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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by PAstudent

  1. PAstudent

    Need a Multivitamin

    Good luck to you! And be sure to ask your surgeon/nut for suggestions when you see them next! I've heard interesting things about transdermal vitamin patches.
  2. PAstudent

    Need a Multivitamin

    They are a necessary evil. You're almost 2 months out. If the texture is what's bothering you, is there any reason you can't take vitamins in pill/capsule form?
  3. PAstudent

    Need a Multivitamin

    Which have you tried? I'm using Optisource's chewable bariatric vitamin. It's orange flavored, a bit chalky, but my bloodwork comes back normal. (I also only take 2 of the recommended 4 you're supposed to have per day)
  4. PAstudent

    Swallow test

    I had one, but swallow tests soon after surgery are sort of a false assurance. There's so much swelling right after surgery that even if there was a leak, it wouldn't be likely to show until several weeks post op.
  5. PAstudent


  6. Feeling exhausted and hungry lately... it's probably just head hunger, but knowing that doesn't really help when I feel like I barely have enough fuel to get through my workouts (30 minutes strength every other day and 60 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill almost everyday)

    How do I get more energy? My vitamin levels are normal (b12 was a bit high) and I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. My calories are on the high side (900-1200) so I'd prefer not to increase them until the 6 month mark.. I'm just not sure what to do :/

    1. Newme17


      I second Berry78 on that. I haven't been consistent with my workouts these days and I'm still losing the weight. So, yeah, you need some more rest. :)

    2. PAstudent


      Thanks you guys :)
      I started comparing myself to others and freaked out about "only" losing 8 pounds for my second month so I increased my exercise. I was under the impression you can never do too much low intensity cardio, but in retrospect, I think I was doing moderate intensity stuff.

      Actually reading this back to myself, I now see that my exercise program for the last few weeks has been a bit more intense than it should be for where I'm at right now. Some rest and time off sounds good to me!

    3. Newme17


      Absolutely! That "only" shouldn't be in our vocabulary. I've used it a couple times before and had to correct myself as well.

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  7. PAstudent


    Walk, sleep/rest, and wait it out Unfortunately, there isn't a magic cure to make gas pains go away, but you will survive them! Use your incentive spirometer, focus on staying hydrated, meditate, and the gas will lessen over time.
  8. I'm able to drink normally (not chugging a whole bottle of water, but also not taking little sips either) and I'm only 2 months out. I'll typically have a couple of mouthfulls or approx. 4 oz. of liquids then wait a minute or so before drinking more. Initially, drinking is difficult due to all of the swelling. As time passes you'll be able to fit more and more liquids in at one time.
  9. PAstudent

    Do y'all see a difference?

    I do! You look great and it definitely looks like you're slimming down everywhere, but especially around your waist
  10. PAstudent

    What to eat, drink?

    Protein shakes are the big one I didn't see mentioned. Sounds like you're on full liquids? You could have sf popsicles to get a little bit of different texture. Protein soups/broths were a godsend my first 2 weeks when I would get tired of the shakes and protein water. Hang in there! I know the liquid phase isn't fun, but the results you'll see and eventually the way your body will feel will make it all worth it!
  11. PAstudent

    Starting soft foods tomorrow

    When I first started soft foods, I wasn't able to get even 2 oz of a ricotta bake down. Go at your own pace and don't force yourself to eat! You probably won't get sick, but you may feel some discomfort if you eat more than you can tolerate. The trick is to eat small bites slowly. Look up how Gordon Ramsay makes his scrambled eggs. I've found that texture to be so much more pleasant than the rubbery chunks of eggs we tend to have here in the US
  12. My butt is SQUARE AND FLAT now :48_weary:
    The weight is slowly coming off and I'm keeping up with working out (strength training 4 days a week plus 60 minutes of cardio every other day plus walking/biking to class and work), but my friends and personal trainer don't see me being able to put on muscle until I'm done losing weight (which probably won't be for at least a year)

    1. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      I noticed that my butt went from plump to soft and conform into being jiggly. My calves are jiggly and so are the back of my thighs. I hope i can get muscle but haven't been at the gym yet. I'm 338 now so it might take more time.

