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Diva T

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Everything posted by Diva T

  1. Diva T

    Do you still enjoy life?

    I'm 14 weeks out and down almost 70#s from where I started. For me this has absolutely been the right decision for me. Life is better for me and I'm more content and comfortable in my own body. Having less of me, physically, is so much easier. Easier to move around, walk, turn over in bed, fit in chairs in public places, find clothing that's not super expensive, breathe etc. Mentally/emotionally life is better too. I feel more free to really be me, who I am at the core of me. We still eat we just eat less and make heathier choice which I find leads to more contentment and happiness because I'm being more thoughtful about what I choose to put into my body. Not just mindless eating of sub-quality, highly processed foods. I enjoy the conversation and company more at meals as I'm focused on that and not the food. I've a long way to go yet and for me the challenge has always been in the maintaining of weight loss but I feel I'm up to that task now. So short answer: YES I ENJOY LIFE MUCH MORE NOW! Good luck to you and God Bless you in this journey!
  2. Diva T

    January Sleevers Check-In

    Pre-op 307 Last weigh in 249 Sleeved 1/16/17 No scale at home just weigh at appointments. Don't won't to drive myself crazy with the scale!
  3. I've taken the lowest dosage of Ambien for about 2 years and it always worked great. No weird side effects either. But after surgery, 1/16/17, it just didn't work anymore. So my primary doc upped my dosage to a 10mg with the OK of my surgeon. Been sleeping great again and still no side effects. Maybe you should check in to this with your doctor. Sleep is a critical factor after surgery for healing and over stress reduction. I think Americans under rate the importance of good, steady sleep. Good luck and God bless you!
  4. Diva T


    YAY for YOU!!!!!
  5. Diva T

    January Sleevers Check-In

    Hey All, It took a while to find the January folks! I'll be 11weeks out tomorrow and still not able to eat much on the solid food front and my new tummy, Gurgling Gertie, Gi-Gi for short is talking to me frequently. I'm taking my vitamins and supplements as prescribe and getting 70+ gms protein shake and whatever food I can get down. Walking and doing a little strength work too. It's good to be getting my energy back and it's better than before my surgery! I hope to be supportive of all who come to this forum and to except support from others. WELCOME TO THE LOSER'S BENCH!!!!
  6. Didn't eating carbs and lot's of them including BAGELS get us all on this forum to the point of needing to have gastric surgery and having 70-80% of our stomachs removed? If the answer to that question is yes then I think you know the answer on eating the bagel. Good luck and God Bless you!
  7. In my program we take Flinstone Complete chewables 1, 2 times a day. Viactive with vitD 500mg 1, 2 times a day and not within 2 hours of taking the multi vit/min. B12 sublingual 1 stopper full 2 times a week, Biotin 1, 2 times a day. I have a 3 month lab draw coming up on the 17th of this month. Hope my labs are good but if not adjustments to vitamins and supplements can be made. I get 70gms protein in with shakes every day. 4 oz in my coffee in the morning then 2 shakes throughout the day. 1 of the shakes right before bed to get me through the night. So I start and end the day with protein. I was told I'd be drinking shakes for at least 6 months. Yes I'm sick of them and the pill taking( vits & supplmts) but this is just part of having this surgery. It is a life long commitment. I've not missed an appointment yet either and don't intend to. I want to keep the weight off the rest of my life.
  8. Calm down and take a deep breath! Stop weighing insistently. You're driving yourself crazy. I had surgery 1/16/17 and still don't have a scale at home. We have eating/food issues and constantly weighing ourselves is just a big an issue as we had before the surgery. Just drink your protein, walk, eat the stage of diet your on and the weight will come off. You're driving yourself insane with the train you're on. It is really easy to do. WE are not wired right in our heads about food and eating those issues aren't going away just because we've had surgery. RELAX and breathe. You're going to be ok!
  9. Diva T

    Terible pain when eating

    I'm 10 weeks out and it is still pretty painful to eat and sometimes drink my protein shakes. But it is way better than it was at 2 weeks out. HANG IN THERE! It does get better. I call my sleeve Gurglely Gertie, Gi-Gi for short! Hand in there and I encourage you to call your doctor for advice and reassurance on Monday! It will put your mind at ease and help you feel not so overwhelmed and as if you're hurting yourself or doing something wrong. Good luck and God Bless!
  10. Diva T


    I wouldn't . Your sleeve is very new and sensitive right now. I couldn't even handle plain old black pepper for a while. 10 weeks still got to be careful of , what, when, how much and spice level of foods and beverages.
  11. Diva T


    Had mine taken out the same day as my sleeve surgery. Had a small stone and doctor said "You've got symptoms so out it comes!" I takes longer to heal and I've had a few more issues as far as eating and bowel habits but am glad I had it removed. I'd have pain and nausea "attacks" sometimes before removal. Good luck!
  12. Diva T

    Best flavoured protein powder?

