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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kossde

  1. I weigh daily because my monthly cycle has a huge impact on my weight. If I weighed weekly, some weeks I might be higher simply because it’s getting close to ‘that’ time of the month. Without knowing my daily pattern, that would really upset me.

    So I weigh daily knowing that stalls and periods happen. I just don’t let them get me down :)

  2. 4 hours ago, WhatATool:-) said:

    Girl go to your doctor! Antidepressants can be miracles, I know from experience. And they’re not addictive, you don’t have to be on them permanently. Don’t suffer when there’s something out there that is safe and can help you.

    I was actually able to fix it. Turns out, I was dehydrated. Once I began legitimately drinking 64 oz of Water, the depression disappeared within literally hours. I had no idea the two could be related but apparently they can. In fact, I feel better mentally now than I have in years!

  3. I wanted to update this post because I’ve identified the EXACT cause of my depression: dehydration.

    While I still haven’t figured out how dehydration was causing depression, I have consistently been able to cure it by drinking 30+ oz of Water. When the depression sets in, I know I haven’t had enough water. I drink a boat load and within hours, the depression is completely gone, and I feel just fine.

    I realize this isn’t a quick fix for everyone with depression but I don’t have a history of depression so it seemed strange that surgery would get me so down. Of course it all makes sense now. There have been at least two times that I probably should have gone to the ER for dehydration. Instead I just drank water nonstop to cure it. I have had trouble focusing my eyes, extreme depression, exhaustion, nausea, etc. and all of it has been due to dehydration.

    very weird o_O. I am now making DAMN sure I get 64 oz of water a day and it has really, REALLY helped!!

  4. All,

    I am reeling! I am about 3 weeks post-gastric bypass and am shocked at how extremely depressed I am. I am physically uncomfortable, constantly nauseated, and struggling to find energy to do anything. This surgery has thrown my entire world into disarray.

    I feel like I need to clarify: I am a chronically optimistic person so I still don't regret the surgery (though sometimes my mind moves in that direction). I am also not even an itsy bitsy bit suicidal. I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and the thought of dying fills me with absolute dread - that dread of leaving my two children alone is a big part of why I had this surgery.

    My husband has been extremely supportive but suffers from chronic anxiety and depression- he is dealing with his own roller coaster right now.

    I need to beat this.. quickly. I don't have time for depression and all that jazz. I need tips, tricks, and any bit of mental or physical suggestions that might help me move past this extremely trying experience.

  5. I am almost 3 weeks post surgery - transitioning from a 12 year old lapband to gastric bypass. I lost 200 lbs on lapband and gained 120 of it back over two pregnancies.

    I am in shock of how ill-prepared I was for this transition. The lapband came so easily to me. I lost weight quickly, followed all the rules, etc. This time around, I am struggling to eat, sleep, take my Vitamins, etc. I am severely depressed (Covid-19 doesn't help this), physically uncomfortable, and I feel hopeless.

    With that said, I've lost over 25 lbs in 2 weeks, I'm not having nearly as many actual eating problems as other people who had this surgery, and I know I'll get through this. I do not regret the decision at this time.

  6. I always thought it was a complete farce- the idea that a person could gain weight exercising simply by putting on muscle mass. I was wrong!

    One day about a month ago, I suddenly started craving Protein again- something I haven’t really craved in 6 months or so. Of course, at this point, I know when my body is trying to tell me something, so I went back to the old (and very useful) rules for the band and began eating protein before anything else. Within a few days, two things started to happen. 1) I started gaining weight. 2) I could quite suddenly began noticing increased strength at the gym.

    For a few days, I was a little worried about the weight gain, but a trip to Old Navy, Macy’s, and Express put my fears to rest- I’d dropped a clothing size. I am now a size 4 rather than a size 6.

    So I’m ok like this! I’ve started losing the weight again but chances are I will fluctuate like this forever; drifting between 125 and 135 lbs. I figure as long as I maintain a good cardio and weight training routine and listen to my body, I’ll be just fine!

  7. yes!! That is exactly what happened to me. Granted, I've been going to the gym for about 18 months, but last month, I noticed that my body had started craving meat (protein). So, I obliged and within a week, I’d gained about 4 lbs. Two things clued me in to the fact that it was the gym causing it: 1) I had dropped clothing sizes – down from a woman’s size 6 to a size 4. 2) Pretty much overnight, I could lift more weight and for longer periods without it hurting or bothering me at all.

