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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mhy12784

  1. Mhy12784

    November sleevers

    Pop rocks is normal I had the same thing. Also first post op bowel movement was on day 12 for me
  2. I know it sounds silly, but did you ask the surgeons office? I mean im sure they get plenty of cash pay patients and they want the business. So it benefits them to help you out
  3. Not commonly done but one of the only things ive seen performed a few times at my hospital was a lap band over a bypass. Would depend on your insurance and how your surgeon feels about that. But getting a lap band over a bypass is a realistic possibility. I mean surgeons dont like to do lap bands because they frequently have issues and you need to be on top of appointments with them. But if weight and cormorbidities are a problem its one of the safer options. Sure bands arent the greatest, but I think getting a revised bypass is much more dangerous. And the band does work in a synergy kind of way with the bypass. Couldnt tell you how outcomes are long term though I would absolutely avoid any kind of self pay scenarios since you have a history of a bypass . If you have any complications from the bypass (which is a real possibility) you dont want insurance companies using your self pay surgery as an excuse to get out of paying for it.
  4. Per my surgeons recommendation I used benefiber and colace postoperatively for days and neither was doing **** for me (literally). Last night I decided to take things into my own hands and took a serving of miralax. Within half an hour I was getting intense headache/vertigo/light headedness (some combination of them it was hard to describe) my whole body was shaking on an extreme level and my teeth were chattering an insane amount so much that I had to bite down on a blanket. Shortly after I got extreme nausea and major dryheaving (could have sworn I was going to vomit but ultimately didnt) Eventually I suffered enough and was able to fall asleep. I was extremely close to going to the emergency room. Im going to discuss this with my surgeon at my prexisting appointment next week, but does anyone have any idea what this could have been ? Im just speculating that maybe because my stomach is so small that when I drank the miralax it didnt end up getting to where it needed to go which could have caused the stomach pain and nauseous but the rest im clueless on. And on a side note yes it was thanksgiving, but I stuck to my diet 100% which consists of the exact same things everyday so no thanksgiving cheating was involved with causing this. Thanks to anyone for reading my jumbled mess !
  5. Mhy12784

    What did I do?!?

    x2 on this especially the variety of drinks. Water (and even crystal light) suddenly tastes disgusting to me. Its like salt water almost, and I used to drink crystal light religiously preop. Powerade zero is now a staple until I find some better tasting fluids
  6. Excessive calories turn into fat. It doesnt matter if theyre protein, carbohydrates, or fat. Odds are its probably extremely difficult to eat TOO much protein, especially after WLS surgery. The biggest concern for a WLS patient (that I can think of ) would be having more protein than they need and as a result not eating enough veggies/fiber and nutritiously dense foods in. I highly doubt 120g of protein is going to do anybody harm, once you get up to 200-300g of protein you might start having an issue (of course if you could eat that much protein from whole foods after a sleeve or bypass you might wanna ask for your money back) . But if 120g a day of protein keeps you from eating broccoli or whatever that could be the biggest issue. Nobody wants colon or digestive problems, which are extremely common as you get older. Protein is the most important macronutrient for a bari patient absolutely. But once you got a reasonable amount, youd probably be better off with the nutritionally dense stuff. Of course you need to keep total calories in check as well which is a different story... Also the kidney thing is more protein is bad for people with kidney disease, I dont believe theres any evidence that it causes it.
  7. I dont freeze mine But adding protein powder to sugar free pudding has been a staple of mine. Never had an issue and its always refrigerated
  8. Mhy12784

    What did I do?!?

    Left shoulder pains normal. Could be gas, or from a hiatal hernia Leaks are also incredibly improbable, so I wouldnt worry about that until the surgeon is
  9. Mhy12784

    Great Low Carb Bread

    Biggest issue I see is how high in calories it is. At 140 calories thats like 50-60% of your calories in a meal. I guess its not so bad once youre maintaining, but in the losing phase thats tough. I like something like this https://www.josephsbakery.com/shop/specialty/heart-friendly-pita-bread.html which is still super high in fiber but its only 70 calories. And you can get it most grocery stores (bjs, walmart etc) Of course I havent tried it post op only preop, as im not quite at the bread stage yet.
  10. Mhy12784

    What did I do?!?

