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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hermione53

  1. hermione53

    Feel like a failure

    It's great that you're catching yourself now when you've only gained ten pounds. I'm three months out and am catching myself slipping into the old routine of snacking at night. I reached out to my NUT and asked for her help. You can do this! You may also be heartened to watch Dr. Weiner's YouTube video about how your pouch doesn't stretch. Good luck. Don't let shame keep you from using your support system [emoji177]
  2. hermione53

    Leave denial from work?

    Hoooray for your approval!
  3. hermione53


    I'm three months out. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bunch of bruises on my upper legs/ thighs even though my iron levels were good. I couldn't recall bumping into things or any incidents that caused the bruising. Thankfully, they are almost all gone now and I haven't noticed any elsewhere. My latest issue is itching, ususally at night.
  4. hermione53

    Plantar fasciitis post op

    I had plantar fasciitis last year for about four months- painful! It returned right before my surgery three months ago, but is much milder and usually only noticeable in the morning. What I have had come up from all the increased walking is knee pain. I'm now in physical therapy for that.
  5. hermione53

    Dr Matthew Weiner Excellent information

    The Celebrate has 36 mg Vitamin C and 18 mg Iron so if more is better it looks like what you're taking is better. Cheaper, too. Thanks, I just added that to my Amazon cart for when I run out! :-)
  6. hermione53

    Dr Matthew Weiner Excellent information

    @funinthesun00 i was taking regular iron pills but now take the chewable Celebrate 18mg Iron + C. You've done such a great job with your weight loss! Congratulations!!!! Yahoo!
  7. hermione53

    Sleeping medicine post-op

    Meant to mention that I've also been on just about everything else for sleep so feel your insomnia pain. Also, I'm one of those people who can't sleep at all Oxycodone. I was wired all night after the surgery so apparently I respond to morphine the same way. I went home and religiously took the Oxycodone because of the pain, but I slept very poorly even with the sleep meds for 2-3 weeks I was taking it. It made the recovery hard. In retrospect I should have asked for something else for pain.
  8. hermione53

    Sleeping medicine post-op

    I was on Seroquel (with Klonipin) for sleep before and after surgery. Didn't take it the night of surgery. Before the surgery Seroquel made me have the munchies and bad cravings so I was gaining weight. After surgery I didn't notice this at all so seemed to being doing fine 1 month out. I decided at that point to get off of it anyway because of a little bit of research (and I do mean just a small bit of Dr. Google) I'd done on how it messes with the way your body metabolizes and stores fat. I was worried it was slowing down my weight loss or would slow down my weight loss. My psychiatrist was ok with that so now I'm just on Klonipin and doing fine. I was on a pretty low dose of Seroquel, though, because higher doses caused restless leg syndrome for me. How much are you on?
  9. I had egg drop soup only after cleared at ten days post-op. It was so good!
  10. hermione53

    Skin changes

    Thanks for mentioning this. I'll ask my surgeon to test for it! 😀 Thanks, too, for mentioning the gallbladder. Fortunately? I had mine removed 13 years ago.
  11. hermione53

    Seafood Restaurant Test

    I had a non-breaded crab cake for my birthday dinner about 5 weeks post op. I ate less than half of it and was very happy [emoji4]
  12. hermione53

    Alcohol? Happy 21 [emoji322]

    I'm 3 months post op and having a girls weekend around the time of your birthday (happy birthday!!!). My friends and I only get together once every few years and there's always a lot of drinking involved. I feel like I'm going to feel left out/ not as merry. I thought about drinking a glass of wine each day (sipping slowly), but then I also think why even go there? Will I want more and not have the best judgment? So, I'm pretty sure I'll abstain and just keep reminding myself that it's the company not the alcohol that makes the get together special.
  13. hermione53

    Skin changes

    I'm 3 months post-op and eating low carb/high fat. I haven't noticed a change to skin on my face, but at night I get very itchy. Arms, legs, stomach, back. I'm also bruising on my upper legs even though my iron levels a few weeks ago were normal. I'm glad I have my 3 month check up this week!
  14. hermione53

    TMI Question for the Ladies

    Got mine surgery day. Or the day night before. They do give you a pad and stretchy panties, but I had a catheter and that didn't quite work with the panties. So it was something of a mess but luckily my flow wasn't really heavy. It was all fine. Just keep pushing your little medication button and you won't really care [emoji3]
  15. You look fantastic!!! Must have stayed away from the king cake! Your stomach looks great. Kudos!
  16. hermione53


    I had a different experience. I still felt like sh*t until about three weeks out even though I was getting in all the water and protein without problems. The pain was more than I expected and I wasn't sleeping well. Everyone is different, of course, but I went back to work after four weeks and still felt tired and like I had trouble getting through the day for a week after that. I have an office job with an understanding boss. I'm doing great at 3 months, though. Lots of energy and better ability to focus than pre-op.
  17. hermione53


    197 3/10/17
  18. hermione53


    I found that drinking some Milk of Magnesia when it's been too many days helps. Also, I added an 8 oz. cup of regular coffee to my morning routine and that seems to have worked wonders. My NUT said not to expect a lot of BMs if you're on protein shakes because they're fluids. I don't know if that helps. Good luck!
  19. I also commend you for being honest about what you've been doing and asking for support. I am one of the lucky ones who felt no hunger in the weeks after sleeve surgery (even though it was Christmas!) I do remember way back when I first got my first lap band (this was about 17 years ago), it must have been a few weeks out and I kind of flipped out and ate potato chips, cake, and one of those small microwavable breakfast burritos. It hurt like hell and I threw it all up. I was so disappointed in myself, but I kept wanting more! It was definitely self-sabotage. Evenutally I got to know what the band could handle so threw up much less, but this whole not taking care of myself thing has been a lifelong struggle. Even with the sleeve (I'm 11 weeks out) my old habits sometimes rear their ugly heads. Last week for about three nights in a row I ate a bunch of peanut butter and string cheese. I'd done so well all of those days and worked out like a fiend. I Just got into a "I NEED TO EAT" zone. I eventually ate all of the string cheese and threw out the peanut butter so things are better, but it made me decide to join a six-week mindful eating class. I'm hoping it will help me notice when I'm most vulnerable to the old ways of eating. I'm also in individual and group therapy, which helps a lot. I hope that you'll not beat yourself up but rather come to honor the beautiful person that you are. You deserve to be compassionate and caring with your body. You can do this!
  20. hermione53

    Ketogenic Cooking

    I'm doing it now, 11 weeks post surgery, but I just started. Having a hard time getting all the fats in, but I'm definitely not feeling hungry. Today I ate a whole avocado with an egg and a teaspoon of full fat mayo just to get the fats up and still didn't reach my fat goal. I'm reading more about the diet on Reddit. Have been using ketosticks for a couple of weeks and am usually in ketosis.
  21. hermione53

    DNA and Weight

    Thanks to you all. I'll consider it!
  22. hermione53

    DNA and Weight

    Did you all find the DNA testing useful? Did it tell you things like succeptibility to cancer?
  23. I'm about 11 weeks post op and suddenly noticed about five different bruises on my upper legs. Both legs. I don't recall bumping into anything. I searched the forums and only see posts about bruising around incisions/ belly area immediately post-op. My PCP ran labs last week and everything is normal. Is this type of bruising common with bariatric surgeries? Anybody know the cause? Thanks!
  24. hermione53

    DNA and Weight

    Interesting. Where did you get this assessment done?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
