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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GreenTealael

  1. GreenTealael

    Tea and Weight Loss

    I drink a lot of tea. Mostly because it started as a habit instilled during early childhood, then teas through pregnancy, for medicinal purposes, hobby, ceremony, fun thirst, celebration, boredom, climate, culture, etc. I could always find a reason. Here's another one. Weight loss/ maintenance. https://pin.it/tpgmwylifpo3sq
  2. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    And there back... Salmon croquettes!!! Before After & close up Wrapped in lettuce w/ a fried plantain side
  3. GreenTealael

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

  4. Peanut butter and banana blended in your protein shakes. In developing parts of the world where Marasmus was a concern, peanut butter was used to quickly help regain weight. Do some research and present it to your team... Advocate for your health and recovery. Good luck 💜
  5. GreenTealael

    Equate Protein Shakes

    The flavor was not equal to premier.
  6. Not many people feel satified on the liquid or puree phase but solids is a different ball game so hang tight 🌈 If you are concerned about caloric intake overall, look carefully at your food choices and see if you can find versions that have less calories with the same nutrition. Swap those out. Whatever the calorie, amount, macro range that you are allowed during each stage, try really hard to stick to it. Also try to stick to scheduled meal times if you are eating too many calories. Good Luck and Congrats 💜
  7. GreenTealael

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Woah I did not know we are all having such Loki weeks 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
  8. Comparison is the thief of joy... Camaraderie forge bonds that never break Join us here for motivation
  9. GreenTealael

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    I'm between 8 & 9 😳😀😩
  10. GreenTealael

    In need of motivation u.u

    💜 Consider joining us here 💜
  11. GreenTealael

    Tea and Weight Loss

  12. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

  13. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    This is miraculous 😀
  14. GreenTealael

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    *Breathe deeply*
  15. GreenTealael

    Weighing in at the doctor's office

    Great topic 💜 I like the lower weight at home but the one recorded at the doctor's office seems counts more (just to me because its recorded on my medical records that follow me everywhere) & I'm rarely ever just naked in the wild 😳
  16. GreenTealael

    Geeky newbie here!

    🌈 Congrats so far and Welcome 🌈
  17. GreenTealael

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

  18. GreenTealael

    Today is the big day

  19. GreenTealael

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    TBH (not that anyone wanted to know 😩) But I have better BMs when I eat some carb/bread like food : Wasa, Ryvita, Matzo, Real bread😳
  20. GreenTealael

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    I ❤ Hummus and Carrots
  21. GreenTealael

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

  22. GreenTealael

    Throw Back Thursday

    Looking Fit!
  23. GreenTealael

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    How far out from surgery are you? It get a little easier in time when you have the willingness/ability to add bulking insoluble fibers (leafy greens and *some* whole grains) But, I also use senna. Just keeping it real.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