    I have absolutely no clue what caused the very sudden change in how my body reacts to exercise, but I know enough to listen when my body is telling me something, and I figured after 193 lbs of weight loss, it was telling it’s time to tone up :smile:

  8. My port moves every night when I sleep. I go to bed and it's hanging out with my belly button; I wake up and it's creeping its way up my chest like some pervert at a night club.

    A good stretch puts it back in its place though. It's been like this since I hit goal and it doesn't hurt or feel weird, so I've never been worried about it. I figure it’s something my muscles do when I sleep since I do sleep on my stomach.

  9. My surgeon didnt say anything about how much I should lose. I can, however, tell you that I started out at 321.6 lbs and now weigh 128 lbs. I look good at this weight – I could probably stand to lose another 8 lbs. My regular doctor said at 5’3 I should weigh between 113 and 140 lbs depending on muscle tone and body type. He also pointed out that I most likely only have 4 – 5 lbs of extra skin (the skin issue is slowly going away by the way), so if I include that, 117 – 144 would be considered healthy.

  10. I've been overweight since I was about 3 years old. I had the surgery in April, 2008. I've since lost about 190 lbs and now weigh a happy/healthy 133 lbs. It's the first time in my life that I have not been considered overweight that I can remember.

    It CAN be done! Just make sure you are honest with yourself and that you familiarize yourself with things that might inhibit weight loss (such as eating around the band)

    Best of luck :smile: I'm sure you'll be a great success

  11. Ok I'm at work so I gotta make this short. The band has been a complete success. I've lost 190 lbs and now weigh about 130 lbs. I exercise regularly (5 days a week) and am much happier / healthier. But I've got one or two little issues that I've been ignoring for some time.

    When I walk too far or for too long, my back, hips, or stomach begin to hurt. It's always one or the other - either my stomach will hurt as if I have gas, my back will hurt like i've been bending over too long, or my hips will hurt like I'm carrying too much weight. This isn't significant pain and has been going on for over a year now; it hasn't worsened at all. It also hasn't gone away!

    A few details: the pain is worse if I walk a lot after I eat (this is especially common for the stomach pain). When I sit down- it goes away almost instantly.

    Any idea what is causing this? It only occurs when I walk or jog- swimming, biking, eliptical - none of those cause these issues. I also make it a point to lift weights in order to keep my muscles strong (including Core muscles)- that has never caused pain either.

    Any suggestions are appreciated :scared2:

  12. There is no exercise that will "lift" sagging breasts. They contain no muscle whatsoever, simply fat and glandular tissue and they sag because ligaments and skin are stretched.

    Opening your wallet and lifting enough cash for a boob job might give you good biceps though!

    I found that the sag lessened as I lost more weight and shrank down to a C cup. But they're very sad and only surgery would fix them. Its just that they're small enough to tuck into most things now. Including my socks!

    LOL! This made me laugh!! I've also been there. I'm at goal now and don't have nearly the sag I had before, but I'm certainly not destined to be a nude model. Ah well- I'm ok with that :thumbup: I look pretty darnsexy clothed- not caring too much about the naked part :scared2:

  13. Hello everyone. I posted this thread well over a year ago. I wanted to just let everyone know (even tho this is in the insurance coverage area) that I have succeeded!

    As of today I weigh 131 lbs. I've lost 190 lbs total since I was banded at the beginning of April, 2008. I exercise, make healthier decisions, and generally have a better quality of life. I don't regret my decision for even a moment and I also don't feel that this has been an earth shattering or incredibly difficult experience. In fact, I think that the hardest part is paying for all the clothes that I had to buy while I was dropping clothing sizes.

  14. Just a thought here, but maybe your big weightloss has had an impact on your medication, for example, you weigh less, so the same dose is now much too strong for you...I'm not a doctor, but you never know, that might explain why suddenly your medication is effecting you in new ways. Are you nauseous when you eat? Can you force yourself to eat a healthy meal? You should definately talk to your family doctor.

    That's actually really good advice. It IS entirely possible that the medicine is impacting me differently than it used to. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow and discuss it with him. I'm not nauseous after I eat so I CAN force myself to eat a healthy meal. I just dont always realize I'm not eating until well after the fact. I'll have to be more careful from now on, that's for sure

  15. Lack of appetite is a sign of poor health and if it isn't the Adderall, then it could be something else, like your thyroid. Please make sure you get a complete check up and blood work. Good luck.

    You know - I did not mention this earlier because I didnt even think of it. I have hypothyroidism. However, my doctor monitors it closely and with synthroid, I havent had any issues at all.

    My primary care physician sees me once every six months and does a complete blood work-up because he isn't familiar with the lapband procedure and doesn't want to 'risk' anything by overlooking a potential nutritional deficit. So far, so good. I'm not even low in Iron or anemic.

