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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Melissa315

  1. I am a head start teacher. I planned my bypass surgery to take place 3 days before our 1 week spring break. I had my surgery on 3/15 and returned to work on 3/27 (the Monday after Spring Break). It was more than enough time. I spent 2 days in the hospital and on the way home from the hospital stopped at Target to get meds and walked around the whole store! It was extremely easy for me to get back to work!! Best of luck to each of you and hope you recover just as quickly!!

  2. I am 3 months post op as of yesterday and I'm starting to think I don't eat enough calories a day....I've tried to increase it but I get full so fast and if I start having "snacks" throughout the day I definitely won't meet my Water needs. Living in AZ I'm very concerned about making sure I get enough water. My rate of loosing has been great but I am slowing down. Yesterday I only had about 450 calories. Any advice? I do see my surgeon for my 3 month in Monday as well (although my lab results I got yesterday were not terrible!)

  3. I am 3 months post op and still struggle with the Water sometimes. I bought a 40oz bottle made by Takeya from costco (2 for $30) and it keeps your cold drink COLD for 24 hours! It has made it a whole lot easier for me to drink my liquids. I also randomly add the sugar free water enhancers. For me it was super easy to drink 64oz before I added in solid food, the whole not drinking 30 mins before/after made it hard for me!

  4. I've been on this and other boards a long time, and this question comes up from time to time. A few people wear them, most don't. They don't usually insert food tubes in emergency situations, although I suppose if you were in the hospital and happened to be unconscious, it could be a problem if they inserted a food tube. Although I also suppose they'd figure it out pretty quickly when they hit bottom a lot quicker than expected. I don't think EMT's would be giving NSAIDs, either. Hopefully a hospital would have access to your medical records and would know about drug allergies, the fact you had gastric bypass surgery, etc. But then if you were away from home and unconscious.... Anyway, it's probably a remote chance that anyone would need it (EMTs probably would not ), but if you want to cover all your bases, then yea - I could understand why someone would want one.

    My fiancé really wants me to get one, his concern is more for if there was an accident and I was unconscious and without identification. (So many people's purses get left behind or lost in car accidents). I see his point but I also don't want something really obvious that announces to the world I had bypass...I adjacent been very discreet about it. Only those who need to know have been told.

  5. I was cleared to eat salad 2 1/2 month post op.
    I put my chicken on top and fat free cheese and lettuce on bottom.
    Eat Protein first and then if not full I eat the lettuce and other none protein..
    I use skinny girl fat free/ sugar free dressing.
    REALLY good[emoji3]!

    Sent from my D6708 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I eat a salad almost daily for lunch! LOVE the skinny girl fat/sugar free dressing! I switch back and forth between balsamic and raspberry vinaigrette! I also make sure to use a 50/50 spring mix/spinach salad mix. The spinach is a good source of iron!!

  6. So I came across a blog about the importance of gastric bypass patients wearing medical alert bracelets. It stated that the risk from things like NSAID's and the insertion of blind feeding tubes can really hurt you. If brought into emergency unconscious doctors would not be aware of your bypass procedure..

    What are others feelings on this? Does anyone actually wear one??

  7. I am also no expert as I'm only a week and a half out of surgery, but I have researched like crazy! I have this sickness where I need to know everything I can about anything I can especially medically related ha ha. I hear ya! I asked about when it gets better since I was having buyers remorse while being stuck in the hospital and I was told I need to check my mental stability. Feel free to message me as well, I haven't been able to connect with anyone about WLS.

    I am lucky enough to have a friend that had the sleeve and another who had bypass and was the one that really is my inspiration to finally see his doctor and I am so grateful for them! Buyers remorse is said to be somewhat normal, especially when your first in the hospital and feeling pain. How are you feeling about it now that your home and working through the stages??

  8. I literally got on the app today to ask if anyone knows of any other apps or groups out there as this one is not very supportive. I have asked questions with zero responses or the responses I had been give weren't helpful at all and filled with judgement. Good to know I'm not the only one that has noticed that.

    If anyone knows of another app, I too would switch! I asked a question recently about having a few sips of wine at my wedding in a month (I'd be 4 months post op) and you would have thought I asked about politics! I got a few people making polite suggestions but others just ripped into me about how stupid I am for even asking this!!

