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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by GreenTealael

  1. Purim starts tonight!  

    1. FluffyChix


      Happy Purim! Glad he saved yall! :)

    2. GreenTealael
    3. ProudGrammy


      thanx for reminding me - will call DD tonight. Ethan (11) always loves the parade

  2. Put on a bikini for the first time to go to the beach now there's going to be Thunderstorms...

    Wait, did I just make it rain!?!?!?!



    1. Orchids&Dragons


      You don't know your own power, girl!

    2. GreenTealael


      The Universe said Hell no to my clothing options 😭

    3. Orchids&Dragons
  3. Question: 

    Is my profile picture blurry or clear?

    1. sillykitty


      I agree, it's small :)

    2. abefroman329


      Blurry when I zoom in on it (when viewing on an iPad)

    3. abefroman329


      I couldn’t tell if you were trying to show a little leg

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  4. Rain on my parade

    1. GreenTealael


      I just hate how menstrual cycles make you gain weight... Soooo Annoying TMI

    2. MissSimpson


      Oh, no! The sun will shine again! :)

    3. Sosewsue61


      Well in retrospect - embrace the hormones cuz menopause makes ya old

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. Safe Journey, speedy recovery, get well soon, peace and blessings!!!

    1. FluffyChix


      Hope you surgery went well and you are basking in the knowledge that you are now on the losers' bench with the rest of us! Congrats! Speedy recovery. Sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk!

  6. Some guy tried to give me his number today , told him I was in a rush, so I couldn't...

    1. macadamia
    2. GreenTealael


      I'm holding out for more, deeper than superficial people

    3. macadamia
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  7. Soooo hungry today thanks to my experimental overdose on stevia to promote malabsorption/laxative effect. Worked like crazy and everything I ate for like the prior 24 hours came out, probably everything from yesterday as well.

    Won't be doing that again.

    Just small amounts for regularity. TMI much...

    Anyway when I logged everything here's what I had:

    B: Coffee with protein shake & Blended protein shake with half banana and one strawberry

    L: Salmon salad (pâté style) with one crisp cracker

    S: Boiled egg & nuts

    S: chilly cow froyo bar 

    D: salmon salad (again), protein chips & a half cup of watermelon

    Plus water, tea, coffee

    Next time I'll skip the extra shake don't even need the extra protein...

  8. Stalled. I'm OK with it.

    1. TxAlpha06


      But when you come off that stall.... It falls off nicely.....

    2. GreenTealael


      Not this far out bae... It slows dramatically

    3. TxAlpha06


      Mental aspect bae... But I feel you....

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. Starting to see a rise in trolling of the site, anyone can make a profile and antagonize the good people here, sad. Time for a break...

  10. Stay Safe everyone in the path of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias !

    1. RainbowBrite57


      You stay safe as well!

  11. Still buying unreturnable clothing that's too big for me...


    1. GreenTealael


      ...It didn't happen lol

    2. sillykitty


      You know what's weird .... I'm 100 lbs down and still fit into the same underwear ...hmmm ...

    3. Myhorseisfattoo


      We should totally have a "yard sale" page on here. One woman's too big is another's just right!!! My secretary has already called dibs on my entire wardrobe....which is funny because she wears a uniform every day to work!!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. Still Traveling 😥😌😳😂

  13. Surgery Day!!!


    (In advance)

    1. CrankyMagpie


      Thank you! ❤️

      I'm home and feeling kind of like garbage, now, but the medical staff all assured me I was doing great.

    2. GreenTealael


      Gets better with time , promise! I felt like garbage for two weeks straight then one day perfectly fine! Crazy! Rest up!

  14. The sad dejected truth that you are not the same size in a plush padded vs. Lacy unlined bra. And should have known it. Sigh.

    1. Myhorseisfattoo


      Guess the new bra/panty set was a bust?

      I see what you did there!

      Also, boobs are dumb. I'm pretty sure I'll be tucking mine iento my socks in a few months!

    2. GreenTealael


      I see what you did lol

      They still kinda work but only by accident 😓, I couldn't find my exact size so I decided to play around with band/cup manipulation. But now I know padded bras may be adding a full cup size I don't own...

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      But now I know padded bras may be adding a full cup size I don't own...

      I've been counting on that for years!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. The woods near my house


    1. sillykitty


      Once it's barren and bleak, that's when you're moving to Cali!

    2. FluffyChix


      Move to Beverly! Move! Move! Move!

    3. Wanda247


      That is so picturesque...Nothing like that in Fl

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. There needs to be a version of

    It's A Wonderful Life

    for WLS... Some people just don't see their blessings yet

  17. Thinking about long term goals and planning...

    1. abefroman329


      1. Continue being fabulous

  18. Thinking about walking 1.5 miles to gym and 1.5 miled back in addition to working out, thinking about just laying on the floor. The joys of Sundays.

  19. This week my diet was relaxed as i ate a slice of cake, a slice of pie, a tortilla chip (lol) and a few pieces of fruit. so the scale decided to move again. After a month. No rhyme or reason to stalls I swear. If I was perfect on plan , no change....


    1. Creekimp13


      Doesn't that blow your mind? I've had this happen time and time again. Makes me shake my head. I think sometimes a shake up to the ole metabolism wakes it up? Who knows....just glad once in a while we can have our cake (within reason) and lose weight, too:)

    2. GreenTealael


      I was totally prepared for a gain... so I'll take it!

  20. Thoughts?



    1. summerset


      The status updates don't seem to get much attention. Is there a reason you didn't make a thread out of it?

    2. GreenTealael


      I didn't want to start a thread because there seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding this particular doctor and I don't totally endorse him or his views... But even a broken clock is right twice a day 😂

      I think I will add it to the maintenance thread

    3. summerset


      I know. I don't agree with him in quite a few things. However, I don't agree with other WLS surgeons on youtube on everything they say. Weiner and Rutledge have good videos out there as well but I don't agree with everything as well.

      With this maintenance thing -  in the end he talks about framing in a way. Reframe your thoughts and the world will change.

      LOL about the broken clock. 🤣

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  21. Today I actually looked small to myself! This is the lowest weight of my adult life... I cant even imagine being smaller. Only 20 lbs to goal 1 then re evaluate from there. 


    1. allwet


      I remember that day myself, walking around outside waiting on wife at doctor and turned corner and saw myself in mirrored office window. Stopped me in my tracks cause i think that was the first time i really saw i was not the same size.

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      That must have felt amazing! Congrats! I certainly haven't felt "small" yet, but I did start seeing myself as more "normal" looking last week. I felt like I'd crossed the threshold of people seeing me and not immediately thinking "Wow, she's huge!"

  22. Today I decided  along with grilled salmon I would eat yogurt. Not mixed together but bite for bite. Things are getting weird at Chateau GreenTealael

  23. Took the plunge. Gifted my self a scale for the maintenance phase of my journey. I'm no longer actively losing, so it's time for accountability.

    I feel pretty confident these days that the retrograde motion of Mars, global warming trends and US politics will not directly effect my weight 😂😂😂

    1. GreenTealael


      It felt like it !@Orchids&Dragons

      I may lose a little more these days due to post break up sadness  @Matt Z

      Is that a silver lining? Lol

    2. sillykitty


      I'd take a silver lining of weight loss wherever you can find it ... now that you won't be having any cardio sessions! :(

    3. Kay07



      retrograde motion of Mars, global warming trends and US politics will not directly effect my weigh

      This cracked me up. US politics might make me lose weight if anything since it has the ability to make me a bit queasy...

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