    Are you telling me they released you from the hospital while you couldn't keep anything down? That sounds idiotic, and like a surefire way to have you just return it the emergency room (which you did)
  11. Normally as in how a normal person who never had a sleeve would chew? Because that's kinda neutral what I wanted to hear. And how long on average does it take to have a meal
  12. Mhy12784

    Freaking myself out

    The OP is in the liquid phase. We're not talking about solids
  13. My sleeve was a week and a half ago. No issues drinking, no problems at home. Sometimes it's tough getting 60-70g of protein but that's it
  14. I don't believe there's a correlation between bariatric surgery and appendix problems. . Gallbladder pain is extremely common however and a large percentage of bariatric patients will need their gallbladder removed
  15. Mhy12784


    I always have and always will use Isolate. For me this is because I was extremely lactose intolerant before surgery (and surgery usually makes it worse). Isolate has no lactose, which makes it the best option for me. If you look at weight lifting forums and stuff isolate is generally looked upon as better in quality than other proteins. The biggest reason (in my opinion) not to use Isolate is because it's significantly more expensive than other protein sources, and your options are much more limited (of finding a flavor/texture/drink you like). I think it may be absorbed quicker than other proteins as well but don't quote me on that. The majority of the stuff on my surgeons recommended list contains lactose, and bariatric advantage makes me sick as hell. So whey isolate is the best option for me
  16. I mean statistically like 99% of people eligible for weight loss surgery don't get weight loss surgery. So unless it's something she's talked about or shown interest in the past the odds are pretty good that she didn't have WLS and lost weight another way. Years ago I lost almost 100 pounds using ephedrine and caffeine. I of course gained it all back because that **** isn't a long term solution. Years before that I lost probably 60-70 pounds by cutting out drinking calories (mostly soda but everything else as well ) and fast food. But the overwhelming majority of people who lose weight do it without surgery. Especially if you're on the younger side of things you can lose a lot really fast. Of course the odds are also very good that they'll gain all or most of it back as well. The easiest way (outside of asking) would be to look for trocar scars or key telltale signs such as taking vitamin b and calcium citrate. Or just watch her chew food/eat is a pretty good idea too
  17. Weeks/months? You'll be spending thousands of dollars. Follow the directions and you'll be fine. Yes dehydration is the most common cause of readmission after a sleeve. But it's really not that difficult to avoid. I'm about 10 days post op from a sleeve and I absolutely shatter my fluid intake everyday. If I cut back on protein then I could REALLY get a lot of fluid. If you're having tons of issues with post op nausea and vomiting (causing you to either lose or not drink fluid) you'd be better off going to the emergency room anyway so they can check things out and get you some meds. Honestly it's a terrible idea. Unless you're stupid rich, in which case it sounds like a nice luxury but I'd probably still spend the money on massages and maybe someone in a bikini to fan me with a giant leaf instead
  18. Oh I had a sleeve, changed at the last minute. Just haven't figured out how to update my profile
  19. Well getting lodged isn't a huge concern, as I imagine that's statistically improbable. But nausea and vomiting could be extremely unpleasant
  20. Mhy12784


    So it went up in a day? Unless you ate 10,000 calories it means nothing I wouldn't stress it
  21. Mhy12784


    Gained 3 pounds in how long? A month? Just treat it like a marathon and not a sprint. Keep doing the right things and you'll get to where your going
  22. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    Nothing wrong with staying another day. I think I stayed 3 nights (wish I stayed 4). The benefits of being in the hospital is you'll get the REALLY good pain meds. I didn't have a care in the world when I was there, honestly was a pleasurable experience
  23. Mhy12784

    Do I really need a NUT?

    I would say most people don't NEED a nutritionist. But the fact that you blatantly acknowledge that you're not getting your protein in, and apples and peanut butter are your staples. While apples and peanut butter can be healthy in a balanced diet you're probably eating much more sugar and fat than you should be and not leaving room for the most important macro nutrient.
  24. Mhy12784

    Hot Yoga

    Dehydration would be my biggest concern. And then how sore your abdomen is. Your surgeons answer is the most important, but I would imagine around 8 weeks. Basically around the same time you're cleared for weight lifting and resistance exercises
  25. Mhy12784

    No change in hunger

    Heh, having the surgery is DEFINITELY not the hard part

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
