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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Cloebird reacted to KateBruin in August Sleevers-How are you doing??   
    So bad! I chew gum constantly and have to make sure I don’t swallow it. I think it’s because I’m so low carb I’m basically in ketosis. I believe that can cause nasty breath. Luckily I’m single!

  2. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from AnnieD in Self-pay cost in US   
    Anyone on the west side of the US that can help with numbers?

  3. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from Mytimenow17 in Feeling sad after surgery...   
    I haven't read the comments, but I am sure many will be the same as mine.
    I felt the same way! Crying, regret...pain. I promise it will get better. The first 10 days were really hard for me. It passed. I'm only 23 days out and feel a lot better emotionally. I still can't drive around town and pass a restaurant without missing it, so I don't drive around! It just makes me feel bad. Think of all the reasons you did this. Think of all the positive change coming your way. And doing it alone....wow! Find a support group, that will help too.
  4. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from beebee17 in Wth   
    I'm guessing you are a week or two out. I had lots of hiccups. They'll pass.
  5. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from trying4me in August Sleevers-How are you doing??   
    pureed favorite was refried Beans and cheese topped with salsa and sour cream. It was heaven. I did tuna, roast beef hash, scrambled or mashed up hard boiled egg, thinned cream of wheat, cottage cheese with pear. I stuck to 2TBSP.
  6. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from teedsg in Popcorn   
    I was wondering the same thing. popcorn is my thing and I hope someday to have it again!
  7. Like
    Cloebird reacted to Pitmom in Popcorn   
    I am 6 weeks post op and had about 1/4 cup of popcorn last week. Some was cheese, caramel, and chocolate Peanut Butter drizzled popcorn. I had no issues. That being said, everyone is different and you should keep that in mind. I chewed really well, too, by the way!

  8. Like
    Cloebird reacted to chasingpolaris321 in I regret this surgery   
    Everyone has moments/days/weeks where everything is painful and difficult both physically and emotionally. I promise you you will feel different in the coming months. Three weeks isn't long enough to truly enjoy the benefits of weight loss, and everyone is right that you will be able to eat what you want (doesn't mean you should necessarily) at about a year out. I've maintained my 100 pound weight loss and have eaten all of my favorite foods at times, but always in moderation because the sleeve gave me that tool. It is a hard place to be in right now, but you can do this. And if it helps to move into acceptance, there's no turning back now! I wish you luck and keep seeking support on this site. It's a lifesaver. Also, ignores the haters! We all are human.
  9. Like
    Cloebird reacted to OutsideMatchInside in I regret this surgery   
    I think it is important for people to hear all sides of post-op life. Everyone isn't happy or thrilled with their post-op results or life.
    I read the good and the bad and decided it was still the best option for me.
    OP is unhappy, let her be unhappy. She is struggling and having a hard time. She is allowed to voice that opinion. Everyone doesn't have an easy recovery. Mine was smooth and easy but I know that isn't the case for everyone.
    If someone is dumb enough to let a post on an internet forum really influence their health decisions, they are getting the life they deserve.
    I really don't get why you guys are trying to silence her. People post they are miserable like every single day. Let them.
  10. Like
    Cloebird reacted to QueenTiff in I regret this surgery   
    I think you're right. I always been a fire cracker but this set my fire. And food was life to me so yes I am taking it hard. I'm just like you I find food to fill anytime of void I may have so it is a lot. I keep saying I'm going to go to therapy and I never do. Why? I don't know because everything you just said I'm feeling at this moment. I appreciate you sharing because this helps me to know I'm not in this alone. Cause I do feel lonely, I feel misunderstood so thank you I really appreciate it.

  11. Like
    Cloebird reacted to alcn1derlnd in I regret this surgery   
    The huge release of extra hormones don't help with our emotions. I'm two months out and know mine have to be extremely high thanks to my monthly visit turning into four. I use to work with IVF patients and can tell you that stress ( which your body is going through due to surgery and a major life change) plus too many hormones leads to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and mood swings. Try going to your local bariatric support group meetings to talk out what you are going through or the psychiatrist that did your pre op evaluation . Hang in there. It should get better soon.

