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Posts posted by Abeille213

  1. Every licensing board is state specific. The APA ethics board has jurisdiction over APA members only, of course (though state professional associations and licensing board take guidance from them), and I have no idea whether or not you're a member.

    I took Memphis from your profile.

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I’m not in the business of posting my legitimate private info online but feel free to contact the state of TN. Maybe they’ll point you in the right direction.

    Also, the ACA and APA both have a separate code of ethics. They are national, not state specific. Perhaps you could start there. I am a member of both organizations.

  2. When you identify yourself as a psychologist, you are acting in your professional role as a psychologist. When you make evaluative statements about another person as a psychologist, you are treating them as your patient, even though they have never consented to it.

    "Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
    Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm. In their professional actions, psychologists seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons, and the welfare of animal subjects of research."

    "Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity
    Psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination."

    "3.03 Other Harassment
    Psychologists do not knowingly engage in behavior that is harassing or demeaning to persons with whom they interact in their work based on factors such as those persons' age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status."

    "3.04 Avoiding Harm
    (a) Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable. "

    If there is anyone on this thread who feels they have been harmed by this individual, please contact the Tennessee professional licensing board: https://tn.gov/health/article/filing-complaints-against-health-care-professionals

    This person states she has a specialty in weight loss, practices in Memphis, performs bariatric psych evals, and has been making denigrating comments here under the auspices of her expertise as a psychologist. Though she's not identifiable on the basis of extant information, her board does have subpoena authority and could certainly identify her, if they deemed there was sufficient cause to open an investigation. (Note that portraying oneself as a psychologist when one is not can be deemed sufficient cause in itself.) If there are enough complaints, there may well be an investigation, because what is going on here is not really debatable, ethically.

    And she should be banned from this site.

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I find it interesting that you’re so concerned with my opinions but not at all concerned with those who have broken rules. Fear not, I’m in the process of reporting them, of course. But still... your hypocrisy is shining.

    By the way, I never said I practice in Memphis. However, I did just return from a conference there. The south isn’t really for me, so nah. Not Memphis.

    I strongly encourage you (dare you, really) to do your level best to report me to whatever governing board you can convince to listen to you. Of course, that would be none of them, as they couldn’t hear you over the sound of their own raucous laughter once they heard your ridiculous claims... but, I digress...

    Please, do your best. I want you to try. I really, really do. You are a geriatric, lonely person with little else to do than follow me around this forum. So it’s not at all surprising that you would latch onto someone like me who might give your meaningless life purpose for a day or two. Unfortunately for you, the fact remains that I will do as I please. Always. And there’s absolutely nothing that you can do about it. That must really annoy a know it all like yourself.

    If you’ll excuse me, I’m meeting someone at the movie theater shortly. However, feel free to reach out to whatever board you can find. Hint: the ethics board is not state specific. You should be able to file a complaint against me without knowing in which state(s) I practice. Good luck!

  3. Was one of those people claiming to be a psychologist?

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Not that I’m aware of. What difference does that make? Does this forum have different rules for different professions? No? Okay then.
    The cursing, threats and name calling are against the TOS regardless of profession. But nice try on attempting to excuse that rule breaking behavior whilst trying to condemn my non-rule breaking opinions. Lol Good luck, sweet pea.

  4. Mr Brecher, there is a user on this thread who is claiming to be a psychologist, posting unverifiable proof that she is a psychologist, and then making hostile and denigrating evaluative statements to other users as a psychologist. When confronted, she refuses to curb her unethical behavior. This is analogous to someone claiming to be a physician and then practicing bad medicine on an anonymous internet forum that you host. Tolerating this behavior may make you complicit in any resulting harm. Please ban Abeille213.

    My behavior is not unethical. I am entitled to my opinions just as anyone else. If you’re so concerned about the behavior of others, perhaps you should focus on the two people who are actually cursing me, telling me they hope I die, saying they hope I gain every pound back plus 50, calling me a cow, fat shaming, etc.

    Or doesn’t that fit the narrative you’re attempting to build here?

    Lol this is so funny. It truly is. Come on, tell me. How old are you really? I’m guessing 55+.

    Are you unaware that this is a public forum full of differing opinions and ideas? That you don’t get to control what others think, feel or believe just because it isn’t what you think, feel or believe? I will continue on with my opinions regardless of what you think. But enjoy the juvenile attempts at kindergarten style tattling. This was seriously the best post I’ve seen yet. Absolutely classic. Thank you.

  5. For anyone reading, the American Psychological Association ethical guidelines can be found here: http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/
    Every state, to my knowledge, relies heavily on them to determine what constitutes unprofessional conduct. In ethics training provided by the TRUST, which is the malpractice company endorsed by the APA, the trainer presented surprisingly analogous behavior as an example of unethical acts on a message board.
    Abeille213, please seek consultation, and refrain from unethical behavior.

