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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mhy12784

  1. It's extremely probable that you're lactose intolerant. The protein powder, premier protein, yogurt are all completely filled with lactose. And the tummy issues are a classic symptom. Not sure why the nutritionist didn't figure this out. Either buy lactaid pills and take them with your current shakes (I recommend taking at least 3 to start and work your way down if capable) Or buy lactose free protein shakes. Easy fix for a common issue
  2. I know leaner meat will be less calories and have more protein per ounce, does this make the leanest meat available the best option post op? I recently found myself able to incorporate meat again (beef and fish, waiting another week or two for chicken) Should I use medium fat meats for a few weeks as they're supposedly easier to eat and digest (ie 85/15) or just jump in with the leanest stuff
  3. Mhy12784

    Gastric Bypass vs VSG

    Unless you have bad GERD/acid reflux or are a poorly controlled diabetic. I'm not sure why he would be encouraging you to have a bypass over a sleeve.
  4. Mhy12784

    Drinking wine

    Ive had hard liquor but not wine. But from my experience I think liquor would be easier. Trying to drink something with too much volume (ie wine, beer) would just bother your tummy and you wouldnt get buzzed since you cant have the volume. Of course everybodys experiences are different
  5. Mhy12784

    Drinking wine

    Around 2 months post op I had a drink, it didnt effect me any differently. That said I didnt really enjoy it, and I found it very filling.
  6. Could always add xanthum gum to your protein shakes and it'll make them thicker But if you add too much it becomes completely undrinkable (I've turned a protein shake basically into gak before) It's actually in most shakes for that very purpose to begin with
  7. Mhy12784

    New port

    Not many people have bands anymore, and port exchanges are pretty rare (I havent done one in years) But theyll give you something that will basically make you feel really drunk/high, and then the surgeon will numb you up. Odds are you wont even know you had surgery, and will barely remember anything.
  8. Mhy12784

    IBS and whey

    xylitol isnt THAT common so avoiding that is pretty easy. And lactose is usually the issue more often than dairy. My personal recommendation as someone who has IBS and lactose intolerance is to just go out and buy some lactase pills and beano. Theyre both quite cheap (especially from places like sams costco etc) and will keep your options open when it comes to protein supplements. I take lactase pills with all my protein drinks and have no problem. If you get a little gassy/bloated you could always add beano to the mix later. The lactose free protein drinks tend to cost more money and dont taste as good, so I think this really opens your options up.
  9. The reduced Ghrelin is NOT the main cause of weight loss its more like an added benefit. It is the reduced stomach size, limiting your consumption of food and increasing your feelings of fullness. Your stomach stretches/grows back over time although not to its original size. So overtime you get hungrier. The benefits of reduced Ghrelin are wildly overblown and its not as much of a factor as people make it out to seem. Of course people making shitty diet choices plays a HUGE part in the hunger coming back as well. Someone eating grilled chicken fish and broccoli is going to have a way different hunger to manage than someone eating processed garbage. And honestly a lot of people start off strong and motivated with their diets then fall into old habits over time, and this further adds to the increased hunger. But stomach size/restriction and diet choices are far far more impactful than anything with hormones and chemicals in regards to changes related to VSG
  10. Mhy12784

    Regarding Vitamin Pills

    Depends how far out you are. The first 2 months I stuck with either small pills, or chewables. After that I found it far more efficient/effective to stick with real vitamins. My current multivitamin is 6 huge pills a day (2 per meal) There is absolutely no reason you shouldnt be able to take and swallow normal adult vitamins after 2 months unless you have had true legitimate complications. Dont be one of those people who takes childrens chewable candy multivitamins months out for god knows what reason.
  11. Mhy12784

    Regarding Vitamin Pills

    Depends how far out you are. The first 2 months I stuck with either small pills, or chewables. After that I found it far more efficient/effective to stick with real adult vitamins. My current multivitamin is 6 huge pills a day (2 per meal) There is absolutely no reason you shouldnt be able to take and swallow normal adult vitamins after 2 months unless you have had true legitimate complications. Dont be one of those people who takes childrens chewable candy multivitamins months out for god knows what reason. As to the specific multivitamin I use I use Orange Triad because its a quality product and a decent price and is frequently on sale. Its no different from any other quality full multivitamin though.
  12. I was nauseous once in the 6 months since I've had my surgery. Including immediately post op (with zero naeusa}
  13. Mhy12784