    If you'll use Fairlife milk at 13 gm protein per cup you'll up that Carnation Breakfast shake to 26 gms of protein instead of the 21 with regular milk!
  13. Diva T

    Im ready to eat solids

    You are having head hunger. Your new belly will not be able to handle more than clear liquid or full liquids at the very best. Don't rush it! You could literally rupture you stomach.
  14. MIralax in 4 or 8 oz of any cold/NOT Protein beverage every day. Works like a charm and no gripe belly!
  15. Diva T


    I'm green too!
  16. So my plan is to wear my big clothes until they are falling off of me! I don't want to spend money in between sizes if I can keep from it. I'll look a little sloppy but that's ok with me. I plan on cheap bras and panties for in between too. Once I'm at goal I'll buy better quality. Also I'm thinking leggings for under my big tunics and camisoles under my big tops too. SAVE THOSE DOLLARS PEOPLE!!! LOL Hope my opinion is helpful to you. God bless you and keep you!
  17. Diva T

    Trouble Sleeping?

    Yes I had major issues after a few days post op. I take Ambein any way and my primary doctor had to increase the strength from a 5mg to a 10mg. I'd been on it for a couple of years before surgery. I sleep pretty well most nights but am going to try the Sleepy Time tea to help me relax before bed. Try to get back to your regular routine and work routine when cleared. that helps too as well as exercise. I hope my opinion is helpful to you. May God bless you and keep you.
  18. Diva T

    Hospital attire?

    I stayed 2 nights and 3 days and until they take your IV out it is just easier to stay in the hospital gown. I also had an abdominal binder and the nurses will be checking your incisions frequently. I did not feel well the whole time so I could have cared less about how I looked. You're hospital may have different rules/preferences but mine preferred the hospital gown. Hope this helps and God bless you and keep you!
  19. Using a straw is likely to fill your sleeve with air. Can't fit in your liquids/foods plus it may cause discomfort and/or pain from the air too. Wonton wrappers may get stuck in your sleeve at this point. I ate just part of one a day or so ago and it gave me a bad belly ache until it digested and moved on out plus I did experience some dumping from the high carbs/fat. It was half of an egg roll. I'm 34 days post op.
  20. I don't have it but know what it is and every person that I've seen with this condition it did improve with them losing weight. Not every person but lots of them. Good luck I hope you are 1 of the lucky ones! May God bless you and keep you!
  21. Relax, of course you're losing you calorie intake is really low. I would stop weighing myself. I don't even have a scale at home at this point. Too big of a temptation. I'd be weighing myself constantly. I've got plenty of post op appointments for the time being and will get weighed every time. I'm 33 days post op today. I hope you find my opinion helpful to you and may God bless you and keep you!
  22. Diva T

    4 days post op

    Milk of Mag! Doctor's nurse told me to take this up to every 6 hours until results. I took it once and it worked several hours later. Then Miralax in 4 oz non Protein beverage every day. Works like a charm! Good luck and God bless you and keep you!
  23. If doctors/surgeons told patients how rough the aftermath of most surgeries are on people no one would ever have surgery. I don't say this to put down doctors or surgery or to be discouraging to patients. But surgery and having one's flesh cut, organs removed or bones mended is painful and takes a lot out of us to just go through the healing process. I had a low grade fever too. That is not unusual considering the trauma our bodies have been through. Keep an eye on the point of fever your doctor told you to call for. Mine cut off was 101.5. I, fortunately never got that high. I questioned what I'd done to myself more than once the first week or so. I'm 32 days post op today and just now am feeling physically stronger and more able to cope with what I've chosen to have done to myself. But do I feel it was worth it.... WITHOUT RESERVATION ABSOLUTELY!!! You will get there too! Take good care of yourselves and don't hesitate to contact your doctors and nurse's. They are here to help you! I hope my opinion is helpful to you. May God bless you and keep you!
  24. This is the hardest thing I've ever done! The physical part is very challenging but the mental/emotion aspects can, at times seem overwhelming. I try to remember this thing. Feelings/emotions and thoughts are fleeting. They don't last for long. Try distracting yourself with something else. I color in color books, read, watch a movie, call someone to talk go on line. Just fine whatever you things are to get your mind off of "I must eat, I want to eat, EAT-EAT-EAT!!!! The mental aspect of why we've all eaten ourselves in to bariatric surgery and how to overcome/deal with the new stomach/life style, etc. should be worked on so we don't return to those same habits. I hope my opinion is helpful to you. May God bless you and keep you!
  25. I would stop using the tape and call my doctor, if you haven't, on Monday 1st thing. Your life is not in danger but you don't need more injury to your skin than you all ready have from your incisions. If you're not having any drainage at incision sites, I would keep them clean and dry unless your doctor told you to use any type of ointment. If you're allow to shower I'd make sure to cleanse the incisions every day. Change your top a couple of times a day, wear a clean sleep garment every night and just keep an eye on them. Continuing to use tape is just causing more injury to your skin. You are really allergic! I hope you find my opinion helpful. May God bless you and keep you!

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