    I came here for support and answers to questions I am curious about but aren't worthy of a call to the doctor and would like to help others the same way!! Feel free to message me if you'd like...I'm not a genius but I'd like to think my experience can help others [emoji846][emoji846]

  9. Exactly! Glad I found someone who is likeminded!

    And, thank you! I am happy, but decided to stay off the scale until my next appointment because I don't want to feel discouraged if the progress what I think it should be.

    Are you off puréed foods? Also, where do you live? I live in California.

    I am just a few days shy if my 3 months, I am off puréed foods. It I have to basically do trial and error when choosing foods to eat. I only introduce one new thing at a time so that if I do react in anyway I have a general idea of what caused it. I still start my day, every day, with a GoGurt Simple in the car in my way to work!!!

    I am in Arizona!!

  10. I'm feeling ok. I'm super frustrated with the puréed stage right now... I'm tired of the Protein drinks, and nothing else seems remotely appetizing. I'm down 17 lbs. How are you doing?

    I've been reading post on this app for a week now, and a ton of people seem so damning. Honestly, I get a sense of judgement from the former RNY patients, so I refuse to post any questions.

    I have to agree with you, I didn't post until just recently bc if felt like people were very judgements when others are just being honest and/or looking for advice/support. I believe that everyone will have a different journey and a different experience, we can make great supports for each other but no one should be making anyone feel small or degraded.

    Feel proud of yourself for making a difference in your own life and 17lbs it's a great accomplishment!! The puréed food stage was very hard for me as well...I lived off Soup, refried Beans, and protein drinks!!

  11. Nutritionist are worthless.
    They are the grifters of the medical field.

    Thankfully my surgeon only required one visit pre op because insurance requires it (yet won't pay for it). Now I only work directly with him on my needs and follow his nutrition plan set in place and feel like I am better off without the NUT!!

  12. Oh, I feel you. I was wondering this morning if what did it was the butter instead of the grits. I am definitely not going to try and find out...

    My guess is it was the butter, but I wouldn't want to find out either. Grits aren't a necessity so if I were you I would just omit them from your diet and remember the pain they made you feel! Replace them with a steel cut oatmeal (there are some great overnight recipients on Pinterest, just watch the sugar content!)

  13. Oh, I feel you. I was wondering this morning if what did it was the butter instead of the grits. I am definitely not going to try and find out...

    My guess is it was the butter, but I wouldn't want to find out either. Grits aren't a necessity so if I were you I would just omit them from your diet and remember the pain they made you feel! Replace them with a steel cut oatmeal (there are some great overnight recipients on Pinterest, just watch the sugar content!)

  14. Today I went shopping and was so happy I got teary-eyed in the fitting room. Size 18 to size 10 in about 5 months. At my last NUT visit, she didn't seem too impressed. Am I supposed to be losing faster? It's not easy but I'm determined to keep this going! IMG_0219.JPG.9df82d8e0c3b0894d7dbd7c749f3199c.JPG

    You are doing great! Don't let your NUT's attitude burst your bubble. I think they act like that bc they think they are "motivating" you when really its discouraging! Every person who goes through this journey will loose at their own pace and I think your doing great! When I started my journey 3 months ago I was in a size 22/24 and 2xl or 3xl tops. As I sit here typing I am wearing a junior size 16 shirts and a medium shirt!! Everyone's progress will be different but in the end as long as your headed in the right direction your in the right track!!

    Good luck and great job!!!

  15. Ugh, I feel your pain! The worst "dumping" I ever experienced was when I went to a usual restaurant with my fiancé. They have been amazing with accommodating me after my surgery and will make me a plain chicken breast and veggie plate for just a few dollars! Well they got a new cook who was unaware of my restrictions and cooked my chicken breast on the flat top where they warm the buttered Buns for burgers/sandwiches. After 3 bites of chicken it was INSTANT drooling, chest pains, and stomach cramps! I left the restaurant right away and in the 10 min drive home I pulled over 6 times to vomit on the side of the road! It wasn't the chicken that caused it, it was the butter that was on the flat top! My body can't handle even the smallest amount of butter!!

  16. Same just happened to me. I flew from Chicago to Arizona no problem because I didn't get picked to do the full body scan. When we flew Arizona to Chicago I was picked to do a full body scan. He showed me the scan and yes it shows a bunch of yellow spots all over belly and inner thigh area. They had to do a pat down. I didn't say anything and just let her do her job but it kinda sucks. I've only lost 65lbs but I have extra skin on my inner thighs. It does makes you feel weird to have a pat down. I guess it's something we have to be prepared for every time we fly unless we have plastic surgery.

