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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by dreamingsmall

  1. Morbid obesity, is, in fact, a metabolic disease (classified as such by the American Medical Association in 2013). And getting thin doesn't cure it.

    We will all struggle with it the rest of our lives....which is why it's so important to be kind to yourself and have respect for yourself no matter whether you're thinner and doing well, or heavier and struggling.

    Ok cool so you didn't eat too much. You became fat of air . ( Unless you have a medical condition) you can't tell me I have a disease lol. I know what got me were I am. You know what got you were you are. There is nothing wrong with my motabilism. But as I said. What ever makes you sleep better about what you did to your self. I take full responsibility for what got me here. Respecting your self and liking who you are fat. Are not the same thing. I respected myself at any size. I don't have to like it. Your the same person who says the ghrenlin removal is a myth. So I think your 'facts' are not quite. It's 2018 so what someone 'proved' 5 years ago.. is ER..great lol

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  2. :blink: That's a lot of replies and a lot of anger. You said you're leaving the thread - so . . . good luck with everything!

    first you think you upset me and now you think you made me angry lol I find you super funny and I made a point. I feel sorry for you. I'm not angry. If you stop quoting me i wont get notification. Im not rude your speaking to me. So il reply. You only wanted to hear from people saying but"poor you" anyone who didnt agree with you . You and your fellow know it alls try to go at people. No ones offended by your self centred post. Oh and I don't need luck. I'm doing awsome. But good luck to you. I understand your jelous of smaller people. But it's not our fault we did something about our health at a smaller size and realise the damage we did sooner. You should be commending us lol. But good luck with everything too lol

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  3. I dont understand how you stay under 50 carbs a day but dont track macros.

    Protein x4 + Carbohydrates x4 + Fat x9 = total calories

    Im not saying become a nutrition freak by any means, but learning about macros is basically nutrition 101, and imo is more important than everything else in nutrition combined (although having a balanced diet and micro nutrients are important too, I think the macros is far more important)

    I can be sure im eating under 50 carbs if I wanted without tracking . What I ate for month 2-6 was spinnach 1 ounce cheese and lean meat x2 and egg white 2 ounces 1 ounce cheese and 1 ounce spinnach. Snacks string cheese.

    I enjoyed repetition. And this was clearly under 50 carbs. I didn't input anything. Just all I made sure is it was 4 ounce most of the time. Sometimes I didn't. But it was very effective for me. I can say my loss was drastic. And I will go back to that at some point. I was so full.

    You could do 3 ounce meat 1 ounce veg or maybe 2 ounce meat 1 ounce veg one ounce dairy. I know some people don't have dairy when losing but it makes me feel like I'm eating something rich it tastes really good.

    Edit. + Sorry your not the original poster. I disagree with you. My team don't have their paitence track anything. My surgeon has a high success rate. Everyone is different.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  4. Good info. Thanks

    No one is looking down on weightloss drugs. Most of us has taken it before. We just don't agree it's the answer when we already have a tool that simply increasing dense Protein can easily make a difference. Yes I'm new post op 8 ish months. And I have a long path ahead that yes may include regain. But whether I'm 7 months or 8 years. I understood this surgery before I did it so we all know what we need to do if we suffer from regain. No one is judging. She asked for opinions and we politely gave it to her.

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  5. I also don't think you should wait till goal to dare. As I'm 30 lbs from goal I'm sure I'll look different from 160s to 130s but people ask me on a date . I go lol. You have to her practice too at dating lol. I'm happy with my body now and will someone who likes 160s like me at 130 hmm who knows but it doesn't matter really because I might not like them by then either. It's just a date so go for it.

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  6. Just an FYI when I first inquired to be resleeved I had an endoscopy done to find out what the problem was and my stomach was totally stretched. My doctor shared with me that when I first got the sleeve five years ago they weren’t taking chances and doing the sleeve as tight as they are doing them now and that’s one of the reasons why my stomach stretched and I was having a weight gain

    Yes. Your sleeve may have streched. But your having weight gain because your eating too much. Many people can have a bigger sleeve without filling it.

    I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying 61lbs and don't eat anything doesn't add up . So if your sleeve stretched you put food in it to stretch it. If you gained 61lbs and have no other health issues were did it come from if you didn't eat ?

    I'm not judging you but we have to take responsibility or we can't make changes.

    So if you can be honest to say what you ate to gain 61lbs. Perhaps someone can even help you with food ideas to swap to help you lose again. If you continue to say you eat nothing. When your sleeve has stretched and you gain 61lbs.. then how can someone help ?

    We all may slip up without noticing. And you may have another surgery but we still have to be mindful or it will stretch again

    But goodluck anyway

    Edit sorry I just noticed your not the original poster lol I thought you were replying to me because you were ! :)

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  7. I wish you would post a update pic . I am so excited to see your progress.

