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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Newme17

  1. 48 minutes ago, ceow said:

    I would like to be able to afford some plastics after all is finished. I lost my job almost 2 yr ago. Working in a doctors office and was laid off due to a significant illness-was coded in the hospital and had renal and respiratory failure. Her reasoning was that I was too much of a risk. Anyway, I'm over all that (can't you tellemoji35.png)? No paycheck, no plastics.

    Hey, chin up! Let's believe for some awesome changes coming your way okay? Let's put a smile on your face. :) I'll be praying for good and awesome change, financially equipped change for you hon.

  2. 6 hours ago, hopekate said:

    I would like a monarch butterfly after hitting my goal weight to symbolize my metamorphosis.

    Ooh, that's very meaningful. I was thinking what I could do to make the lace tat more meaningful in regards to losing the weight but can't think of anything. ? I do think I might place a tiny tat on the top of my hand near the thumb and forefinger, not sure what that area is called, that's says something to the tune of "never again 266" <---that being my highest weight. It'd be a constant reminder.


  3. 4 hours ago, DJ's Mom said:

    I want to take a trip to St. Thomas or Miami. Anywhere that I can enjoy the beach life for four days or so.

    I mentioned adding a trip, but I live next to a beach so my kind of trip would be Italy, Ireland, Spain , or England. There are tons of awesome deals on groupons for these.

  4. 18 hours ago, Mandybb said:

    I'm 7 weeks post op and I've not lost a single ounce in 14 days! Nothing! It says 225.0 every stinkin day and it is frustrating. This is my longest stall.
    My first stall was at 2-3 weeks. That lasted about 10 days. I know it will eventually come off but it can be so frustrating. I have been losing inches though! My clothes are fitting looser so maybe search for non-scale victories! Hang in there though and don't lose hope, we will get through this!

    In my personal opinion, inches are better than numbers on the scale. Are you currently working out too?

  5. I grew up with my father who is all about health and has worked in the medical field for 40+ years. He's always used calipers for his patients. There will most likely not ever be some kind of electronic device that will be as accurate as calipers. Although I do believe many of them can come pretty close. But anyway, calipers are the ones that can't go wrong, unless you read it wrong.

  6. I have the same requirements with cigna as @SeaShells82 has. But I started mine on jan 22nd. Had my pysch evaluation this past Monday and will have my 2nd nutritional appt next week. So, I have 2 more after that, it'd be Mar and April. The bariatric center will submit paperwork at the last meeting in a April. Depending on how long Cigna takes, I suspect it'll be end of April or early May for my surgery. Start to Finish, about 3-4 months.

    And congrats on making the decision for better health! ??

  7. Geez that was long!!! I agree with the bulk of it. Exercise only accounts for less than 20% of your overall physique (fat, muscles, etc) and diet is over 80%. People can lose weight just from changing their diet alone. Exercise is a boost really. I've never really agreed with the calorie in, calorie out though. I did once upon a time, but now it's just eating better quality food and watching how much to eat. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full/content. Now, the article almost came off as, you don't have to exercise at all. Although this can be true, kind of, it's even better to incorporate exercise to get the best "bang for your buck" so-to-speak. So, for weight loss, yes, it can help. But heart conditioning, muscle building, strengthening, stretching...those are all excellent benefits of exercise and we still do lose calories doing them (if you count calories) but the diet is what counts most.

  8. 7 hours ago, savyourdvine1 said:

    Someone seem to have gotton offended by an unbelievers statement.

    I believe it goes both ways. The unbeliever is offended by a believer's statement and the believer is offended by the unbeliever's statement. I'm offended because the poster referred to my God as a fairy-tale, but I'm also respectful of not name calling someone's unbelief too.

    For the believers' : Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34

    For the unbelievers: I just ask you to not name call our beliefs as we shouldn't be doing either. Yes, Christians can be wrong too.

    We are all here for encouragement and advice from others walking through their journeys with WLS. It's ok if we want to mention how God works in our lives regarding our sleeves, if we want. It's okay if you're an unbeliever to mention your god or however you choose, your conscience, led you through your WLS too. Let's keep religion (which I don't care for--too long to explain) or spiritual preferences and for sure, political association out of the forums. There is a RELIGIOUS SLEEVERS forum for all this.

    Peace out!

  9. Green tea is great for many things. It's really up to each individual if it's going to work for fat burning though. Most likely it seems to come from the caffeine that's in it, even though it has less than coffee. But even if it weren't for the possible fat loss booster, many other things are beneficial from it. Lowers risk of cancers, antioxidant rich, etc. can't go wrong with green tea (unless heavily ladened with sugars) and it just might do the wonders for your body you're looking for!

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