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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Patriotsfanatic

  1. Soooo... I'm 8 weeks post op.... 50 lbs down, which is great! But I'm having back issues from an old issue years back. Curious if anyone else is dealing with something similar? About 10 years ago I used to move pianos for a living and threw my back out at a job. Ever since then that spot has always bothered me but only occasionally. Sometimes it would just ache and at others if I turned the wrong way, I would throw it back out. Even when I get massages I have to tell them to skip that lower side because it hurts too much. Anyways after losing the 50 lbs that spot on my back is killing me everyday now. Aleve does help but I don't want to use any of that stuff on the regular. Ironically I thought losing weight will help with my back issues not make them worse haha! I'm back to weight training and working on some low impact back excersises so hopefully that will help. Like I said just curious if anyone else is or had experienced the same. Thanks in advance!

  2. I was on liquids for 11 days ....should of been 9 but was having a hard time getting my Protein in. Today is my first day of puree. Then in another week if all is well, I'll be approved to move onto soft foods for 2 weeks I believe... then set free to try different meats and so on after that. I had a 2 week liquid only diet pre op....that was horrid! At least im not feeling hungry...just really bad head hunger that you just have to fight off. Keep your head up and keep pushing along, the days will add up quickly.

  3. 12 hours ago, LittleSomethingNew said:

    I am 3 days post-op. Finding it very difficult to get Water & Protein in. Yesterday = 23 grams & 50 ozs Water. I know that's not enough. I can feel every swallow like a bubble going down. Every sip of water returns a burp.

    I'm about 10 days out and it took me alittle over a week to reach my Protein goals of 104 grams a day. I felt exactly like you...every sip I took I burped...it does get better with time....just drink slow and super small sips. Takes some getting used to. Hang in there. I had to switch from 6 ensure high protein (too thick and sweet, 16grams of protein) to the Unjury powder mixed with 8oz of fairlife milk. Far less sweet and the powder is 21 grams + 13 grams of protein of fairlife milk. I only have to have 3 shakes to get to goal. So much easier!

  4. I'm also having a very hard time with the protien shakes. They want me to get 5 ensures down! Yea right! So I switched to Unjury powder and fairlife milk. Much thinner and less sweet. I still have to push it down but it's much easier because I only have to have 3. 21 grams of Protein in unjury...another 13 with the fairlife milk. Tomm I get to start pureed stage hopefully after a phone call with the nurse. I'm 10 days out.

  5. 3 minutes ago, BubbleSam said:

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you all an update. My surgery went great and my surgeon is super happy with me. I walked a ton while I was in the hospital which helped me feel so much better. I'm finally home and everything is going good. I'm so happy I did this and am so excited for this journey.

    How are you holding down the protien shakes? I get so nauseous on the first sip of it. I had to call my surgeon today to get some anti Nausea meds called in for me because I was dry heaving bad this morning.

  6. I was sleeved yesterday...most of my gas pains seem to be sitting right below my rib cage on the front on me. The big incision hurts the most out of anything. Mainly when I get up and down. I felt VERY nauseous for about 24 hrs... doctors changed my meds this morning to try something else and I feel 100% better. My back is ok though... only uncomfortable because im laying down for so long. Sorry cant be much help there. Good luck on your recovery!

  7. 6 hours ago, longway2go said:

    Checked in the hospital this morning at 5:30am surgery is set at 9am! I only had one day for liquids but I did 3 days just to prepare myself. Not too bad. What really sucked was the darn commercial about food lol! I continued to workout during liquid diet and that was weird. Felt a bit week in the legs but nonetheless I did it. Today during my weigh in I was down 10 more pounds. I have exceeded my Dr recommendation prior to surgery. The next adventure will be post op and I can't wait.

    In a couple hours a new chapter will begin for me. Again, best of luck to all on this journey and remember all our hard work will pay off!!

    Good luck man! I was sleeved yesterday. It was pretty horrible when I woke up but I feel 1000% better today... they switched up my meds and now I'm much more comfortable. You got this sleeve brother! Stay strong!

  8. 21 hours ago, chynadoll619 said:

    How did it go?? Congratulations

    I woke up in so much pain and very nauseous...thankfully not too much puking. Gas x has helped alot and now gas is only a bother very infrequently. I've been walking alot. They changed my meds this morning and I felt 100% better instantly. The morphine wasn't sitting well with me... put me on toradol and oxycodine. My big incision is the thing that hurts the most now.

  9. My sister had this done years back. She recommended at least having someone with me at the hospital to help walk around and the first couple of days...mainly because I have an 8 yr old son and will be much easier to take care of him. You will be very weak and exhausted...especially the first week. I've heard of people over doing it and passing out. Can't take that chance around my son so thankfully one of my sister's is flying in tomorrow for surgery on Tuesday! Good luck!

  10. On 4/26/2017 at 11:30 PM, hardwork&dedication said:

    I only told my husband and 1 coworker but today that co-worker let it slip to another coworker so now I think...probably everyone at work will find out. NOT very happy about that.

    Same thing happened to me at work...my dumbass boss let it slip. They have no idea what kind of surgery but I didn't want anyone knowing and now everyone knows at work! Trusting people are hard to find these days apparently ...what a shame! Sorry to hear! Keep your head up!

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