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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mhy12784

  1. Mhy12784

    Pain med help

    You should really call up your office if they never gave you directions for taking NSAIDS. I imagine it's possible they told you and you forgot, but if they didn't that completely warrants a phone call. As for tramadol that's an opioid and that's some hardcore stuff. If a doctor prescribed it and you trust them I'll assume they know what's best for you. But opioids are no joke and should be treated incredibly seriously
  2. Not sure if you're joking/exaggerating. The bypass is a great surgery, but there's a lot more to it than a sleeve. I don't think soda and coffee are good reasons that offset any negatives from the bypass.
  3. Mhy12784

    Surgery soap

    Had my preoperative appointment yesterday. It's my hospital that gives out the preoperative soap not the bariatric surgeons. They give it out for all patients having surgery to reduce the risks of infection (and to save the hospital money as they lose a ton when patients get infected). I can't imagine too many bariatric surgeons office giving out the soap but who knows... Hibiclens is the name of the product that my facility gives out, but basically any chlorhexadine wash will do. Bariatric surgery has a very low infection rate so it's not super important (if you were having a colon or joint surgery that's a different story). But it wouldn't kill you to try out
  4. While theres a general consensus that the Bypass is a good choice for people who have GERD and the Sleeve not so much. Does having GERD mean a sleeve is doomed to fail ? The data ive seen is incredibly murky and wildy varies (some suggest that 80% of people's GERD wont get worse with a sleeve, others pretty much that everybodys will) Almost 50% of bariatric patients have GERD so obviously a ton of people with it that end up getting a sleeve. Whats the outlook on here ? How many people have had success having a sleeve while having GERD ?
  5. Met with my surgeon and officially changed my procedure to the sleeve. A huge load off my mind, he was much more open to it than in previous conversations. Still concerned about how reflux will be post op, but it sure beats worrying about what I'd be worried about with the bypass
  6. How common are teeth problems ? Ive been reading about horror stories about peoples teeth rotting out and losing many teeth in their 20s/30s. I totally understand this can happen with a calcium deficiency , but does this happen to people with the RNY frequently and or for reasons other than calcium deficiency ? Is vomiting a part of life post op ? Is it something I should expect several times a week/month for the rest of my life ? I know about dumping syndrome. But is diarrhea something youll have to deal with for a long time ? Or is this something that is more likely to be a temporary issue after surgery and or situation based on what you ate ? Is having to chew foods to a paste/emulsification a permanent thing or something you have to deal with for a few months/years ? Appreciate any advice, starting to get presurgical jitters
  7. Mhy12784

    Acid reflux/GERD - will this go away?

    I have GERD and I (think) im getting a sleeve next week. But from what ive read the reflux "should" get better around the 2 year mark. This has to do with the stomach expanding decreasing lower esophageal pressure as well as restoration of the angle of HIS. How much of a difference it makes, well that I have no idea
  8. Are you taking meds for it post op ?
  9. Mhy12784

    Bone Broth

    I know Jack **** about bone broth but see it on here all the time. How does like lipton soup broth (without the noodles obviously) compare to home broth? Or is that not even remotely close go the same thing
  10. Mhy12784

    Anyone in their 20's have vsg

    Im having my surgery where I work too (im an RN in the OR) So im just gonna be straight forward about it. I told the people im really close with, and that way its not going to be much of a secret or suprise when I actually go through with it. From experience I find secrets tend to come out
  11. Damn that's horrible. Did medication help with the reflux at all? Was the Gerd less bad when you were around 179?
  12. Maybe it's where I'm from but there's no preoperative anesthesia appointments around here. If I had to guess they'll just ask you about your medical/surgical history medications, and take a look at your airway
  13. That its hardcore and scary. He said he personally wouldnt get a bypass. And basically anytime for the rest of your life you get stomach pain you need to rush to the ER and get a full workup scans etc. And could need emergency surgery. Thats a lot of stress to be looming over you for the next 50-60 years of your life. He said clinically getting the bypass is the right choice, but he wouldnt do it. Am i willing to deal with it for 5-10 years probably. Do i want that as a 50 or 60 year old, id much rather not
  14. Im scheduled for a bypass a week and change from now. But im strongly reconsidering. My one surgeon is adamant the bypass is the best option. His partner (off the record) told me no way should I do it. Safe to say im extremely conflicted but i really dont wanna do the bypass Im basically stuck between 3 less than optimal options (including doing nothing)
  15. Yeah mines been somewhat bad for about 5 years. When I first got it it was absolutely horrible, came with a vengeance. Now its more of a nuisance . Like i occasionally get a cough from it or choke on secretions. But I rarely get actual heartburn anymore (unless I miss meds). Its more just of a burning sensation. Originally I was going to get a bypass just for fixing the GERD, but getting closer to surgery and doing research im just too concerned about the long term effects.
  16. How bad was your GERD preop ? Were you regularly on meds or only took them for breakthrough ? And if you dont mind me asking, if you were on meds preop what/how much were you taking ?
  17. Out of curiosity is there like a megathread on patients with GERD getting sleeves? I'm in a similar boat, and a sleeve sounds much more reasonable to me. But I have GERD so...
  18. Are your protein shakes lactose free ? Lactose issues are extremely common
  19. I cant imagine a cold affecting your surgery date in 2 weeks. If you have a full fledged cold in 2 weeks, that certainly could be an issue. But a cold rarely lasts two weeks, so id say odds are on your side. If it turns into the flu or an pneumonia on the other hand, thats a whole different animal. Of course even those should be cleared up by DOS
  20. Mhy12784

    Anyone in their 20's have vsg

    Not a female But where I work I'd say at least half of bariatric patients are females under 40, many are in their 20s and early 30s
  21. Mhy12784

    Vitamin B12 issues

    I just want to point out that you get vitamin D from the sun. So our bodys are tailored to absorb it through the skin (well technically your body makes it from the sun, but im not gonna pretend that im very knowledgable) Id agree about being weary about vitamin patches though, theres no way theyre remotely as efficient as people like to imagine. Regardless I think sublingual or via a shot are the best ways to get vitamin B
  22. My surgeon gives out samples of the bariatric advantage ones in their office. Patients love them, and they do taste like candy. They also have some bigger bottles which I havent tried, but the soft chews are def very good
  23. Prilosec before each meal ? The other stuff is pretty spot on. But prilosec is a PPI Taking it before each meal makes zero sense. This is copy pasted how it works After oral administration, the onset of the antisecretory effect of omeprazole occurs within one hour, with the maximum effect occurring within two hours. Inhibition of secretion is about 50% of maximum at 24 hours and the duration of inhibition lasts up to 72 hours.
  24. One thing I noticed is reading about a lot of people blending their food in the early/pureed phases for a few weeks postoperatively. I mean im fine with blending like fruit and stuff like that that people normally blend. . But the thought of blending stuff like beef meat chicken and stuff like that is absolutely disgusting. Hell im totally fine with just toughing it out with protein shakes and fiber supplements during the post op period. I know I can easily go a couple of weeks on a liquid diet, I just have no interest in blending foods that arent meant to be blended. I know its not mandatory or anything to do it, but I did notice many people mentioning having done it. It just sounds really gross
  25. 6 months without eggs, yikes! Now that sounds like torture. I was hoping for scrambled eggs to be a staple in my soft foods stage. Though my doctor approves poached eggs after a week or two

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
