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Status Updates posted by Sleeve1stFitNext

  1. 5/27 - Had a good day. 

    Breakfast: Two scrambled egg whites and 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese.

    Lunch: 3 Lettuce Wraps (6 oz of turkey, 1 povolone cheese  slice and 2 pickles)

    Snack: 14 olives

    Dinner: Chicken Salad (4 oz of chicken, 1/2 cup of mozzarella, romaine lettuce, guacamole, sour cream)



    1. Newme17


      Sounds like a great day. 😊

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      It was no complaints.

  2. 5/8 - I went shopping to purchase two pairs of pants and a bathing suit for VA Beach. Well nothing fit properly. Everything looked awkward and made me uncomfortable. The one bathing suit that fit made me look like a huge fruit cup. I just felt defeated at that point. I did get some cute sandals though. 

    So I came into work today. To be blamed for another persons behavior. Go figures:rolleyes: My GM stated that my discussion with the night manager caused the issue to escalate. That me having a discussion of roll over caused the person to behave the way they did and I was supposed to deescalate the situation. So I said to her, "So when he threatened me with physical violence, I was supposed to just take it?" She got quiet and stating that I am creating a hostile work environment. I just looked at her dumb founded. I have already sent and email to HR regarding this person previously and I sent another one detailing the conversation including the one with the GM. 

    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      So irritated. I forgot to add in food lol.

      Had Maple Glazed Chicken, ate a small amount and stomach started making noise. I had to go to the bathroom 30 minutes later (bowel movement). Now I know not to have that any more.

    2. Newme17


      Hon sorry about your work situation. Ive dealt with that kind of mess before (worked in corporate for years) and don't miss it! I hope it pans out real soon for you.

      Maple glazed? Never heard of it, but given what it's glazed with, I can imagine it might be a little bit too sweet for the tummy. Live and learn, right?

      in due time, you'll be able to find bathing suits etc for yourself. But I want to encourage you, despite how you think you might look (or do), get something and show the world you don't care. Just have fun on your vacation!!!!!

      stomach wants to growl. I'm going to bed. 😊

  3. 6/26 - I had a bad day. My bf and I broke up. He stated that he preferred me bigger and that had he known things would change that he would have never supported the decision. When I asked how things changed, he stated the following: 

    1) You put on makeup more

    2) You get your nails done more

    3) You do your hair more

    4) You dress differently. You do not cover up as much

    5) Guys look at you more (Ding! Ding! Ding!)

    6) They hit on you more (Jackpot!!)

    I was stunned as he continued on his rant. At that point he told me he needed space and that he felt he needed time to get used to the new situation. 

    Before this journey I would ate my feelings away. I would have cried, watch romantic movies, Jack and Rose would have been my idols, my heart would have not gone on and I would have gained 5 lbs in one day. However, I felt no desire to stuff my face. Actually I felt nothing. After thinking about what he said and talking to my mom, I decided to end the relationship. I do not want that toxic attitude in my positive environment. I made a hard choice, however I am sure I made the right choice.


    6/27 - Still followed my Keto diet. I did have a sugar free Popsicle. Went to the gym. Noticed something disturbing, my boobies are starting to have loose skin :48_weary:. I knew it would happened but I was hoping it would not. I boobs do not fit in my bra's anymore. They are sliding under the wire like peek-a-boo. SMH.

    1. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      @Thejeweledsleeve I am so sorry for the breakup. Always remember life is short and I am proud of your journey and I am wishing you continued greatness. You will always be our main squeeze.

    2. Apple1


      Sorry to hear about the breakup, but I am sure someone better is just waiting to meet you.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      It's okay. Thanks for all the support. I just did not think that he would be that way. He is fit, muscular and works out religiously. I thought he would be proud of me. I do not look like the females he typically date. Part of me thinks that's why he is insecure. His exes either treated him badly or cheated. Maybe his fear was that I would do the same once I lost all the weight. Whatever the reason, it's unacceptable. Really thought he was it.

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  4. After a week of keeping my mind on the goal, I got down from 196.2lbs to 193.9lbs. I am soo happy. I have not words to describe it. It gave my a renewed hope that I can come down a bit more. I personally don't like being so close to the 200lbs because it is soo easy to get back up to that amount. 

    This weekend, I spent time looking at my older workout videos and that the one that gets me is the pull up. My first time, I did 3 and 1/2. I struggled soo much to do that. Then the next week, I was doing 6 and I was not struggling as much. It just reminded how far I had come.