  16. Ok so this isn’t the type of issue most people on here complain about, but I’ve got a unique problem. I’ve lost pretty much all my desire to eat. Now- the psychological addiction to food is still quite real but it’s taken on a rather complicated appearance.

    You see, it’s quite common that I find myself heading for Popeyes or KFC or some other equally fattening fast food restaurant. However, once I have the food in my hands, I begin to mull around unconsciously finding excuses not to sit down and eat. It’s a very expensive and pointless habit.

    I went out to dinner with my family last night and spent the entire meal staring at my food, poking it with a fork and thinking, “I probably should eat some of it.” But after I take one or two bites, I lose interest and end up wasting pretty much the entire meal (we’re talking $10 or so). I DO take it home as leftovers- but it usually doesn’t get eaten.

    I have good restriction, although I’ve not had a fill in over a year. But it’s not restriction that’s causing the problem- because I can tell internally that I’m not physically full. I’m just not interested. Some people would be like, “YAY!! THAT’S THE BEST PROBLEM IN THE WORLD TO HAVE!” and even four months ago I would have agreed. But I am at goal now – (I’ve lost 180 lbs) – and am trying to tone muscle – a task that becomes complicated when you aren’t giving your body the nutrients that it needs.

    Also, because I AM still addicted to food, I find myself buying chocolate or ice cream or some other simple carb to make up for the lack of energy (more $$$ spent). The ONLY saving grace regarding that is, I am losing interest equally fast with sweet foods- so ice cream will sit in the freezer for months; Cookies boxes sit on the counter until they expire. Cake… well that would be a waste and a half. I don’t really feel guilty for buying the candy and sugary foods- because I don’t end up eating them anyway – but I do recognize that this is an incredibly bizarre and unhealthy habit to get into.

    I should point out that I have very severe ADHD. It went undiagnosed my entire life because I was so overweight, the disorder never presented its self in a physical manner (wasn’t hyper) but rather in my behavior, work output and attention span. But once I began losing weight and quite literally bouncing off the walls, my own mother suggested I see a doctor. So for the last year, I’ve been on Adderall. Adderall does impact the appetite in some people (not all people tho) and never really caused me too many problems before.

    My goal from the beginning of this surgery was to be healthy and I know what I’m doing now is NOT healthy. I have been contemplating a very slight unfill – but part of me is afraid I’d begin gaining weight. I also know that Adderall isn’t helping this problem at all, but can’t go off of the meds because I do need them in order to function normally (although ‘normally’ is a relative term).

    Oh- also, I exercise every evening after work. Exercise has a history of absolutely destroying my appetite, but because of my work schedule, it’s kind of the only free time I have.

    I want to eat healthy – this means healthy type and amount of calories. Right now I fluctuate anywhere from 300 calories a day to 1200 – weekends tend to see around 300 or so… can’t seem to sit still long enough to eat Breakfast or lunch. I am completely open to suggestions on what I can do about this.

    :wink: <-- What is that?? (ADHD...)

  17. The nutritionist doesnt seem to understand the band. I was also told no carbinated beverages (as far as I know that's a legit no-no) but the rest of it doesnt seem to be. I dont have issues eating bread (although I dont eat as much anymore cuz it feels like Im wasting space on it when I could be eating something like meat)

    Also- I (and probably ever other banded person out there) burp all the time.

  18. I don't actually have a problem with the word 'fat'. I did at one point, though. There was a time in my life when I so uncomfortable with my weight that I could not tolerate to use the word much less hear it used in regard to me. But over the years, I realized that in all honesty, I was fat. It’s an easy word to say, one syllable, and makes very clear the fact that I was overweight. It was true – I was overweight; I was fat. The realization came over time; I couldn’t correct a problem I refused to acknowledge. Until I admitted to myself that I was fat, there was no way I was going to become not-fat. Ultimately, I had to realize that there was no way to deny and hide something that is as blatantly obvious as obesity unless you want to live as recluse.

    The other side of the coin is, it doesn't matter what word is used to describe the condition, it still exists. In fact, 'fat' is often such a gross understatement of the actual problem that it doesn't begin to describe the situation. Phrases like morbidly obese, self-destructive, self-damaging, and the most horrific truth of all, slowly killing ourselves, are more accurate terms for what most of us are in the process of undoing and overcoming. They aren’t friendly or understanding terms, but this is not a friendly or understanding problem that we are facing. This is a disorder that is hell-bent on destroying our lives. Sugar coating the terminology would equate to calling a tumor a pimple.

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