. When I'm low I don't just crave carbs I feel like I NEED carbs. I'm only 4 weeks out so I'm just starting to deal with this. When I hit my first low after surgery I was on full liquids so I didn't have a choice but to tough it out. It sucked and I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around. I agree with keeping the bad stuff out of the house but I also recognize that walking on hot coals to a store is a real option when you get to "that place". My personal plan of attack would be to identify the foods you run to and try to find a healthier alternative. Like is there a healthier ice cream you could turn to? Is there a lower carb bread or biscuit alternative? Maybe there are some recipes you can experiment with to make your own, healthier food to satisfy the cravings. The main key will be to keep within your portions and calories. I know for me feeling guilty about my choices creates a viscous cycle. We had this surgery to help make our bodies healthier and to have a healthier lifestyle for ourselves. Your life includes rapid cycling bipolar disorder and no amount of proper nutrition is going to make that go away. So your lifestyle change has to accommodate that reality. So take a step back, be proud of your victories and make a plan. Set an alarm on your phone to help you eat at regular intervals. Set a twenty minute timer when you eat. Eat with your eyes closed to really focus on the flavor of your food. Count to twenty before swallowing. Say the ABC song between bites. When the timer goes off put away the food. Don't keep food in a visible place, out of sight out of mind. Experiment with different flavored tea. I have a tea maker and put the stevia in when the hot water pours in to make it seem more like real sweet tea. When I am in a high phase I get the urge to be crafty. It helps distract me and I make stuff that makes me feel good. When I'm stressed I try to do some meditation. There are several apps you can download that provide guided meditations (basically deep breathing exercises). This helps ground me and allows me to think again. I'm also trying to get in the habit of working out regularly to keep those "happy" endorphins flowing. Not sure if this a saying, but make the plan and work the plan. If you can do that then you will reach the goal. For me personally, my goal isn't really centered around a number on my scale. I want to have a body I can be happy to look at and I want to achieve a healthier way of living. You can do this, just adapt and move forward.
  25. gotime0810


    You are not doing anything wrong. The three week stall is extremely normal. There are many, many discussions about it throughout the forum. I had a stall at one week post-op that lasted for 10 days. Next thing I knew it broke and I lost 11 pounds in the following 2 weeks. Every so often your body has to take a break and recovery from the quick weight loss and then it will start up again. This might be the first but it won't be the last. During a stall try to look for non-scale victories. I noticed that my body shrank a bit during my stall. Keep working the plan your surgeon has given you and things will work. In the general surgery section there is a food forum for recipes broken down by the stage you are in. Check those out for some savory protein options and ideas. I would also suggest to weigh once a week. The daily fluctuations are going to drive you mad. Hang in there. You are doing great. It's kind of like Dory in Finding Nemo - "Just keep swimming". You are going to get there!

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