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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sleeve1stFitNext

  1. Like @blizair09 I would take this journey all over again. I am in the pre-op liquid stage on Day 6. This has been the hardest and yet most rewarding struggle. This is a tool, it is not the magic pill and it can only be used properly when you put your all into it.

    I sought out the surgery, it was not offered to me. I did that because I had spent two years actively trying to lose weight and I was not succeeding. I have broken bones, spent thousands of dollars and this is my last hope. I think the more you read about it and look into it, the better you will feel.

    I would not suggest getting the surgery if you are not ready to, have not actively tried losing weight and do not understand the tool and yourself.

    As of now, I do not regret my decision. However, I will check in after the surgery lol. You never know with these things.

  2. 2 hours ago, Berry78 said:

    I've bounced back and forth between watery stool and Constipation. I wouldn't recommend taking anything because about the time you do, your body will have adjusted (maybe). Then you'll have other problems.

    There might be something you are consuming that isn't agreeable. I was allowed Okios triple zero yogurt. Something in that caused me trouble.

    I am lactose intolerant and most Protein Shakes makes my tummy hurt. I am drinking Premier Protein and it has milk Protein. That maybe the issue I am having.

  3. 2 hours ago, EmmyJ said:

    I'm one of those weird patients who wasn't assigned a pre-op liquid diet (except for 24 hours before surgery) but I can tell you that during the two week liquid diet after surgery, I definitely had nothing but the runs. This resolved itself a little on its own before the phase was up, but really resolved itself when I started eating more solid  food.

    Thanks. I thought it was just me. I was starting to get nervous.

  4. Maybe he is upset at the progress that you are making and the confidence that you are gaining and is starting to worry about where he fits in all of this. Also he should either try to get the sleeve to join you or he can try to do it himself. Either way, he is never going to understand you until he is actively doing his part in getting healthy. Counseling would be a great option but not everyone can afford it. If you both are a part of a church, the pastor provides counseling as well (it is more religious and spiritual but can help).

    As of now my Boyfriends jokingly calls me annoying because every thing is about this surgery. He understands that my hormones will be different and that my attitude will change from time to time. The lovely thing is that we are both Geminis and Geminis are known for the mood swings. We understand each other.

  5. Yogurt, can count but it needs to be sugar and fat free or low fat.

    Since I am lactose intolerant, I cannot have yogurt, however this is my following regime:

    Breakfast: Protein Shake

    Snack: 1 Cup of broth

    Lunch: Protein shake

    Snack: sugar free Popsicle

    Dinner: Protein Shake

    Snack: Sugar Free Jello

    I am allowed cucumbers and non starchy vegetables. So every other day I will have cucumber.

    Your Protein Shakes are your meals. The yogurts, jello and popsicles are considered your Snacks.

    In between that time is a ton of Water. It takes me about 15 minutes to drink my shake which I do not mind.

  6. I am sure that this is TMI but I just have to ask:

    While you guys were on your liquid diet, did you have the runs? The reason why I am asking is because every 2 hours I am heading to the bathroom with liquid results. I am just wondering if this is normal.

    Again I do apologize if this is gross, I just want to know, what are some things you did to relieve this issue without breaking your diet.


  7. I am sure that this is TMI but I just have to ask:

    While you guys were on your liquid diet, did you have the runs? The reason why I am asking is because every 2 hours I am heading to the bathroom with liquid results. I am just wondering if this is normal.

    Again I do apologize if this is gross, I just want to know, what are some things you did to relieve this issue without breaking your diet.


  8. I am sure that this is TMI but I just have to ask:

    While you guys were on your liquid diet, did you have the runs? The reason why I am asking is because every 2 hours I am heading to the bathroom with liquid results. I am just wondering if this is normal.

    Again I do apologize if this is gross, I just want to know, what are some things you did to relieve this issue without breaking your diet.


  9. I do not think that anyone is the poster child for WLS.

    I tend to not mind talking to people about it because I feel like just letting people know my story and where I am heading, will allow them to truly understand my decision. I also do not care what people think about it as well. When they start saying it is an easy way out, I hit them with this:

    "Oh, so having to learn how to eat Protein first, then vegetables and then carbs sound easy. Better yet, being pain and having to heal your body sounds easy. Changing your mindset on how you view food sounds easy. Making mistakes of eating something too spicy, too sweet or just does not agree and having dumping syndrome sound easy? You would not tell a drug addict that it is easy to stop using, yet you will tell me that it is easy to take this path?"

    Sorry, sometimes I go hardcore. This is a godsend to people like us that have tried everything in our power. From the failed fad diets to the large sums of money spent, this is the last option.

    I believe that you can choose who you want to inspire and who you don't. To me, not everyone needs to know your business and whats going on in your life. I use this forum mostly, as people will be able to understand me more.

    I could just be rambling at this point as well.

  10. You are mostly stressed out which will only keep the weight on. I am on day 4 of my liquid diet and honestly, I feel a lot better. I will weigh in tomorrow to see how much I have lost.

    However, I am a supervisor in a fast pace, stressful job. I have put on my stress shades (meaning, I do not let anything get me overwhelmed). I do that because stress drove me to eat. I have also moved to the early morning shift in which I am going to bed early and waking up early. This is allowing me to get some sleep. I have been drinking tons of Water as well which keeps me busy with the bathroom lol.

    the shades.jpg

  11. 5 hours ago, Mistilew said:

    Hi everyone. Has anyone done the surgery covered under Health Choice? if so, were you approved and what was the requirements? I have my first appointment on April 11th, 2017, how long does it usually take to get the surgery>

    I do not have Health Choice but I have United Healthcare. Each plan and state requirement is different. It is best that you contact them and ask a representative. The reason why I suggest this, is because each is different. Someone can live in Chicago with United Healthcare Plan A and not be required to 6 months of dieting, while someone could live in New York with Plan A and be required to diet for 6 months.

  12. 4 hours ago, sgc said:

    I've been waiting until I lost more weight before I took some pictures. I'm only about 30 pounds over where I want to be so this is probably a good time to take some new pictures. I wanted to create my online profile soon.

    Look at you!! 😏Steps towards your overal happiness. I am proud.

  13. On 3/13/2017 at 11:00 PM, msmanda84 said:

    I just found out my insurance (UHC) requires you to meet with the psychologist first and then if approved then you have the testing. Does anyone know what this all involves?? Anything you should/shouldn't say that might make you not get approved??

    For me, it was pretty much easy. He asked the following questions:

    1) Relationship with food

    2) support system

    3) Any history of depression.

    4) any other mental illnesses

    Mines was pretty laid back as we talked a lot about myself and my life. I was very outgoing and open with him. I think it depends on the Pyschologist as well. Some have stated that the person they have spoken with is very judgemental and cold.

    It should not be bad though.

  14. 3 hours ago, shan0520 said:

    OK I started my pre op in Friday and I was feeling pretty good about it... until today. I'm all liquids and today I am missing food. Like real food. It's almost making me sad.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    I started my liquid diet on Sunday and I broke that same day. I have the option of cucumbers and those are the highlight of my day. I am not missing food now but when someone is eating, I remove myself from them. If a commercial comes on, I just look at my phone and drink Water. Have you tried sugar free popsicles? I have some and they aren't that bad.

  15. On 3/8/2017 at 10:25 PM, OutsideMatchInside said:

    My Dr specifically told me the reason Sleevers have GERD is our bodies are still producing acid for a full sized stomach. not the size we have now and it takes it months to catch up.

    My surgeon told me the same thing, I have horrible GERD now and he said it may get worst. He also said that you never know because everyone is different.

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