    Sometimes we focus on the finish line soo much, we do not take time to look back and see how far we have come from the starting line. I have come to the conclusion that I may not get to my weight goal due to my love of weight lifting and strength training but I will take being able to do a pull up and one day hopefully as push up any time. 

    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @karen_marie Thank you. I wanted to be around the 150lbs with muscle but the build of my body allows a lot more muscle. I have packed on soo much of it. My coworker who has been weight training since his early 20's says I annoy him because I can easily gain muscle but he has to struggle to gain. I advised him that while I can gain muscle easier, he burns fat extremely quickly. So we are both **** out of luck lol.

      I am sure you will be able to do more than just one pull up down the road.

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 It has taken awhile for me to get used to the whole sculpting the body then losing the weight on the scale. I am just happy that changes are happening. Although they maybe slow, it has been a fun journey and I want to be strong.

    3. Newme17


      It’ll pay off!! 😁

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  5. As I reach my 6 month post op. I wanted to just update you guys on a meal prep day for me. 

    Breakfast: Coconut oil (1/2 tbsp) green tea - 65 calories

    Snack 1: 14 olives - 60 calories 

    Lunch: 15 shrimps and 4 leafs of Romaine Lettuce (this is eaten over the course of 1 hour) - 248 calories

    Snack 2: 1/2 Pickle - 5 calories

    Drink: Coconut oil (1/2 tbsp) green tea - 65 Calories

    Dinner: Tuna Fish (water), Light mayo and cucumbers (over the course of two sittings) - 240 calories

    Drink: Karma Fitness Water Bottle Fuser (After Gym) - 20 calories

    Slim Jim (Snack Size): 2 - 80 calories 

    Calories: 778

    carbs: 8g 

    protein: 81g

    You can also view the picture below. 

    On average I eat anywhere between 700 - 800 calories of food a day. 


    1. Apple1


      Do you eat the same amounts on days you workout? I would think you would need more calories than that if you are burning a lot at the gym.

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      I bring an additional protein Shake just in case. I normally do not feel hungry after the gym. I feel an endless thirst, so I drink a lot of water. I just head home, take a bath and go to sleep.

    3. Apple1


      When I started running I had to eat more. My calories bumped up to 1000 and now that I am running longer distances I am hitting 1200 on those days. It seems like some people are able to do well on less calories. It is great that you are doing so well!

  6. Day 6 of this diet is actually going really good. I am depending mainly on Protein Shakes today. I will however order a garden salad later since I can have leafy greens in my diet. I may just need fiber to kick this bowel issue I have been having. 

    Also, I should have never had carnation milk. Idk what I was thinking. 

    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Yeah. It was for two weeks. I made through. I am proud of myself.

    2. Newme17


      I'm proud of you too. I'll be doing two weeks as well. When is your surgery?

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      My surgery is tomorrow the 26th at 10am.

      This is surreal, I cannot believe that this is happening. It came so fast. I am ready for this.

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  7. Gave my back sweat a smiley face 😊. Isn’t she adorable? Her name is Sweatie. Lol, I am annoying. Lol

    I got back down to 189.6 lbs. I have increased my cardio with weight lifting, as well as consistently worked on my Abs. 




    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Lol, I use sweet sweat and a neoprene to help me sweat. I honestly have a hard time sweating to it makes my tummy pour down. That's where I hold most of my water and feel bloated.

      Since upping my cardio, the weight has been coming down. I think the key for me is equilibrium lol. That is the the key to everything. Also my diet has equaled out. I have no more than 40g of carbs with 120g of Protein. Limiting the fats a bit to no more than 20g. Also increasing my water intake by another 10 oz getting me up to 74 oz. This has been working and I see and feel the change.

      Yayy for being strong.

    2. Newme17


      Never had an issue of not sweating! Lol. Yes, I’m glad you upped your water intake for using the sweat gear. I’m glad it’s all working out for you too!

      Soooo....weights are on hold. Goodness even holding my phone is hurting. I slipped and fell on a grape at the grocery store! Hahahaha. Lol. It was quite comical. I can even hear the cartoon like noise when I went down. Well I tried catching myself and landed on my left hand. Feels sprained. I had it documented with the store as well, for the just in case. But I think it’ll blow over in a day or two, I hope!!! So, just cardio for me. My doc will be happy about that part...wants me to focus on cardio more. Haha.

      I was a victim but I choose to not stay the victim!!! What a glorious day!!! 😊

      ...some guy ran in to my car yesterday as well. Haha. My house alarm goes off and have to dispatch the police, all at the same time!!!! What chaos...but it’s all good. Funny too.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      I hope your wrist gets better. While I was reading your post, I couldn’t help but imagine the fall and the cartoon sound. I would hold off on weights for a little too.