    Questioning everything

    Of course not The surgery itself helps you lose weight Although I think someone who can lose weight pre-surgery would have an easier time, I imagine both have success. I also think the people who can lose weight easier presurgery, are probably mostly typically younger and healthier in general. But the whole point of the surgery is to make it easier to lose and maintain weight, so anyone would benefit
  14. Mhy12784

    Questioning everything

    Well I'm a guy, so I'm not sure if the end goal for us is similar. But so far it's been fantastic. I've lost almost everything I originally anticipated quite quickly. I'll probably move the goal forward a big and see if another 10-15 pounds is possible. I imagine it is with patience but who knows. Definitely worthwhile, and would certainly do again
  15. Mhy12784

    Questioning everything

    I'm also a dieting "pro". My bmi was 35. This has made it a million times easier to lose weight without hunger pains or needing to cheat or anything I'm only roughly 6 months out but I went from 5'10 245 to 166 in that time period. By the end of May I'll be the lightest I've been since I was a teenager. Could I have lost the weight, yes totally I've done it before (although soon I'll be in uncharted waters). Could I have kept it off? Almost certainly not. And would I constantly have been hungry miserable and forced to cheat or turn to weight loss products probably. The surgery has turned my cycle of horrible yoyoing into something long term and sustainable while allowing me to enjoy my quality of life instead of being miserable and hungry.
  16. Mhy12784

    TMI but need advice...

    Muscle milk contains whey But it is pretty far down its list of ingredients.
  17. Mhy12784

    Band or Sleeve?

    If you find a surgeon willing to put a lap band in you, you probably have a bad surgeon. Only in rare cases are they done anymore
  18. I wouldn't be too worried at that point sounds like rebound hunger to me
  19. How long have you been out of the hospital? The whole not eating much before/after surgery and being around disgusting hospital food for a week could have you starving and your body just trying to catch up. If it was a month ago or something well that's a very different story
  20. Mhy12784

    TMI but need advice...

    Whey isolate doesn't have lactose
  21. Mhy12784

    TMI but need advice...

    Yes lactase pills are designed to take with dairy allowing it to not make you sick. Lactaid is the common brand, but the generic ones are the exact same thing. I recommend taking a slightly higher dose than whatever the box says as they don't always work very well (it's not medicine it's a digestive enzyme so it doesn't hurt)
  22. Mhy12784

    TMI but need advice...

    Which is the protein powder you use from the surgeons office ? And an easy way to check is to just get some cheap lactose free pills and take a couple of them prior to your protein shake and see if anything happens. This is actually how a physician recommended i figure out if i was lactose intolerant years ago (well they suggested i use icecream instead of a protein shake, but same concept)
  23. Mhy12784

    TMI but need advice...

    Are you using lactose free protein powders ? Most protein powders have a ton of lactose Sounds like youve always been lactose intolerant to me
  24. Mhy12784

    Lapband surgery after VSG?

    I work in one of the higher volume surgical practices for bariatrics in NY and I dont think ive ever seen a band over a sleeve. Even band over bypasses which are possible, are quite rare (ive done maybe 4 or 5 in 5 years) As someone who works in bariatric surgery and is a patient, I would never in a million years want a band over a sleeve. One is its not very effective, and two is theres so many problems with the band that its just an absolutely horrible idea. A band over a bypass is at least something I would consider a feasible option. But the data is pretty strong that unless a procedure was done wrong (which usually isnt the case) or you are having real problems from a surgery (ie horrible GERD after a sleeve) then the odds are a second surgery isnt going to make a huge difference. That said if I had a VSG (which I do) and I needed to do something else. Converting to a bypass is the only option I would even consider. Yes the bypass is scary which is why your first option should be consulting a nutritionist and therapist, possibly even frequently. But if revisional surgery is the way things need to go, then converting to bypass is really the only option. Also converting a VSG to a bypass is actually easier than going from nothing to a bypass for most surgeons. And I guess having a VSG first will make the transition and experience a little easier.
  25. Mhy12784


    How does your body reject supplements ? Protein shakes are food. Unless youre lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, I dont know what this means But you dont need to eat protein shakes. Month 2 you should be eating normal food (or eating normal food soon) Although month 2 might mean weeks 5-6, which makes me think eggs dairy are all options. Maybe even soft tender meat

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