    HW-292 • SW (6/29/17) 256.6 • CW 225.8

  12. Like
    Cloebird reacted to sgz72 in Hard time standing up straight   
    My surgery was Aug 25, so I'm right there with you. I find transitioning from sitting to standing is tough. Once I'm up I have to wait a few minutes before I can totally straighten up. I think it's normal. I do have a lot of swelling so I'm going to try an ice pack.
  13. Like
    Cloebird reacted to JoyandLight in Hard time standing up straight   
    I did that too. As you heal more you'll straighten up. I was babying my incisions.

  14. Like
    Cloebird reacted to SleevedinSI in Hard time standing up straight   
    Pretty normal. As pain passes you will straighten out. You need a couple weeks.

  15. Like
    Cloebird reacted to Sosewsue61 in What Foods Haven't You Given Up Yet?   
    Try not to think of this type of eating as some type of 'reward', food is not a prize. It is meant to be enjoyed for sure, but the mindset about being 'good' or 'bad' means you are giving food power. That is a mind game you are playing with yourself.
    Plan it into your meals and just make it part of your food plan if you must.
  16. Like
    Cloebird reacted to Jill4329 in Hard time standing up straight   
    I have noticed that myself. Surgery 8/21. I think I'm just favoring my stomach and incisions a bit. That's all I can think it could be.
  17. Like
    Cloebird reacted to sunmeadow in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    Thank you for your response. As the original poster, I can confirm that what you said above is true.

    I read everything I could get my hands on, including these forums, and prepared as best I could, knowing that all the reading and preparing in the world would only take me so far. My questions were intended to elicit accounts of people's real experiences that aren't written about in the books and forums.

    The questions were intentionally open ended to allow for the broadest range of responses, knowing that everyone's perceptions and experiences are different and can be very subjective.

    I was sleeved on the 17th and already, I can tell how my answer to these questions would have changed over the last 11 days as I'm sure it will continue to change over time. That's why I haven't answered my own question yet. I expect I will continue to have "surprises" along the way that I never anticipated, but hearing about other people's has helped me be more relaxed about knowing what could happen and how others have dealt with the unexpected.

    I intended no judgment in terms of good or bad surprises. For example, I was very surprised that I never had any gas pains at all, which I consider to be a good thing!

    A few other curiosities for me:

    The nurses don't necessarily know what you need or what's on your plan, especially if you're at a smaller facility where they may not interact with a lot of bariatric patients. As I was really waking up the day of surgery, I was offered Water or ginger ale. Despite my grogginess, I was able to tell her we're not supposed to have carbonation.
    They also kept giving me ice water in a cup with a straw not aware that we can't use straws. (They also kept replacing my tepid water with more ice until I realized it was the iciness that was nauseating me. The room temperature water actually went down much better.)

    A surprise from my first week occurred when I was sipping some broth I had heated up. I had put it in a travel mug and it was staying way too hot despite my efforts to cool it off. After an hour or so, I assumed it had cooled down enough and tried to take a sip. It was still quite warm and I swallowed more then I had planned. I immediately felt warmth in my throats and then near my belly button! It was as if the liquid hadn't even touched anything on the way down. It was a very bizarre sensation.

    Oh, and one more from the realm of my mind: despite having 5 incisions on my abdomen, it didn't really feel like they had actually DONE anything inside. It was almost as if the incisions were placebo decoys to make me think they'd done surgery, but just as a ruse to get me to eat like I should. I know that may sound odd, but I kept looking at the area where my stomach should be and it looked like it always has (the incisions aren't really made directly over the stomach). Don't worry, though, I've now tried putting stuff in there so I am very aware that they really did something inside there. You just can't tell by looking or how it feels just on its own.

