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Posts posted by cinderella8

  1. Which surgery did you have? I choose the sleeve specifically because I would still be able to take Ibuprofen post surgery. I have used it a handful of times since surgery with no issues.

    I had the sleeve 4 months ago. I'm so glad to hear that. I think I will take one. Ty.

  2. I know Motrin is a no no after surgery. I took Motrin quite a bit before my surgery in Dec but not since. This month I am having the worst menstrual cramps. I need to be able to function today and can't just rest them away. I'm thinking if taking 1 Motrin because nothing else really helps. But I'm scared! Any advice suggestions etc?? TIA.

  3. I am 4 months out from sleeve surgery and have list 43 pounds so far. I would like to lose 25 to 30 more pounds. I've been pretty strict with not eating carbs and sticking with Protein and vegetables. I'm a type one diabetic and I've been having some issues with my blood sugar as of late,where I have frequent lows. I usually take glucose tablets but today I decided to have a small bowl of protein special K with milk. This is the first time I've had Cereal since the surgery. I didn't have a large bowl but I feel like I should've been full for what I ate and I wasn't. do any of you eat cereal or is it a slider food to stay away from? I don't think I'll be eating it again even though I enjoyed it.

  4. Hello everyone. :)

    I'm looking for advice/ideas on this issue and also wondering if anyone else has dealt with it after surgery.

    I'm 10 weeks post-op. About a week and 1/2 ago, I started getting dizzy spells, usually upon standing. I could be sitting and stand up (slowly) or I could be lying down and then stand up when it happens. It has also happened a couple of times when I have already been standing up for awhile. Like earlier today, I was doing dishes in the kitchen and all of a sudden I got very dizzy and had to go sit down.

    It happens everyday, at least a couple times a day, sometimes more.

    I am currently getting about 900 calories a day. I eat 3 main meals, and add in a couple of Snacks at late morning and late afternoon. Keeping my carbs below 40 grams a day. I get in about 100 grams of Protein a day and I drink about 80 ounces of liquids a day.

    I had an idea that this might have to do with blood pressure. I have never had high blood pressure. I believe the last time I saw my surgeon at 6 weeks post op, my blood pressure was 122/75.

    Thank you in advance for any help on this

    This happened to me as well I happened to have a blood pressure machine and my pressure was very low each time I had these spells.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Hello everyone. :)

    I'm looking for advice/ideas on this issue and also wondering if anyone else has dealt with it after surgery.

    I'm 10 weeks post-op. About a week and 1/2 ago, I started getting dizzy spells, usually upon standing. I could be sitting and stand up (slowly) or I could be lying down and then stand up when it happens. It has also happened a couple of times when I have already been standing up for awhile. Like earlier today, I was doing dishes in the kitchen and all of a sudden I got very dizzy and had to go sit down.

    It happens everyday, at least a couple times a day, sometimes more.

    I am currently getting about 900 calories a day. I eat 3 main meals, and add in a couple of Snacks at late morning and late afternoon. Keeping my carbs below 40 grams a day. I get in about 100 grams of Protein a day and I drink about 80 ounces of liquids a day.

    I had an idea that this might have to do with blood pressure. I have never had high blood pressure. I believe the last time I saw my surgeon at 6 weeks post op, my blood pressure was 122/75.

    Thank you in advance for any help on this.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Tip #1 - STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF SO MUCH. This is a process, not an event. Your loss will be over time, not overnight. Know that your body will periodically stall for a time (usually a short time) while it adjusts to changes in your diet and caloric needs. Give yourself permission to live and enjoy each day. You need a new relationship with food, not a new fear of it.

    Tip #2 - RELAX. In the early months after surgery, you will lose weight "on twinkies and chicken" as one VSG veteran told me last year. Your journey is at its beginning, enjoy the changes.

    Tip #3 - Change is more than pounds. Even when you hit a stall, you might still lose inches. I hit a 3-week stall and lost 2 inches off my waist in the same timeframe. Victories are all around you, look for them and Celebrate them.

    Very good points. Thank you. ????

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. For Breakfast I might have 4 ounces chicken salad, a scrambled egg with 2 slices turkey bacon or 2 low fat bomber cheeses. lunch might be a boca burger with a carrot and some cucumber or 4 ounces of turkey breast and a slice of Swiss with mustard. dinner might be 4 ounces salmon or cod with veggies. Or chicken breast the only carbs I'm eating are yogurt on occasion or skim milk in iced coffee. I will also have s Protein bar or shake occasionally for a snack.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Hi everybody's. I was sleeved 7 weeks ago. Starting weight was 239. After surgery I went up 10 pounds from air, Fluid etc. lost 28 pounds by 3 weeks and stalled for 2 weeks where I hovered at the same 2 pounds. Then I started to lose again and this past Saturday I was down to 207. Since then I have been creeping up and today I am 210.5. . I had been drinking a small Decaf iced coffee with skim milk for past week so I cut that out 2 days ago. I am eating 3 meals and 2 Snacks Usually stay between 800 and 1100 calories a day and have 70-90 gems of Protein. I did go out to dinner on Sunday and ordered a chicken dish with a balsamic dressing. I only ate a very small part ( obviously) but then ate it 2 more times for different meals. Won't do that again. Been exercising but not enough it seems.

    So with all that... any advice, tips, words of wisdom?? I understand A stall but weight gain at this early stage but weight gain?? Very discouraging. I'm trying to look at behaviors and use this as a learning experience but I'm feeling down. I didn't go through all this to fail. Help!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Hi everybody

    I was sleeved Dec 5. I have lost 27.8 lbs so far. I am seeing the nutritionist on Friday but I am curious about trying a few new foods and since it is the weekend, I figured I would put it out there and see what the prevailing thoughts were.

    So what are your thoughts on raspberries, avocados, pistachios and parmigiana crisps?

    Also since we are not supposed to drink half hour before or after a meal, will I ever be able to have a few sips of Soup with chicken ? Thanks in advance.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Hanging at home. My hubby and I usually go out to an Italian restaurant with 10 other couples and then go back to someone's house to continue the party. This year I just can't sit in the restaurant where everything is food focused. This year I'll spend NYE quietly being thankful for this new way of life...( but still missing the shrimp, Pasta and booze. )

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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