      Nope there are no victims here. Just strong people reclaiming their lives each and everyday.

      You had such an eventful week. Oh man, someone hit your car, police get called. I am sure you were like what else could possibly happen. Whop Whop!! PoPo knocking at the door. It’s crazy how so much can happen in a short period of time.

      The amazing thing is how we can laugh about the craziness now instead of turn to food.

      Yeah that stuff has my tummy looking like a waterfall when all is said and done.

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  8. Happy New Year!!! Just remember how far you have come. I hope to have another great year with all of you and watching everyone reach their goals. 

    As a reminder, it is not how fast that you finish the race but that you finished it. Let's keep this going into 2018!!!

    From 2016 me and beyond!!!


    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Happy New Years!!!

    2. jls99660


      Wow - you look wonderful! Congratulations!

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @jls99660 Thank you very much!! Hope to see your progress as well.

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  9. I am in Love with myself right now. 

    There is soo many times I felt like giving up and just saying F*** it. I will never lose any more weight or get rid of all of this fat. I am soo glad that I did not. I took this picture after a work out on Friday and I have to say "Dammmmnnn Gina" lol. I am coming together so nicely. I may not need to spend that much money on stomach after all lol. I am soo excited to keep this going. I cannot wait to see what I look like in 6 more months. This year has been amazing. My Ab is starting to come in too. 


    1. Newme17


      Keep it up hon!!!!

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 Thank you. I am considering powerlifting next. I am really enjoying lifting and I want to start pushing myself more.

    3. Newme17


      I love lifting too, but haven’t considered power lifting. If you go that way...I’ll cheer you on! 💪🏽🏋🏽‍♀️

  10. I am starting to lose my edges ya'll:48_weary::48_weary:. I cannot say RIP the edges. I have been slicking those babies back and wrapping them up at night. My babies hairs are laid for the gods as always. But them edges are splitting from my baby hairs like the Moses splitting the red sea. You could sail the Titanic between my baby hair and edges as this point. I will be damned if I am out here looking like Naomi Campbell. 

    Now I know people are going to say use a protective style. However, braids, weaves, twists and wigs will only pull more of my hair out. I have very fine hair with a lot on my head but my cute fro is a no go!

    1. Newme17


      Oh hon the way you describe is super funny, but it's is disheartening about your hair. I too am losing hair, a lot of it. I usually relax my curls and I haven't done for fear of losing a lot more hair than intended. Also, I'm kind of worried any new growth will come in all gray! Cause I've got quite a few strands popping up and I'm not a fan of hair dyeing anymore. 😂 lets both just hang on, we know it's temporary, which I thank God for that!!!

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Your edges come back when your weight loss slows or stops.

  11. I had a huge NSV moment. I can now fit into a size 12. A size 12. I am soo hype. Also, I decided to try that hair wax stuff and I made my hair purple. 

    Also, I forgot to post on Face 2 Face Friday. 


    IMG-1340 (1).JPG

    1. blizair09
    2. Newme17


      Awesome!!!!! I love the purple too. Funny...I was just thinking of adding purple to my hair today. Lol. We shall see!

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 I bought the purple hair wax that you can wash out. I actually like having it and will buy more colors. It allows me to be versatile with my hair colors.

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  12. I was cleaning out one of my tubs and I found a book that I used at the beginning of my journey  (2016) to track. On the first page, I found a note that I had left myself.

    I remember being that girl. I remember being so lonely and unhappy. I am so proud that I was able to check off every one of the stars. It is now time to set new goals!!!:D



    1. blizair09


      This is awesome. Great idea. Good for you!

  13. I went to the pool with my mom and a spin class. Omg, I got my a$$ kicked in the class. Also, I fell off of the bike and slide down the wall so dramatically lol. 

    That was my low carb meal for the day. My legs are still killing me but we will be doing this again next Saturday. 



    1. Newme17


      I love spin!!!! Glad ya rocked it. 😊

  14. Idk what happened yesterday. It was just an odd day for me. I stayed home and only ate Oreos. I ate 24 of them. Just Oreos. 1,280 calories worth. Idk why I did it. I was not stressed, upset or even sad. It was like an anomaly. I can’t explain it. The crazy thing is, I am not stressing it. I meal prepped healthy for the week and do not have any desire for any more junk food. Has anyone had this happen?

  15. It's been awhile. No reason, I just haven't been feeling anything lately. A lot happening on the personal aspect of life but overall still good.