    Good god, you have got to be an extremely old person. Lol Yes, there’s a board of ethics. Does it apply outside of a professional setting? Nope. Not at all. So save the idiocy. Or... I suppose you could contact them yourself and let them tell you. Just be sure to let them know that an anonymous stranger online hurt your wittle bitty feelings and you can’t take it. Let them know this person is a licensed psychologist and you want to file a complaint against this anonymous person for something that happened on an anonymous Internet forum outside of a professional environment. Then, move the phone from your ear to prevent damage, as they will be laughing quite audibly.
    You might even record the phone call. It will get a lot of laughs.

  6. If I could read your name and the state in which you're licensed, I'd be on the phone with the licensing board first thing tomorrow morning. Please discontinue your unethical behavior. If you don't understand that what you're doing is unethical, please seek consultation.

    Oh but you can’t read them so it’s a moot point. I will discontinue absolutely nothing as I’ve done nothing wrong. I tend to do what I please. Take your laughable threats elsewhere to someone who may actually fear your repeated asinine empty threats.

  7. If you are a psychologist, what you're doing here is unethical and actionable. You're making evaluative statements under the umbrella of your professional expertise that are damning, based on information posted on an anonymous peer support forum, where you have not formed a client/professional relationship. Please discontinue, or I will push for you to be banned from the forum (and I encourage you to seek peer supervision on your conduct).

    Lol you’ll push for me to be banned? Have at it. I’m sure the admins put a lot of thought into your opinion.
    Actionable and unethical? Wrong again. But good effort, love bug.

  8. I feel oddly dirty for engaging in this thread... devolvement. I will bow out now, with the hope that the OP doesn't bail on the forum because of the bad behavior and thread hijacking.

    She already bowed out on herself when she gave up on herself. She further bowed when she, as a WLS patient, thought she would attempt to fat shame. Her presence here won’t matter. She will fail at this journey, there is no doubt.

  9. Psychology and journalism -- two degrees that people got when they weren't that smart at my university. Oh, and political science, lest forget.

    Well, I have 3 degrees and am the youngest person in the university to ever finish a doctorate. I’m not overly concerned about how intelligent you may or may not believe me to be. What are your credentials, exactly? Non-existent, I would wager

  10. I'm sorry my long-winded post drove everyone off the deep end [emoji20] I thought I made a good argument....
    * Thinks to self: "Maybe everyone is just exercising too much"... [emoji6]

    Nah your post did nothing of the sort. You made good points. People who flip out this way are walking around on edge and totally unstable to start with. Hopefully anyone in need of psychiatric intervention will seek out assistance.

  11. Hahaha “the kindest person you’d ever meet”?? Really? I wonder if the admin will agree with that when I send him this post. Keep fooling yourself that you’re a nice person. That’s actually funny. This is excellent. I am loving it.

    Also, I’m not a cow at all. I look and feel fantastic. 23 lbs to go until goal weight. Wearing a size 6. I’m doing great. So, nah, not a cow. But feel free to insult me again. I love getting this kind of reaction from whackos.

  12. This thread is a mess! This so called psychology expert has a lot of balls speaking to anyone this way. Shame on you. How dare you come out here and talk down to others when you yourself couldn't keep from your own bag of chips and had to undergo surgery. You sicken me and are a disgrace to your profession. I rarely participate in here and I'm the kindest person you'd ever wanna meet however your behavior doesn't merit kindness. I truly hope you regain every effing ounce you lost plus another 50 lbs you cow[emoji202]
    Your surgery may have been a success too bad you're rotten from the inside and ya can't fix that b*tch!

    Sent from my LGMS330 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Hahaha “the kindest person you’d ever meet”?? Really? I wonder if the admin will agree with that when I send him this post. Keep fooling yourself that you’re a nice person. That’s actually funny. This is excellent. I am loving it.

    Thank you to those you kindly approached me with solutions and your wisdom. I appreciate the help.
    If anyone knows how to delete this post, please reply to this. Thank you

    Nobody has to stop posting. You chose to make a public post. People will respond. Don’t let it drive you back to the potato chips again.

  14. I wouldn’t come to you EVEN IF I NEEDED help. You seem like a horrible person. Besides that I already had my psych evaluation and was cleared for surgery. If you had any sense you’d know that after a major surgery it’s okay to be fearful of if I’m doing the right thing or not. So why don’t you bounce off my post and worry about fixing yourself. Obviously as a doctor that didn’t prevent you from tipping the scale at 400 pounds. So why should I listen to anything you have to say, you couldn’t even listen to yourself.

    Lol this is fabulous! I love that it’s this easy to get you worked up enough. And fat shaming? Really? Give me a break. There is absolutely nothing you can say to upset me. I’m secure enough in myself that I don’t flip out due to a comment on the Internet. Sadly, you cannot say the same thing. No wonder you’re failing at this process, not losing properly and eating potato chips. You’re incredibly unstable and in desperate and immediate need of serious, intensive, inpatient treatment. You will fail in this journey, my dear. I give it 6 months, at the absolute most. You’ll gain every pound back and then some. Very sad. Feel free to flip out again and attempt to insult me. I find it wonderfully hilarious.