    2. Newme17


      I'd like to see those type of changes too when I'm carrying less fat as well.

      @Sweet as peaches...I think of the song by Will Smith, "Get jiggy with it!" Oh okay, it's not the same word, but it popped in to my head when I read about your jiggly-ness. I have the same thing happening myself.

    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Funny but true. I am always feeling the jiggly parts to see the changes.

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  13. I asked the anesthesiologist to take a picture of the portion that was removed haha, he said it wasn't an uncommon request Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. PAstudent

    I feel so moody! What's up ?!!

    I know exactly where you're coming from! We were sleeved around the same time and I've been on edge lately too! I chalk it up to fluctuating hormones, being "hangry" (but really it's just head hunger), and the biggest one for me is not having the option to comfort eat. It's almost like I'm feeling trapped because my coping skills for dealing with stress and other negative emotions aren't as great as I'd like to believe they are. We're adjusting to a totally new lifestyle and don't have the option to double back like we did in the past. It's one of the best things about WLS, but it also means that in the mean time, we have to deal with acclimating and temporary discomfort. Hang in there!
  15. Bone broth really helped me out early on. It's easy to sip, tastes good, and you can cook meat in it for 2x the protein! 1 cup is 35 calories and has 9g of protein
  16. 6 weeks post op and down 29 pounds! I don't look any different, but my clothes sure are getting looser! 2 inches down on my bust, 1-2 inches down on my waist, and 3 inches down on my hips/butt. What methods do you use to track your weight/fat loss?
  17. Also, weight fluctuations (both gain and loss) are noted side effects of hormonal birth control. However, most of this is due to water retention and sometimes increased appetite. You've had WLS, the likelihood of you gaining significant weight from something like this is slim. If you start on the pill, you have the option to try several different types until you land on the version that works best with your body Find/talk to your gynecologist, you'll be able to ask more in depth questions that are particular to you <3
  18. From what I've heard, IUDs are generally discouraged for women who haven't had children. I have the nexplanon implant in my arm and I love it! I only get my period once every couple of months now. I started taking the pill when I was 16 and was on it for 3-4 years (I was still a virgin, but I had awful PMS cramps). With the pill, I had to remember to take them at the same time every day and they slightly increased my blood pressure because of the estrogen. The nice thing about the pill is that you can control when you get your period. So those are some things to consider. Hormonal methods of birth control (the pill, nexplanon, mirena, etc) are among the most effective contraceptive methods, I'd highly suggest you look into them first. Barrier methods (condoms, female condoms, dental dams) should be used in addition to hormonal methods to protect against STIs, even then, they are not 100% effective. I don't care what your partner's history is, it's good practice for both of you to talk about your histories AND get checked before fooling around. (It'd really suck if your partner didn't even know they had something and you got an STI your first time) It does not matter if they're also a virgin or not, STIs can be spread through oral sex, sharing of sex toys, sharing of bodily fluids, etc. DO NOT rely on the pull out method, YOU CAN GET PREGNANT YOUR FIRST TIME, and also I don't suggest you rely on charting ovulation either. Also, don't rush into it. You have all the time in the world and you should feel emotionally and physically ready for it
  19. PAstudent

    6 Weeks post op

    Down 29 pounds from highest weight (26 from surgery) 2 inches down on my bust 1-2 inches down on my waist 3 inches down on my hips about 2 inches down on my thighs
  20. PAstudent

    Young-er buddies?

    Hi! I'd love to be a weight loss buddy! I'm 21, 6 weeks post op, and lead a generally youth-antic-free lifestyle now hahaha (Well, that's to say that I usually no longer do things like get stranded in Atlantic City or things of that nature) Feel free to send me a direct message on here to get in contact!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
