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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mhy12784

  1. Mhy12784

    Ginger Ale

    If you want ginger buy real ginger or ginger pills. Truth is gingerale has so little ginger in it that it's more placebo effect from an old wives tale than anything
  2. Mhy12784

    Time Off

    I took 5 weeks off but I have a fast pace active job. Personally I think if money/benefits are tight you could make one week work, but I think anyone should take at least two weeks if possible
  3. Mhy12784

    Cigarettes post op

    While I agree, it's not so easy. I mean how many times do you see posts on here about somebody eating pizza or a cheeseburger one week after having bariatric surgery (not to suggest you can't incorporate them in a balanced diet) . Unfortunately most of us have addictive behavior, and to get ahead of the curve you just have to acknowledge it and actively attempt to improve it. The OP acknowledges this, and I think was trying to justify their behavior as not that bad. But at least she's willing to learn and hopefully will use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward. I mean there's a big difference between thinking smoking will just delay your healing, and learning that it could cause a perforated ulcer causing you to completely get cut open possibly septic and have a visit to the ICU for a few weeks. Honestly I've seen that ****, and I'd rather them just kill me than put me through it.
  4. Mhy12784

    Cigarettes post op

    So smoking isn't about just healing. I'm an OR nurse in a facility that does a ton of bariatric cases (and a bariatric patient). Ive seen previous bariatric patients smoke and have to come back to the OR to completely get cut open to fix all the damage smoking caused them. Obviously it's much worse in bypass patients, but it's still terrible in sleeve patients as well. Knowing what I know seeing what I've seen, I think someone would have to be absolutely out of their mind to smoke after bariatric surgery, the risks are exponentially greater than just smoking (without bariatric) Of course I've also seen lots of thoracic cases, of which almost 100% of those patients are smokers... If you could completley keep it under control its still bad , but if it grows into something more well than its REALLY bad
  5. Mhy12784

    Great Low Carb Bread

    I mean your surgeon/nutritionist should have guidelines. Personally my belief is hit your protein and fill in your calories to your limit. You don't wanna have too many carbohydrates but they won't kill you either, you just wanna make smart choices with them. And I mean no matter what it's gonna be low calories, you can't lose weight eating at a caloric surplus. Whether carbohydrates should be medium/low low or near non existent is where there will be some debate
  6. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    Was it your first day back ? Did anything happen when it hurt or just random ? How bad is the pain ?
  7. Mhy12784

    Something Stuck in My Throat?

    What meds/dosage ? so And coughing before the stuck ? Coughing is a sign of reflux so idk Have you eaten any solids ?
  8. Mhy12784

    Something Stuck in My Throat?

    Have you been getting any heartburn ? A cough ? Are you on acid suppressing medication ? Unless you cheated and ate something you shouldnt have, GERD is my best guess
  9. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    Are you on meds for it?
  10. Mhy12784

    Stomach cramps

    No idea what a poke bowl is, but was there dairy in either/both dishes? My first guess would usually be lactose intolerance (which is super common post op bariatric surgery) or IBS (which is also super common in overweight individuals). Though since your incidents were within 24 hours of each other its possible this was something acute instead (unless this isn't the first time you've had this issue)
  11. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    Walking is a cure for the gas Use a pillow to brace your abdomen when you cough. The laying/sitting gets better after a few days. I'd say day 4 or 5 I started to feel much better
  12. Mhy12784


    My surgeons office sells bariatric advantage products at a discounted rate. So I used all their stuff Bariatrac advantage chewables twice a day Bariatrac advantage black cherry sublingual b12 once a day Bariatrac advantage calcium citrate chewables 500mg twice a day I don't use their protein powder because it's overpriced taste bad and makes me sick. But those 3 products are all tasty, easy to take, and designed specifically for bariatric patients. I'm very happy and would recommend any of them, plus it's exactly what my surgeon prefers us using so it's a win win
  13. Mhy12784


    Did they want you on liquid supplements? Why not chewables?
  14. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    When did the heart burn start? Did they do a Hiatal hernia? What do they have you on for heart burn?
  15. Mhy12784

    Surgery Nov 28

    A drain could be needed but the over whelming majority of the time it will be surgeon preference (ie that surgeon likes to put a drain in all their patients). Easiest way to find out is ask
  16. Mhy12784

    Turned a corner

    I can drink fluids or protein just fine, even a decent amount at a time. But I just fine myself not wanting anything at all. Like I'd be happier completely not eating or drinking period. Though I do constantly find myself craving eggs and pistachios oddly...
  17. Mhy12784

    Any advice please

    It depends when your blood work was/is and how strong the numbers were. The further out/weaker your numbers were the more likely they would be to want to redraw labs on the day of surgery. If it's a legitimate concern it's worth a call to the office, so they could plan accordingly The runny nose/throat thing is a judgement call. But maybe calling in sick the day before wouldn't be the worst idea
  18. Mhy12784

    Great Low Carb Bread

    Also the numbers your nutritionist sent you don't even make sense If you're supposed to have 35g of carbohydrates max, 20g of fat max. And eat 800-1000 calories a day this means you need between 115g and 165g of protein a day to reach those numbers. Now I'm all about the high protein thing and rarely think too much protein is a bad thing. But doesn't 165g of protein for a bariatric female losing weight sound insane? I mean it you're an Olympic weight lifter or something that's a complete different story, but it just sounds odd to me.
  19. Mhy12784

    Great Low Carb Bread

    It was right on the link, 70 calories for a whole pita. Ketosis is BS. Calories in vs calories out is what it's all about. A ketosis diet will discourage you from eating or at least into highly limiting fruits and vegetables which are pure carbohydrates (though I agree fruit should be had in moderation) . I absolutely agree that keeping carbohydrates in check is important, and that protein is the most important macro nutrient that a diet should be built around.
  20. I know chewing your food to a complete puree is a key action post op with the sleeve. Does this get better with time (ie in 5 years will I need to chew every bite 20-30 times) Taking your time I'm fine with, no liquids and that also is pretty easy to do. But worrying about food getting lodged or making me vomit for a long time is kind of a downer. Just wondering how it looks down the road
  21. Oops damn auto correct neutral supposed to be exactly I think
  22. Mhy12784

    Gummy vitamins

    No experience but patches sound like bullshit. I don't think there's a lot of data supporting them either. I'm sure you'll find some people who swear how great they are on here, but I think it would be foolish to risk your health on something unproven (that's also probably really expensive)
  23. Mhy12784

    Gummy vitamins

    Maybe I'm the only one but I really enjoy then bariatric advantage chewables, they actually taste good and basically disintegrate completely in seconds. I'm still on liquids so I actually look forward to them, it's like candy. I'll probably switch to swallowables once I finish this bottle but they were great and I'd highly recommend (not to mention they're also made specifically for bariatric patients so their is that)
  24. Mhy12784

    November sleevers

    Honestly it wasn't uncomfortable at all, mostly because of the preoperative bowel prep and consuming next to nothing there's not a lot in you. And I was taking benefiber and colace everyday. Took miralax the night before just because I didn't want it to become uncomfortable and 12 days is a long time , but I think think most people will be fine not going for close to 2 weeks
  25. Mhy12784

    November sleevers

    It's surgeon preference for the most part. One surgeon group I work with NEVER uses them another uses it on a regular basis. There are certain surgeries/conditions it's necessary for but in this case (a sleeve on a relatively healthy young adult) it's most likely preference

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