    Sorry...just one more:
    Did you know they do the surgery with you hanging upside down (or at least inverted)? The anesthesiologist explained that to me when I asked whether I'd have a breathing tube. Because you're in that position and to get everything in your abdomen out of the way, they have to relax ALL of your muscles, including your lungs, which is why you need to have them breathe for you, hence the breathing tube.

    Ok, I'm done for now.
    Thank you to everyone who responded to this thread. It's been fascinating to me to see the breadth of people's experiences and what stood out for each of you.

  18. Like
    Cloebird reacted to XYZXYZXYZ1955 in What was the biggest surprise for you at or after surgery? What do you wish you had known?   
    I'm willing to accept the reality that people come with a wide range of pain tolerance, for one thing; another is that people apparently may experience a range of minor complications, from gas to inability to swallow easily to Constipation. Or not, which is great for those who don't have those issues.
    For a lot of people, this is the first major surgery they've had. I've had six surgeries, including an open hysterectomy, and I know that some are definitely worse than others (e.g., I also had my gall bladder out, and that was quite easy).
    Yes, this can be considered something each of us agreed to, but the original question opens the portal for anything someone wasn't expecting. Virtually no one in this thread (or on this site, for that matter) has said they would have chosen NOT to have the surgery.

    As far as I'm concerned, anything anyone says that can help me be prepared for what *might* happen is all good information. But the only people I get a little testy with are the ones who say things like "I'm hardly losing weight at all, and I've been following the plan pretty closely, except for those three doughnuts I had . . ."
  19. Like
    Cloebird reacted to Shelo in Pre Op Diet   
    I'm in SC, on a 4 week liquid Protein diet 5 times a day and a meal. Surgery date 9/6/17. Been going pretty good, so I guess it depends on your doctor. My BMI is 35 at start and I only have to lose 10lbs before surgery, weight in next Thursday should be at 202lbs, I meet that goal last Thursday. That's one full week on Protein Shakes and 1 meal. Hope I can keep this up.

    Sent from my BLU NEO XL using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from AnnieD in Self-pay cost in US   
    Wow...you have a list! Thank you!

  21. Like
    Cloebird got a reaction from AnnieD in Self-pay cost in US   
    Anyone on the west side of the US that can help with numbers?

  22. Like
    Cloebird reacted to LindyD in Salt Lake City Surgeons?   
    In case anyone ever still reads this thread, Dr. Volckmann @ the U, sleeved me 6 days ago. I couldn't be more impressed by him & his staff. I switched to him after already going through all my pre-op 6 month diet the insurance required with the BMI Clinic. I switched, honestly because of staff. After dealing with the rude staff at BMI for 6 months pre-op I just didn't want to have to deal with them for the rest of my life. So, I looked up Dr. V - met he & his fabulous staff & I feel absolutely terrific. Exciting to be on the losers bench and thrilled I went with Volckmann. His care & attention to detail are stellar!
  23. Like
    Cloebird reacted to jdown in How to Choose a Surgeon? (Salt Lake City)   
    My insurance won't be covering my surgery, so I'll be paying out of pocket.
    That said, my options are totally open as to where I'll be having my surgery, as well as who will be my surgeon.
    Any tips on how you chose your surgeon and/or hospital? What kind of questions did you ask? What kind of qualifications did you look for?
    I'm looking to get my surgery done in Salt Lake City, so any recommendations on Doctors or hospitals in SLC are appreciated.
    Thanks for reading!
  24. Like
    Cloebird reacted to GassyGurl in Self-pay cost in US   
    BTW, I'm still researching myself. I'm trying to go to Mexico.

    Sent from my XT1254 using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    Cloebird reacted to nishi808 in Self-pay cost in US   
    I'm almost 4 weeks post-op and had surgery with Dr. Tagger in Miami. I've lost almost 20 lbs. I did a lot of research and almost went to Mexico but to get a good, highly recommended doctor in Mexico was the same price as going to Miami and I just felt more comfortable staying on the states. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Tagger. He and the hospital staff were amazing and took really good care of me. Good luck!

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