    Lapband 9/11/07 227 pounds
    Vsg 2/13/18
    Pre op diet 188
    Sd. 180
    Cw 167.4 Dr. scale says says one pound less
    First goal 169 2/26/18
    Second 150
    Goal weight 138
    I don't post pictures online of my self. Neither do I even post pictures of myself on Facebook for my friends. Who ever sees me sees me face to face . I'm a private person.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  8. Doesn't sound like you feel amazing. Just sayin' Meh...good luck to you. I hope there comes a time in your life when you don't need to think of your previous self as a disgusting animal. You weren't. You were a PERSON with a weight problem. it's not shameful. it's not a sin. It's a metabolic disease. And it deserves compassion. And yeah, I hope someday you have compassion for yourself. Best wishes.

    It wasn't a disease to do with my motabilism . I ate too much. But whatever makes you feel better about your situation. And again. Hmm how I sound to you is neither here nor there. Your passive aggressive so can't take what you say seriously. What you say is gospel about someone you don't even know lol. Good job. I wasn't ashamed either lol. I was fat now I'm not as fat. It's not the end of the world. It was disgusting being lazy and fat isn't something to be proud of. Just because you were proud and fat doesn't mean everyone should feel the same get over yourself. You were happy and fat good for you. Carry on judging everyone who didn't feel the same as you lol. I have compassion for myself. I love my self. I did not like who i was fat. It's not a crime to feel better health wise and mentally and physically when your smaller you can do more things. Simple as. Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  9. I am not saying you need to coddle others when discussing your own struggles. I, and some others in this thread, are just saying we could all stand to be a little nicer to ourselves and understand how negative self-talk does not really lead to a healthy relationship with our bodies. I am sorry if my post upset you.

    Lol don't over estimate your power. Your post didn't upset me. I completely forgot about it til I came back and saw it had been posted on.

    Your invalidating people in a group yet telling them you posted this so we should all be kind to yourself? Good back tracking.

    Your post had nothing to do with encourging people to be kinder to themselves and healthy relationships to our body. You said nothing about that in the post.

    If someone is feeling like **** they should say how they feel. As holding it in is detrimental. Alot of people who are obese have negitive feelings towards themselves from over the years. Of perhaps trauma in their life etc. Introjects of feeling worthless etc from their past. Could have even led to binge eating and their obesity. So maybe think deeper than " oh she said she's ugly when I weigh more than her " when in reality she may have been called ugly her whole life. So sees her self as that. Yet people ten times bigger she seems them as beautiful Kings and queens. It doesn't mean they see you or anyone else that way. And while your telling someone to think about what they are saying. Think about what could be behind it. And I would prefer someone was honest about their self hate than internalizing it. Most people on this process have counselling through the process some do not. So if you see someone saying anything derogatory ton themselves offer sensitivity and support. Not make this whole post about them . You never know how much they may value your positive words. Instead of your 'rant' blaming them for making you feel worse . I'm leaving this thread because I don't come to this group for negitivity. And your post did not offend me. I was honest. And I will always be. You can choose to ignore it. Back track. Insult me. Suit your self. All the best.

    It's not just 400lbs + that allowed to have issues with self worth .

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  10. People get on my nerves. Post something negitive about an particular group of people. And when they respond they start barking like a dog. Rant all you like. But don't expect people to wrap you up in cotton wool.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  11. This was posted by the original poster in rants and raves, exactly where one comes to discuss things that are bothering them. Your reaction to the poster comes across as very aggressive.
    Is there another area of the forum here that you suggest the poster could share her feelings freely?
    A bit of levity is warranted in this area of the forums. Just my two cents.

    I see. She's allowed to share her words freely but other people can't ? Lol she ranted I can rant too. Thank you for your two cents. I'll give you a cent back.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  12. In all honesty....saying you're a disgusting animal because of what you weigh...is going to be seen by others as being really really messed up. PARTICULARLY ON A BOARD FULL OF FAT PEOPLE:)
    And by the way...you could focus on yourself and not respond to her post if "focusing on yourself" was a virtue you honored.
    Practice what you preach.
    I don't care what you think about a comment to myself. Infact did you type this message ? It's quite offensive. There are people with no arms that need voice typing. I think you and op should be mindfull of that. Instead of being insensitive and typing out long messages . Especially on a group with other disabled people LOL

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  13. In all honesty the original poster should just focus on herself, why worry about what others are saying about themselves? Has NOTHING to do with you...IMG_3508.JPG.361a7b77b5aad6a81ad01a9fa27f7baf.JPG
    If you don't agree with certain people they use passive aggression . Lol i agree with you 100%

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  14. Anyone here is allowed to think and say......that they are a disgusting animal all they want.

    But....I'm gonna feel sorry for you publicly, if you share that very sad piece of information publicly.

    Don't do that to yourself. It's abusive. You, and everyone here...deserves better.

    Dehumanization, historically...is a very ugly thing correlated with countless crimes against humanity.