    Ugh, I am flying from AZ to Chi in exactly one month, this isn't something I am looking forward to dealing with at the airport. I am 3 days shy of my 3 months post op and only have a little saggy skin in the lower belly area...trying to keep myself fit while I loose the weight bc I'm traveling for my wedding!! Let's hope I can make it through the TSA checks!!

  17. Today I started my Friday unable to eat right away due to my 3 month pre-op blood draw!
    Breakfast: GoGurt Simple (right after blood draw in the car!)
    Lunch: chicken Leon rice Soup (only was able to eat about half when typically I can finish it)
    Snack: good thin chickpea crackers
    Dinner: Ground turkey & Tomato sauce with Protein Pasta noodles
    Dessert: no sugar added strawberry fro-yo (first fro-yo since surgery and it was my reward for hitting a 90lb weight loss this week!!)

  18. I have it and no longer use it... the taste was ok for the first week or so but after it stopped mixing well and I just started hating the taste. I'll have to compare the amounts to what I currently take because I don't know if it's enough of everything we need even with both the bariatric and the women's complete

    I did compare it to the lists from my doctor and it's pretty comparable as long as you combine the 2.

  19. I am almost 4 years out and I lost my weight very fast!! I lost 132#'s in 6 months. Because I had stricturres and needed 5 endoscopes with 4 dialations with a ballon. It started right after my RNY, I got to where I couldn't even hold down Water. This started in Nov of 2013 with my last endo dialation on Jan of 2015. Strictures are like scar tissue that closes your opening so nothing gets in or it takes a long time to go down. It felt like the food or water would sit on the top of my pouch and then went down slowly. Only to make me vomit it all back up. So I developed a Food Adversion, because I was so afraid to eat. I lived on Oatmeal, Baby Bell cheese and Cheeto's!! Which my Dr knew about the whole time. I was told that if I had to eat whatever it took to nourish my body. But up side of this is I am great!! I have finally been able to branch out at what I can eat beleive me. LOL Not one Counselor knew what to do. The one I went here in my town didn't have a clue of what to do with me. Finally, I called my Surgeon who set me up with a Bariatric Counselor. But I didn't like her anwsers. She wanted me to eat every 1/2 hour that I was awake. She had me buy BOOST High Calorie junk!! I was so frustrated!! I told my hubby that I just traded one eating disorder for another. Now for the good stuff here are my stats: HW 249 (this time I had lost down from 285's) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125'#. So I have maintained my 124# loss for 3 and 1/2 years. I really don't know if my quick weight was a probem with my skin issues or if it is my age because I had lost 135#'s during one of my ups and down dieting. I didn't have any skin issue then but I was 52 and very very sick at that time. I have had a Panni done in Sept of 2015. They removed 10 plus pounds off my lower stomach. Now thats another story. LOL Sorry that I wrote a book. I just have lots to say!! You should meet me in real life. My hubby threatened to buy a Chastity belt for my mouth. LOL When we were first married. LOL Those memories just pop up sometimes. Any how have a great Sunday. Congraulations on your journey. Look forward t following it.

    No worries about your novel...I too have been told I am too chatty sometimes! It's nice to get to learn about the journey that others are going on. Makes me realize how lucky I am to have limited issues and good progression. I only pray that it stays this way as I continue past my 3 month and head for my 4 months and my WEDDING!!!

  20. you must take your vitamins!! U can get gummies, chewable or liquid, just grin & bare it

    I try SO hard to get them in but getting ALL of them through out the day isn't easy for me! I have chews from Bariatric Advantage, melt in your mouth ones from BariMelts, and gummies. I feel like it's just so many per day! 2 multi, 3 Calcium, D3, B12, Iron, Biotin, and Omega-3 (1 of each) it's so much to spread out throughout the day!!

  21. Your not alone! I had a really hard time eating for about 31/2-4 months. Nothing tasted good, the only thing that was ok was wrapping lean ham (deli) wrapped around cheese stick (low fat). Then it was like a lightbulb went off & everything started falling into place. Everyone is different. But make sure you take ALL your vitamins!! I lost really fast too but it levels off. I just had my mayo 6 month visit, my labs were great, down 60lbs & my Bariactric Dr. Was thrilled with my results! Only 15 lbs to go.
    Hang inthere your doing great![emoji7]

    My new favorite thing right now is Egg salad!! That and salad is what I'm eating a lot of. I also have a GoGurt Simple every morning. I REALLY struggle with taking my Vitamins though ☹️

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