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Posts posted by jfcajr

  1. I agreed with him that his criticism was constructive, and wasn't berating. How you got I agreed with him that "someone isnt worthy".. no idea, but that's hilarious. Thank you for that.

    What you should be questioning is why OP made this thread. It has nothing to do with WLS, it's instead whining about posters putting out negative opinions regarding his food choices that he posts in the open for people to respond to.

    You are clueless. I made this thread because I've read a lot of negative feedback from people on other people's posts, not just my own. There's a bunch of trolls on here and you're one of them. Get some therapy because you and others like you are angry and judgmental and have no right to be. Are you so perfect? Don't bother denying it because if you were you wouldn't be on a weight loss surgery app.

  2. Difference: I'm not complaining about opinions criticizing eating crap. I'm complaining about personal attacks, which no one but you is doing. Indeed decorum is key, and as stated in the very forum rules I talked about earlier, opinions are more than welcome, which includes criticism of eating candy. Bashing people for giving their opinion strays from that. Obviously neither you nor the OP know the difference, and are likely being far too sensitive to have a reasonable discussion with. Hopefully over the weekend you can settle down.

    I think you're unreasonably angry. Maybe you need to eat a peep

  3. I don't mind being called 'far too sensitive'. It's a chic magnet. [emoji6]
    What isn't, is nagging.
    Be a person of your word too.
    Opinions are welcome.. even over sensitive ones right? [emoji23][emoji23]
    As for being agitated, I'm having quite a bit of fun. Too bad its good friday so I have been banned from 'conjuring up demons' [emoji8]
    Sent from my SM-N900P using BariatricPal mobile app

    You are hilarious and on point! Hahaha

  4. LoL.. I read through the post.. I saw no name calling.

    Before the point gets lost in needless and irrelevant back and forths, it still goes back to the same thing.

    Decorum is key. some people want to label others as being 'sensitive' for feeling insulted by a post, yet are chagrined when others label them as 'rough mannered'.

    Anyway, the thread was a chance for me to air certain opinions...

    Long weekend coming up.
    Have a good one..

    Sent from my SM-N900P using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thank you

  5. I don't even mind 'know it alls'.. but if one is truly willing to educate another, respect and empathy are important. Push aside all sentiments, judgments, resentments and all the other negative 'ments' and try to understand the person you are educating. Then give advice in a palatable manner. ..but No!! Because they they have all the answers, they must dish out with tough love.

    They try to bash the information onto, and into others; Then double down when their advice is rejected. Then they go and throw hissy fits in elsewhere about how newbies 'destined for failure' ganged up to bully them. I'm not saying that bad advisers aren't present or that people aren't bullied by some ignorant others, but if they truly feel a strong urge to help people, then that is not the attitude to have.
    We all cannot be the same. I expect some are tough-love advocates. However, tough love is not an excuse for being a jerk or being uncouth. Most of us are here to seek information or to give back. Obesity is just one of the issues some of us had/have.

    In my insignificant opinion, losing the weight in itself is a tool (not just the surgery) to help us on a journey of self discovery.
    Some people were jerks, but felt people shunned them because they were obese. As the weight comes of, true character will be revealed.

    Excuse the rant. I just feel this is a refreshing thread. [emoji3]

    Loving your rant. You hit the nail on the head

  6. Exactly! You can admit that you ate the peeps and liked it! The problem I feel is when people try to "sneak" stuff past themselves. Like eating or taking bites of something but not accounting for it or letting that become a habit. Like you said, you got your Protein in and that's what's important at your stage. I do not allow myself "treats" whatever it may be, if I don't have my Protein in and I don't allow it on a regular basis if that makes sense but I try not to deny myself constantly.

    Makes perfect sense to me. I don't regret it.

  7. What do you expect? We're all hungry and cranky!
    Just kidding, were people really criticizing you or just offering some hard advice? Last post I saw you said you had some Peeps. Aside from atrocious taste in Easter candy , I don't see why anyone would criticize you.

    Lmao! It's like a reformed smoker. They are the worst and think they know it all. I'm doing great with my sleeve. Surgeon and nut are very pleased. Of course they were much more understanding about the peeps than some peeps on this app. Haha

  8. I think this is an extremely important fact. Accountability is the most important thing I have learned since surgery. My wife used to make me huge plates of food and I would eat it so she wouldn't think I didn't like it. Or my parents would want to feed me whenever I came over and I felt obligated to eat it. Now I know that it was my choice and I should have said no. At first, I told them I just couldn't eat because of the surgery. Now I tell them that I really just don't want something because I am taking responsibility for what I put in my stomach.
    On the subject of treats, I still have them. The only difference is that now I only pick something that (to me) is truly a treat. candy that is available at any gas station is not a treat. They are as common as dirt. But a homemade Tres Leche cake? Hell yes I am having some. A 16 year old scotch? Yep, I'll have a little of that too. Someone is making prime rib? Count me in!
    My point is simple, we should not deny ourselves food that brings us pleasure. But don't settle for a slim jim and a baby ruth; make sure it is something actually special.

    Peeps are special to me. Lmao

  9. I had a mini Cadbury egg the other night, just one, it was delish. I'm 15wks post op and down 76lbs. I do allow myself a little treat from time to time but I also count it in my daily values and hold myself accountable. I think that's more important, accountability than never allowing yourself another treat again. We are all human.

    I agree and hold myself fully accountable. Through all I learned about this surgery pre op is that we won't have to deny ourselves anything but instead enjoy everything in moderation. Once again I don't regret the 3 peeps as I got all my Protein in and only had about 600 calories for the day. The 75 calorie peeps aren't going to derail my new lifestyle

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