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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mhy12784

  1. Mhy12784

    Fast food

    I mean Air fryers are kinda difficult to perfect and are absolutely a gimmick. But if you focus on a handful of foods and perfect them it can be beneficial
  2. 7 is a little overboard, did you have previous abdominal (area) surgery or a history of any major abdominal problems/trauma ? This would be a legit reason for excessive trocars. As for me I had 4 trocars. A 15 (the big one) in the belly button, and three 5mm trocars for 4 total Of course I was sleeved the day before you and I still have steristrips on, so I havent had a chance to take a look at how the damage was . But considering the big one is the belly button, im not even remotely concerned about a few 5mm trocar sites. Lose skin/stretchmarks will/should be a bigger concern for the majority of us
  3. Mhy12784

    Fast food

    Sounds like you should read up on an Air Fryer (theres definitely lots of threads on them here) I know preop ive made virtually oilless airfried fries before and they were delicious. Baked/broiled fries are delicious one of my previous favorites, but usually are sitting in oil the whole time. Im not even remotely close to being ready to introduce potatoes back into my diet so it will be a while until I try them post op. Im looking forward to trying airfryed chicken cutlets using almond meal as well for a high protein high fiber low carb version of fried chicken. Probably will be incredibly dry and flavorless unless its brined though. A related question ive had for anyone who knows, is whats the verdict on leaving the skins of the potato on post op ? I know its the healthiest part of the potato and high in fiber, I just dont know how well the stomach handles that (and a litle dirt). Or if its something you probably want to wait till like a year or two postop for.
  4. Mhy12784

    Good high protein recipe

    Grapes are totally high in sugar But it depends how much youre eating too A cup of grapes is 15g of sugar. But if youre eating 4-6oz of food at a meal, how much of that is really going to be grapes ? 2-3 grapes ? That being said a staple of bariatric eating is usually protein > veges > everything else (carbs). I dont think it makes a ton of sense adding them if youre only going to eat like two, but I dont think theres anything wrong with it either if that floats your boat (or youre cooking for a family that includes non bariatric diet folks)
  5. I guess the real question is how do they define a mini hiatal hernia, because I dont think thats a technical term. From experience the majority of hiatal hernias (in patients that have them) are 2cm, and I think they notice a fair amount of improvement. With 3cm id say youre probably in the same ballpark. (mine was 3cm and I felt much better after it was repaired) Greater than 3cm and youre at even greater risk for a reoccurance (around 1/3rd of hiatial hernias come back in Sleeve patients) which is why if you have bad GERD and a >3cm HH you should have a thorough conversation with your surgeon about whether he thinks the Sleeve is truly your best option. Less than 2cm and I think some/many surgeons don't or cannot successfully repair them.
  6. I'm only 3 weeks out, but my fiber intake has been incredibly low. I do add benefiber to my drinks, but how else are you guys getting your fiber in early on? (I'm not asking about constipation or miralax or anything like that, just fiber) It's a struggle for me to barely hit or get close to my protein and fluid intake in daily from the constant fullness. So I'm trying to figure out ways to add more fiber, without being more full and struggling to hit protein/fluid even more I never asked my physician but what about tablets, gummies, capsules? I know a lot of them are inulin based which is pretty shitty as far as fiber is concerned. Ive never had to get the lions share of my fiber from supplements before it's probably the hardest thing to supplement! (when struggling with fullness)
  7. I understand them not wanting you to go high fiber as that's gonna cause gas bloating and some pain. But I would imagine we still should be getting af minimum 10-20g of fiber a day. And protein shakes dairy and the lions share of what many of us are eating probably has little to no fiber at all. I mean 60-80g of protein with almost no fiber, and we're all gonna end up with hemmrhoids
  8. I mean you could use a gradual tanner. It won't get rid of or prevent stretch marks, but it'll be a helluva lot harder to see them.
  9. Mhy12784

    Need Help

    If the question is about exercise the only person you should be talking to is your orthopedic/neuro physician or your physical therapist. But the obvious question is what's happening with your diet? Weight loss happens in the kitchen
  10. Jesus Christ. I mean you look incredible, but what's most amazing is your skin. Like your skin looks absolutely perfect, despite the fact that you lost half your body weight. You said you had a tuck but still. That's incredibly impressive and amazing.
  11. This shake thing sounds highly suspect to me. A shake made by Nestle (the chocolate company) where (according to their website) most flavors have between 40-65 g of sugar. And they all list sugar as the second ingredient after water. Unless there's some special sugar free version elsewhere, and I'm just reading the wrong thing. They must pay out a helluva referral commission
  12. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    40 pounds = 20 inches? A typo somewhere? And them screwing up and giving you dextrose instead of saline is absolutely ridiculous. I would have thrown a **** fit about that, that's pure incompetence. Not to mention your blood sugar being out of wacky delays healing and opens you up to infections (and surprise you got one). I'm more surprised that the PA was changing IV fluids though, that's something I've never seen one do in a hospital I've worked at. I mean they're absolutely capable, but it's not normal. Glad you're doing well now though
  13. Mhy12784

