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Posts posted by Lulu_RNY

  1. Ok sooooo 12/22 makes my year surgiversary!!! My start weight was 345 and I’m currently at 188!! 157 lbs gone in less than a year! Ok so reason why I’m scared is because I am about a year out and can obviously eat more and although I stopped eating bread Pasta and rice. This Halloween has tested me. chocolate is my HUGE weakness and I had a small piece which I didn’t dump to and now I’m scared that i will continue to make a habit of this and think a piece every now and then isn’t going to hurt me and eventually gain weight. I’m comfortable where I’m at and happy with the progress I’ve made so far. Any advice on how to stop killer cravings or head hunger/temptations? I eat 3 meals a day usually Protein based salads and or veggies with protein. And I occasionally may have a protein filled snack or some fruit once or twice throughout the day. My calories are at about 1000 a day and I started to slow down on my weight loss. I would hate to start to gain because of his temptation of mine. HELP!

  2. if this helps.... my surgeon explained it to me that the weight lost will be like filling up a glass of Water in the sink without spilling. you know how at first, you can turn the faucet on full-bore? then as the water nears the top of the glass, you slow the faucet down so it doesn't spill over? same thing here. you have lost 148lbs (AMAZING, btw, congrats!) and are only about 15lbs away from your goal. that's very very close.
    if you were 18mos or two years out, i'd probably call it. but at 9 months? no, i would bet money that you reach 180. but it really might take another 6 months. that doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong though.
    i would, however, see if cutting out the fruit makes a difference. while not as bad as straight sugar, it can still spike blood sugar and insulin and might be hampering your efforts to lose those last few pounds. i'd replace the crackers with nuts and the fruit with vegetables and see what happens.
    regardless, you've done great. :1312_thumbsup_tone3:

    Thank you so much for the advice!!! It truly helps to hear it from a different perspective sometimes! I'll definitely take u on that advice and try to nuke my diet a little! Thanks again! [emoji5]

  3. I stopped about 1 year out and then gained about 10lbs and have held that for 2 years.
    Each person is different so don't get discouraged. You're doing well. Some people plateau and some don't. Just keep doing what you're supposed to.
    Are you exercising like you're supposed to? Have you gotten to the stage where you're getting a lot of energy?
    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    Yup! I'm still following my diet I don't eat any breads pastas or rice. My carbs come from the fruit I eat or whole grain crackers that I may eat from time to time. My calorie intake ranges from 650-850 daily. As far as exercising...I don't actively exercise simply because I'm in nursing school and always on the run! I try to get at least 30 minutes of cardio in a day tho! And now that u mention it I have had a lot of energy lately!? Thanks for your response and congratulations on your success!!!

  4. Hello! I'm 9 months post op and lost a total of 148 lbs since surgery! Starting weight 345 and current weight is 197. Super happy with my progress thus far but for the past 2 weeks I've been at a stand still at 197? Goal weight is somewhere near the 180's! I'm concerned because I don't know if I've hit my plateau at 9 months already? Any advice!?!

  5. as long as what you're eating is healthy, don't even pay attention to calories. vegetables, Beans, fish, nuts, meats (in that order, preferably).
    exercise WILL make you hungrier so you are listening to your body which is good. give it what it wants and needs with some more good calories. also, as you near your goal weight (new set point), you will naturally begin to eat more. this is supposed to happen and you should obey those hunger signals. think about it - if you didn't start to eat more, you would waste away to nothing. this doesn't mean your stomach is stretching. that is a myth.
    the key is, to satisfy that increased appetite with healthy foods. do that, and you don't have to count calories and your chances of long term success are quite high. but if you start eating processed foods, fast foods, and sweets again, the weight will slowly creep back on regardless of exercise.

    Thank you sooo much!!!

  6. Ok so I am 7 months post op on the 22nd and have lost a total of 123 lbs so far!! Yesterday I officially started doing workouts such as 15 min of intense cardio and some weight lifting. My issue is I’ve been hungry more often lately and feel as if I can eat more. I counted my calories for today and I’ve hit a total of 1400. For fats 42g carbs 49g and 93 for Protein. Is this too much considering I’m only 7 months post op??

