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Posts posted by BgR72

  1. I just realized that I must have clicked on the wrong section earlier. But it must have been for good reason : ) I am getting the sleeve so I am always in that forum. I'm having quite a bit of head hunger at the moment but it's not as bad as it was the first 4 days. I felt weak and emotionally drained. I'm just now starting to feel like myself. Yes... we are almost there!!!!! Are you nervous? Excited?

    I do the same thing. I read whats in my timeline and forget that its the sleeve. No problem because even though my procedure is different from yours its always a great thing to be inspired by what others post. I appreciate that! I was weak in the first 3 days of my pre op but it has gotten better. Yes! I am so nervous. I will finish washing clothes & my bed linen today. I dont want any laundry pile up lol Wow just a few days more


  2. Joy cometh in the morning! Try to put your "blockers" on until next week. This will be life changing. You have come this far, so it's inevitable that you will continue to reach your goal. I have mine next week also. Tuesday. What day is yours?

    Thank you so much for that. My surgery is Monday @7:30. So I am doing last minute stuff. Great yours is Tuesday! I am still pushing through on my pre op. How have you been doing on yours? We are almost there


  3. There have been many distractions lately popping up. I feel like I am being tested. My surgery is next week and for the past few days there has been distractions that I wish not to be around. My pre op diet is going well I am down 21 pounds so I feel solid with that but this extra stuff right before surgery I wished it could have missed me. I know God has a plan for me & I know he wants me healthy. I know he wont give us more than we can handle. I got to stay strong & lean on him. Also, you know how you feel regret about a situation when you may have not been your best.Well I got some of that going on too. Again out of the blue distractions. Thats how they come. So, I guess I am very sensitive about going through it now being that my surgery is right around the corner and I rather just have that on my mind only... So, I will just continue reading Gods word & allow his word to build me up & my strength... Thanks for reading


  4. I have been listening to Dr. Matthew Weiner on YouTube. He has some very good videos. In one of his videos he talks about long term successful WLS patients and he makes some very good points. He said that if we rely on Portion Control without changing the types of foods we eat or our relationship with food, we will start to regain weight after 1 year.
    He said WLS patients should not be eating fast food. I think he even said people who think they can eat the same way they used to, but just less, are mistaken.
    I just thought I would share this because I think it may be helpful if you watch some of his videos. I know they have helped me.

    I have seen many of his videos and he is so very informative! He provides a wide range of education on our new lifestyle


  5. I've just been in for my pre-admission screening (ECG, bloods etc) and as a result my surgeon, who called me at 8pm, has decided to postpone my operation. It seems I have high blood pressure (I never have before, but then I've put on a lot of weight recently) and that combined with a couple of other risk factors has made them a little nervous. The nerves come, partly, from my surgeon's usual anaesthetist (who is an internationally renowned specialist on anaesthetics and obesity) who is on holiday.
    So I now have three weeks to go before the Op, and have been put on medication to reduce my blood pressure.
    I have mixed feelings. I feel less anxious knowing I'll be in a) a better state and b ) will have the A-team working on me. That said it does feel disappointing and I need to get my head round my new timeline. At least my pre-op diet has been successful (26lbs so far) and is, with a little imagination, pretty easy (I made seared cod with an asian salad this evening). So the next three weeks should mean more diet and more weight loss. With the gains I've made so far I've already started to ride my bike again, so a few weeks of that in the English summer is quite motivating.
    Oh well. All for the best I suppose!

    I feel for you. I almost had a similar situation. I really dont have high blood pressure but with me gaining more and more weight it caused my blood pressure to rise. So 2 months ago I was at my surgeons office and my blood pressure concerned him and he looked worried. He didnt have an answer for it but I can tell he was concerned. So I got anxious about it and called my primary doctor if I could come in to discuss it. She took it and it was high actually too high for my surgeon to operate on me. I was so upset. She stated that she could not yet put me on any blood pressure meds because she wanted me to come in the next day to repeat it and see if it goes down. I did and it was still high. Then I was like freaking out that my surgeon would see her notes about my high blood pressure and would want to reschedule my surgery. I thought of ways that I could do to lower it . I bought a new blood pressure machine to monitor it. I started to get headaches and I was like there was nothing new going on with me outside of me being at my heaviest. I noticed I felt tired and my lips seemed to be chapped more often than before. I was like am I dehydrated??? Does your blood pressure rise or becomes high if you're dehydrated?? Well what happened was that seemed to be the case. I was taking in too much Water and not enough sodium so when I kept drinking water with a very low sodium diet the water in my case acted like a diuretic. Thats weird but it seemed to be the case for me in this regards. So I started adding one cup of turkey broth to my pre pre op diet. Seems it brought my blood pressure down to where its no longer a threat against my surgery. So in my situation. I was only drinking water. No gaterade No propel just water and was on very low sodium... This was not a good thing for me. So now turkey broth is my new friend. So hang in there! Its best to be safe. You got this. Your day is coming. Good luck to you


  6. I know why we don't drink while we eat and why we should wait a good while after. What I'm curious to know is why people have to stop 30min before they eat? I have 10-15min, and it's to clean out the stomach before I eat.

    The article I posted was something I came across. I was only sharing it to help in whatever way it could help someone or anyone. If it didnt help .... Its still a great informative blog I wanted to share


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