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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Newme17

  1. Sometimes the breaking point makes us move forward to go through. My reasons are different but I'm about 100 pounds heavier than my husband now too. I've always known I was heavier but goodness, now that I'm writing it out, it feels so awful knowing it. I can totally sympathize with you!!!! Anyhow, congrats on moving forward and taking care of yourself hon. I'm excited for you. ??

  2. Shelly I know how you feel, I was afraid of complications as well. I'm a believer, I prayed prayed prayed and left it I Gods hands. The last words I said as the Dr was putting me to sleep was , "God protect me" I had no complications and was back to work in 5! Days. I went shopping at costco on day 2! Praise Him!!

    He did a great job charging His angels over you! [emoji4]

  3. I'm sure there are those that love their decision to do the sleeve. However, there are those that don't agree with your views on things. My thing is... if I had known about the good the bad and the sooo ugly... I would have never done it! So you see my response isn't to those who are excited with all the glory like yourself, but those who need to know... all that glitters isn't gold. In fact the glitter is soooo loud it drowns out those that are suffering and dying. I'm blessed not to be amongst those that are suffering, however, a voice still need to be heard, so people will know what they're walking into. I choose to be that voice!

    Did you have WLS without doing homework? Is that what you mean? You didn't know the risk involved or what could happen? I've been researching for two years! I've read many good, bad, and ugly reviews. Just like anything we need to educate ourselves. If not, then yes, you're in for a surprise! People need to decide for themselves based on facts and stories of journeys posted. Not because someone tells them to not go through it.

  4. I had my one year post op gastric bypass appointment today! My labs were great, my blood pressure was fantastic ( no more meds for that) I've lost 122 lbs and feel fantastic! The only regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner instead of at 48 yrs old! [emoji12][emoji106]

    Great job!!!! I'm happy for you hon. [emoji4]

  5. Don't believe in the naysayers. MOST of us here have gone through it, and are very successful. Bypass may have its long term issues, that's why I stayed away from it, but sleeve is very safe. Of course you feel regret after the surgery until you get back to normal, but that's with everything in life your house, your car, your this and that. Buyers remorse will always kick in.

    Its more the reward you get out of it, how people accept it, and the reward is HUGE.

    I still regret trading in my beautiful truck for a car!!! But I don't go around telling people not to buy it because IT IS still a nice car.

    Therefore...well, I shouldn't have to explain the sleeve in the same terms. Lol

  6. Thats a no go too. It was actually Sams Bone  chicken broth. So, I was so excited to try it out and it just wont work out for me. So I need to find a replacement of somesort. Maybe Tomato  Soup? IDK yet still researching. Trial and Error I guess

    Oh. I thought you were meaning just plain chicken broth like from a can or boullion cube. I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe a different flavor of Bone Broth? Perhaps there's an ingredient in the Sam's one that is triggering the reflux? Or even the beef one, if it has the same ingredient?

    I know a lot people like the Dr Axe bone broths. They're powdered. Maybe there will be some reviews about it and heartburn. Worth a research.

  7. 1 minute ago, BigDog Bryan said:

    Pain Management requires at least 2 things:

    1 - Attitude going into your surgery: Your mindset before the surgery is a crucial part of your post-op experience. Go into your surgery EXPECTING to be successful and victorious. There is a well-worn axiom "If you think you can, you're right! If you think you can't, you're right!. Now choose". Work to be as positive as possible in order to increase your chances of a smooth recovery.

    2 - Perspective of alternatives: As uncomfortable as the day after your surgery may be, it's NOTHING compared to the series of painful compromises and surgeries that accompany a long-term weight issue. Choose this recovery over surgery for an amputation down the road (I have seen this in my extended family, so this is no idle threat to our health).

    Embrace this as the corrective step needed to reset your health and embrace YOUR future. Keep your eyes on the Long Game.

    Awesome points! I'm going in like this. I've been proclaiming and claiming minimal pain, hey wait, I'm claiming no pain at all! Yep. Walking in Faith here.....

  8. 13 hours ago, sjac said:

    I am six weeks post-op and have just been given the okay to work out with no restrictions with the stipulation of (don’t go crazy). At this time I am walking inside a mall around 3 to 4 times a week between a mile and ½ and 2 miles with no problems and it takes me anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes at a very leisurely pace. I have an elliptical that I couldn’t use up until now and I would also like to start some type of light weightlifting. I don’t want to go crazy and injure myself and slow my current progress, I’ve lost about 30 pounds and am currently 296 pounds. Any suggestions on how to work into a more well-rounded exercise program would be greatly appreciated


    Like @Cinnahs says, free weights to start. Carry some 3lb-ers or 5lbers while you walk...doing arm curls, etc. Or you can even do bodyweights for strength. I've mentioned an app to someone the other day that gets you started. I'll have to find it.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Cinnahs said:

    I suggest free weights. I walk about 2.5 miles four days a week. I want to introduce free weights next month. I heard that using machine weights will help build your core. Someone told me about Pilates or yoga for core or strength training. I have my doubts about that though. I want to burn calories and build strength.

    Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App

    Pilates does work the core and is strengthening. it was my choice of core workout when I was younger. and you will burn calories. same as yoga. You'll have to try it.

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