    Also, I’m 6 feet tall and was 402 at my highest weight. I lost over 100 lbs prior to surgery. Since my surgery 3 months ago, I’ve lost an additional 97 pounds. So, which of us is failing here, darlin’? I’m 23 pounds away from my goal weight. How about you? [emoji57]

  15. Curious, are u a physician? What kind?

    You don't seem very tolerant of those that are having a bit of a hard time mentally right now. It may be easier for u to deal with since it appears u have been in the WLS game for awhile, are down a significant amount of weight (from 402 to 249), and have had time to mentally adjust to how quickly, or slowly, YOUR body loses weight. It's easy to forget that u too were once first out of WLS and eventually stalling in ur weight loss and wondering if u were doing the right or wrong things. You used to weigh 402lbs, those feelings must have come up. So why are u so judgemental of others that have them now?

    Folks are here for support, not to be shamed or told to get over it and 'stop whining'. So, of course she would get defensive if someone tells her that! It's inappropriate, and since when has that ever been a proper way to empathize and encourage? Is it really necessary to vocalize your annoyance, for no reason, or is it more appropriate to just move on to a different thread, one where u can offer support, suggestions, and inspiration based on your experiences?

    No, I’m not a physician, however I am a doctor. I’m a psychologist. You can chastise me if it pleases you, but it won’t change anything about me. I am not here to coddle. Coddling does not help anyone. It only encourages this type of self sabotaging behavior.

    This poster isn’t interested in any suggestions that don’t immediately fit what she wants to hear. She has already proven that by jumping down the throat of others. I will call that type of behavior out every single time I see it.

    I’m sorry you don’t seem to approve of how I deal with things. That’s your right. However, I’m certain there are things you may do or believe that I wouldn’t approve of. That’s the beauty of human beings. Believe what you will. Think what you will. Do what you will. And so will I.

    On June 12, 2017 I had my gallbladder removed, my lapband removed and revised to an RNY.

    HW: 402, SW 306, CW 249, GW 185

  16. For the record, I'm careful with EVERYTHING I read on the internet! :-) What I liked about the video is that he reinforces what actually IS common science/research -- weight loss is achieved through diet, not exercise, and therefore you have to get your head and your diet straight as your top priorities during the early stages after bariatric surgery. And then when you do start exercising, as an obese person you are gonna need the help of trained professionals to guide you in the early stages. Those are the messages he promotes in this video, and they make perfect sense to me. Have you actually watched the video (just curious...).
    I watched another of his videos this morning out of curiosity (and will watch more) and he had the highly UN-debunkable position that your success or failure largely lies with the choices you make.

    Of course I watched it. I wouldn’t have commented about it if I hadn’t done significant research on this man and his comments regarding exercise. I won’t tell anyone what to think or believe, but there is a multitude of research that debunks his beliefs.

    As an aside, exercise does cause weight loss. It’s about 80/20 diet vs exercise. Exercise and muscle tone turn the body into a resting calorie burning machine. If you’re interesting in learning just why many, many, many professionals disagree with Dr. V, check out Alwyn Cosgrove Hierarchy of Fat Loss or anything by John Berardi. There is also a lot of peer reviewed research on the subject I could point you in the direction of.

    On June 12, 2017 I had my gallbladder removed, my lapband removed and revised to an RNY.

    HW: 402, SW 306, CW 249, GW 185

  17. I am new to this game, but i am reading blog and vlog. Dr. V says exercising too early in the game is sabotage. The nurse in me says this makes sense. Exercising causes your body to want more calories. But with surgery we have smaller stomachs in order to consume smaller meals. Your body sounds like its craving morein order to meat physical demands. I haven't been sleeved yet but my twin sister was sleeved on 7/26/17 and shelter started immediately exercising and hunger grew in intensity and in turn she wanted to eat more. She would eat more and get sick. Li ke guys said earlier, she increased her Proteins and it helped lessen hunger. Thanks go sharing definitely will keep these things in mind when i a m sleeved 11/30/17. Stalls r inevitable but the weight didn't arrive overnight so give it more time. Keep everything in journal the good, bad and the ugly. It helps me in the know as far as intake. Good luck u can do it.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Just be careful about Dr. V’s “no exercise is good” claims. There is no research to back up his claims and tons of research that say he is wrong. Many bariatric surgeons have come out fiercely against what he says. There are also some really shady things about Dr. V in terms of the money he makes on his vlogs and how he has been accused of saying these things only to make money. Meaning, he puts out a video that everyone wants to believe is true. Because of course we want to be told exercise is bad, right? So, because of that, the video spreads like wildfire and he’s making bank. I’ve read a lot about this and the money wall that is behind us Facebook page. I really don’t trust him, especially considering he very plainly stated that he’s not a bariatric surgeon (he’s a general surgeon) but he chose to learn how to do the sleeve operation because there are so many fat people he knew he’d get rich. He actually said this. I don’t trust him at all.

    On June 12, 2017 I had my gallbladder removed, my lapband removed and revised to an RNY.

    HW: 402, SW 306, CW 249, GW 185

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