    Value yourself. Value others. And don't hang this toxic crap on fat people.

    Oh sh. If you want to talk to me talk to me. I'm the only one who said it here. I don't say it on posts. I said it here. Do I care what you think about it ? No? Feel sorry for me all you like. I look amazing and feel amazing. I needed to feel like that for me to realise this is not the way to go with my life. End of the day we are all on the same boat so don't think your better than me because you were happy to be fat. My confidence dropped big deal. I look amazing. And I love my life so I don't feel sorry for myself feeling that way.

    Trust me. I value my self and others. And someone on the net doesn't need me to do so . But again clap clap for you.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  15. I think anyone who thinks they're "disgusting" and compares themselves to an animal....at any weight....has bigger issues than obesity. That's incredibly messed up in my book.
    Is fat unhealthy? Yep. Yep, it is. Like any other metabolic disorder, obesity is dangerous and must be addressed.
    Does it make you a disgusting animal? No. it really doesn't.
    To say that about anyone...including yourself....is abusive and messed up.

    Do you have a right to tell me I can't feel like a disgusting whale ? No you don't. It is how I felt. You can't help how you feel . And unless your a moron you know that most people fat have unferlyning issues so give yourself a badge for realising that could be the case here.

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  16. Hello dreamingsmall, I am sorry if my post offended you. You seem to be very aggressive in this reply to me. I never said it was all about me. This is a place to talk about all of our frustrations. Personally, I am working to be more conscious of how everyone's journeys are different and how our struggles can be just as hard, despite our different starting points. Maybe you can also work on understanding how someone voicing their struggle with self-worth doesn't invalidate your own. Thank you for the reply.
    You ranted. I ranted back. Take it or leave it.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  17. Great replies everybody. I want to be clear that I don't think that people who started with a low BMI have it easier! What I'm saying is... people need to be cognizant that there a lot of people who start off with really high BMIs. So when you talk about how fat and disgusting you were at a certain weight, you might be talking about someone's goal weight. Does that make sense?? It can just be hard, PERSONALLY, to see someone talking about how disgusting it was to be, say, 50 lbs overweight when you have over 200 lbs to lose. You know?

    No it doesn't make sense. People come here to be honest and talk freely about what they are dealing with. Instead now you want them to put a muzzle on it so they don't offend larger people. Come on.

    Don't read those posts if they bother you. But that is your responsibility. Not anyone else to not be honest about how they feel about THEMSELVES in order not to offend you.

    Like saying I shouldn't complain about the fact that being super dark skin I have to avoid the sun as I don't want to get darker.

    And someone coming out of the shaddow.

    "Hey ! Don't say that. There are so many light skinned people who would love to be dark and spend hours tanning . You need to be considerate to others feelings..."

    Say what ? I'm talking about MY FEELINGS stop being so self centered and making it all about you is what is respond to that person.

    My advice to you is to focus on yourself and not to concern your self with words people use to describe themselves.

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  18. I don't really care if you started at 400 lbs.

    What someone says about themselves has nothing to do with you. And you can't suddenly expect people not to be honest about how they feel about themselves..

    Hell yes when I was 250 I felt like a disgusting fat whale and the look of myself made me want to puke. I was also at deaths door ready to have a stroke with the type of high blood pressure that had me in the emergency room many times almost losing my vision.

    I will say felt disgusting if I want to.
    It doesn't mean I think anyone who is 400 lbs is disgusting. It's about our selves and how we feel.

    Because you would kill to be 250 doesn't mean it's not incredibly unhealthy for those who are already there.

    I think you should be mindfull that it isn't all about you and don't try and invalidate someone's feelings or make it all about you because you started at a higher weight.

    Sent from my Vivo 5R using Tapatalk

  19. I'm going to be sleeved in September and I've kind of questioned whether or not I want to tell people or not. My wife knows but that is it. I feel like I don't want to tell people. What has everyone else done, did you tell or did you not tell?
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    7 months post. I am not the type to go round spreading my business about anything. So this is no different. My mum and a best friend knows.

    I'm not hiding it. I just don't go round telling people I see people regretting telling and saying people are always looking at them or asking if they are still losing or how much they lost every time they see them.

    I'm happy.

    Do what's best for you.

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  20. Hey everyone. So I am thinking of getting the sleeve done but I am nervous and scared. Could you all tell me your experience? What made you get the sleeve done, have you been successful? What’s your stubble??

    7 months and 70+ lbs down. I'm very happy my first goal is normal weight 30 lbs to go.

    I'm so happy

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  21. I started on my pureed stage today. My doctor told me I'm allowed to add in creamy Soups, tune, blended chicken and blended fish. I gave tuna a try with a bit of mayo. I had about 2 oz with two crackers. Chewed it a bunch of times until mush and then swallowed. Not even 10 min later I threw it up. Did this happen to anyone else? Not I'm afraid and just want to continue with my fluids

    I didn't know crackers is part of the pureed phase...

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