  7. This is what happens when you lose weight!!! Lol as your BMI drops your libido rises due to the increase in testosterone levels! Plus you probably feel more confident in yourself with your weight loss giving u that extra push! Nothing u can about it. Have u and your wife enjoy it while it lasts!! Lol

  8. Hey everyone!! I’m 6 months post op this 23rd and have lost 107 lbs since surgery! I’m ecstatic for my progress so far and need to lose about 40 more to be at my goal weight (fingers crossed). But lately I’ve been seeing myself being able to eat more that usual. I’ve went from 2-3 ounces to eat 4-5 ounces of food. Most of the time it consists of a good diet such as chicken salads or eggs, sausage , yogurt fruit and etc and I do keep up with my fluids. I just want to know if it’s normal to be eating this amount at 6 months post op? Also I don’t eat any carbs if it isn’t a pretzel here and there. I just want to be consistent and I’m scared that I maybe eating too much and my pouch has stretched !!! Any advice is appreciated
    Here’s a before and after pic!!!

  9. Hey girl! So I'm 5 months post op and I've lost 102 pounds since surgery. And honestly speaking I hit a stall to like in my third month and I was doing ALL the right things! Exercising and drinking lots of Water. But just like u it was hard to get food in throughout he day. And in the third month I stalled and had like ONE pound weight loss! Smh! When the doctor saw me for my third month check up he told me exactly what your doctor told u. So I planned my meals (NOT BIG PORTIONS) and ate 6 very small meals throughout the day. I did that for 2 weeks and BOOM. 10 pounds shedded right off. Granted exercise is very important...but for the first few months (6 or7) your main focus should be what u eat and your fluids! Best of luck hun! You got this!!

  10. First. 93 lbs is AMAZING! Whatever you do, DO NOT ignore that amazing feat right there!
    Now, a little tip that a LOT of people miss out on. Muscle building. Larger muscles require more energy at rest than small muscles do. Cardio is great, but it's only going to do so much, because those muscles aren't needing anything more (and weighing 93 lbs less means you are working a LOT less to do the same cardio) Try to do some muscle building on your gluts and quads as well as your triceps (which are around 3 times larger than biceps but most people forget to work them out). Add some muscle building to your work out and you should start seeing more fat / weight coming off. Just remember, the larger the muscle, the more fuel it needs. You might see some weight gain due to muscle mass, but as long as you keep up your intake routine, those numbers will start to drop again. Muscle does weigh more than fat as well. But you have done amazing. Don't stress too much!

    Thank you so much!!! I never thought of it that way. I do plan on adding weights and hitting the gym a little harder for this summer! Hopefully, like u said that should do the trick! Thanks again for the much needed advice! [emoji5]

  11. Congrats on your weight loss. Please don't beat yourself up. You have did an outstanding job. I know how it is when you hit a stall. Just keep on doing what you do and try not to stress if you do not get down to 245 by 6/23. Look at it on the bright side...you haven't gained just maintained.

    Your so right !!! It's just these stalls are so discouraging when your doing all the right things and no movement! I'm sure I'll get down to my goal...it's just going to take some time before I do! Thank you!!

  12. Hey everyone!!! So I know it's not unusual to go through stalls but I feel as if this one is my LONGEST. I've been at a stall for about 3 weeks now ! I'm sticking to my plan where I eat high Protein and low carbs. Eating about 3-4oz of protein for my meals 3x a day and for snack will usually be a fruit or yogurt. Is it too much food? I try and get at least 30 minutes of cardio everyday as well. A little background of myself...day of surgery 345...3rd month check up was 287 and current weight is 252...I wanted to at least be at 245 when I see my surgeon which is on 6/23 PLEASE HELP lol any advice would be great!

  13. Uuugh this was my worry too! My muffin top is still there...but my thighs and hips are melting off!!! I'm praying that with enough squats and cardio I'll lose this muffin top and build some booty!! Lol then again I'm only 4 months post op my friend says I still has long ways to go so hopefully the fat will start coming off my mid half! Good luck [emoji5]

  14. Yes, you will eventually even out! I carried most of my weight in my midsection and it was not really until I lost the last 50% of the weight that I started to see a drastic difference in that area. I'm now a few lbs below goal and while I have a small belly "flap", my waist is now defined and proportional to the rest of my body. Congrats on your success!

    Thank you so much! This is something I needed to hear lol! Congratulations on your success!!!

  15. I've heard that the weight comes off the areas it was last out on first... Hmm, does that make sense? I've always been bigger in thighs and hips, I started gaining in my midsection in the last couple of years. I am 4 months post op and have lost most of my midsection and back fat. Working on legs and hips now. You are doing great! Keep up the hard work, we will all be successful!

    Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thank you so much!!! Congrats on your success as well!!

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