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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from Redo2017 in 1 Month Surgiversary   
    Happy to say I am on my 1 month surgiversary.
    I have lost 30lbs since my surgery and 20 inches total loss.
    I am feeling great!!
    It was tough the first 3 weeks but it gets easier everyday. It was totally worth it!!
    So excited about my journey!

  2. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from Redo2017 in 1 Month Surgiversary   
    Happy to say I am on my 1 month surgiversary.
    I have lost 30lbs since my surgery and 20 inches total loss.
    I am feeling great!!
    It was tough the first 3 weeks but it gets easier everyday. It was totally worth it!!
    So excited about my journey!

  3. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from Redo2017 in 1 Month Surgiversary   
    Happy to say I am on my 1 month surgiversary.
    I have lost 30lbs since my surgery and 20 inches total loss.
    I am feeling great!!
    It was tough the first 3 weeks but it gets easier everyday. It was totally worth it!!
    So excited about my journey!

  4. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from Redo2017 in 1 Month Surgiversary   
    Happy to say I am on my 1 month surgiversary.
    I have lost 30lbs since my surgery and 20 inches total loss.
    I am feeling great!!
    It was tough the first 3 weeks but it gets easier everyday. It was totally worth it!!
    So excited about my journey!

  5. Like
    qy22 reacted to Jodygirl1982 in Do you find that vomiting has become part of your post VSG life?   
    I'm a little over a month out and have experienced vomiting pretty constant since my sleeve on December 7th 2016. I to have wondered about this. Sometimes it's I realized I hadn't took my stomach pill at that time and others it didn't matter if I had or not. I feel if it's like trial and error as if learning what to and what not to eat and how much as well as how fast to eat.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    qy22 reacted to ToddSutton in 2 days post op   
    I got my sleeve July 26 hang in there it gets better and we will be well worth it in the long run I feel so good luck with yours

  7. Like
    qy22 reacted to MochaKelly in 2 days post op   
    I agree. I had to have a "conversation" or two myself. I was sleeved May 17th of this year and was in ICU until June 2nd. I am 50 more pounds down since surgery for a total of 120 pounds since my journey to well​ness began February 2016. #197MoreToGo. #VGSSavedMyLife

    Sent from my XT1097 using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    qy22 reacted to kathlizzle in MISERABLE! Please tell me it gets better   
    It does get better, really. By degrees each day. Allow yourself time to heal from anesthesia, medications, and the trauma of surgery. Relax, rest, and follow Dr. Orders.

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Like
    qy22 reacted to Luisajfc in 2 days post op   
    And you will do great,good luck and fast recovery!

    “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps
  10. Like
    qy22 reacted to UnicornsAndGlittah in 2 days post op   
    Wow, that isn't right at all. Glad that you're feeling better. I'm scheduled for the 23rd for the Bypass, and I am so nervous!

    Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    qy22 reacted to latara41 in 2 days post op   
    Oh wow!! I'm post op 2 days as well... I was just really sore..finally passed gas today... but my team here rocks.. i pray you have a speedy recovery...

    Sent from my SM-T810 using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    They also gave me this bear its called cough buddy

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    They also gave me this bear its called cough buddy

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from sjandj715 in Make room on the loosers bench   
    Hi guys I made it. Lol. My surgery went well.

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    They also gave me this bear its called cough buddy

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in 2 days post op   
    My surgeon says my surgery went well with no complications. Once I woke up i was in a lot of pain in my abdomen. It feels like you are being stabbed over and over and in waves of pain. I do have gas but it's subsiding as I walk and pass gas.
    When I got back to my room the pain would not subside. My 1st nurse was rude and told me that I'm only allowed a certain amount of pain medication at a certain time as it was prescibed. I put up with pain until I got mad cause I felt like I was being tortured. She came at 430pm and gave me morphine. It did nothing I called for her 4 times after and she was ignoring me. I was in so much pain. My bf had left to walk our dog and I was alone so I text my sister because I couldn't even talk from the pain. I told her what was happening let's just say that lady rushed in my room and gave me propofol and I passed out with no pain finally. After that my nurse switched shifts and I have a great nurse who is giving me my nauseous and pain meds that work. Point of story: You should not be in pain at the hospital!!! Day 2 which is today took my drink test and I passed. I'm feeling so much better today. Only taking ice chips. Tried to sip a bit of Soup yesterday and my tummy got tight. So for now only ice chips.
    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from sjandj715 in Make room on the loosers bench   
    Hi guys I made it. Lol. My surgery went well.

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from sjandj715 in Make room on the loosers bench   
    I'm tired but will update on everything tomorrow. Thanks guys

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from sjandj715 in Make room on the loosers bench   
    I'm tired but will update on everything tomorrow. Thanks guys

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    qy22 got a reaction from sjandj715 in Make room on the loosers bench   
    Hi guys I made it. Lol. My surgery went well.

    Sent from my SM-G920T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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