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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About SusitaNM

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  • Birthday May 5

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About Me

  • Biography
    Entrepreneur, Mom, High Desert Goddess
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  • Interests
    Writing, Reading, Coaching, Nature, Painting
  • Occupation
    Writer and writing coach
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About Me

I am a 55-year-old woman who lost my left leg -- and much of my mobility -- due to trauma. In the years since, I've struggled terribly with my weight. I've always had weight problems, but balanced them out with healthy exercise, healthy food, and proper medical diagnosis of several metabolic disorders, including Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, hypoandrogenism, and poly cystic ovarian syndrome.

Several years later.... I'm in full-blown menopause and I've gained over forty pounds since my amputation. Because of that, I basically spend all my time in a wheelchair. I CANNOT GET THE WEIGHT OFF. So I decided to do a gastric sleeve. My surgeon advised me that the surgery will help me shed enough weight to regain my mobility and may even reset my metabolism to make it easier to keep the weight off in the future.

I am reaching out to any other amputee gastric sleeve patients who might be out there. My surgery is about a month away, and I would really benefit from some realistic advice about walking after surgery, mobility, etc. I'd love to hear from you. Thanks,

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