    Constipation Question-TMI

    Yeah that's a really long time. I was sleeved on the 13th, my first was 12 days later, and second was 6 days after that. That nothing is there because you're on liquid is BS, there's plenty there. Especially if you've been eating anything with calories (and reaching your protein numbers) Per my surgeon I was taking colace twice a day, benefiber twice a day and nothing happened. I went out on a limb and took miralax two seperate times (both times led to my only BM). It's something you need to get ahead of or it'll get worse, and approaching 3 weeks without a BM is scary stuff. I would absolutely invest in some colace (stool softener) to help make your inevitable experience less uncomfortable
  14. Mhy12784

    Help, I’m losing my hair!

    You mention all this stuff you're taking for your hair, but don't mention your protein intake vs where it's supposed to be
  15. Mhy12784

    Stuck at weight

    How accurate are your numbers? If you were eating 1000 calories a day with 80-100 protein and 30 of carbs, this would mean you're eating 55-60g of fat I mean that's totally plausible if you're eating a lot of of nuts oils or fatty meat, but it still sets off red flags making me think something is off. While I think fat is good and typically doesn't need to be limited. I also don't think having fat as your biggest share of calories is optimal for weight loss either
  16. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    How much are you drinking and what? The first 3 days in the hospital I was drinking nothing. Sugar free jello and Italian ice for me, and even that I was doing 1-2 oz an hour
  17. Mhy12784

    Quick Question

    Acid reflux? Do you have it? Are you on meds for it
  18. I read approximately 6 months and 2 years are the big markers for reflux to go away due to stomach growth relieving pressure and restoration of the angle of HIS But usually it can be treated or controlled with medication.
  19. Mhy12784

    November sleevers

    Milk those meds then! I remember I was getting offirnev every 6 hours, dilaudid like 4-5 times a day, and the occasional caldolor and Phenergan. I only got the Phenergan once but wow that stuff gets rid of nauseous fast and knocks you the hell out. I didn't have a lot of nausea but thst stuff is magic
  20. Mhy12784

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Clean your belly button REALLY well and brush the hell out of your teeth in the morning. Your nurse and anesthesia will love you And keep up the enthusiasm, it's gonna be an incredible experience
  21. Mhy12784

    November sleevers

    Home or in the hospital? If you're in the hospital stay on top of the nurses about pain meds. I did and I felt incredible the while time I was there, on another planet sometimes but this is major surgery so we're allowed to enjoy the good drugs
  22. Also have to factor in how healthy you are, how good/bad the original lab work is, and I'd you're on certain medications (diuretics, blood thinners etc) I know that if lab work is a little on the older side but say your sodium/potassium was somewhat questionable and you take say blood pressure medication they might want/need new labs
  23. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    My sleeve was 11/13 and has been such a bizarre experience for me. First I had bad GERD for years before my sleeve and decided to do a sleeve anyway, and haven't had a single issue with reflux. As a matter of fact I haven't had a single typical sleeve problem at all. No abdomen pain at all, very minor shoulder pain tbe first few days, no gas pain, no nausea vomiting anything like that. However I've had some completely bizarre painful other issues. After surgery my bladder got knocked out from anesthesia, so I had to get a foley catheter (while awake) which was more painful than the surgery and extraordinarily uncomfortable for a few days. Then around a week ago I started getting the worst hamstring/butt area pain I've ever had in my life. Like crippling pain and ended up in the emergency room all day yesterday. They ultimately said the treatment would be some combination of nsaids steroids and muscle relaxers, all of which I'm not allowed so just take Tylenol (which isn't helping at all). It's kind of bitterweet not having any problems with the surgery itself , but instead having this mish mosh of stupid random (really painful lol) other **** that keeps happening from it. I can laugh about it because I'm sick like that, but damn it hurts
  24. Mhy12784

    November sleevers here

    Damaging your sleeve or causing a leak is extremely extremely unlikely . Hurting your abdomen/muscles or something like that is a plausible scenario. While perfectly normal especially after a major life changing surgery like this , I notice that you tend to jump right to the worst case scenario often
  25. My sleeve was the 13th They had me getting Isopure RTD drinks the day of surgery for dinner, and at every meal after (i was there 3 nights). Upon release they had me cleared to be drinking protein shakes. I know Isopure is a little different, but they had me drinking my milk based protein shakes soon as I got home. All their paperwork says stage one is clears, but they continuously had me drinking protein shakes from the getgo

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