    I have finally reached a true stall. My body weight has been fluctuating between 201 lbs - 205 lbs. Slightly frustrated because my second goal is 200 lbs. I am almost there but this stall is kicking my butt. 

    Went for a follow up. Nothing special except I was told I was not eating enough like I used to. It is funny because eating a lot is what got me to need the surgery and now I do not eat enough. They are right though. With me working early mornings, I can eat once maybe twice a day and then sleep the remainder of the day and do it all over again (do note: I am not a morning person). The only time I would eat a third meal this past week is on Gym day. I would eat something small once I am done working out (protein bar or protein shot) and then I head home to sleep. My new bedtime is around 5 - 6pm since I have to be up at 3:00am to start getting ready. 

    So I am going to end on a good note though. A smile that has not left my face since finding out the news.....(backstory): I worked on a project at work that made sure all the integrations went in smoothly upon setup of our new system. My manager took credit for the integration and tried to change people's imagine a me at work (combative, aggressive, failing to perform, you know the usual). Fast forward a few months. The company is opening a new branch and office and she was away for two weeks doing the integration there and upon launch it flopped. Everything that could go wrong did. Oh how Upper Management mad with her since they had to delay the launch. Everytime he comes out of a meeting she looks stressed. Everything she did to me, she is getting in return. Karma Karma Karma! 

    1. Newme17


      What got me to wls is not eating enough. Go figure. So, I agree, you must make sure you're eating. You'll see the stall break when you do.

      Sorry to hear of the work thing. I don't believe in karma, but I do believe that people will be exposed due to sins and have to pay the consequences. So, she is getting what she's supposed to. Do your best to forgive her though and move on hon.

      And eat!!!! 😁

    2. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      I'm glad things are better sorry about the stall. I'm glad things at your job worked against your supervisor she deserves what ever happens to her.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Thank you for the support. The stall is just a stall and it to shall pass. I am just excited to reach this second goal!!!

      Yeah they are up her butt and around her corner right now. I am just enjoying the peace and quiet.

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  16. Me in my Pokemon's lol. I had a killer HIIT workout on 2/9. 

    Also made a delicious Tuna Salad for Lunch. Each side is portioned lettuce and a slice of tomatoes. 




  17. My clothes have been hanging off and baggy. I decided to just suck it up and buy a few shirts and two pairs of jeans today. I fit into a size 16 jeans. I was a size 22!!! I fit into a size Medium shirt. A MEDIUM!!! From a 2XL - 3XL to Medium. OMG!!! YES. 




    IMG_3955 (1).JPG


    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      It is crazy because I would wear baggy clothes and sweat shirts to hide myself. I could not believe how I looked. I am excited. I used to hate Target because I could not fit the clothes that I liked there. Now I can and I am so happy. Saying goodbye to Ashley Stewarts and Lane Bryant's expensive a$$ $60 shirt (talking about you are paying more for the amount of fabric needed) and hello to $14.99 shirts!!! Lol

      I now have more options at dress barn (my favorite place) and Burlington!!!

    2. Strivingforbetter


      Cute shirts! How fun to fit into something that makes you feel good. Yay!

    3. chnnqps


      You look great !! 👌🏽

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  18. My gym is closed on the weekends. I feel sad. I wish I could just go workout. I miss it. President's Day they are closed too. I am like :49_triumph: . This interferes with my workouts. Now, I have to workout at home. Well, I have a jump rope and a medicine ball. 



    1. Newme17


      You can do it!

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      I just miss my gym. I am like, can yall be open on weekends?

  19. Oh man!!! It has been a long, long, long time since I have posted. I do apologize. I have been posting on Instagram. But here is an update: 

    1) I finally got my panniculectomy (10/6/2018) and I am loving it. 

    2) I was approved for a revision, so that will be done in April. 

    I will post pictures. 









    1. Coexister


      Congratulations! Thank you for sharing. Was the panniculectomy covered by insurance? Was it very expensive?

    2. bigjoe1234


      Congratulations long time

  20. Omg I forgot lol 

    Ya'll ya girl went rogue and cut all my hair off. 




    My hair is coming out in clumps!!! I knew it would happen but omg!!! My heart. Being natural since 2013 and going through the crazy hair phases, I just did not expect this much hair. 

    Well, its hair and it will grow back.....eventually. 


    1. ssflbelle


      Are you taking biotin and B12 and the other vitamins your suppose to be taking? I am 61 years old and had no hair falling out. However I have read others say they lost hair also. I hope it stops soon for you.

    2. Apple1


      I really hope it stops soon for you.

      That hasn't happened to me yet, I hope it doesn't.

    3. Neossa


      Hey beautiful !! Looks like we are heaving same problem. I do have same amount of hair fall and I feel I am getting bald from my front head. I had consultation with my doctor and he suggested me 1hair solution . Trust me, its been 4 weeks I am using it and I have seen "Noticeable" less hair fall then previous. ( You can read about it on Net and see if it can worth for you)


      I also have gone through your last posts. I was on 7 days cruise Vacation last week. HAD all CRAB, SWEET and CHEESE Bling in all that 7 days. When I started vacation I was 202 LB. When I had all the liberty of food at Cruise...I was thinking...OH GOD I will surly gain 10/15 LB end of the cruise. And when I came home last night I checked my weight and by surprise I am 201 LB....:) :) 1 LB down with all that food cheating and crab food. And oh yes....I was drinking 3 beer a day at least :) I surly am on stall from last 1.5 months. But I am really wondering WHY the hell I didnt not gain weight in those 7 days of cruise. ( Where I forgot to have my Multivitamins and Protein powder too )

      I am 6 month post op. Mini gastric bypass. Started weight 275 LB....Today 201 LB. Goal is 170 LB.

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  22. Since my hair will not stop falling out and I still have a lot on my head. I decided to stick with the up-do. 

    I also added a picture of my ID at my highest weight versus today. I was sooo shocked by the difference. 

    My gym day. I wanted to show my setup at the gym so you can see what I do. 

    I have stopped losing weight but I am losing inches. 




    1. heyvcom


      Wow, you look amazing! I love the up-do.

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 It was funny having her workout with me. She weighs less than I do and she was looking at me like, WTF! How are you not dying? I told her to work out like I do 4 - 5 days a week and you will be there too. It is also the way we eat. I noticed that no that I eat a lot healthier, I can do more, breathe better, sleep better and I am not foggy. My body is loving it.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @heyvcom Thank you!!

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  23. Since this journey, even people at work are treating me differently. People used to never ask me to do physical activities and in the last 2 days, I have been asked to the following:

    1) Join the companies 5K marathon team for next year

    2) Join the companies Friday Night Bike Ride through Prospect Park

    3) Even joining a kickboxing class with another employee

    It just blows my mind that people invite me to things like this. I am soo excited to try new things that I would have been afraid to do. 

    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 I am sooo excited about this. My co-worker made me a training schedule to prepare for a 5K. I am over the moon excited about it. He told me that my journey has inspired even the “Skinny” employees to get up off their butts and workout. I just laughed. He said, that though they are small, they aren’t healthy neither and could use the inspiration.

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @blizair09 Thank you!!

      @FluffyChix Thank you as well. This is a huge NSV moment. Little me invited to workout with people. They actually want to workout with me.

    3. Newme17


      That's exactly it...so many people are unhealthy on the inside and they too need to work on that. My husband is one that doesn't gain weight, eats whatever he wants, and has always been small. But since he's adopted the plant based lifestyle with me, well...he's still small, BUT he says he feels better and he knows he's healthier inside now too.

      Go you! Be the inspiration to all!!!

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  24. So I busted my butt at the gym literally. Not Every Workout Will Be Graceful.

    output (2).mp4

    output (1).MP4


    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Mattymatt I fall at least twice a week, but I get back up and go at it again. I wanted to show people that it is not always going to smooth and easy. That there will be falls and the only thing you can do is get back up and do it again. I hit the gym almost 6 times a week now and I still am not graceful. Besides, I love the fact that I fall all the time, it makes my arms stronger when I am pushing myself back up.

    2. Mattymatt


      I want to start taking cycling classes at the gym and I know I won't be graceful because of my frame size but I don't care. Group exercise is more rewarding for me than doing it on my own.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Those classes are awesome. I fell off so it will happen.

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  25. So I had a Kanye West moment recently. I went off on a rant. I got my scale it said that I had gained 8lbs in 1 day. How Sway!! How!!

    I finally got the courage to video myself doing a workout. I am proud. 



    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      FYI please excuse the language in my post. I was very upset that day and my feelings was really hurt.

      *Also it was in one week...not one day!!

    2. Sosewsue61


      Muscles holding onto water....but yeah that would be a ****** to see on the scale!!! Drink some milk right after your workout, and maybe part of a protein shake and up your water.

    3. Newme17


      Not cool, but it’s not fat. So be encouraged that an 8lb gain in one week is most likely water, unless you decided to eat 5 cheesecakes all week long. 😊 it’ll come off as fast as it went on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
